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Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
Moderator Action: After installing this version with the autoinstaller, please see this post for a DLL replacement that fixes crashes:

Hey all,

New version inbound. We discovered and fixed a lot of bugs over the past month, and this is one hell of a changelog, so I'll let it speak for itself.

Thank you to @Rekk, @pineappledan, @azum4roll, @ilteroi, @Gazebo, @balparmak, @axatin, and @Hello71 for their contributions over their past month, and a very special thank you to Ian on GitHub for his massive amount of dedicated debugging work.

- Implemented UNREACHABLE() assert, which causes a crash if an impossible condition is met - this highlights areas where the program is not functioning correctly, and was used to identify many of the bugs now fixed
- Made the DLL buildable using Clang, a modern compiler
- Improved handling of enums in the code: removed unused enums and ensured switch statements accounted for all possibilities
- Performance improvements
- Removed unused/useless memory and code

- Removed AI happiness bonuses on all difficulties

   Anti-Warmonger Fervor
   - Is no longer applied if the observing player hasn't met the attacked/conquered player
       This also applies to diplomacy penalties

   - Neutral combat units now lift blockades on the tiles they're on
   - Added UI indicator when foreign cities are blockaded

   - Medical Labs (and any other building which increases population on completion) can no longer be sold
   - Refinery now provides +1 Oil and is moved to Plastics, but Production cost increased to 2000 (was 1800)

   City Healing
   - Nerfed increased healing rate when no enemies are around
   - Increased healing rate now requires that none of the city's tiles are blockaded, not just those adjacent to the city
      This condition is also used to determine if a city is tradeable

   City-State Quests
   - Quests to conquer or liberate cities can now be received when playing in One City Challenge mode
       The conquer quest's criteria is met by destroying the city instead of capturing it
       Fixed a crash caused by receiving an invalid conquer city quest with OCC enabled

   Domination Victory
    - Vassal owned capitals now count towards their master's Domination Victory progress (as previously intended)
    - Allied City-State owned capitals now count towards their ally's Domination Victory progress (new)
    - Fixed Domination Victory not triggering unless every capital was owned by the winning team

   Espionage System Tweaks
   - Reworked Security Level System
      Now negatively scales with Trade Routes to the City, Population, and Unhappiness
         From a 'roleplaying' perspective, this means that cities with more trade routes, population, and unhappiness are more vulnerable to spies
      Now positively scales with local anti-espionage buildings, counter-spies, and policies/wonders
   - Lots of UI tweaks for clarity in the Espionage Screen, specifically redundant information, consistency in terminology, and correct values
   - Fixed some bugs in the espionage system that were causing anti-espionage buildings to not affect most actions
   - Spy missions with yield siphons are stronger now
   - Added a faith yield siphon mission for level 1 spies
   - Spy leveling is generally faster now
   - Fixed a capped value for coups at 25% (should now be at 75%)
   - Fixed Community Patch only bugs for spies

   - Added new bonus resources: Maize and Rice, which can be improved with Farms
   - Map placement logic for the new resources has been added as well
      Rice can spawn on Marsh & Grassland tiles in tropical regions
      Maize can spawn on any Grassland or Plains tile as well as Flood Plains in tropical regions
      Wheat can now spawn on non-tropical Plains as well as non-tropical Desert tiles with fresh water

   - Removed War Canoe promotion from land units (embarked defense/sight)

   - Berserker (Denmark): -3 CS, now replaces Pikeman
   - Maori Warrior (Polynesia): +1 CS (now 22), now replaces Longswordsman
   - Longbowman (CS Gift): -1 RCS (now 19), gains Assize of Arms (+20% vs. mounted & armor units)
   - Hakkapeliitta (CS Gift): nerfed heal on kill to 30 (was 50), loses 20% CS (kept on upgrade), but keeps its +1 Sight and free pillaging on upgrade
   - Ship of the Line (England): loses Indomitable, gains Splash I and Splash II
   - Scout: +1 CS (now 10)
   - Swordsman: -1 CS (now 16)
   - Kris Swordsman (Indonesia): -1 CS (now 16)
   - Tercio: -1 CS (now 24)
   - Landsknecht: -1 CS (now 26)
   - Impi: -1 CS (now 27)
   - Musketeer: -1 CS (now 29)
   - All Swordsmen and Longswordsmen (and their UUs) lose Cover I, gain new Professionalism promotion
       +10 HP, +10% ranged defense, lost on upgrade
       Legion (Rome) loses Cover II instead of Cover I
   - Tercio and Tercio UUs also gain Professionalism
       This creates a continuation of the Field Works/Entrenchment/DFPs promotion line
       Beginning in Classical, there is now a unit with this anti-ranged niche promotion line in every era
   - Reworked early ranged unit line
       Slinger is now the first unit in the line, and has 1 range (Archers and later units still have 2 range)
       Inca have a better version of the Slinger (Waraq''Ak), which has 2 range and can daze units
       Archers now unlock at Calendar, obsolete at Currency
       Composite Bowmen now unlock at Currency
       Babylonian Bowman now replaces Archer
       Mayan Atlatlist now replaces Composite Bowman, still unlocks at Mathematics
    - Catapults now unlock at Masonry

   Unit Movement (Ocean)
   - Medieval era ships that could not enter the ocean can now travel through the ocean at half speed
   - Classical era ships gain +1 movement, but their intermediate ocean movement costs double
   - Polynesian ships ignore ocean movement impediments
   - Movement change is experimental, please report any issues you encounter

- Improved AI recognition of when a city is in danger
- Oda Nobunaga's culture flavor is now 7, and no longer erroneously affects Napoleon instead
- AI will refuse to accept war bribes if they are close to victory
- AI should not continue working processes if they have better things to build
- AI is now willing to construct Landmarks for Medieval Era artifacts
- When a player capitulates, their denouncements of and by all other civilizations are reset
- Improved strategic resource valuation so that AI considers each copy they sell individually (fixes outrageous prices if AI was left with 1 or 2 copies after a large trade)
- Changed luxury resource valuation based on a new model proposed by azum4roll
   AI will refuse to sell luxuries if the trade would make them unhappy (Impossible!)
   AI will not buy luxuries they don't want (Impossible!)
   AI will buy luxuries at good prices if unhappy, if it would give them a WLTKD, if it would fulfill a City-State quest, or if they would gain a monopoly from it
   New luxury valuation is experimental, please report any issues you encounter
   The reason AI will not pay anything for unwanted luxuries is because the extra Happiness and GAP are negligible, especially compared to the cost of losing a WLTKD opportunity

- Adjusted move troops requests
   AI is now less sensitive to nearby combat units (was overly sensitive)
   AI no longer disregards units that are at war with and near one of their friends/allies
   Reduced threshold for humans to send a move troops request (only two nearby combat units must be visible, and if humans discover sneaky units mid-turn, they gain the ability to send the request)
   Vassals and masters can no longer send this request to each other

- Fixed a major bug which can shut down the game core (!!!) when exiting Strategic View if mods are loaded
- Fixed a nasty bug preventing a city from being located by pathfinding code if its ID number was too high (caused crashes, proximity calculation issues, and other problems)
- Fixed city tile locking bug
- Fixed being able to work the same tile with two cities
- Fixed air units being ignored by tactical AI
- Fixed multiple bugs causing the AI to leave Great Generals/Admirals unprotected
- Fixed multiple bugs with AI estimation of "target value", used to judge rival players' conquest vulnerability
- Fixed multiple bugs with the player proximity calculation and cleaned up the shoddy code for it
- Fixed Submarines being able to attack cities in Community Patch only
- Fixed an error causing Great Work theming bonuses not to be updated in some circumstances
- Fixed Burghers policy not granting the listed +15% Production during Golden Ages
- Fixed code sections where "areas" instead of "landmasses" were used, which among other things caused coastal cities next to a lake to be unable to produce coastal units/buildings
- Fixed Five Year Plan tenet not buffing mines and quarries
- Fixed Archaeology quest being given to players who can't construct a dig site
- Fixed an error making the AI miscalculate the safest tile to heal on
- Fixed NumTimesOwned value being incremented twice for "free City-States", reducing their warmonger value
- Fixed an issue where AI would misjudge the position of the closest City-State city, if they have multiple cities (to-do: fix other cases where this occurs)
- Fixed a bug with AI-to-AI trades allowing the purchase/sale of "Impossible!" items
- Fixed AI choosing not to build anything in cities if all their options were considered very bad
- Fixed various calculations being incorrect due to operator precedence errors
- Fixed AI vassals using their opinion of the wrong player when deciding the stance they would take regarding friends/enemies of their master
- Fixed spies always using their default respawn time instead of fetching it from `BALANCE_SPY_RESPAWN_TIMER`
- Fixed AI failing to take into account the number of nearby tiles owned by an opponent when deciding whether or not they were competing for land after a tile had been bought
- Fixed AI being less likely to give into demands of a player when they viewed that player as a severe threat
- Fixed AI behaving unusually in various scenarios when they hadn't yet formed an opinion of a player
- Fixed AI considering the wrong players when deciding whether or not to bargain for the freedom of a vassal
- Fixed AI skipping the first defined great person when considering the policy value of a building
- Fixed AI skipping the first defined great person when considering the value of a belief in a city
- Fixed various scenarios where AI would fail to consider the player in the first player slot
- Fixed bully plot pop-ups not appearing if the player occupied the first player slot
- Fixed AI ignoring the threat levels of nearby cities owned by players occupying the first player slot
- Fixed flavors not properly applying to great engineer improvements in the scenario that they provide food
- Fixed instant great person progress failing to apply to the first defined specialist
- Fixed techs that provide a free unit to the first player to research them being unable to provide the first defined unit
- Fixed plot yields from trade routes not being properly updated to the plot at coordinate (0, 0)
- Fixed the notification for a civilization recovering their original capital incorrectly revealing the current Domination Victory leader (if the observer hasn't yet met them)

- CTRL+RCLICK on a notification now removes all notifications
- SHIFT+LCLICK now forcibly ends the turn (sends "do nothing" order to all units needing orders)
- Aircraft can now be rebased by right-clicking on a valid city
- Lowered contrast of new top panel when using DX11
- You can now enter up to 6 digits (was 4) in the Gold and GPT boxes in the trade screen
- Added two new loading screen tips
- Tips have been proofread for grammar and sentence structure a bit, formatting now scales with tip length
- Text fixes and standardization

- Added support for linked & group movement (balparmak modmod)
- Added support for era scaling Great Engineer/Merchant yields (balparmak modmod)
- Added Policy_YieldFromTechRetroactive: provides a yield for each previously-researched technology
    Replaces hardcoding of the Progress opener
    Fixed the missing notification for the Progress opener
- Compatibility fix for Local Generals modmod
- Compatibility fix for Reduced Unit Supply modmod
- Compatibility fix distinguishing between cities next to coast and cities next to lakes
- Moved TileOwnershipChanged LUA hook (allows LUA modders to modify resources/improvements on the tile before calculations about the tile are made)


Online as of 4:18 AM CST. Definitely not savegame compatible.
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Was it really needed? Was it discussed?
It unlocks in late classical and doesn't require Iron. It's now the strongest unit in the tech tier while being spammable.
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Thanks for the massive Update guys. Do you happen to know whether the addition of rice and maize will cause incompatibility with the Even More Resources Modmod or can they work together?
Thanks for the massive Update guys. Do you happen to know whether the addition of rice and maize will cause incompatibility with the Even More Resources Modmod or can they work together?

EMR needs to be updated for compatibility, you can get it here . On the plus side rice textures will not be broken in EMR anymore. Also rice and maize will still use EMR's yields and placement instead of VPs.

I've taken out Linked & Group Unit Movement from VP and made it a modmod instead as I won't have the time and energy to properly follow-up and support that feature. I'm using it myself without any issues though, so it's certainly playable, even more so if you're accustomed to IGE, removing/recreating the offending units would fix any issues that may arise. You can download EUI version here and nonEUI version here. Not compatible with any mods modifying unitpanel (including older versions of Promotion Flags, make sure to get the newest version)

SHIFT+LCLICK on the Next Turn button can be used to quickly end turn for your remaining idle units and also when you're facing the "cannot end turn" glitch where some unit prevents ending your turn, you'll need one normal click after shift+click. Not a solution but at least should save some games, still make a bug report though.
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There seems to be an absolutely enormous amounts of Rice tiles that spawn, looked at a few maps this morning. Could have consequences, not sure yet. But rice seems a lot more common then maize and wheat. It could just be random luck on the map but it doesn't seem like it. Perhaps it's generally just more tiles that can have it on most maps compared to the others. But in general I assume there will be more food on the map, more food giving more growth giving a faster game pace.
There seems to be an absolutely enormous amounts of Rice tiles that spawn, looked at a few maps this morning. Could have consequences, not sure yet. But rice seems a lot more common then maize and wheat. It could just be random luck on the map but it doesn't seem like it. Perhaps it's generally just more tiles that can have it on most maps compared to the others. But in general I assume there will be more food on the map, more food giving more growth giving a faster game pace.
Strange, since rice is definitely the rarest in all my test games. They're all contained in tropical areas though.
There seems to be an absolutely enormous amounts of Rice tiles that spawn, looked at a few maps this morning. Could have consequences, not sure yet. But rice seems a lot more common then maize and wheat. It could just be random luck on the map but it doesn't seem like it. Perhaps it's generally just more tiles that can have it on most maps compared to the others. But in general I assume there will be more food on the map, more food giving more growth giving a faster game pace.
Weird, thats not my experience at all playing on the Communitu Map. I have mainly wheat and only found like 1 or 2 Rice so far

That isn't much of a gift I'm being offered.

Are maize and rice affected by farm and/or wheat pantheons?
Yes. From what I can tell they are at least affected by various buildings such as the Granary. Since you build a farm on them I would assume that things that do things to Farms would do it. God of the Sun does, and have been changed to "... +3 food from Farms on Wheat, Maize and Rice."
They're currently identical in yields, but I'm open to suggestions on differentiating them.

Things that can be changed: yield on improve, yield on building (granary)
Thing that I'd rather not touch: +1 food at base
They're currently identical in yields, but I'm open to suggestions on differentiating them.

Things that can be changed: yield on improve, yield on building (granary)
Thing that I'd rather not touch: +1 food at base
Would it be possibly to say count Maize as both a resource and a luxury? After all everybody loves popcorn, which should make people happy. I guess by that logic people should be happy with wheat to since you can make cakes and rice makes sushi. Perhaps it could be tied to be a building in the city -- if the city has X and building Y they gain one happiness? Beyond that I'm not sure what could be done to differentiate them, they do offer different grow times and yields but so perhaps one is faster but one gives more yield but in the game that probably evens out since a turn timewise is a bit wonky.
Was there a change in ancient ruins? I've started two games with 2.6, and haven't found a single one. I do not have "No ancient ruins" ticked.
IMO the War Canoe promotion isn’t the biggest problem with Songhai (although the percentage of the buff was pretty high).

It’s that their units move along rivers the same as roads. This and Amphibious being on the same units by default is too strong, especially in Communitu maps where rivers are more prominent.

I’d personally have gotten rid of extra movement from rivers and kept the city connections from rivers (maybe lock this behind Sailing tech). Getting rid of War Canoe itself is kinda 50/50 for me personally.

It would also be nice to get some pillaging benefits that aren’t exclusive to cities and barbarian camps, so you don’t necessarily have to rack up big diplomatic penalties from city conquests for your ability to continue being relevant.
IMO the War Canoe promotion isn’t the biggest problem with Songhai (although the percentage of the buff was pretty high).
I and half of people who voted agree.

Other civs aren't buying my luxuries? Is this normal? They say the deal is impossible.
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