• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
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Any ETA on new version? Or are we deliberately waiting for Congress stuff and it will take some weeks after the proposals are decided and implemented?
I'll have one out by October 1 at latest.
I'm trying to put my finger on exactly what has changed, but in general I'm noticing the AI just not as good at war as it was say 6-8 months ago. I'm steam rolling over Immortal AIs now, when back in the day these wars used to be a serious endeavor for me. Again, I'm not exactly sure what has changed, I'm trying to suss it out as I play, but the just feels more timid, and maybe isn't making as many units. So not the most productive post, its all I got at the moment.

I agree. I played on Prince and now have easily won several games on King. Even when the AI declares on me (Zulu in most recent case), it's very timid and pulls back at only minor resistance (It was a naval battle so no impis but he could have done some damage as my main navy was out of position. but a couple cross-bows and city attack and 2 freshly produced caravels made him retreat.
I agree. I played on Prince and now have easily won several games on King. Even when the AI declares on me (Zulu in most recent case), it's very timid and pulls back at only minor resistance (It was a naval battle so no impis but he could have done some damage as my main navy was out of position. but a couple cross-bows and city attack and 2 freshly produced caravels made him retreat.
Since my post the devs have figured out the problem, there were notable bugs in the tactical AI that is causing the behavior we are describing. So they are working on a fix.
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