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OFW2 "The Roman capitol killing atheists"

Originally posted by Puppeteer
@TedJackson, thanks! I agree with roadnet and warriors->Legionaires.
Of course I meant Legions (which defend better than Spears and still attack at 3) :)

Don't we have to declare war on a religious civ as soon as we make contact with them. So i think we should declare war on Egypt.
I will have to finish reading the posts, tonight, tomorrow, I will probably start my play tomorrow and post by wednesday, sorry for the breif delay.
Originally posted by conehead234
Don't we have to declare war on a religious civ as soon as we make contact with them. So i think we should declare war on Egypt.
Well, I never saw any Egyptian units or borders and never spoke w/Cleo. I just happened to notice her face on F4 before ending turn 9, so I wasn't sure that counted as contact; in fact I dont always flip through F4 at the end of the turn so I might have easily missed her. (Someone sold her contact with us; I didn't get contact with her. Also I'm pretty sure I checked F4 or trades in turn 8 and she wasn't there/contact w/Egypt was for sale.) I expected her to contact me in the 9/10 IT making it a moot point, but she didn't contact me.

I would've definitely declared immediately upon direct contact, seeing a unit or seeing the border, but as it is I'm not sure if I broke the rules or not. :spank: :confused:

But it's certainly up for discussion if OFW is obligated to declare war immediately upon opening the save.

Come to think of it, if we open F4 and it says we have a peace treaty (blue line) then we're definitely obligated to declare IMO. If there's no red/blue line then I'm not sure what the answer is. We definitely don't have a turn-specified treaty since we haven't spoken, and I think there is no peace/war line until you speak with them, but I usually contact and trade so fast that I'm not sure.

I probably should've done it anyway. I guess I was feeling defensive and not wanting to provoke more war than absolutely necessary, but since we haven't seen Egypt yet then they're probably far enough away to not be a threat for quite some time.

Yeah, I guess I was bad; I knew I could talk to her and didn't inform her she's scum. My bad. :sniper: :spank:
We probably won't get back to Lehas turn before 3 days, so all is cool.

Okay, so. I plan to settle our nesxt city NE of Horses on the hill. I probably will let the spear finish in Veii (escort)and start a settler there. Since Rome ATM is our only barracks, I will probably start pumping out warriors and leave them there for upgrade. I will also probably switch 2 of the other towns to workers. This leaves the last town, I relly would like to have another barracks to produce vet units, however, I am not sure how many turns that would take( I would like Cumae to have a barracks) but I may just pump out regular warriors, not sure yet. I do not want the iron hooked until I have sufficient untis and cash to upgrade.

Also I do intend to tell Cleo that she should not have made herself known to us. (yes if we intend to dedclare war, then we should make contact when they appear on diplo screen, sorry if that was not clear, but no biggie)

Also, I would have to say that after lit is done we should go for republic as our form of government.

Also, I should tell you that even though we are going for conquest. All victory conditions were left on.
Originally posted by OneFastWarrior
Also I do intend to tell Cleo that she should not have made herself known to us. (yes if we intend to dedclare war, then we should make contact when they appear on diplo screen, sorry if that was not clear, but no biggie)
I should've known, but I sissied out. For what it's worth, if you declare before ending the turn we only had her contact for 1 turn.

Republic sounds good to me if everyone thinks we can handle the WW.

Good info on the victory conditions. I had wondered about that. We'll have to watch for domination later. I doubt we'll have to worry about other civs launching ships. :D We may have to watch other civs' culture, though.
This is a PM from Leha

From Leha
Please , tell guys I have serious problems with one of mods here and have to leave CFC . Sorry . Have a nice play .

So, I guess That means Leha is not coming back?! So we have 5, If someone wants the spot, It's early and Your welcome.
I am fine with 5 or 6. I might post in SG registry if need be.
I'm easy. 5, 6, whatever. I'm sorry to see Leha leaving, though. :(

I've been reading SGs for just a couple of weeks, but I've seen several people banned. If I'm doing anything that might get me banned someone please let me know. I know I've posted a whole bunch the past two days; hopefully that's not considered spamming.
Preturn-- I notice that we are on the end of turn 68, we lost a couple of turns somewhere, we should be on the end of turn 70(1250BC). I am going to take 11 turns, Conehead234 take 11 turns and we will be back on track of 10 turns each.

I change Rome to Worker and mm to not waste shields. Antium, Cumae and Neapolis changed to warriors.
Trade WM to Greece for TM and 24 gold. Trade WM to Carthage for TM and 2 gold. Trade WM to Korea for TM and 18 gold, Trade WM to China for TM and 14 gold.
Contact Egypt and declare war.
Mive Spear and settler out of Rome. Increase Lux to 30%.
Build Embassy in Korea for 43 gold, they have no strategic resources 2 spears defending and are building the Oracle(24 turns).

1. 1275BC Move archer into Rome, lower lux to 10%. Unfortunately, I start building roads in forests near Veii. We have an average military campared to Egypt.

2. 1250BC Rome-worker>warrior. Antium-warrior>worker. Lux to 0%

IBT China completes pyramids.

3. 1225BC Jungle Boogie locates Indias border, they are very close. did we find our 1st victim? move archer out of Veii to join 2 others in Rome. hire clown in Veii. I move Bert into Greece to get a better look at them.

IBT Greece tells us to leave.

4. 1200BC Rome-warrior>warrior. Veii-Spearman>settler. Neapolis-warrior>worker.
Carthage, Egypt and Greece are building the Oracle.
Lux to 20%. have to hire Scientist in Antium, Science to 0%.
Jungle Boogie moves to mountain top next to India, spots spear in town(unknown name) and barb camp just outside there borders.
Found Pompeii on hill NE of Horses next to Greece. start worker.
Move 3 archers out of Rome towards Antium.

5. 1175BC Cumae-warrior>worker.
Carthage completes the Oracle. Jungle Boogie moves towards barb camp. Bert is still inside Greece.

IBT, Greece tells Bert to leave, barb appears W of Cumae.

6. 1150BC Rome-warrior>warrior. Archers arrive in Antium, fire scientist and science to 10%.
Jungle Boogie takes down barb camp for 25 gold
At this point we are either average or strong compared to everyone else militarily.

7. 1125BC Antium-worker>Barracks. Workers finish roads in forests by Veii. 1 moves towards Neapolis, the other towards Antium.
Jungle Boogie moves to Mountain inside India-The city is not the capitol, it is Lahore.
Lux to 10%. Bert continues mapping Greece.

IBT-2 India warriors appear near Lahore.

8. 1100BC Rome-warrior>Spearman(Escort). Worker starts road to hook up Neapolis. Another starts road on game near Antium(Inneficient, I know, follow with Forest chop and Irrigate and it's all good)
Lux to 30%.

IBT-1 Japanese archer and 1 barb appear near Neapolis.

9. 1075BC Neapolis-worker>warrior. move warrior out of Veii and kill barb(promote to Elite). Move another warrior out of Veii towards Neapolis. Archers continue towards India and Jungle Boogie is baiting the India warriors to follow him in that direction.

10. 1050BC Rome-Spearman>settler. Veii-Settler>warrior
Jungle Boogie is with the archers now. Sending Spear and settler towards the fish.

IBT Japanese archer attacks neapolis and kills Spearman.

11. 1025BC Archer in Neapolis kills Japanese archer. Worker completes road to Neapolis, starts mine, another worker moves to wines covered by archer(Look out for more Japanese troops)

The Indian warriors are on the mountain just outside of our vision by Lahore.

Goodluck to you Conehead234, and here is the


Don't forget to take 11 turns to get us back on track, you should end on turn 90(750BC)
Great turns! We're growing fast.

It took a surprisingly long time for India to find us given how close that town is, and we still haven't seen Egyptian troops. Odd.

Oh, I know some people dislike typing much more than I do, so feel free to call Jungle Boogie "JB".

I couldn't resist opening the save and snapping a couple of screenshots to post:

You know, I was thinking after I had finished and posted that I probably should have posted some screenies, and You put up exactly what 2 I was thinking about, Military and our nation.

Thanks Puppeteer, you read my mind!

Most of our warriors are in the Rome,Veii, Neapolis area.

I think hooking up Iron and horses would be high priorities ATM.

I think the India warriors are in the N corner of Lahore.
I think you guys should consider monarchy. You are going to be in some protracted wars, and you are going to be the aggressor. You should have enough land after you take over India so that money will not be a problem. And perhaps you can talk Greece into forking over a city or five.
Maybe a second revolt to democracy when the crazy "other worlders" are no more. Good luck!
I was considering Monarchy, cause I know we will be ending many turns with our troops in enemy territory. What does the rest of the team think? and also remember that we cannot sign peace with India, Japan and Egypt no matter what. This could be bad if WW kicks in?!

any Thoughts, Suggestions?
Forget Democracy until all the religious civs are wiped off the face of the planet--capitol by capitol.

I originally said Monarchy, but earlier in this thread at least two other players said we could do it with Republic and referred to another SG which I haven't read yet.

If we switch to republic will we instantly jump to WW since we will have been at war for many years, or does WW not build until we first become a representative government?

We're going to have to support a large military, including a large capitol seige army that will well over 20 turns in enemy territory while attacking captiols. And at the moment we can have up to three civs' attacking troops in our territory.

I'll defer to others' experience because I don't know what's best.

EDIT: I just had an idea; I'm sure others have thought of this already: When we're going after a captiol, we could settle cities in enemy territory along the way. This could claim usable road tiles towards the enemy capitol and let our troops heal and remain in our territory more of the time. I'm sure others have already tried this; does it work well? What are the downsides?
I got the save. I might send the archers to a pillaging mission and try to disconnect the indian capital. My next city will proboly be by the silks and cow.
I did my turns.

Preturn (1025BC) - MM rome for more food and gold. Luxs to 20%

IBT- Barb warrior appears to west.

Turn 1 (1000BC) - Veii warrior> Spearman. Cumae worker> worker
Send warrior from Rome to protect worker. See indian settler ALONE. Send archers after it.


Turn 2 (975BC)- found Pisae. Warrior kills barb. Start road to Cumae. Pisae set to worker.

Kill Indian horseman. LUX to 30%. MM rome for more gold.

IBT- jap warrior and archer appear near Pisae.

Turn 3 (950BC)- Rome Settler to Spear, Neopolis warrior>warrior. Pompeii worker>worker.
Build roads. move warriors near pisae. Find Madras.

IBT- Wines connected. warrior attacked by jap warrior and win. but killed by a jap archer.

archer is redlined.

Turn 4 (925 BC)- elite warrior attacks jap archer. wins but no leader. Elite Bert attacks

jap warrior wins no leader. Attack Indian horse, retreats.

IBT- Bert is killed by jap archer. warrior is killed in south by retreated horse.

Turn 5 (900BC)- more miltary movements, move 2 workers to iron.

IBT- cave to korean demand. Greece found city near silks.

Turn 6 (875 BC)- Rome Spear> settler. Kill indian horse archer promoted to elite

IBT- Rome riots horse connected to Pompeii Chinese start great lIbrary. We need a GL we are

falling behind in techs.

Turn 7 (850BC)- nothing really. find Bombay Sending archers to pillage ivory.

IBT- BUy Philophy from carthage for WM and 60 GOld Antium warrior>warrior Neopolis


Turn 8 (825BC) - Find Delhi.

IBT- Lose 2 archers in the south. 3 Egyptian warriors appear near india. Everyone has lit.

We need the TGL.

Turn 9 (800BC)- move last archer near Delhi. Iron hooked upgrade 2 warriors to Legions.

IBT- last archer killed near delhi warrior killed by egyptian warriors

Turn 10 (775 BC)- legions moved for defense

IBt- Barb appears and kills a worker near Cumae. Veii riots

Turn 11 (750 BC)- Move legions for defense

We are falling behind in techs. Most of the civs are building the great library. The iron, horses, and wines are connected. We have 4 legions.

The kills are:
2 Indian horseman,
2 jap warrior
1 jap archer

4 warriors
3 archers
1 worker

We had alot of loses but we have legions now. So the tide might turn soon. I think India is the biggest threat now. Found the new city on the spot the setter is on.

Pictures in next post.

Got it

Play tomorrow.

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