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NOTW XXXIX: Impending Retribution Game Thread

((GM Note: Just making a post stating this is the 12 hour deadline for all night orders))
End Night Phase One, Start Morning Phase Two

Journal Entry Number Four. 06:00 shipboard time. Eleven Days to Port.

As expected, the night was an eventful one. The first point of interest was the activity in Intelligence and the Navigation Bridge. Completely dark yesterday, sometime during the night someone managed to repair a conduit connecting these compartments to the ship’s external gear. Secure communication could now be made and the ship’s course could now be plotted.

Also the Engine Room seemed to be in better condition than yesterday. While not totally repaired, a portion of the compartment’s bulkheads had been repaired. The Pump Room was also the benefactor of some repair and was looking to be almost back to perfect shape. Lastly, someone entered the Hangar and repaired the ship’s Apache to perfect condition. The helicopter can now fly again.

However, things were not totally for the better. During the night someone had managed to infiltrate the Bridge and cause massive damage to the systems inside. Things were still operational, but they were teetering on the brink of failure.

Both the Deck and Sleeping Quarters also suffered damage, though not nearly as much as the Bridge. Worse yet, a gruesome discovery was made in the Sleeping Quarters.

Lieutenant Commander Love didn’t even have a chance. Two bullets in his chest and another in his head made revival impossible, not that anyone gave thought to even trying. The shots were all made from close-range and there was no question the act was deliberate. An inspection of his belongings revealed that while the man had some psychological issues,

Spoiler :
Lieutenant Commander Love was innocent.

An Experimental Drug was found on his person, and it would be decided that it would be voted on today to find a new owner. But that was not the only thing found.

On the damaged Deck sat an unopened Crate with a note on it. The new Captain Methos picked up the note and read it aloud so the rest of the crew could hear.

“Here are the supplies requested. Enjoy! Command.”

Methos then looked up at the crowd. “Guess we’ll vote on this too. Lastly, I have an announcement to make. During the night a report reached my desk of a promotion. Chief Warrant Officer Five Secura has been promoted to the Rank of Ensign. Robbiecon has replaced her at Chief Warrant Officer Five. Congratulations Secura.”

"Lastly, Nictel has endured his stay in the Brig for the night. He is now being released back to perform his duties."

The crew then dispersed around the ship to tend to their duties for the day. In just about every corner, someone could be seen whispering to another. Were they plotting, or comparing notes? I couldn’t tell who was doing what, but there was no question what was coming next.

Things were about to get interesting.


New Rank Hierarchy:

Night Phase One is over and posting is open.

  • Execution votes in Bold
  • Votes for the Experimental Drug in Blue.
  • Votes for the Crate in Dark Red.

Quick Notes:
  • I did not get orders from everyone last night. The game only works if everyone playing is, well, playing.
  • Good job on not posting in the thread at night. That makes me happy :) .
  • I updated the ‘Points of Note’ post on the front page with regards to Item Searches. I’m not saying anything like that happened last night, but I came to the realization it could happen in the future so I decided to post the tie-breaking mechanics.
  • Result PM’s are being sent now. EDIT: All have been sent.
  • Secura was promoted from Chief Warrant Officer, Five, to Ensign. Robbiecon was demoted from Ensign to Chief Warrant Officer, Five.
  • Over/Under Number is 4.

You may now post!
Due to my promotion to Captain, my old position needs to be filled and with our current situation, I'm more open on my decision on who to put in that position. Would those interested please contact me via PM or IM and explain to me why you want the position, or how it would benefit this ship? Thank you!
As the apprentice Frozen In Ice got up that morning from his bunk in the sleeping quarters, he couldn't help but notice that it appeared that place was trashed in parts.

Was there a party here last night that I was unaware of? No, now that I think about it, that would have surely woken everyone up. But still, I wonder why someone damaged the sleeping quarters of all places. Surely rogues and saboteurs like to sleep in comfort too?

Grumbling at this lastest event the apprentice went and got ready for duty. Upon hearing about what else had happened during the night, the apprentice spoke up.

I think the late Love's (poor chap) drugs should be given to Seon. I'd like to see this crate for myself, Frozen, and find out what's inside if no one minds. And we got secure transmissions back, that's good indeed. Someone should try to establish contact with Command ASAP.
Acting as a go-between:

Someone is seeking a "welder". Contact me if you have such skills.
Damn, the man's dead. I would like that experimental drug back sires
I agree with Captain Methos that he should receive the crate. Surely supplies sent from Command should go straight to the Captain, I'm confident he will properly determine how to distribute the materials. Maybe the self-proclaimed psychiatrist Seon can make good use of the drugs.
Seon, why did Love need some drugs? Also, if sir Captian Methos wants the crate, he can have it. What can I say, I thought it was worth a shot.
(OOC: Not crates again. Oy vey.

Seon, Methos, why not.)
*the Petty Officer raises his eyebrows*

So someone fixed the Helicopter... I notice the Aegis is still offline... I hope we don't live to regret this.

"You hope we don't live? Or that we don't regret, but do live?"
The tired Commander rubbed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair.
"I'll need a drink before I try to make sense of what's happened here."
Then, he stops at the words of his now-superior, Methos.
"Excuse me, Sir, but we also need to fill the vacant spot left by the fourth victim, Love. So we are looking for two promotions. I have my own preferences, if you care to hear them, less egoistic perhaps than those who could actually pick themselves for promotion."

He looks around bewildered.
"Let me take a look at the crate later. For now, I believe it's time for that drink..."
He walks off, in search of his private bottle(s).
I think landlubber should walk the plank, because he's a landlubber! YARRRR!!!

I decline to pile additional votes onto the item voting at this time, as it's not necessary to do so and in fact handicaps our efforts should we wish to change our mind.
A demotion *sighs*. I was sure I was doing my job to the best of my abilities, but oh well, these things happen in ones life. Good luck to Secura in the Ensign position.

Captain Methos sir :salute: You may have the crate. Seon can have the experimental drugs, but experiments have been known to drive men mad. We don't need that with all this anarchy aboard.
Am I the only one who wonder if there's a connection between Lieutenant Love's death and our alleged psychiatrist?


What do you need? PTSD drugs, Psychosis drugs, or the Experimental Drug PFT-3746?
Yesterday he was talking about experimental drugs, and surprise, surprise, we find some on our dead comrade. I'm not saying he is the murderer, but he was at least aware of the drug. Is it possible that the late Lieutenant would have revealed his possession to Private Officer Seon after he heard the drug talk? And possibly be killed for it?

I am surprised that some of you are so willingly giving the drug away to the psychiatrist, without an explanation. I, myself, would like to hear what he knows of the drugs before he gets it.

And oh, the obvious question: How is it that there are drugs on this ship?
I was under the impression that Seon had just given the drug to Love last night from what the Petty Officer just said, but you're right, not exactly sure what's going on. I wouldn't know if Seon is really truthful in his claimed training and experience as a psychiatrist but he has been consistently saying so. Human psychology is so fickle and unpredictable.

Methos should have the crate I believe.

I don't know who it was that got onto the bridge when they weren't supposed to, nor how they did so. But it seems like a good thing that other saboteurs, if that's what they were (as in, one saboteur per attack or something similar is a possibility to look at), didn't get access anywhere else besides the Deck and Sleeping Quarters. I urge everyone to continue to obey protocol on not unlocking and giving access anywhere to unauthorized parties and we might do well to prevent further sabotage.
Am I the only one who wonder if there's a connection between Lieutenant Love's death and our alleged psychiatrist?

Yesterday he was talking about experimental drugs, and surprise, surprise, we find some on our dead comrade. I'm not saying he is the murderer, but he was at least aware of the drug. Is it possible that the late Lieutenant would have revealed his possession to Private Officer Seon after he heard the drug talk? And possibly be killed for it?

Well bless your heart.
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