New Version - 2.3.1 (June 1, 2022)

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My guess is that the interception part isn't activated because the bombers don't intercept. However the extra damage towards armor unit stays.
Bombers can't actually choose the promotion specifically because they can't intercept.

Fixed for next version.
Honestly the 2Kay foods office is more of a problem because it completely solved any unhappiness problems. Just look at my capital. The only global unhappiness i get is from urbanization, war or religion.


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TwoKay is fine. While other corporations provide powerful yields that can directly contribute towards a win condition, TwoKay provides... food. This means that the corporation need to provide some other powerful benefit in order for it to be competitive with the others, and that benefit just happens to be in the form of needs reduction. Besides, it also sort of needs it to offset the higher population/unhappiness penalties that comes from the excess food.
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v2.3.1: War weariness penalties to supply cap are being inconsistently applied. It seems to get correctly applied at the end of the turn at least, but there must be something that's calculating the supply cap incorrectly because I'm sometimes seeing different numbers during a turn.

On another note, 'd like to mention that I like how lake cities work at the moment, and don't really see the need to limit their access to coastal buildings/naval units. Assuming that it isn't causing issues for the AI, at least.
The new spying gold siphoning is just very underwhelming. It was probably or perhaps overpowered before but now it's downright pathetic and just not worth it. It went basically to being worthless. I tried it a few times in a few different cities, always one of the AI core cities but not the capital. The yield after 29 turns here (deity, marathon) represents not even a turn worth of your own actual income in extra gold. The image below was from a siphon run in the early renaissance era.

It might be that gold stealing now has moved into being more of a late industrial or modern era game thing but before that it's just pointless from a gold stand point.

Previously you at least got enough gold to upgrade or invest in a few buildings or to upgrade a couple to a handful of units.

I'm not sure but I found that if you leave it running over and over in the same city then it seems to get even worse, after the next 29 turns I got no gold at all. But I have not done any extensive research on that one.

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(edit) OK this is the follow up. I made zero gold here. It could be cause I was busted and sent back to the capital. Still it's weird as it doesn't say it was still in Roskilde I was spying. But the spy notification here makes it sound like I was trying to siphon gold from my own capital. Which I guess could be a thing, corruption. But it doesn't make sense from a gameplay sort of way. Still normally previously even if detected you got the reward, it even says it was a success yet I got zero gold from it. I checked by comparing the numbers between turns on how much gold I was making etc and I am fairly certain I got nothing from this. But I'm not absolutely sure, there is a lot of gold coming and going and considering how small the amount would have been it might have flown under the gold radar so to speak.

Me too. Game locked because unable to choose action. Is there a way to force end turn? I would not happy to scrap a game after 189 turns.

Bug reports should go on Github, please.
v2.3.1: War weariness penalties to supply cap are being inconsistently applied. It seems to get correctly applied at the end of the turn at least, but there must be something that's calculating the supply cap incorrectly because I'm sometimes seeing different numbers during a turn.

On another note, 'd like to mention that I like how lake cities work at the moment, and don't really see the need to limit their access to coastal buildings/naval units. Assuming that it isn't causing issues for the AI, at least.

I saw a little discussion about tourism being too easy in previous threads and I want to bring up again. I was playing Shoshone on Immortal and deliberately avoiding a tourism victory because it's all I've been getting lately. I avoided both Order tourism policies, and had an average tourism output for most of the game with only 1 Influential civ, a vassal. I worked specialists as often as possible because you always need that culture. The Portuguese were gaining influence fast so I tried to rush Internet and build the Great Firewall assuming it might slow them down enough to spare me. Didn't help a bit defensively but I was influential with everyone after about ten turns and proceeded to win due to having more policies than Maria, who couldn't build the final wonder yet. I didn't reach any of the spaceship techs, but it was the closest any of my recent games have gotten - most of the time I saw global influence achieved in the atomic era.
I just can't imagine a game getting to science or diplo victory without someone triggering culture by accident with this tech scaling. It just happens without even pursuing tourism polices and wonders.

Yeah you are right. Fully agree. It is usually the easiest and quickest win unless conquest on a small map. I have been in this situation that I win culture victory before conquest / science just as a side effect.

In my current (or shall I say previous) game I have basically lost to AI culture victory. Not yet but I don't see how I can turn it as after declaring war on him as a desperate measure, 3 other neighbors declared on me couple turns later...
Anyway I might have been a bit too complacent. But once he got I assume Broadcast and then sent a great musician my way, there is nothing I can do but conquer him.

AI is just stupid sometimes

This is in relation to this game and above comments. The other AI can also see that this guy (Morocco) is probably around 30 turns away from culture victory. Egypt their neighbor and already at war with him. And then they go ahead and declare on me too?What about "common foes"? Plus 2 other AIs? The only chance they have at winning is me crushing him before that. They should be able to put past gripes behind them? (I had to fight myself through an effing mountain range in possession of Egypt to even get a change to attack Morocco and the only reason I did that was because I knew I will need it.

Anyway culture victory seems way to easy.
This is in relation to this game and above comments. The other AI can also see that this guy (Morocco) is probably around 30 turns away from culture victory. Egypt their neighbor and already at war with him. And then they go ahead and declare on me too?What about "common foes"? Plus 2 other AIs? The only chance they have at winning is me crushing him before that. They should be able to put past gripes behind them? (I had to fight myself through an effing mountain range in possession of Egypt to even get a change to attack Morocco and the only reason I did that was because I knew I will need it.
Post it on github with a save on the turn just before they declared war on you. Devs could then see why did they do that.
Anyway culture victory seems way to easy.

I agree with this sentiment and have seen this sentiment pop up ever since the early tourism changes with not really any disagreers. Would be nice if something could be done about this. The other victory types basically do not exist anymore when they take significantly more turns and it's just easier to go for the tourism victory to close out the game. I like the idea of early tourism actually getting somewhere, but lategame wasn't adjusted in the same way ultimately bringing regular culture victory a lot closer over other victories.
Did anyone encountered an issue when you can't declare war on an AI? The button "Declare War" is lit and clickable, but no confirmation window pops up. Tried it with all other players (except those I have Peace Agreement with) and it just doesn't work.

Anyway culture victory seems way to easy.

Seems to be the case in my recent couple of games.
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Would it be possible to make Guided Missiles not count as a unit "death" for war weariness calculations? (And for war score too if that too is relevant). They tend to already be inefficient hammer-wise, but the way they also hamper your own war effort makes them rather frustrating to use.
Would it be possible to make Guided Missiles not count as a unit "death" for war weariness calculations? (And for war score too if that too is relevant). They tend to already be inefficient hammer-wise, but the way they also hamper your own war effort makes them rather frustrating to use.

They don't. War score may be affected because your current military power was reduced by the unit being consumed, but it doesn't apply a penalty the same way another player killing a unit does.
Huh, really? I'm pretty sure I had some increases that were attributable to them, but it seems I mistook them with something else. Thanks for the quick clarificaiton.
I would say this is the best VP version I ever played, happiness system well balanced, strong AI both in diplo and warfare. I also like the revised science tree. Great job!
Ok some glitch here and there, by the way when I do open 'diplomacy overview' window, 'deal history' I have a blank on all rows.


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