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NWolfNES III - Opportunity edition - Home wasn't built in a day

Northen Wolf

Young Hunter
Feb 11, 2008
Orders due: 2nd June, Saturday

Welcome to
Opportunity edition - "Opportunities multiply as they are seized" -Sun Tzu
Home wasn't built in a day! -Jane Sherwood Ace

About me
This is the third NES I moderate. MY first NES spanned over series of 10+ updates, my second NES, also a fresh start but more focus on city management instead of nation and culture management, was dead at arrivial due to overcomplex stats. So, this is my third attempt and it will succeed.

About this NES
This is a Fresh-start, non-earth NES. Turn 0 will feature spreading of cultures (which players have created and some which I may (or may not) have created) All over map. By the end of turn 0 every area in cradle (cradle= area that is visible on map) will have a culture and first "nations" or "tribes" or "citystates" will also be created.

We will start in very early bronze age. What does this mean? It means that people of this world have gained access to the art of smelting two or more different ores together to produce a stronger metal, in our case, bronze. However, It's very early in the bronze age, so your nation may or may not have access to bronze, but you will most likely have access to some sort of weak metal. There are no nations or manufacturies and smiths shuring out bronze weaponry or tools, but there will be. Soon.

Bronze, being stronger than metals smelted before its discovery, opened the world and allowed cultures to spread with rapid speed - tools created from bronze were lighter, stronger and easier to create than craft them from stone or cut them from wood. Discovery of bronze allowed creation of weapons, which like could not be created before - knives, armors, swords. Together with discovery of bronze working, valuable metals (gold, silver, gems) were actively taken into use. Using bronze for creating tools allowed these cultures to prosper and expand far faster than centuries before. Creation of tools of war, like swords, armors and shields, allowed first conquest (instead of simple raids) and bronze weapons and armor were a lot tougher, generally beating wooden spears and arrows in battle with ease.

Bronze also allowed and significantly eased creation of first ships, which could travel coastal regions with ease. First navies, that are not filled with canoes, were created, first merchant ships sailed out to buy cheap and sell high. These big trade ships are rare and often canoes and rafts are still used to trade goods, but that's about to change as new winds have started to blow (and ships can actually use sails now).

Horses are rare in this world, there could be few of them in every town, but there are only few cultures which actively ride horses, and they are mostly from up North. Fields are mostly plowed by use of manpower (by families themselves or payed workers or perhaps even slaves), richer families use oxes to plow their fields. Horses are ridden mostly by nobles and rich merchants, and mostly, for war purpose. But plentiful of food and taking swords and bronze armor into use has given significant edge to mobile cavalry units and in the Barren tundras of North, entire clans are said to ride on horses, whilst herding their massive herds of sheep and pigs.

But traditions are hard to change. Inventions take time to be taken into proper use by "savage" masses. But taking bronze into usage is a great opportunity allowing many riches, fame and domination for any group brave and smart enough to see these benefits... And opportunities. Opportunities multiply as they are seized -Sun Tzu
If you wish to join
... and you wish to create your own culture or nation, then I need following from you:

1. Culture submission (see post 3) (In case you wish to create a culture) You may let me choose a culture for you or pick culture designed by someone else for your starting nation. This submission has to contain: Culture name, Nation names, City names, person names and at least very basic overview of your culture.

2. Nation Submission - This should include: Nation name, Name for your capital and government name/type for your nation. You may include preferred color used on map. You may pinpoint the area where you wish your nation to be located. NB! You can always pick a NPC (non player controlled) nation and you can form a nation in any territories that are not controlled by nations - if you do that, I'll select your culture(s) depending of your location.

3. If you wish your religion to spread via trade lines and with your people, I'll be needing a name for your religion as well.

Please keep submission in this thread as near to "finished" as possible Use pre NES thread for development of cultures and nations.

If you wish to join, You can always take over a NPC nation (nation which does not have player marked underneath its name:

Nation Name
PlayerName <----- if there's no name, nation is NPC.


This NES has a wiki. There are example pages been set up and cross linked. Please register and edit wiki under your name, because then I know who to reward. Yes, wiki editing will be rewarded.

Stories, artwork and other contributions

A NES is a story told by all of its participants. Be a good NES'er and tell a story of your nation, its successes, its problems. Share your people, their faith, their Rumors, Legends, Artwork, music whatever with us. Do tell, do share. I'll reward players who post stories and tell us about their nation/culture. It's nothing gamebreaking but it may add up to many significant bonuses.


Culture stats
Starting Location: Pick a location where your culture starts to spread into world
Society: Who leads in your culture? Are there castes? Perhaps there are Slaves, where do merchants stand? Is there Citizenship, Clanial markings, tatooes? Who leads this society, Is there a dicatorship or coucil of elected members? Are there ranks which one can earn. Are there nobles ? Are titltes only for blue-blood leaders or are titles claimable by anyone with success, luck or money?
Lineage: How does one know who (s)he is? Does he belong to a clan give him social standing? Or will the gold in his pockets rise him up high or perhaps, victories and loot rise one up on social ladder? Does it matter who was your father, what family you are part of ? And if it does, how? Perhaps you are what your parents were?

Values: What does your society value? Is it built on love or discipline? Is death feared or sought after? Are there slaves and kings or free people and councils? Is honor important, or will good for the family be more important?
Religion](s):[/B] Is there a god(dess?). Are there signs associated with future? Is there belief of afterlife or rebirth?

Past: Where do you come from? Who were your fore-fathers, why did they settle here and how did your social system began?
Economic Base: [Give the general economic basis of life for your people] - How does one earn his living, what does he eat and how does he aquire things needed for life?
Nation Names: [Make a list of nation names for me to use]
Person Names: [Make a list of names for me to use of famous persons]
Place Names: [Make a list of place for me to use for notable places]
[Add anything else you want to say]

Nation Stats

Nation - Player
Culture: Culture - %
Religion: Dominant religions in order of adherents (there are usually other, less popular religions)
Government: Type of government
Income: Income (treasury/debt)
Military: Forces (Upkeep: cost)
Military description:
Description: Outline of the nation. Hosted in a wiki that's mostly moderated by players.

Nation stats explained

Nation - Player
Nation name - player name, should be obvious
Culture - %
Culture groups marked under a nation would be the list of major cultures that are present in given nation in sufficient numbers.

The precentage behind each culture would show cultures strength. What it means is, higher precentage = people of that culture read, live, think and talk according to given culture. Higher the precentage, higher the chance they would follow traditions, beliefs and holidays of given culture and more highly they value themselves and their importance in given nation. Stronger culture will also spread more via trade routes or other travelling routes (colonization, emigration, slavery etc.).

One or two cultures in stats will be bolded. This means, that these cultures are favored by nation in question and government will try to follow their ideas and understanding, rather than other groups.

Generally speaking, higher %'es mean, that given culture spreads more and will expect nation to care more for their views and traditions. The lower the precentage, the higher chance that this culture group will be slowly absorbed into larger (or preferred) culture groups and the weaker hold over local government and power the given culture has. A blunt example would be, if in a nation, with 100% russian culture, vodka would be banned from the markets, local russians would lead an uprising against government to see vodka rights to be restored. Whilst nation with 25% russian influence would be just slightly annoyed by the fact. Nationality can change through many ways, for few examples: being under control of foreign culture (which is more dominant or preferred), esp if foreign culture supports integration (methods in question are up to you to choose) of "lesser" cultures. It's generally easier to rule over one culture type, than have a cosmopolitan nation. As should two or more cultures be strongly present in nation, their views and values may lead to serious conflicts.

Cultures may mix, change and form new cultures, Cultures may adept new traits or lose old beliefs over time. Mixing is esp. likely when nation has two cultures, where neither is dominant or both are preferred (say a nation with cultures of roman 30%, greek 30%). Over the years, assuming neither culture becomes more powerful than other and no significant changes in cultural policy are done, a new culture, incorporating elements and traditions from both culture, would slowly rise. In 400-800 years, nation cultural rating would be changed to 50% Greekromans, 10% romans, 10% greeks. Greekromans would contain values and beliefs from both cultures (say war traditions of romans and high scientific knowledge of greeks) whilst it would not have many other values (for an example greek "boyloving" or roman class-hiarichy system).

Dominant religions in order of adherents (there are usually other, less popular religions)
Government: Type of government
I don't think I need to explain these.

Income: Income (treasury/debt)
Income is what your nation earns per turn through taxations, tolls and whatever other methods/sources of income. Higher number is better. You earn tax from businesses, individuals, towns, groups, merchants, export and import, local sales, marketplaces, houseowners, towns etc. Basically, if you can think of a way how to tax it, it will generate inceom. Any investment that would increase taxes or amounts of resources beings produced (or transported/sold) or extra jobs increases income.
Spoiler Example :
Invest income into making salt mining cheaper (income is invested into creation of new laws, mass producing equipment, eduaction of interested parties, state support in selling land/rights, enst. taxation and administrative system etc.) to generate "salt mines" income. This does not only produce income from salt mines, but will also produce salaries, taxes from individuals, more resources being bought in local markets (due people having money to spend on things). This would also generate a salt source for your nation (resource), which would generate salt sales in internal market, removing need to import salt from foreign merchants, meaning your merchants and marketplaces pay you more taxes. And that is not all, overproduction can be exported to neighboring states/cities/nations for extra source of income (and making them more dependant of you). Of course, salt does not have to be exported in raw form, but it can be also made into other products, for an example encouraging fishermen and hunters next turn to salt fish and meat for selling, making it possible to actually sell fish and meat to your neighbors(which is difficult due meat and fish spoiling fast). So, one investment, if properly described and used in coordination with other projects (in this exampleengouraging creation of 'salt mines') could generate a lot of revenue and a lot taxes. It's all how well you describe and how you associate different projects with each other.

If nation does not spend (part of) its income, income is added into treasury, same happens If player goes inactive or fails to send orders. Income in treasury does not increase nor is invested into anything. But income stored in treasury does not disappear either. There is no limit on how much money you can put into treasury. Treasury can be plundered if some nation/horde decides to loot or occupy your lands, altho you will never lose entire treasury.

A nation can spend more than its income is, meaning treasury can go into negatives, which is called 'debt'. National debt would reflect "borrowed" money that is not spent on infrastructure or simply "minting" additional coins (many nations used to do it). Think of debt as ""inflation". A small debt is manageable for most nations, as it would make life a civilian a bit more difficult - increase expenses whilst lowering income of the family (meaning family can't spend as much as it is used to). A large debt over several turns could (and will) collapse the nation into famine, riots, permanently lowere income and create general chaos. And chaos is bad. Ask me if you want to know how much is too much, but rough rule would be debts above 20% of income over more than 1 turn are going to hurt a lot. Debt that lasts over several turns does lower overall income (that is NOT returned when debt is payed - think of this as effects of "inflation" on your society).

Military: Forces (Upkeep: cost)

Each nation requires a military to survive in this world. To recruit military, one has to hire them, train them and arm them. And this costs.

Levies: 10 for 1
Infantry: 5 for 1
Cavalry: 1 for 1

Ships: 1 for 50
Siege Train: &#8220;1&#8221; for 500

To build and maintain a military unit, due to the rather long turn lengths, is the same on the first turn as it is to maintain it for subsequent turns. So, do recruit 500 cavalry, it costs 500 income. Next turn, you will still have to pay 500 income (as 'wages') and so on wards. This reflects wages, expenses, recruiting, training, housing and whatever other costs military units may have.

Military units are useable on the turn they are recruited on. However, freshly recruited units are slightly weaker than already pre-existing units.

One will generally need to spend additional money to support troops outside of your own borders -- logistics spending. This represents upkeep on equipment and supplies needed over the course of a campaign. Not paying addition funds tends to destroy equipment at a faster rate than sitting around does, it will also increase casualties and make campaign less successful. It would be wise to also indicate where your soldiers get their supplies from (will they tow food with them in carts or will they trust local (conquered) markets to feed them? For a given campaign, a good rule of thumb is that you'll need to spend roughly one extra "gold" for every ten soldiers you're bringing along. Venturing further from home raises this price. Ask me what an appropriate amount is if you're not sure.

Example Spending

1,000 - establishes a small colony, fort (add money for distance, difficulty)
1,000 - 5,000 for a small scale project (new harbor, temple complex, reconstructing walls)
5,000 &#8211; 15,000 for a large scale project (bettering major roads, irrigation system, wonder of the world of some kind or another)

You may spend income on anything - few examples are:

* Building forts and colonies,
* Founding new towns
* Improving trade
* Creation and logistical support for new trade lines
* Attempts to convince more merchants to trade in your nation
* Improving administration
* Creating new laws to improve taxation of XZY
* Increasing your cultural influence/Absorbing other cultures via supporting artists, musicans and builders or whatever other cultural things (holidays?) that might impress your culture.
* Improving military quality of your troops or reforming your army
* Quelling rebelious areas or supporting/bribing neighboring hordes/tribes/cities/nations
* Aiding development of certain areas and trying to convince them to join with you
* Whatever other projects you have in mind

Spoiler Blank map :

Terrain features on this map are huge. Mountains are the size of Himalayas, rivers are long, with fast flows and difficult to cross - think amazonas river. Around rivers and lakes on map you can assume to have more wetlands, smaller rivers and streams.

Spoiler Reservations (cultures) Map :


Cultures can spread over rivers and lakes, but their speed of spread is slowed.

Spoiler Climate map :



Spoiler Turn 0 :

Spoiler Nations map, w.o. names :


Spoiler Nations map, w. names :


Spoiler Trade map :



Spoiler Eastern :

Ah'la 60%

Oranto Lek Stenum 60%

Government: Lom'Jalna (lit. Meeting of the People) - direct democracy
Income: 325
Wages: 0
Spendable: 325

Ships :
Siege :


Ah'la 60%

Oranto Lek Stenum 60%

Government: Lom'Jalna (lit. Meeting of the People) - direct democracy
Income: 335
Wages: 0
Spendable: 335



Q'orok 60%

Qi-Tara 60%

Income: 305
Wages: 0
Spendable: 305



Q'orok 60%

Qi-Tara 60%

Government: High Council
Income: 350
Wages: 0
Spendable: 350




Q'orok 55%
Mouran 35%

Qi-Tara 35%

Income: 415
Wages: 0
Spendable: 415



Mouran 70%


Income: 525
Wages: 0
Spendable: 525



Mouran 70%
Freyjan 15%

Qi-Tara 10%

Income: 400
Wages: 0
Spendable: 400




Mouran 70%
Ah-la 10%


Income: 255
Wages: 0
Spendable: 255



Freyja 60%
Mouran 10%

Totemism 60%

Government: Shamanistic Matriarchy
Income: 370
Wages: 0
Spendable: 370



Freyja 60%
Mouran 25%

Totemism 60%

Income: 420
Wages: 0
Spendable: 420



Spoiler Central :

Dryadalis 60%

Veritatem 65%

Government: Monarchy
Income: 320
Wages: 0
Spendable: 320



Formor 60%

Animism 45%

Income: 325
Wages: 0
Spendable: 325



Formor 60%

Animism 35%

Income: 325
Wages: 0
Spendable: 325



Kanor 50%
Formor 15%
Tenori 35%

Kanorinism 45%

Government: Hereditary monarchy
Income: 465
Wages: 0
Spendable: 465



Kanor 50%
Formor 25%

Kanorinism 45%

Government: Hereditary monarchy
Income: 340
Wages: 0
Spendable: 340



Tenori 60%
Razgod 15%

Tenorism 35%

Government: The Council of Nursuries led by the Arch-Matriarch, or KanoTaSeh
Income: 325
Wages: 0
Spendable: 325



Tenori 60%
Razgod 25%

Tenorism 35%

Income: 375
Wages: 0
Spendable: 375



Spoiler Western :


Jadkaraia 60%

Jivanaism 45%

Income: 375
Wages: 0
Spendable: 375



Jadkaraia 60%
Bergan 10%

Jivanaism 45%

Government: Clan rule, as described in culture submission
Income: 475
Wages: 0
Spendable: 475



Kuttukar Essar
Adkuratur 60%
Hillfolk 25%

Adkuratur-Jivanan 55%

Government: Essar council
Income: 460
Wages: 0
Spendable: 460



Jinkudra Essar
Adkuratur 60%

Adkuratur-Jivanan 55%

Government: Essar council
Income: 450
Wages: 0
Spendable: 450



Assatur 60%

Assatur Polytheism 35%

Income: 495
Wages: 0
Spendable: 495



Hlanatal 60%

Hlanatalism 35%

Income: 360
Wages: 0
Spendable: 360



Hlanatal 60%
Assatur 15%

Hlanatalism 35%

Income: 540
Wages: 0
Spendable: 540



Althnaron 60%

Althnaronism 45%

Income: 390
Wages: 0
Spendable: 390



Althnaron 60%

Althnaronism 45%

Government: Dualistic Monarchy/Theocracy
Income: 435
Wages: 0
Spendable: 435



Stories and general reserve.
Update 0
The foundation

Spoiler :
Describes cultures, how they spread, how early nations formed and what were the main economic sources and livelihood for these primitive cultures back in the early days. Everything has to start from somewhere and this is the foundation!
Tenori, the Tenorii, Long &#8221;e&#8221;
Spoiler :
Starting Location: South of the Lake between Formor and Kanor
NOTE: It is important note that Tenori society is divided between the &#8220;Nursury&#8221; towns, dominated by Women, and includes children and elders, and the &#8220;Pack&#8221; villages/nomadic tribes, dominated by Men and includes &#8220;prizes&#8221;, AKA adopted boys

Society: In the Nursury, the religious title goes to Most Fertile Woman, or someone who has given successful birth three years in a row. If more than one achieves this, then the younger one wins the title unless the other has went on to four successful births. In the case of no new Most Fertile Woman, then either the most fertile daughter of the last Most Fertile Woman or the youngest Council of Mothers is chosen to represent the Nursury.
A Council of Mothers manage the town policies. Tradition (and thus age) is more important than ability, although often the older ones use the cunning of the younger instead of fighting it to support their causes.
Below them is the generic hodgepodge of merchants, craftswomen, ect, although in the Nursury a skillful craft is held higher than a nonskilled craft.
Then, everyone else who is not a slave is the lowest class, although they often have other privileges. This includes boys no &#8220;Pack&#8221; has adopted, men a &#8220;Pack&#8221; has abandoned, cripples, ect. These are not allowed to breed (unless it is a cripple of heroism) and are given tasks seen &#8220;fit&#8221; for them.

In the Pack, the Chief is the mightiest of them all, also known as the Alpha-wolf. Every year during the vernal equinox three men from within a pack can challenge him for control; generally throughout the year the men have already divided themselves according to strength with other duels. Although duels to be among those to challenge the Chief are generally to first blood, duels for the Chiefdom are to the death to minimize true opponents to the Chief&#8217;s rule.
There is no loss of honor for not challenging the Chief; it shows that a strong man respects a Chief&#8217;s authority. Usually such duels are common only when they suspect a Chief&#8217;s weakness such as sickness, or even *gasp*, mercy. To speak against the chief&#8217;s leadership itself, and not just individual decisions, without deciding to fight the next duel is paramount to death, however, via a thousand duels.
Any man is allowed to fight their way to Chiefdom.
Mirroring the Most Fertile Woman, the oldest man who can still keep up with the Pack on their daily run is the Foremost Wise Man.
The rest of the men are divided by ability more than tradition. An able youngster is given more respect than any Foremost Wise Man, or even a Chief.

Generally, each Nursury and Pack has several agreements with other Nursuries and Packs for certain meetings and ceremonies. These will start with trading and other mundane things, and will climax with a midnight religious ceremony where the Most Fertile Woman and the Foremost Wise Man couple in public. After that; orgy for the next generation!

All names are generally prefaced by the name of the Pack or Nursury when talking to outsiders.
A Women&#8217;s place in society is skill and knowledge, and they are known for what they are most skilled at, most knowledgeable at, their mother, and the Most Fertile Woman at the time of her birth. So Sarah Sword smith Darrenhold Sara Sarai; Her name is Sarah, her mother is Sarai and she is born during the leadership of Sara. She is a skilled sword smith and knows a lot about the Darrenhold.
One&#8217;s place in the social ladder depends on the number of children, especially those adopted early, as well as the relative importance of the skill and knowledge to the community they are in. High-ranked women heading for the Matriarchy are necessarily skillful and fertile.
A Man&#8217;s place in society is might and ability, and they are known by their rank, livelihood, largest game (generally with a knife), big brother and Foremost Wise Man. So: Jon Gamma Rabbit John Jonah is a man named Jon in the Gamma ranks, whose largest kill with the knife is a Rabbit and is adopted by John during the reign of Jonah.
One&#8217;s place in the social ladder depends on the number of victorious duels, but also one&#8217;s largest game and the rank of one&#8217;s Big Brother. A strong man wishing to be Chief would necessarily have defeated at least a Wolf and be among the top five fighters of a pack.

Values: The central value of Tenori society, whether the Pack or the Nursery, is Community. The entire Community is your family; your adopter is your Big Brother and your mother is your Mighty Mom, but these are the only &#8220;intimate familial&#8221; bonds; the social network generally encompass the entire group, with preferences within but still.
Nurseries praise Tradition as their secondary value. Even when cunning new generations of ambitious women become mothers, older Councilors usually co-opt them into their own schemes and sides instead of directly opposing their radical ideas, eventually turning them into a mirror of themselves.
Packs praise a mixture of Cunning and Bravery as their secondary value. If you kill a fox with poison, you get no glory. But if you kill fox with poison by letting it chase you down and shoving it into an earlier cut wound in close combat gives you applause for your ingenuity after you lost your knife.

The Nursuries worship Attulud, Goddess of Order, and the Packs venerate Goranul, God of Chaos. During the ceremony, the rite of coupling between the MFW and the FWM symbolizes the combination of Order and Chaos to create life, represented by a newcomer god, the Great Mother Wolf.

There are records of omens and such based on the different types of coupling between MFW and FWM during the ceremony, the intensity of cries and grunts. As they are the religious leaders, these are generally made by the Wolf-Chief or Matriarch while enjoying their temporary religious influence.

Other omens that the people ascribe to are the growth patterns of religious trees in Nursuries and the flight patterns of migrating animals for Packs.

Religiously very similar to Kanori, as their ideas have assimilated between each other. However, while the Kanori places more focus on Kanonin as a stronger God, the Tenori believe him to represent everything, of all things, during the coupling.

The Tenori has always been here, and so has the system of wandering hunting bands interacting with female camps providing clothes and shelter. However, the migration of slighty more advanced Tenori from the southeast, fleeing from the Kanori, brought ideas such as agriculture and metalworking. The divide between the homecamp and the hunting pack became greater and greater until it became stabilized and permanent, with Nursuries having various influence among the Packs that they rely on for food, raw materials and protection, while the Packs rely on shifting Nursury loyalties for new members, tools, and shelter.

Economic Base:
The Average Women spends her time working at perfecting her craft. The Average Men spends his time gathering raw materials, usually through hard labor such as agriculture, hunting, mining ect. The interconnection of the Nursury and the Pack is necessary for the survival of them both; exotic trade goods travel by interpack trading, or as heirlooms moving through towns and packs hand by hand.

Nation Names:
Pack/Pack Dominated Nations: Horde=Mor; Horde of 'Gori, of 'Ani, of 'Uli; of Kanasi the Wolf or Arsasi "the Bear": Brother=Enul'; Brothers of "Founder";
Nursery Dominated Nations: Crib=Tas; Crib of 'Ati, of 'Tuli, of 'Udi; of Dedai the Heron or Anasi the Spider; Sister=Elud'; Sisters of "Founder"
Example: Mor'Gori is a Horde, or a union of Packs, who claim the power of Goranul's "head".
Example: Tas'Tuli is a Crib, or a union of Nurseries, who claim the power of Attulud's "heart".
A very strong nation might claim the name Moretas'Tenorii "Union of all Tenorii" or Moretas'Kanogii, "Union of the World"

Person Names:
Male: Sal'en, Tal'en, Gar'en, Kan'en, Sar'en, Dea'ed, Nas'en; "Goremor'en; Anemor'en, Ulemor'en" for prophets. Kanase'en, Arsase'en, Tarsase'en are exclusively male
Female: Sal'ed, Tal'eh, Gar'eh, Kan'eh, Sar'eh, Deda'eh, Anas'eh; "Atetas'eh; Tuletas'eh; Udetas'eh" for prophets. Dedare'eh, Anasre'eh, Marsase'eh are exclusively female.
Shortened; can simply take out the ' in the en and the eh without too much muddling.

Most Fertile Woman=eLu'deh
Foremost Wise Man=eNu'len
Chief X (i.e. Ruler of a nation)= Kano(blank) such as KanoMoRen-Saren-Enul'Nasen is the shortened form of the Great Wolf-Chief Saren of the Brotherhood of Nasen.
If the ' is taken out, capitalize the second syllable as well. A hyphen connects such ranks to the main name.

Place Names: Lake=Deda'esas (heron); Island= Dedata'esak; Kanori River= Kanasi'esamo
For the place names, Lake Deda, Dedata island, and the Kanasi River are acceptable.
Naming is so complex. I'll do it later so I can get it right.

Tas'Dedai, The Crib of the Heron/Terrance888
Location: Dedata Island in Lake Deda
Capital: Dedate'esk
Government: The Council of Nursuries led by the Arch-Matriarch, or KanoTaSeh
Origin: Like all Tenori societies, the careful balance of trust and distrust between nurseries and packs between each other and among themselves was once preserved on Dedata Island. However, as the first weak metals are used and ships are built, the Nursery towns discovered their great advantage over men; they now own the ships necessary to fish, to travel, to communicate. Seeking to preserve this advantage, they and a few trustworthy packs formed an alliance, coerced the rest of the island into submission, and begun contemplating the idea of spreading their Matriarchal society further abroad.

Also, a Patriarchial Society near Kanor, to fight them. :D
Location: On the Kanasi River near Kanor
Capital: Kanase'enk
Government: High Wolf Chiefs, or KanoMoRen, are selected by their predecessor. After the succession (usually at the death of the predecessor), the top three Wolf Chiefs are allowed to duel for supremacy, as always.
Origin: The Wolf Pack was always strong after the Kanori invasion. The Nurseries looked to the strong arms of the Packs to defend them from the forces of the Kanor and fleeing, yet marauding, Tenori packs. Using this fear, the Packs demanded the giving of free weapons and shelter to their growing base at Kanase'enk, a fort just upstream of the Kanor's outposts just established across the river, and they begun selecting a single Wolf Chief to lead their combined forces, coordinating constant raids on the edge of the Kanori settlers.
Ah'La (trans. - people of the water)
Starting Location: Mouth of the river flowing into the eastern sea

Society: Ah'La society is based around familiar groupings known as Jhorum (lit. - 'Boats'). An average Jhor is made up of 4-6 families who traditionally co-own a vessel and co-habit a shared dwelling. Jhorum that do not work on water will usually have a shared asset such as a farm or trade to tie them together.
There are no strictly defined gender roles in Ah'La society, as a rule every member of a Jhor is expected to be proficient in all day-to-day tasks, although men tend to do the physical work. Women are able to assume any role in society they wish to, the only duty they are really required to do is nurse infants and even that is not necessary if another woman in the same Jhor is also nursing and willing to assist.
Although there is no prohibition against marrying within one's Jhor (with the exception of marriage to a blood relative) most weddings are between members of different Jhorum. There are no hard and fast rules as to whether the husband or wife should move between the Jhorum but it is traditional for the receiving Jhor to compensate the other for the loss of a valued member. In some cases both partners will leave their Jhor and establish a new one.
Authority among the Ah'La, both in indivudal Jhor and society as a whole, is gained by respect alone. Anyone who gains a reputation for wisdom, skill and fairness can expect to achieve a position of leadership regardless of age, gender or parentage.

Lineage: Parentage is less important than the prestige of ones Jhor. Sailors are more respected than landbound Ah'La with similar assets but individual actions are more the real societal measure.

Values: The Ah'La value community above all else. As a society based around seafaring they know the importance of teamwork and fairness.
Religion(s): Animist. They view the spirits of the waters - the Ah'Stenum - as the greatest spirits, seeing as them as both givers of life and bringers of death. Most revered of all is the Ah'Ki-Sten, the Great Spirit of the Water who has dominion over all streams and rivers and all lakes, seas and oceans that cover the world and the spirits that dwell therein. Other important spirits are the Kam'Stenum (spirits of the winds) and the Polam'Stenum (spirits of the fishes)

Past: The Ah'La were once a nomadic people sailing the coasts and rivers of the world. According to their legends a storm wrecked their jhorum on the shore they now inhabit, forcing them to settle while they repaired their vessels. Once the vessels were repaired many decided they were happy living on the shore and remained. Even those who took back to the waters found it comforting to have a place to return so the Ah'La as a culture, if not every individual member, became a settled people.
Economic Base: Fishing and sea/river trade are the most common economic activities of the Ah'La. Agriculture is becoming increasingly common and specialist trades are beginning to emerge.
Nation Names: Ki-Ah'La (lit. People of the Great Water [Sea]), Bes-Ah'La (lit. People of the Running Water [River]), Het-Ah'La (lit. People of the Flat Water [Lake]), Kethum'La (lit. People of the Islands), Ah'Tenn-La (lit. First People of the Water)
Person Names, Male: Jolka, Hitha, Kol, Metna, Linaa, Neret
Person Names, Female: Honi, Foral, Gethi, Voro, Biari, Sitri
Place Names: Lek Ki-Ah (sea), Lek Bes-Ah (river), Ki-Keth (large island), Ki-Keth'An-Ta (causeway to the large island), Ah'La'Ki-Ken (city)
Basic Language Notes:
Adjectives and adverbs are prefixed to their subject with a dash (ex. Ki-Ah = Great Water)
Verbs are preceded by their subject and succeeded by their objects. Verbs are not conjugated but do have tense. All present and ambiguous tense verbs end in -to, past tense ends in -tan and future tense ends in -tel.
Subjects of possessive staments are suffixed with an apostrophe (ex Ah'La = People of the Water)
Pluralisation is accomplished by adding -m (if the singular ends in a vowel sound) or -um (if it ends with a consonant) (ex. ka [wind] -> kam [winds], jhor [boat] -> jhorum [boats])
Ki-Keth'An-Ta = Narrow Road of the Great Island
Ah'La'Ki-Ken = Great Dwelling of the People of the Water

Name: Ah'La (among themselves), Ki-Ah'La (among other Ah'La communities), Ah'Tenn-La (when it is absolutely necessary to distinguish nation from culture)
Capital: Ah'La'Ki-Ken
Location: As culture
Preferred colour: Blue-green
Government: Lom'Jalna (lit. Meeting of the People) - direct democracy

Oranto Lek Stenum (lit. doing honour to the spirits) - animist

Culture Name: Dryadalis(Noun) Dryadales(Plural) Dryadalum (Adjective)

Starting Location: Here
Spoiler :

Society: Dryadales are a Monarchy. One person (the Imperator) rules his people. He has absolute power. The sex which rules does not matter to Dryadales, as they have no stereotypes of the opposite gender. The only way to become a ruler is if you are the legal heir to the throne. However there are many ranks within the culture. Even the poorest peasent can earn a rank, and obtain the highest position atainable for non-royals, Custos or Guardian.
Ranks are obtained by the Imperator himself, and no one else. This is how people know who is who and if the rank is real. Along with the rank, the Dryadale gets a ring called the Anulum Honoris. There are 5 different rings. Polished Oak, Iron, Bronze, Silver and Ruby. Only 2-3 have the ruby ring in one major city. The only people who have the ruby ring is the Custos.
In this way, no one can make false claims.
Dryadales use slavery, only if the person is of another culture. Slavery on another Dryadale is an immediate death sentence.
A slave can become of Dryadalis culture if he/she lives with their owner for 5 years and if they get permission from their owners and the Imperator. All Dryadales can be identified from their accent, which sounds like an Orc but more lighter as well as faster. They also have a blue marking on their arm when born. A slave can obtain this by getting it imprinted by the Imperator. They use the blood of a deceased which gets in-graved on their arm.
Honour holds a very high place for a Dryadale. Even in war, the way you fight must not be barbaric. This is the reason why Dryadales are highly advanced in their society.
In the family, the mother is most important and must always have first preferance. The father is usually the bread winner and the leader of the house. Sons are usually preferred over daughters, as they are the key to the family name surviving. However, female may keep their maiden name if they choose to.

Lineage: A Dryadale can find out who he/she is through their fathers line. The father is seen as an equal to the mother.
Your starting place depends on who your father was. However this can be changed if you want it to. Those born to the King will be the legal heir.

Values:Those with the higher skill level will rise, and those who can do nothing will fall. Wealth can only take you so far, your hard-work will make you stand out. There are Kings and Slaves, but Slaves are only allowed if they are of another culture. Honour is more important than any thing, and if you are honourable in life, you will live a great after-life.

Religion(s) Veritatem is the name of the religion. There are 2 gods. Luminaria is the High God of Caelo or Heaven, and all worship him. Calidum is the Dark God of Infernum or Hell. If you hold high Honour in your life, you will live a great afterlife. Darkness will await those who cause chaos.
Honour can save your life from Infernum. If you guilty of a crime and admit it, all you must do is kill yourself to live in Caelo with Luminaria.
War is considered chaos if it is unreasonable, but Dryadales will fight if they must, and are amazing Warriors.

Past: They say Dryadales evolved from Orcs, but saw the goodness in life, and became more intelligent. They settled on this world about 1000 years ago, and have built a lasting legacy. They speak a different version of modern day Latin and Basque

Economic Base: One earns his living if one is good at what he does. The King may sometimes earn less than an outstanding Artist. The Imperator does what is best for his people. Most Dryadales earn their living off farming and hunting. Forestry is also common. The wealthier Dryadales earn their living off Art, Sculpting, and taxes, if they work in the Regium, The Royal House.
Nation Names: Vallelux, Civatalux, Dryaterrae, Drya, Vulleum, Terrahonora, Rivendella, Flumenlux, Regium Drydalis.
Person Names: Legonis, Verror, Tonis, Unum, Faber (Males)
Legonia, Tonia, Laylonia, Genoria, Eoin, Glendayle (Females)
Place Names: Caelo (Heaven), Infernum (Hell), Draconis Tectum, Argia, Erraldoia Tenplua, Dryadalia, Duende (Cities), Azkarura (rivers), Munduan (The World)

Rivendella - Mickzter97
Capital: Rivendella (Yes it's the same as the nation)
Culture: Dryadalis
Religion: Veritatem
Government: Monarchy
Location: Same as Culture
Colour: Dark Yellow
Description: Once the Capital of the Great Empire of Dramaydos, Rivendella lies in ruins. Rivendellians come back to try and restore the cities former glory. Dryadales, followers of Veritatem, come together and form a new nation based on the legend of Rivendella, in hope of glory and riches.
Starting Location: On a River on one of the Inland Seas (Or between the two seas)
Society: CLan based. There are ostensibly two different classes of leaders in Formor Society, and, depending on clan, the power balance is different. Regardless, in all clans, there is a Chief, who rules over the physical world, and a Council of Elders, who have absolute authority in all matters spiritual. The Influence these two bodies hold over individual clans depends alot on the clan and the charisma of the Various Members, and the ability of the two to work together. However, only the Chiefs are the ones to attend the clan meetings.
Lineage: On the whole, within a clan, there are loose, but distinct classes, with much social mobility. However, some clans are more prestigious than others, and then wield more power.
Values: Independence is valued.
Religion(s): Very Animist religion, though with a more structured religious society Emerging, with the Earth and the Wolf Spirit as the Greatest of the Pantheon.

Past: The Fomor have lived in this area from Time Immemorial.
Economic Base: Clans make do with the resources in their area, and trade it to other members of the Fomor Confederation. Clans on lake sides fish, while those in the woods hunt, and so on. Clans on the rivers, however, have recently begun exploiting the trade travelling downriver.
Nation Names: Devhin-Mor, Gramor, Treyto-Mor, Culmor
Person Names: Thomin, Laudin, Gravin, (Chief names, used for both Genders)
Thorol, Laudol, Gravol (Any not of the Lines of the Cheifs.)
Surnames tend to be based on the clans, which are named after animals. A particularly important person may receive an advective, by which their descendants may be known (Strongman, Wisewoman, etc.)

Nation Stats
Culmor - Thomas.Berubeg
Located On the main water-channel, central to Formor Culture.
Description: Soon.
The Jadkaraia

Starting Location: Straddling the two peninsulas in the western sea

Society: Jadkarai society is one of bloodlines. Each family belongs to a clan, each clan consisting of between five and thirty Higher families who marry amongst each other, with a single ruling family of the clan. Each family has a single male head of the house. Although this is typically the eldest surviving adult male, in has become common practice in recent times to retire from that position before death. Each clan holds dominion over a single larger political entity, and within that each family within the clan has its own land, pledging allegiance to the ruling family. There are many Commoner families under the rule of the Higher clansmen; these are not factored in.

The Jadkarai will not enslave a member of their own kind. Non-Jadkarai who have been captured by Jadkarai raiders or warriors face a life of slavery, but children of a Jadkarai and a non-Jadkarai are born free. Speaking of raiders and warriors, the Jadkarai's warlike nature has begun to be focused on the lands around them; to a Higher, leading a successful raid is seen as a great honor. Being on the coast, the Jadkarai are adept sailors. Metals have also begun to see use, mostly in the form of tools or weapons.

Lineage: Jadkarai society has two levels of families: Higher and Commoner. Higher families are the "nobles;" they are the ruling Jadkarai. Somewhere between one and five percent of all families are Higher. That does not mean Highers and Commoners are forever separated; in fact, to become Higher, a member of the family must commit an act of valor or bravery, and then the ruling family of the clan that holds dominion over their land may bestow the honor of being Higher on that family. Commoners are those that are not Higher; most are farmers or fishermen, but there is a growing number that practice a trade or are merchants. While patriarchal families are the most common, there are rare cases of matriarchs.

Values: The Jadkaraia value honor above all. Duels are an accepted part of life. If a family member has done a bad deed, (s)he can be disowned. The same applies for entire families; in rare cases, a Higher family can have its rank stripped by their clan ruling family. Being disowned is considered the worst possible status among the Jadkaraia. Loyalty is also important; loyalty to your family and your clan. A good death is desirable after a noble life; thus, euthanasia is commonplace in Jadkarai society. While learning and reason are not as important as honor or loyalty, many Higher do become scholars.

Religion(s): The Jadkaraia do not believe in "gods" per se; they believe that there is an underlying entity behind the universe, which they call Jivana, and that that entity manifests itself in all physical objects, seeing all. Jivana is not a being; rather, it is an all-seeing force, which can be tapped into. This entity naturally judges the actions of sentient souls, and as such the Jadkaraia believe in Dustaya, which we would call karma.
The Jadkaraia believe that this earth, which they call Visvada, is only one world in a long cycle of worlds; in fact, it is the seventh world, out of fifteen. The first in this cycle of worlds is a paradise called Modala, where souls can flow outside the confines of a body. However, Jivana has punished Modala for corruption, and Modala is dying. To reach salvation in the final world, another paradise called Konaya, souls must endure thirteen lives, all lived nobly, confined within human bodies. If at death, Jivana decides that one has lived nobly, he may pass to the next world in the sequence. If not, then one is reborn in the same world. One never remembers anything about his or her previous temporal life.

Past: The Jadkarai have tannish skin, and look almost like Arabs, Maghrebs, or Indians, but closest to Arabs - dark tan skin, dark brown or black hair. They believe that they have not always lived along the shore of the sea - according to legend, the first Jadkarai came from the eastlands eons ago. They believe that Jivana drew them to where they currently live, and the sea. Other than that, not much is known.

Economic Base: Depending on where one lives, much of the economy is based on farming or fishing. It is no longer subsistence agriculture/fishing in most parts; now there is a growing number of Jadkarai who do other things in life. Jadkarai artisans and tradesmen pass on their craft via a form of apprenticeship.

Nation Names: Bhumi, Niru, Benki, Gali, Nirmala, Mara, Kabbina
Person Names: Dhanvada, Cannanbilla, Yadav, Kamath, Kundu, Murthy, Bulusu
Place Names: Devalaya, Sagara, Parvata, Akasa, Sthala, Kare, Kadu

Name: Mara
Capital: Devalaya
Location: Southern tip of western peninsula
Preferred colour: Midnight blue
Government: Clan rule, as described in culture submission
Still writing up the culture description, but I would like this spot:

Looking forward to it. :)
Culture name:Kanor
Starting Location: On the coast of the southwestern sea where the rivers meet.
Society: For the leadership, there is a king. When the king dies, the country's nobles elect a new king, but it can only be from males descended from the former King. If there are no males, the new king can be picked from any males related to the former King by blood. The next rank, Nobles, rule over a certain area, though their laws can be vetoed by the King. Nobles are picked in whatever way the area picked a ruler before they were unified by the Kanori, which ranges from voting to hereditary rule to a duel to the death. A person can become a slave as a punishment, or as captured people from other nations. It is hereditary, but if a "Kanoranakid" (heroic deed) is performed and judged by the noble or owner, the slave will be freed.
Lineage: The Kanori do not have an official caste system beyond the Nobles, but the children generally get a social status based on their parents, and rich families stay rich by passing on their riches to their children. In marriage, the wife generally takes on the social status of the husband, but that depends on how much money the wife brings into the family.
Values: The Kanori value riches and loyalty to the King. Most people are neutral about war, and will not attack unprovoked, but it doesn't take much to provoke them.
Religion(s): When the original Kanori came to the valley and conquered the much more numerous, but less advanced inhabitants, the Tenori, they brought with them their god, Kanorin, the "god of all that is." (the Formor's Great Earth and Wolf Spirit under a different name) However, the original inhabitants had two gods, Attulud, the god of Order, and Goranul, the god of Chaos. Eventually, the other two gods assimilated into Kanori society, and the two original gods are worshiped by all as slightly lesser gods.
Past: Kanorid the Conqueror was the leader of a Formor band of hunters who were tired of being bossed around by the female-dominated Formor society, and set off southwest to the Dalid Kanorat on horseback. Once their, they encountered the then-tribal Tenori. Though the natives had greater numbers, Kanorid and his horde overran the Tenori, some of which escaped to the east. Once the Tenori were dealt with, Kanorid began the process of building a city right at the Dagal Dalil, Kanoris. After crowning himself as the King of Kanoris, Kanorid began to worry about a possible Tenori rebellion once they had access to advanced technology. In response, he appointed the former Tenori chiefs as Nobles, who would be picked in the old ways that that tribe preferred, and could create laws, though the King could veto them. With that, the city-state of Kanoris was founded, and their descendants spread their culture across the land.
Economic Base: Though people try to be self-sustainable, with every self-respecting family owning at least a garden, one can generally get a job with rich people or Nobles, doing something that slaves are considered to lowly to do. There is a currency, the Konores, made out of bronze and silver.
Nation Names: Kanoris, Kanorim, Kanoram, Kanoret, Kanorum.
Person Names: Kanoral, Kanorlund, Kanorit, Kanorak, Kanorod (male), Kanoraled, Kanorlunded, Kanorited, Kanoraked, Kanoroded (female)
Place Names: Kanoris (city) Daga Kanorat (larger nearby river) Dalid Kanorat (smaller nearby river), Kanorav (sea), Kanorog (the World), Dagal Dalil (place where the rivers meet)

Starting Location: In the valley of the hill range to the SE
Society: Matriachal society dominated by a Shamaness. Children tend to follow in the trades of their parents. Men are hunter/gatherers/farmers/warriors, while the women lead, create crafts, weapons and tools.
Lineage: Strong family ties. Inheiritance follows from mother to daughter, with the eldest taking half, then the next daughter taking half of what remains, etc. The last 'half' is given as tribute to the Shamaness. The men are judged by how much food they bring in, and the most prolific hunters may take multiple wives, just as the richest women may take multiple men. Marriages are not permanent, and any children are the wards of the mother alone. The dead are burned in a cool fire (not really cool, but not so hot that the bones burn). The bones are buried in rock mounds, and the skull is decorated in extravagant fashion. Some skull totems are kept by the family, some are kept at the mound, but all are sacred. Skilled skull-crafters are among the holiest of tradeswomen.

Values: Deeply spiritual, they view crafting as a holy art. The perfection of a single task is considered a life well spent. They are highly specialized.
Religion(s): Totemic pantheism. Any created object is both a symbol of a God, and a God in itself. The act of creation is perfomed in gratitude for having been created. The greatest sin imaginable is to live without making. They have no qualms about selling their crafts, but they retain the best examples for themselves. The skull totems are a form of ancestor worship, but they are more worshipping the totem than the ancestor.

Past: We were formed of the hills and valleys, and are created in their image. That is why women are more holy than men. We have lived in these hills since the sun made the moon. Once the ore was found and we could make our gods real, we settled and made contact with the barbarians of the plains.
Economic Base: Trade is the major driver of the economy. Our totems, tools, and weapons are not many, but they are the finest in all creation. The menfolk hunt for meat and tend the plants, for all they create is temporary, and the divinity drains out like water on a gravel bed. When the young men get the wanderlust, they are sent out with a satchel of goods and a week's supply of food. If they return (they usually do, empty-handed, hungover, and dejected), they are allowed to choose a path - hunter, warrior, or farmer. Women begin learning a trade from an early age and once started, almost never vary from that path. They are permitted to bear as many children as they can feed, and keep as many husbands as they can attract. The girls who are attuned to the spirits, however, may never lay with a man if they hope to be a shamaness, for she must only commune with the divine.
Nation Names: Freyja, The Freyjar, Freyjarii
Person Names:
Helmen, the warrior, who united the warring hill clans in the battles of Mart and Holm
Rothar, the first Shamaness, who taught the art of skull-carving to her seven daughters
Camdir, the thief, who stole the secrets of the ore and brought them back to Freyja
Marntok, the hunter, who passed unheard and unseen into the Pazryk caves and slew the sleeping bear-king
Prombra, the legendary smith, who forged a sword so sharp it could cut a man in two

Aalthanya, High Shamaness and spiritual and political leader of the Freyja
Prootar, War Chief and huntsmaster, wields the Sword of Prombra

For the mod:
Just jam two hard syllables together. I can't be bothered to invent a linguistic tradition :D
Place Names:
Marten, Holmgren, Fretah, Barnst - Cities, north, west, east, and south, respectively
Pollack, Kandinst - The northern and southern hill (mountain?) ranges, respectively

Nation Name: Freyja - hbar
Capital: Fretah
Gov't: Shamanistic Matriarchy
Religion: Totemism
Starting Location: On the southern edge of the eastern sea
Society: The Q'orok are an established, semi-tribal culture (tribal units tend to be composed of about five hundred to a thousnd people) based on trade. Those with the ability to deal with other tribes usually rise to high positions and lead delegations to the entirely trade-based meets occurring about once every season, rotating through the major Q'orok villages. The Q'orok are primarily matriarchal and inheritance is primarily awarded to the eldest daughter, although men are allowed to hold high positions if they prove the most suitable. This is rare, however, as the women are usually considered to naturally have more of the needed skills. The Qorok keep few slaves - some villages keep none - and any child of a slave is free and a full member of the Q'orok. Slavery is only used as a punishment, for crimes such as large-scale theft and some forms of murder.
Lineage: One's ancestors are traced through the female line. Successful ancestors can be of assistance in gaining a high position in one's tribe, although the primary factor in this tends to be skill in diplomacy and bartering. Respectable success in trade is basically guaranteed to get you a place in the tribal inner council.
Values: People skills are valued above all else, although the wealthy are, naturally, considered to have had some success and therefore achieve higher standing.
Religion: The Q'orok worship a trio of gods, the god of destiny *Rill*, the god of wisdom *Nostor* and the goddess of luck, who is revered to the point that her name is never mentioned, and few even know it. War is considered unnecessary and wrong, and the Q'orok avoid it at almost all costs.
Past: The Q'orok became sedentary about three hundred years ago, having previously been a number of ethnically linked nomadic groups of traders travelling the cradle. Their society has been the same way since time immemorial, and nobody really knows where it came from - it is considered to work well, though, and so has undergone very few changes since the Q'orok settled.
Economic Base: One does what they can, and every effort is taken to ensure a reasonable standard of life for each member of the tribe; in short, the tribal unit is a commune.
Nation Names: Q'orok-Nostor, Q'orok-Rill, Q'orok-She (as a stand-in for the luck goddess), Jirnuk, Niyir, Tara, Hiski
Person Names: Da Nerrif (male), Cana Tak Bersa (female), Esria Torna (female), Istar Wani (either), Debren Res (male), Melle Ren Isska (female), Inneda Asda (female), Nostorin Fes (male), Qara Nas (either). Switch around first/last names to make other names if you want.
Place Names: Nostora, Rillken, Hiskim, Resa, Mekkel, Vis, Brase, Xaran, Q'oros, Sarda, Wirik

Name: Q'orok-Tara
Capital: Q'oros
Location: As culture
Preferred colour: Lemon Yellow
Government: High Council - the six high chiefs meet in a democratic council

Religion: Qi-Tara (from qia, three, and tara, glorious: glory to the three: tritheistic pantheonistic religion)

The dominant Q'orok polity, Tara (the glorious nation) is also perhaps the most idealistic. While bribery might in other nations get you direct access to high office, in Tara a ballot is held. While any high position is held for life as per tradition, Tarani voting means this method would, at least, require a massive amount of wealth. And of course, as the Q'orok saying goes: if the wealthy become powerful as well, shouldn't they use both their money and power for the tribe's benefit?

Q'orok-Tara rose to power mainly through assimilating other polities. So much intermarriage between the Tarani and other Q'orok nations occurred that eventually the other nations became more Tara than anything. This has resulted in Tarani dominance, and their growth to be a respectable power.
Ah'La (trans. - people of the water)
Name: Ah'La (among themselves), Ki-Ah'La (among other Ah'La communities), Ah'Tenn-La (when it is absolutely necessary to distinguish nation from culture)
Capital: Ah'La'Ki-Ken
Location: As culture
Preferred colour: Blue-green
Government: Lom'Jalna (lit. Meeting of the People) - direct democracy

Oran Sten (lit. praise given to the spirits) - animist

Nice and easly readable submission, thank you :)


Culture Name: Dryadalis(Noun) Dryadales(Plural) Dryadalum (Adjective)

Starting Location: Here
Spoiler :

Rivendella - Mickzter97
Capital: Rivendella (Yes it's the same as the nation)
Culture: Dryadalis
Religion: Veritatem
Government: Monarchy
Location: Same as Culture
Colour: Dark Yellow
Description: Once the Capital of the Great Empire of Dramaydos, Rivendella lies in ruins. Rivendellians come back to try and restore the cities former glory. Dryadales, followers of Veritatem, come together and form a new nation based on the legend of Rivendella, in hope of glory and riches.

I see you replaced the crown with a ring, this is much more realistic, but again, I have a question, are there different rings for different ranks?

Starting Location: On a River on one of the Inland Seas (Or between the two seas)
Nation Stats
Culmor - Thomas.Berubeg
Located On the main water-channel, central to Formor Culture.
Description: Soon.
Culmor shall it be.

The Jadkaraia

Starting Location: Straddling the two peninsulas in the western sea
Nice submission, do you have a nation with a name and government type already in mind, or shall I just randomly create a nation using names provided by you? Any preferred color

Nation name:Culture Name Kanoris, Adjective: Kanor (singular), Kanori (plural)
. With that, the city-state of Kanoris was founded, and their descendants spread their culture across the land.
Economic Base: Though people try to be self-sustainable, with every self-respecting family owning at least a garden, one can generally get a job with rich people or Nobles, doing something that slaves are considered to lowly to do. There is a currency, the Konores, made out of bronze and silver.
Nation Names: Kanorin, Attulud, Goranul, (gods), Kanorid (founder)
Person Names: Kanoral, Kanorlund, Kanorit, Kanorak, Kanorod (male), Kanoraled, Kanorlunded, Kanorited, Kanoraked, Kanoroded (female)
Place Names: Kanoris (city) Daga Kanorat (larger nearby river) Dalid Kanorat (smaller nearby river), Kanorav (sea), Kanorog (the World), Dagal Dalil (place where the rivers meet)

I 'corrected' Nation names (which appeares twice) and replaced it with Culture name, that's what you had in mind, correct?
Also, Correct me if I got it wrong - Kanoris as nation name, Kanoris as city name and Kanori as culture name? It'd help if you'd edit the post and add nation specifics.

Person Names:
Helmen, the warrior, who united the warring hill clans in the battles of Mart and Holm
Rothar, the first Shamaness, who taught the art of skull-carving to her seven daughters
Camdir, the thief, who stole the secrets of the ore and brought them back to Freyja
Marntok, the hunter, who passed unheard and unseen into the Pazryk caves and slew the sleeping bear-king
Prombra, the legendary smith, who forged a sword so sharp it could cut a man in two

Aalthanya, High Shamaness and spiritual and political leader of the Freyja
Prootar, War Chief and huntsmaster, wields the Sword of Prombra

For the mod:
Just jam two hard syllables together. I can't be bothered to invent a linguistic tradition :D
Place Names:
Marten, Holmgren, Fretah, Barnst - Cities, north, west, east, and south, respectively
Pollack, Kandinst - The northern and southern hill (mountain?) ranges, respectively

Nation Name: Freyja
Capital: Fretah
Gov't: Shamanistic Matriarchy
Religion: Totemism
1. I did not know that there are
tags. 2. Any preferred color?

Same question to you as I asked from SouthernKing.


Current reservations.

Gem Hound - If you want to self create a nation, you should still mark the general area and tell me its name and government type. If you wish to pick a NPC after update 0, could you please tell me, then I won't wait for nation submission.

lord_joakim - Will it be culture or a nation? :p

Wiki - if you wish to ease my work using info provided by you in updates, then please, fill the wiki. Those who work on the wiki will get bonuses, just like the ones who write stories. Please also register/log in, so I'd know who did what.

When writing update 0, I will use info provided in only post that contain both your nation and your culture submissions. I will not scavenge through several pages, looking for info snippets through both Pre-NES and this thread. So, have all finalized info in one post.You do not have to edit first post to include questions I've asked from you. I'll remember. On turn 1 I'll start using wiki and your stories, rather than your first post.​
Oh, forgot that.

Name: Q'orok-Tara
Capital: Q'oros
Location: As culture
Preferred colour: Lemon Yellow
Government: High Council - the six high chiefs meet in a democratic council

Religion: Qi-Tara (from qia, three, and tara, glorious: glory to the three: tritheistic pantheonistic religion)

Do you want me to edit this into my other post?
Oh, forgot that.

Name: Q'orok-Tara
Capital: Q'oros
Location: As culture
Preferred colour: Lemon Yellow
Government: High Council - the six high chiefs meet in a democratic council

Religion: Qi-Tara (from qia, three, and tara, glorious: glory to the three: tritheistic pantheonistic religion)

Do you want me to edit this into my other post?

Edit it into other posts - then I can take all stats, name and whatever else I need from that post and don't have to go through several pages looking for some information on X.
OK, done.
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