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NZ ships banned from Pearl Harbour


Jan 18, 2008
Damn you have to laugh, our troops are in Afghanistan yet our ships are banned from docking in Pearl Harbour.
Nope, that is only for allies like Russia.
The US navy is confused, this will make us change our nuclear policy, nope, all it will do is end up with us having as many troops in Afghanistan as Russia.
Slow learners the US Navy, they tried leaning on us thirty years ago which ended up with our right wing party realising that they would stay out of power unless they supported the no nukes policy, weapons and power.

Hey, you won't let our ships dock in yours, why should we let you dock in ours? :p
Well, what's New Zealand gonna do about it?
Hey, you won't our ships dock in yours, why should we let you dock in ours? :p

You are welcome to dock your conventional powered ships in our ports.
There never has been a ban on conventional US ships in NZ ports, but the US navy and political allies got the pip and act as if all US ships were banned.
We did have a commonsense US ambassador in the early nineties who wanted US coast guard cutters to come to NZ, that did not happen.
Well they can do something you guys can't, take the moral high ground ;)

It doesn't seam as if anyone has the moral high ground anymore.

You are welcome to dock your conventional powered ships in our ports.
There never has been a ban on conventional US ships in NZ ports, but the US navy and political allies got the pip and act as if all US ships were banned.
We did have a commonsense US ambassador in the early nineties who wanted US coast guard cutters to come to NZ, that did not happen.

NZ's 1987 Anti-Nuclear legislation bans American nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed ships, potentially the entire US Navy. Denial of fair portage in peacetime is a violation of the Law of the Sea. You may dock your Kiwi ships in a nearby civilian harbor - a more reasonable attitude than NZ's stay-out-of-our-twelve-mile-limit rule.
NZ has a navy ?
I thought you were down to row boats and sailors armed with empty beer bottles.
It all seems rather childish to me, especailly since NZ is finally participating in the Rimpac exercises:


"I don't think it's any big deal. The fact is we are in Rimpac for the first time in 28 years. We signed that Washington Declaration last week which was a high-level document so I wouldn't expect to be briefed on all the operational details on Rimpac."

Diplomatic relations between the US and New Zealand have thawed substantially in the past five years. The thaw has been driven by the State Department, with more resistance over the years from the Pentagon and especially the US Navy to concessions to New Zealand.

New Zealand was suspended by the Anzus defence alliance after it passed anti-nuclear legislation in 1987 banning nuclear armed or propelled vessels from its ports. The law has not impeded ship visits to New Zealand from other nuclear countries including Britain, France and China. Questions are never asked and it is presumed that vessels they send comply with the law.

But the US continues to view the law as a challenge to its policy of neither confirming nor denying the nuclear capability of its vessels.

The US Navy refuses to visit New Zealand ports while the anti-nuclear law remains, and it has clearly reciprocated by banning New Zealand from its military ports.
...Wait, I thought NZ deny our ships to their port. I could be wrong, navy policy isn't my thing.
Damn you have to laugh, our troops are in Afghanistan yet our ships are banned from docking in Pearl Harbour.
Nope, that is only for allies like Russia.
The US navy is confused, this will make us change our nuclear policy, nope, all it will do is end up with us having as many troops in Afghanistan as Russia.
Slow learners the US Navy, they tried leaning on us thirty years ago which ended up with our right wing party realising that they would stay out of power unless they supported the no nukes policy, weapons and power.


Feel free to take your toys and go home.
...Wait, I thought NZ deny our ships to their port. I could be wrong, navy policy isn't my thing.

Only nuclear-armed or nuclear-powered ships. If you're willing to declare that you're not armed with nukes, you can dock in New Zealand.

Of course, the US has a policy of never declaring whether they're armed with nukes or not, so... :shrug:

All that I picked up from the thread, so it might not be absolute fact.
I see no issue here.

The US can reciprocate and so what? I guess I can see the childish slant to this story, but I don't entirely agree with it. The fact is the US is banned from NZ ports (or forced to declare their ships nuclear-free, which apparently is seen as a security issue). The NZ prime minister is appearing to take this decision the correct way.

The more surprising story here, for me, is that Russia is participating.
Can someone tell me where Old Zealand is and what it is called now?
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