Nothing to do... Post a game!


On a long nostalgia trip
Aug 11, 2007
Round 1: Nothing Happens, but....
Round 2: Rebuild-A-Blok.

Ahoy all ye faithful. In case you haven't noticed, I'm CHEESE!, and this is my world-famous whatchamacallit!

My story goes like this. Nothing much happened. And then I got Civ IV. And then I decided to post this game.

My mission statement is best expressed by Starbuck's mission statement:

Starbucks is committed to a role of environmental leadership in all facets of our business.

Lemon Merchant and gentlemen, I am too. And you can expect only the best environmental leadership in all facets of my game.

So. Let's cut short the pleasantries and get on with the game.

I'm an Earth map f4nb0i, so I'll be on the classic E18 scenario. I'll be playing as Catherine of the Russians, in bold. So, let's fire up Imageshack..

And here it is. Remember this screenshot, as it will be in all major newspapers within three weeks.

What do you see? Yep, NO BARBS. Y'know why? Y'know why? Because I'M A WIMP! Woo! Actually, it's because they are so unbalanced on E18. I once saw Russia get destroyed on turn 142 (?) by barbs, and Freddy ran away like there was no tomorrow.

So, here's the start:

Ah darn I got plainscowed!

I know most of you don't like start discussion, but since this is Earth, we know about the way of things: China a monster, Aztec a backwards giant, and Japan doing nothing until Tanks roll over Kyoto.

So. I've heard people say Russia is extremely powerful on the map; I'm not so sure how. I guess I'll find out!

Opinions? Rants? Hate mail at my stale jokes? I welcome them all.
Russia gets more land w/o war than most other civs, and has the traits to set it up.

Run some defenders in troubled borders and you're golden to sit on your land, or attack when ready.
People who lived behind the great firewall can't see your screenshot. :( So, what's the difficulty you are playing?

Strategy: Seal Freddy, then, go expansion mode or war, up to you.
Emperor. I'm planning to cut Fred and Alex off, as you said, and expand both South and West. Black Sea is a production paradise.
Wow... that sure is a great start, cheese....for me to poop on :lol:
Russia on earth has many ways to play. Settle lots of land peacefully, take out all of europe, go take out China/Mongolia early, etc...

You're right in the middle of all the action. Pick some friends, take out the others, then in true Cathy style, take out your old friends.
No barbs? You're making it too easy for Genghis too.

Actually, that's one of the reasons I put no barbs on. I want to see an interesting Genghis and Mansa. Neither are ever gonna be top dogs but at least they'll do a lot better.
Personally I wish he was replaced by Kublai, it would spice up Asia a lot more. Or that it was just a given that he would attack China.
Let's go then!

Round 1: Nothing Happens, But You Still Want To Read It! 4000- 1875 BC.

Techpath: Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, The Wheel, Pottery, Bronze Working. I don't switch to Slavery because Eastern Europe is so food-poor compared to the West.

I founded Moscow on the usual spot:

I build a Worker while researching Agriculture for the good ol' wheat.

Our scout gets lucky! Not that way!

Which is OK, but not superb, as we get no more huts, and thus no gold. Wah.

Nothing else happens until Animal Husbandry, at which point we can see the resource that makes Eastern Europe:

Our worker goes over to pasture it. Meanwhile, Freddy does a very foolish thing:

I feel kinda sorry for Fred. He's just a little bit... special. I still have to kill him now, though.

Anyway, I found St. Pete on the Deer/Pig/Wheat/Horse area! What was he doing there? I haven't got a screenshot of that, sadly. Why not?

Because this is happening.

Yeah, it's just a little raid. Hamburg is defended by two axes. One of them was lucky and killed a Chariot. Oh well. Hamburg taken; 2 kills, one loss.

We strike, foolishly, at Berlin. It's defended by two CG1 archers, while I have three Chariots- no way can I win!

Oh yes. One of my Chariots crushed a surprised Archer at 9% odds. This just shows Cathy's skill with horses. Anyway...

And there goes Berlin. Now what? Hmm... Let's think...

You may think, 'But CHEESE!, terrible though it may be to question your glorious judgement, Louis' wonders would be of no use! The Great Wall protects against no Barbarians, and Stonehenge pops no borders!' YOU FOOL! Stonehenge will help me pop borders in only 5 turns, instead of 7! The Great Wall is indeed useless, but that is of no register in my mind! Louis MUST DIE!

And die he will...

Ha! Both the stupid Worriers are killed, and I OWN PARIS! Woo-hoo!

So that's the round. Nothing much happened, really. I just own all of Northern Europe, assuming Liz doesn't get in the way. Here's the Motherland:



So, how was that? Awesome :D? Good :)? Fine :dunno:? Bad :blush:? Or terrible :cry:? What's the next step? Is this game in the bag already? TELL ME DAMMIT!

The Save:


  • CHEESE! BC-1875.CivBeyondSwordSave
    211.1 KB · Views: 30
Lucky chariot wins? Yeah, nice.

May as well finish the conquest of Europe now, lest Paris be overrun with culture. Take out Izzy and get your shrine, and just have some fun. Then settle the rest of Russia at your leisure and win.
Looks like the game's in the bag. Man, I forgot how nice it is when the AIs don't start with archery. :p
Even if Louis had archery, I think he'd have had, at most, 1 Archer and 1 Warrior- probably not enough vs 4 chariots.
It's fun playing Russia when you DON'T rush Europe and try to spread as wide as the real life Russians have. Rushing Europe sucks. Might as well play two levels above your own when doing that.

Edit: The slow death of this forum is making me so sad.
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