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NWolfNES III - Opportunity edition - Home wasn't built in a day

BTW: There are more horse riding and less trading(read: less friendly) tribes in the North. They are weak as they are constantly at war with each other.
Why can't they be horse-riding tribes that like trade?

Also, do you need me to re-submit Assatur's stats, or is that unnecessary?
Update will come tomorrow. It's done, but it is not checked for grammatical errors and some things still need to be added or removed. It's 22:51 (10:51 pm) and I've got to wake early tomorrow. Sorry.

I hope I can make up to all who waited update today with these:

Spoiler :

NB there's error on the map with the Name Jadakarai. It should be Jadkaraia. Please point out any other errors =)

Proof that I've written some things :) * said:

Ki-Ah'la is blocking their trade with other coastal areas, but is also providing them with salt, salted fish and salted meat.


Mourans are dominated by noble class. Any merchant, rich enough, can buy himself a noble title and nobles have to pay high taxes to the Council Elder. In exchange of the title, nobles may claim 'ownership' of an area and worker-class living there.

With development of Bronze, some freyjan groups have been more successful in aquairing raw resources, traders and marketshare than others. A nation, that calls itself simply 'Freyja', has risen in the Northern areas. They own their success to fertile (but rocky) farmlands and very good trade relations with Mourans.


Children are grown, regardless of gender, uptil the age of 7. At that age, young boys are given materials and access to crafting areas and they are ordered to craft their own weapons and armor. They have 5 days do craft their equipment and they are then pitted against eachother in an 'arena'. Survivors will face each other in 3 consiquentive battles til death. 'Winners' are left alive and are sold on markets.

Will the similiarties be the glue that makes these two, so very similiar, yet so very different cultures one, or shall their differences continue making them poised enemies? That, that only time knows.

Tenori, having pushed out from their native lands and conquering Razgod lands, have been in constant warfare with Razgods, even tho their cultures share many similiarties. Main reason for these wars seem to be ...


Their way of life is Stoicism. They are philosophers and scientist. Their culture incorporates elements from all surrounding cultures and yet is so very different from all of those cultures.

To the east of Assatur are the City states inhabitated by people calling themselves Jagadai. The Jagadai live in cities, which are heavily fortified - surrounded by several walls and ditches. This is the neccesity, because in The North, there are wild tribes, living in the cold steppes, who relay heavily on raiding eachother and all the nations south of them. They do not have unified culture and are simply refered to as 'Northern Hordes'.

Greatest of Hlanatal nations is Mokhal, meaning people of the arrowhead. They occupy the Northern most areas and relay heavly on shepardy and warfare with Northern Hordes.

Statues crafted by Dryadalis are famous throught the world and fetch very high prices on any markets - thanks to their superior quality and remarkable beauty.

After all, owning their own tin and copper mines allows to smelt your own bronze. And smelting your own bronze is good for both peace as well as war.

Being major producer of salt has given city-state of Mara significant income.

Many small villages joining forces for raiding larger Jadikaraia or Adkuratur towns is becoming a tradition.

Current char count: 25k

* - Poster takes no responsibility for typos, error and other grammatical mistakes. As you can see, I do need to check my text for mistakes =)
OOC: There will be many typos and errors. I :) Up. Sorry for that.

Update 0

The Foundation


In the far east. On the border of warm and cold winters, A new civilization has risen. This is a civilization of peace-loving women. A civilization of words. A civilization of trade. A civilization, that sees future as peaceful and glorious place to live and trade in. This civilization is known as Q'orok. Q'orok is a culture that is lead by charismatic women. It is a culture built on trade. A culture that values community. A culture that values wisdom and charisma.

This civilization it has strong traditions. It has strong values, strong leadership and people of this culture are truly crafty traders. This is why the culture of Q'orok become dominant in the East, in areas south of the sea and above Mouran mountains. But this culture does not fish much - because a rival culture, the Ah'la, were already actively fishing on the same sea. But Q'orok made use of salt production via method of heating (salt) water (from sea), in a pan over the fire. This process takes a lot of time, but produces valuable trade resource, that the Q'orok culture needs for its trade and continious success.

Q'orok live in a beautiful world

As we said before, Q'orok are a culture, that is built on trade. And, almost like gods would have blessed them, Q'orok had natural access to nearly perfect trading area - They traded their own production of Salt and agriculture for Wood, clay and small amounts of Tin from people of Moura - people who lived just South of them, in the highly mountainous area. They also exported their salt to surrounding areas, esp. to Ah'la societies, just over the sea. Ah'la in exchange, gave them salted fish, which could be sold to Mouran for great profit.

The strongest of Q'orok tribes is a tribe called Q'orok-Tara. It is a tribe that has had high success in producing salt and selling it to surrounding areas. Even tho they do not have access or trade routes to people from Moura - to the people producing tin, they have made great fortunes buying and selling salt, agriculture and fish in surrounding areas. Their capital, the Q'orok, is located on the coast and has prospered greatly from salt trade.

Q'orok-Tara is not only tribe that prospered from trade. The Jirnuk tribe, located on island in the middle of sea, has also greatly profited from salt trade, and unlike Q'orok-Tara, they actively fish as well. Their salt production is worked mostly by slaves. Slaves that are traded for fish and salt from Western coast. Their salt trade is in direct rivalry with Q'orok-Tara. Their capital is called Vis.

A lot of the trade with Moura people is controlled by a tribe of Q'orok culture, called Hiski, They have even gone as low as using military force to block other tribes trading with Moura. They have prospered greatly thanks to monopoly in trade of tin and wood gained from Moura traders.



As we mentioned before, Q'orok actively sell salt to Ah'la, receiving fish and grain in exchange. Ah'la, the people of water, have majority control over fishing in sea. Their fishermen and even the smallest of jhor are so good at fishing, that there is almost no competition to their production and prices. They also trade fish back to Q'orok, so Q'orok have mostly abandoned fishing and started providing Ah'la with salt. Ah'la deal in both salted as well as dried fish. Latter is less expensive but salted fish is easier to make and some fish kinds can not be dried.

Ah'la culture lives in jhors - large multi family houses. These families work as one and their production has great efficiency. Those jhors that do not fish usually do farm work. Grain they produce and dry over winter in their jhors is high quality trade resource. They, sometimes, trade their fish and grain with people West and North of them - for cheese and leather, sometimes for even horses.

Salt. The life blood of East.

Jhors tend to group up around major trade centers and form city states of sorts. The greatest of these city states is Ki-Ah'La. Its capital, Ah'La'Ki-Ken, is located on the coast of the sea and has prospered greatly thanks to selling dried and salted fish to Q'orok and selling salt from Q'orok to Ah'La North of them. Ki-Ah'La has recently suffered some raids from people living in unknown lands to the East, but this has forced a creation of a small, self defence, fleet.

North of the Ki-Ah'La is another powerful union of jhors rising - the Het-Ah'La. Safe from the raids of the northern horsemen, able to trade cloth, leather and cheese for their high-quality food and salted fish from the coast, they are, somewhat, in competition with Ki-Ah'la, just because they have far greater varienty of things they can trade and no need for upkeeping and maintaining navies. Ki-Ah'la is blocking their trade with other coastal areas, but is also providing them with salt, salted fish and salted meat.



Before venturing any further West, we must go all the way down south. To see the tin providers, that provide most of the known East with source of tin. These provides live in the Eastern Mountains, which they call 'Moura'. Their culture is called Mouran. They live a simple life in the mountains and believe in the cycle of life, where one continuously lives and rarely leaves.

Their society is divided into classes - noblemen and rich people live up high - near the peaks, in the castles overseeing mountains. Military, smiths and traders classes live in the central area of these mountains - not too high but not too low either. Workers caste lives in the bottom and deals in minining or herding sheeps and, sometimes even in small-scale agriculture.

Mourans are dominated by noble class. Any merchant, rich enough, can buy himself a noble title and nobles have to pay high taxes to the Council Elder. In exchange of the title, nobles may claim 'ownership' of an area and worker-class living there. A worker can rise in rank by joining the military, after honorable service and several battles, said previously-worker now a soldier, may join the rank of merchant, blacksmith or whatever other central-living caste. Only Central caste may buy noble titles, do business with foreign merchants or leave their area of birth.

Mouran tribes are lead by Council of Nobles. Council usually chooses a Council elder - a position held the duration of 5 years. Council is responsible of taxing the central class, as well as selling titles. Council Elder is sole person who holds the Vaul key to tribes treasures and who may (or may not) give out noble titles. He also controls military.

Because Elders and noblemen live high in the mountains, invasions and looting is difficult for armies who are not used to air pressure changing in mountains.

The beauty of mountains is a wonderful sight

Most of trade to Mourans comes from Freeyja and Q'orok people - Freeya trade their crafts and fine agricultural products for clay, wood and tin, whilst Q'orok trade their salt, fish and whatever agriculture they can for same things. And Agricultural products are needed for Mourans to survive - because it is difficult to grow anything in mountains and even small scale shepardy is, due to rugged mountains, difficult.

Largest of the tribes is Mai-ka, holding a valuable tin mine. Second largest is Mai-du, controlling a large chunk of tin-trade. Third, and the weakest, is Mai-ra, which only property are its die-hardy warriors and good shepards.



We mentioned the culture of Freyja before. This culture evolved from people living in the Grasslands, protected from storms thanks to Mouran mountains. The Freyjans are culture which Believes in Matriarchial society, as do most tribes down South and South East of cradle. Freyjans are crafters, artisans, creatures and creators of beauty. Their women-folk tend to create statues, totems, bracelets and whatever other crafts, whilst men provide susitinence to the artisans. Surrounding areas well known the masterpieces that Freyjan villages create - if a totem or an amulet is created by Freyjans, then usually it fetches high value on markets and wearing an amulet crafted by Freyan craftes is usually sign of richness and success. Because Freyan traders rarely sell poor quality craftswork. Their craftmanship is only rivaled by Dryadalis stone-crafters, the statue creators.

As we have mentioned earlier, Freyjan villages traded actively with people of Mouran, providing them with crafts and agricultural products, in exchange of valuable tin, clay and other crafting materials. They also export well crafted crafts to surrounding areas. But with all this crafting and artsmanship, there's a slight problem - creation and practicing of crafting takes away a lot of raw resources from Freyjans, making Freyjan societies depend on foreign traders of leather, bone and other crafts - should these trade ties collapse - should a war or bad weather strike or better trading place to be found -, meaning Freyjan societies can collapse within a year or two if they are unable to trade for resources or sell their own products. This has, in the past and in the presence, been a reason for rather brutal conflicts within Freyjan culture - one village or group believing that other village or group is taking, what they consider 'their' property - be it traders, land, raw resources or even market share.

Wonderful crafts of Freyjan crafters do not have much competition - not many are as good as Freyjan crafters.

With development of Bronze, some Freyjan groups have been more successful in aquairing raw resources, traders and marketshare than others. A nation, that calls itself simply 'Freyja', has risen in the Northern areas. They own their success to fertile (but rocky) farmlands and very good trade relations with Mourans.

Their rival, the Freyjarii, unlike Freyja, have several copper mines, allowing them to produce significant amounts of bronze weapons, armors and tools, tho their relations with Mourans vary, mainly because Freyjarii tend to mess in internal affairs of Mouran clans in hopes of aquiring better trade deals. And also, because Freyjarii do not have as strong agriculture as Freyja do.



To the West and South of Freyja and Mouran people, there is a culture of Wild warrior women, they call themselves 'Razgod'. Razgod culture has spread in not so fertile farmland areas, mostly in thick forests that are surrounded by wetlands. Razgod warrior-women love strength and worship war and loyalty. What makes Razgod culture stand out from other Women-dominated cultures is, that they are truly dominated by women.

So, what does this mean? Well, It's relatively simple: Children are grown by their mothers, regardless of gender until they reach the age of 7. At that age, young boys are given materials and access to crafting areas. They are ordered to craft their own weapons and armor. They have 5 days to craft their equipment. Once 5 days pass, they are pitted against each other in bloody combat in special 'pits' that are similar to, what we know, as 'arenas'.

Survivors of first battle will face 2 one on one battles, that are all fight til' death. 'Winners' of these matches are left alive. But that is not the end of it - survivors are sold on markets to families who wish them. These "winners" will serve as personal guardians for their owners children and will be fathers for next generation of Razgodians. They may hold no seat of power or talk without premission. Razgodians forbid (on death penalty) foreign men to enter their villages, other than designated markteplace areas and they are brutally executed if they manage to 'attract' female attentions. Razgodians often trade their leather and wood for Freyjan crafts and amulets, believing that amulets protect their wearers.

Razgodian women are said to very beautiful, as well as very brutal. Males that serve their owners are often kept as trophies and are used to 'satisfy' needs of their owners and their children.

Whilst there are weaker and stronger groups of Razgodians, there is no group strong or unified enough to actually claim 'a title' of nation. But this might change. Razgodians are known for making raids deep into surrounding territories.


In the middle of our Cradle, is located an interesting mother-of-many-cultures, aka Formor. Formor are clanial society - it matters who were your parents and which clan you are part of. Formor also have strong religion, much thanks to their society leadership - that features entire council to deal with spiritual matters. The main 'gods' of the religion (which somewhat varies from area to area due to lack of centralized structure) are Earth and the Wolf Spirit - the Greatest of the Pantheon.

Formor claim to live on these, semi-fertile lands since the world began and, this might even be true - being bordered by two semi powerful cultures, Formor have yet managed to survive and their cultural influences reach far further than any known culture so far. There are many theories why so many cultures are similar to Formor, some say Formor was hit by series of plagues and people fled in terror, others say that farms went bad and crops died. But Some claim that people around them fled from Formor clans due to constant struggle for power. Never-the-less how Formor Culture spread, it is one of the powerfullest cultures around.

Why did Formor spread so far, why did they influence so many cultures?

Culmor is perhaps the greatest union that can be named nation of Formor clan. Culmor was formed thanks to clever diplomatical moves of several clans, as well as similiar view to - yet unnamed - religion. Culmor has claimed good farming areas and its cities are built on good fishing areas. Trade down river is also great part of any Formor culture, but Culmors are experts in using small canoes to deliver cargo downstream. Culmor is strong in trade and agriculture and its armies have excessive experience in fending off surprise attacks from both West and South.

Gramor Is second nation created by one powerful clan forcefully occupying lands of several minor clans. Whilst Gramor is nowhere near as successfull in trade and Fishing as Culmor is, Gramor posesses larger army and controls more populated population-centers.



Travelling even further West, near the shores of Western sea, which many cultures have many names for, often more than five, is located an interesting culture of Kanor. The Kanor, they are honorable people. Their culture believes in honor and they have both strong, as well as wise kings. Kanori believe to originate from Formor society, but unlike Formor female-leadership, Kanori have strong male leadership. This, major, difference of world views is what made two cultures split and Kanori travel further East - attacking, plundering and killing and annexing the natives of East. The Natives of East, the Tenori, still hold quite strong power in Kanori society, but many of the natives, who did assimilate, fled South-Westward.

As said before, The people of Kanori came from East. Their culture differs somewhat from their parents, now their neighbors in the east - the Formor. But Kanori taken their gods with them, or perhaps Formor took Kanori gods after Kanori left? Nevertheless, both cultures share similar gods and past. True, they are now with different names and traditions, but still very similiar. Will the similiarties be the glue that makes these two, so very similiar, yet so very different cultures one, or shall their differences continue making them poised enemies? That, that only time knows.

Was it the centuries old rivalry that caused Formor and Kanor to split, or perhaps, is that story just a legend?

Greatest of Kanori states is the city state of Kanoris. Its capital, heart and mind - the city of Kanoris is said to be built by the greatest conqueror of Formor - Kanorid the Conqueror. The Greatest conqueror, who created entirely new culture. Whilst Kanoris is one of the few multicultural nations around - having both Formor as well as Tenori minorities, it still stands. Mainly thanks to trade of Fur with Tenori and even some minor salt production.

To the North of Kanoris, is its major rival - the city state of YouDidNotProvideMeEnoughNationNAmes_CorrectYourMistakeOrIWillBrutallyAbuseYourNation. YouDidNotProvideMeEnoughNationNAmes_CorrectYourMistakeOrIWillBrutallyAbuseYourNation is in constant conflict with Formor nation of Gramor. YouDidNotProvideMeEnoughNationNAmes_CorrectYourMistakeOrIWillBrutallyAbuseYourNation Has much greater trapping grounds for furs, but unlike Kanoris, it lacks salt production and defence of rivers.



We mentioned "Natives of the West" who were annexed or forced to flee due to massive Kanori invasion due to separation from Formor. These 'natives' moved South-East, and settled forested areas there. Whilst taking fertile land away from weak Razgod people, they also took over some of the Razgod traditions.

Tenori live in female lead communities, there children are grown and thought of ideas of Tenori. When male children mature, they are sent into outlying villages, which are usually inhabited only by males. These villages form a defensive 'pack' around the 'Nurseries' and provide Nurseries with raw supplies of meat, agriculture and whateverelse female might need. When Pack and Nursery inhabitants meet, then (usually religious) massive orgias follow.

Tenori, having pushed out from their native lands and conquering Razgod lands, have been in constant warfare with Razgods, even tho their cultures share many similarities. Main reason for these wars seem to be, that in Tenori society, male do the hunting, While in Razgod society female are the corner stone of ... well everything. Meaning whenver Razgod hunter parties meet with Tenori hunting parties either massive orgy or massive slaughter follow.

Massive orgies of Tenori are an 'unique' sight.

Out of Tenori nations the nation of Tas'Dedai has risen as major power. Tas'Dedai capital is located on island in the major lake, which they call Dedata. With greater capacity (and cargo load) of boats, thanks to new metals and engineering techniques, Tas'Dedai have expanded their 'Packs' outside of the small island, on the mainland. Where they trade fish and agricultural products for fur and meat. Tas'Detai seamens are infamous for making surprise raids against Kanorims shores.

To further South, A city state of Mor'uli has formed, where tribe-inner politics is mostly dominated by male pack leader. Mor'uli are in constant combat with Razgod hunters do to overlapping trapping/hunting territories and Mor'uli has been formed more out of neccesity for great militia, rather than out of strenght of local leaders. Mor'ulis deals mostly with furs and dried meat. But furs are expensive, as fur-covered clothing keeps warm well.


To the North of Kanoris, beyond the Mountains, a culture similar to both Kanoris as well as Formor lives. This culture is know as Assatur. Unlike their constantly at war neighbors down South, The Assatur do not believe in violence, anger or hatred - they are calm and calculating. Their way of life is Stoicism. They are philosophers and scientist. Their culture incorporates elements from all surrounding cultures and yet is so very different from all of those cultures.

They are Scientist and Researchers. They are people of peace. They are calm and calculating. They are Assatur.

Assatur grow sheep, mountainous areas are good for that and they deal in selling sheep, meat and wool to People in the Hills to East. They also tend some farms and trade their products to both to people of Hlanatal to the North, as well as to People living in the hills. From the hills, Assatur get tin and copper, which they smelt into bronze and sell onwards to North.

Greatest kingdom of Assatur has an original name of "Assatur". This tribe deals mostly in sheapardy and smelts small quantites ore traded for meat and wool with the hillpeople into bronze goods for trade.

Whilst Assatur culture has spread far, there are, at given moment, not many powerful clans/leaders whose power would be equal to the Assatur. But entire cultures can rise within few (Kanori) years - why should nations be any different?



To the east of Assatur are the City states inhabitated by people calling themselves Jagadai. The Jagadai live in cities, which are heavily fortified - surrounded by several walls and ditches. This is the neccesity, because in The North, there are wild tribes, living in the cold steppes, who relay heavily on raiding eachother and all the nations south of them. They do not have unified culture and are simply refered to as 'Northern Hordes'.

The Jagadai do not have great trade relations with surrounding nations - mainly because, other than agricultural products, they do not have much to trade. Their merchants do trade with Dryadalis for statues and other craftsmanship.

There are no Jagadai unions powerful enough to be named 'nations'. But their villages do have nice and sturdy walls.


To the North of Assatur and West of Jagadai is the culture of Hlanatal. They are a mixture of nomadic culture which bears similarities to Northern Hordes, as well as citystate culture South and East of them. Yet, the Hlanatal are different from all of these cultures around them.

Unlike Northern Hordes, Hlanatal believe in cleverness, agility, wisdom and tactics. This has made Hlanatal quite feared by Northern Hordes. It has not entirely stopped back and fourth raiding between the Northern Hordes and Hlanatal villages, but no massive armies have been risen from either of sides and Hlanatal have mostly been experiencing more victories than defeats.

Nomads, that trade? Nomads that are not part of the Northern Hordes?

Greatest of Hlanatal nations is Mokhal, meaning people of the arrowhead. They occupy the Northern most areas and relay heavly on shepardy and warfare with Northern Hordes. Thanks to trade with Sabal (another Hlanatal nation) and Assatur bronze weapons - trade in Sabal markets in exchange of raw wool and meat, Mokhal warriors have survivied great battles against Northern Hordes

Second greatest Nation of Hlanatal is called Sabal. Sabal means "people of the bow". It is located More southwards than Mokhal, on the bronze goods trade route. Nation of Sabal has greatly benefited controlling the trade route and lays heavy taxes on foreign merchants trying to pass through their lands - tax is simple, should merchants wander off the main trade routes, local tribes may plunder all their supplies for themselves.


We mentioned the Jagadai before. We have also mentioned Ah'la, Northern Hordes and Formor before. But we have not mentioned culture of Dryadalis before. The Jagadai culture of strong fortified villages resambles Dryadalis culture - both build strong cities, protected by strong walls. But Dryadalis are culture is so much different - their society is built on honor and, unlike Jagadai, where anyone can can gain statues of 'a noble', Dryadalis has ranks and classes.

Dryadalis also value honor, loyality and are pious followers of Veritatem - the religion that is quite powerful in the Northern regions of our world. Dryadalis culture is well known for its jewelry smiths and crafted statues and houses, built of stone, with engineering far beyond most surrounding cultures. Statues crafted by Dryadalis are famous throught the world and fetch very high prices on any markets - thanks to their superior quality and remarkable beauty.

Nothing beats Dryadalis statues, not even Freyjan creations. And These statues are made of pure silver - the metal worth much.

Strongest Dryadalis union is Rivendella - a city state which has had particularly strong and wise monarchs in the past. Rivendella, the city, is trade hub for many local crafters and artists and many sculptures and silver crafts change hands in the local market. Not only does Rivendella have fame for being the greatest city for crafters, it also has a steady supply of silver thanks to series of small silver mines.

Whilst there are several same-strong city states, none deserves to be mentioned more than other, mainly because they lack as powerful market as Rivendella does.


Althnaron, the culture North-West of Assatur stoic villages and West of Hlantal nomadic tribes. A culture of classes, of heritage, of great kings. Kingdoms and chiefdoms built on blood, with strong warriors of noble class - whose sole purpose seems to be training to fight. The Culture of Althnaron.

The Althnaron culture spreads west of the the great lake - surrounded by wild horsemen in the North and East - the Hlanatal (who control much of the tin and copper travel routes) and The Northern Hordes - who, mostly, try to conquer and/or loot Althnaron villages. The constant threat from North, might be the reason why Althnaron have such strong military class. The constant supply of ore and weapons from Hillfolk, as well as from Assatur, have given Althnaron culture strong military capacities and higher than usual survival rate. Much of this thanks to sitting in cities while nomands loot and burn countryside in every 5 years or so.

No horseman can say that he does not respect Althnaron warriors! Well, they CAN say it but they do not dare to.

Altharon deal with agriculture and fishing - their towns are always well supplied with food. Unfortunately, it seems, that whatever trade goods Altharon produce are immediately traded for weapons, armor or raw materials.

Greatest of Altharon nations is Zerandar. With its great Capital - the Eontecia being located in place where river and lake meet - being well defended and well supplied with food and controlling much of (important) Bronze goods flow from Assatur-Hlanatal trade route. Zendar has, in the past, been able to push back most nomands raids.

It's nemesis state - the 'Happo' is located more south-westwards. Just like Zerandar, Happo controls much of Bronze flow, but they control mostly the trade with Hillfolk tribes - whilst bronze goods and materials are much cheaper than Assatur-Hlanatal trade route ones, trade with Hillfolk there is chaoting and depends much on 'signs of mountains' and 'song of birds' what Hillfolk shamans "hear" from time to time.


South of the Hillfolk is located the culture of Adkuratur. The Adkuratur, the culture, which resambles much the Feudal society we are so familiar with. The culture where Clan Elders, rule over members of their clan - the Essars. The Essar elders, however, are often guided or 'adviced' by Nessukudra - the independent clergy class, anyone can become clergy, in theory, but only few can reach the rank of Nessukudra.

The Adkuratur believe in force - the Jivana. They Believe it is in everything and that few can 'tap' into it. They believe that life here is temperory - that one will pass from this world to enter to another. This force, the Jivana, judges the dead souls by their karma - the Dustaya and can condemn them into enternal suffering as evil spirits or to pass onto next world. Evil spirits can be cleansed by Nessukudra nobles and their 'rituals'.

The Adakuratur are located in a great position - they are located in quite fertile lands and quite calm seas. And best of all? They have their own tin mines. Tin is rare element in these times and one of the components for Bronze, whilst other component - copper - is much easier to find. And bronze? Bronze is good for any nation whatever in peace or in war. But Adkuratur do not have strong mining traditions and neither do they control a lot of tin mines. Their trade is controlled mostly by merchants - as are their nations. And making profit. Well it is not the most ideal way to lead the nation through hardships.

Bronze, bronze is good for trade. Whatever it is trading bronze for gold or taking gold with bronze. And Adkuratur know how to "trade"

And Adkuratur do know hardships The Raiders from West - over the calm sea often make raids to Adakuratur villages in Kodkur (the Peninsula where Adakur are located on). Often merchant ships, shiping goods over the calm seas, are raided by same raiders of the West. Often conflicts of financial interests with the Jadkaraia or the Hillfolk turn into bloody wars. And sometimes, merchants - the rulers of Adakuratur - just forget to pay their workers enough wages, all for the sake of greater profit!

Greatest of Adkuratur states is Kuttukar Essar, controlling one major tin mine but always fighting with Hillfolk. Their state is strong and controlled by wise merchants - who profit much from the tin mine. They don't have much fish, other than what they can catch from rivers.

The Second Great state of Adkuratur is Jinkudra Essar. The Jinkudra lack control of tin mines and get their tin from either Hillfolk (via ships) or from Kuttukar. They do, however, control several copper mines and are major producers of salt.


On the peninsula, which Adkuratur call Kodkur, Adkuratur are not alone. In the south there are people - These people are great fishermen, great warriors, terrific allies and even more amazing and loyal clansmen. They are known as Jadkaraia. They live their life with loyalty and value honor above all. Their nobles are the men of greatest skill, the greatest deeds, the strongest honor.

Whilst Adkuratur have many similarities with Jadkaraia, their faith, they clan ties, even their world view but they also have one major difference - their skin color. They Jadkaraia have tannish-redish skin. Despite of that, they are well adept in the cold climate of our cradle. As said before, they have great loyality to their clans and they are quite warlikely people - whenever clans have a common interest in a thing or an area which can not be shared by both clans, there is war. Often, when Jadkaraia and Adkuratur have differences of financial-trade kind, there is war. Thankfully, thanks to Adkuratur better armor and weapons, fighting has been quite equal.

Jadkaraia are greater sailors than Adkuratur and great warriors

Both Adkuratur, aswell as Jadkaraia cultures usually lack strong navy traditions, mainly, because City states in the West are the greatest looters and bandits around. They control the Inner sea and their riders often raid Jadkaraia villages. Jadkaraia revenge fleets have often been either completely anhiliated by Wester City states patrol-raider-pirate fleets or have been unsuccessful in stopping the raids.

Nevertheless, Greatest of Jadkaraia nations is Mara. It is strong in both Farming as well as fishing and it has few experienced crafters, who mostly craft stone statues or figure heads. Mara also has quite strong fleet, which has, surprisingly, been able to successfully counter the barbarian fleets of Western cities. Being major producer of salt has given city-state of Mara significant income, despite constant fear of pirate attacks.

Its nemesis - Niru has risen in the Central areas of Kodkur, fueled by constant conflict with Adkuratur, legends say that small village of Niru has managed to carve out a successful nation and now controls a major town and has many villages paying taxes to it.


The Western City states

The Western City states? They are basically city states in the west. There's no unified culture there, but what they do mostly is build boats to raid countryside. All of the inner-peninsula is constantly plagued by their raids which come quick, are brutal and carry of much of daily produce, sometimes even clothes of fallen. They are also known 'as bergan'.

The plague of the West.

The Hillfolk

Basically a mixtures of many cultures, none too powerful and traditions vary greatly even between neighbors. They do have many resources - many areas that contain Tin and Copper and even few silver and gold mines.

This world is


*lets use old, somewhat typoed map until I get the proper ones done.*
Stats, trade map and nation map will all come within this week :)
I'll take the Kuttukar essar of the Adkuratur then!

Small nitpick: The vassal system of the Adkuratur is actually managed between clans; the Kuttukar essar, for example, is a "master clan" of several lesser essars within the nation. So the Kuttukar would be the feudal lords, or the governing dynasty. :)
*checks wiki*
Yup, I already put nation names there.


I think I did say that for Turn 0 I'm going to use claim posts and from there onwards wiki. So in turn 1 I'll relay mostly on wiki whenever I need to consult a culture or nation history/details for update.

LJ said:
Small nitpick: The vassal system of the Adkuratur is actually managed between clans; the Kuttukar essar, for example, is a "master clan" of several lesser essars within the nation. So the Kuttukar would be the feudal lords, or the governing dynasty.

Noted, I'll understand your (and everyone elses) culture(s) better by next update. I promise!
I'd rather write a story once the maps are released, but I'm impatient... maybe I could write the tale of the founding of Kanoris?
I'd rather write a story once the maps are released, but I'm impatient... maybe I could write the tale of the founding of Kanoris?

Yes, yes you can. Map only describes major land forms, mostly for military purposes and to explain what landscape dominates most in the given area- whatever minor rivers, lakes, hills or volcanoes you may have, is entirely up to you. A city size would be probably less than pixel on this map.
That was easily the best Update 0 I've ever read. :)
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