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OptNES III: Foundry of Nations

Capital: Winterhelm
Colour: Dark Red
Location: Island chain northeast of the top Eastern continent.
Demonyms: Torrins/Torrite
Spoiler :

Government: High Council
Religion: Sorynthia, a belief in which the seas are an integral part, and dying and burial at sea are a very important corner stone of the belief system, whether it be in battle or when the sea's disasters take you.
Engines: Airship and the Marecraft.
Conventional Soldiers: Light Infantry, Muskets, Lancer
History: The nation has always been quiet, assembling itself over the rocky periods of history and civilization. People have come and gone, tried to conquer these lands, only to be hurled back into the sea by the common culture and spirit that is shared by the peoples that make up Torrmor. Islands speckled with bustling towns and cities on the cusp of industrial power and might as the shockwaves of change reverbarate throughout the entire world, makes the entire place a bountiful area. Industry, military power, and the might of the seas are preparing them for a new dawn and age that will shatter previously held beliefs about them. They are more than happy to watch the world go by them though if need be.
Description: Sea roaming people who enjoy industry, organization and a bit of war, fiercely independent.
The Wiki is up, although completely devoid of pages. I'll add it to the first page ands people can feel free to make edits after the first update.
Capital: Lano
Colour: 64, 64, 64 (If I stole someone's color, make it a lighter shade of grey: 180, 180, 180)
Spoiler :

Demonyms: Masi
Spoiler :

Black and red bottom half represent the chaos and bloodshed the Masi have endured, and the blue top half represents their future aspirations and unity.

Government: Tribal Council
Religion: No state religion. About 75% of the population is deist, believing there is a god/ess/es, but that they have not acted in the world beyond creating it. 20% is Shaylan, a polytheistic religion with elements of nature spirits. Last 5% is atheist.
Engines: The Tower, Aerocraft (if either are unavailable, replace with The Tortoise or Airship, respectively)
Conventional Soldiers: Crossbow, Light Infantry, Light Cavalry.
History: Once, the faiths of the Masi were many and divisive. Chieftains would use religion for their own gain and fight among themselves, meaning the Masi were never able to unify into a stronger force but for a few years, if a particularly strong chieftain had risen. But eventually, even the strongest of rulers would be claimed by the chaos and Masia would be fractured once more. Alliances were made, broken, and enforced constantly among the states, and in the shadows, the various churches vied for dominance as well. So was the way of the Masi.

But then came Tama. He was born into one of the families of the warring states, and he saw the true cause of the chaos that plagued Masia. It was the churches all along, using the chaos to drive people into the arms of gods and goddesses, and more importantly, their money into tithes and indulgences. Some had discovered their secret before, but all were silenced. Not Tama. He was a remarkably charismatic man, and his preaching was secret. First he had seven followers, his closest followers and what members of his family he trusted. Then he had persuaded his town. Then his state. The churches' eyes were on him now, but his followers gave their lives to save his, and he became only more influential. Soon, he had peacefully united his state with another. And then another.

Finally, the whole of Masia pledged allegiance to him. And, he ordered that all the churches give up their power, or be expelled from Masia. Most fled into the countryside. The church of Shaylan, which had never partook in the power struggles, stayed and became the largest church remaining. But most of the population said "Never again", and turned their backs on the religion that had haunted them for ages. And Tama, the savior of Masia, with great humility, rejected the crown the Masi offered him, instead creating the basics of the democratic Masi government. He passed away peacefully, leaving behind a united Masia.
Description: With no divine right providing legitimacy for kings and a long distrust of organized religion, the Masi are a very independent people. The nation is somewhat isolationist, and may be a bit hostile to other nations at first. In addition, the power struggles were some time ago, and the new generations may be somewhat more receptive to religion than their forefathers.

I'm totally fine if I can't get into the first update, and said as much earlier. I'm still a relatively new NESer, and I'm excited to take part in this new world! However, if in my haste, I messed something up in my sign-up, please do tell.
Having only just realised there might be some clashes with the Engines, I quickly went through and noted how many of each were taken.

Eh... The Raider prototype and Marecraft have each been taken by six people. I'm leaning towards this being a non-issue, so I'm letting the people who chose them keep them (and I won't swap out Myth's Aerocraft which has had 5 takers as well). I'm increasing the limit to six, since it seems like the easiest way to deal with it at this stage.

EDIT: The Engines section of the front page has been updated to reflect this. Interestingly, two of the three sea Engines are completely booked out.
Having only just realised there might be some clashes with the Engines, I quickly went through and noted how many of each were taken.

Eh... The Raider prototype and Marecraft have each been taken by six people. I'm leaning towards this being a non-issue, so I'm letting the people who chose them keep them (and I won't swap out Myth's Aerocraft which has had 5 takers as well). I'm increasing the limit to six, since it seems like the easiest way to deal with it at this stage.

EDIT: The Engines section of the front page has been updated to reflect this. Interestingly, two of the three sea Engines are completely booked out.

well, considering we have a awfull lot of water based nations it's not surprising :p
I would say the same to you XD
It's still in the works. I'm having a little writer's block which has sort of got in the way of, well, writing the update ;)

I'll be back writing it today. Hopefully I can get it finished by the weekend.
Imperial State of Colomestrisa/Daedwartin:
Capital: Colombia Imperial Center...used to be Hallerd...generals are prone to rename cites to glorify our nations

Colour: Red: 200, B:190, G:233

Location: hfQQE.png
Demonyms: Colombian. we view all conquered peoples as this, as well as our selves. the military is the only deciding factor in status. Language of the same name...very similar to English

Flag: No Flag...we only know of one other nation, so why need one?

Government: Military State. Military Coups have ended up having been the only way power was transferred...to the point of us giving such things their own legal structure to make them less likely to tear the empire apart

Religion: State atheism. a severe lack of religion in the area...very strange as admitted be the engineers. we should have a local religion of some-kind. If we do have a religion, you could say loyalty to the state is the best canidente. we have created anti-religion units however...considering the engineers comments implying we will encounter religion...

Engines: Prototype Transport. we might not have a strong navy, but let us get to you and if these are full, you will need a lot of men to repel my forces. The Tower...a strange choice, for a nation in need of naval power...we have yet to secure our homeland on land based fronts though, so having some seige ability is nice. with the killer combo of muskets, our seige ability is a scary thing.

Conventional Soldiers: Musket and Pike-men. Rank and file tactics are our usual strategy in battle. Lancers, to round out the military. seige, rough might be harder, open...we are best at seige, with both muskets and the tower...

History: Several centuries ago a man had a dream. this dream wasnt one of freedom and equality. Not of independence, BUT of Unity, Justice, and Power. He fought for 2 decades, unifying the tribes closet to the current capital...only to find out several other cities had arisen. he decided for peace...only to be assassinated by one of the smartest of what were effectively generals...who proceeded to conquer them til he suffered a "untimely heart attack" (i.e. poison). The new High General, which was what we now called the leader, proceeded to had to the state expand...and so on.

Description: A state of great power in the area. it has developed civilization over the last few centuries...in that we were a bronze age nation for that period, but our brutality and warring nature resulted in us not being veritable as a nation...especially since the Military only truly organized itself recently into what could be conceived as a military of even a primitive people, something more than bands of drafted and untrained barbs...with or new equipment...now we excpet neighboring states...which isnt a bad thing...the infransturcture they would have would be more developed, meaning more use is possible.

OOC: lol, im the only person capable of moving full armies overseas...now to find a way to defend said transports...i just realized i have assembled a state with truely frightening potential...i have one of the best siege combos...pikemen, plus muskets, plus the tower...just getting the tower overseas is going to be tricky...well, first projects are obvious...improve current designs and then new designs, while expanding our economy and military..
It's still in the works. I'm having a little writer's block which has sort of got in the way of, well, writing the update ;)

I'll be back writing it today. Hopefully I can get it finished by the weekend.

Can't wait for it. :)
Imperial State of Colombia/Daedwartin:
Capital: Colombia Imperial Center...used to be Hallerd...generals are prone to rename cites to glorify our nations

Colour: Red: 200, B:190, G:233

Location:View attachment 337142
Demonyms: Colombian. we view all conquered peoples as this, as well as our selves. the military is the only deciding factor in status. Language of the same name...very similar to English

Flag: No Flag...we only know of one other nation, so why need one?

Government: Military State. Military Coups have ended up having been the only way power was transferred...to the point of us giving such things their own legal structure to make them less likely to tear the empire apart

Religion: State atheism. a severe lack of religion in the area...very strange as admitted be the engineers. we should have a local religion of some-kind. If we do have a religion, you could say loyalty to the state is the best canidente. we have created anti-religion units however...considering the engineers comments implying we will encounter religion...

Engines: Prototype Transport. we might not have a strong navy, but let us get to you and if these are full, you will need a lot of men to repel my forces. The Tower...a strange choice, for a nation in need of naval power...we have yet to secure our homeland on land based fronts though, so having some seige ability is nice. with the killer combo of muskets, our seige ability is a scary thing.

Conventional Soldiers: Musket and Pike-men. Rank and file tactics are our usual strategy in battle. Lancers, to round out the military. seige, rough might be harder, open...we are best at seige, with both muskets and the tower...

History: Several centuries ago a man had a dream. this dream wasnt one of freedom and equality. Not of independence, BUT of Unity, Justice, and Power. He fought for 2 decades, unifying the tribes closet to the current capital...only to find out several other cities had arisen. he decided for peace...only to be assassinated by one of the smartest of what were effectively generals...who proceeded to conquer them til he suffered a "untimely heart attack" (i.e. poison). The new High General, which was what we now called the leader, proceeded to had to the state expand...and so on.

Description: A state of great power in the area. it has developed civilization over the last few centuries...in that we were a bronze age nation for that period, but our brutality and warring nature resulted in us not being veritable as a nation...especially since the Military only truly organized itself recently into what could be conceived as a military of even a primitive people, something more than bands of drafted and untrained barbs...with or new equipment...now we excpet neighboring states...which isnt a bad thing...the infransturcture they would have would be more developed, meaning more use is possible.

OOC: lol, im the only person capable of moving full armies overseas...now to find a way to defend said transports...i just realized i have assembled a state with truely frightening potential...i have one of the best siege combos...pikemen, plus muskets, plus the tower...just getting the tower overseas is going to be tricky...well, first projects are obvious...improve current designs and then new designs, while expanding our economy and military..

All fine, but could you rename it? I'd prefer to avoid RL names. :)
All fine, but could you rename it? I'd prefer to avoid RL names. :)

...i was modififying the empire name of the USA in DoC. oh well, the Imperial State of Colomestrisa...which is a mix of Amestris from Full Metal Alchemist and Colombia from well both RL and Dawn of Civilization.
...i was modififying the empire name of the USA in DoC. oh well, the Imperial State of Colomestrisa...which is a mix of Amestris from Full Metal Alchemist and Colombia from well both RL and Dawn of Civilization.

OOC: The DoC Hereditary Rule name for America is Columbia, which is directly named after Columbus the English spelling of Columbus. Colombia is the South-American nation that is also named after Columbus [Colombo/Colón in Italian and Spanish respectively].
Expletives. How in the expletives do you conserve layers in a save file? Expletives maps aren't going to work properly.

Expletives expletives expletives.
Expletives. How in the expletives do you conserve layers in a save file? Expletives maps aren't going to work properly.

Expletives expletives expletives.

Easiest way would be to save the base map as one file and the nation borders as a separate file, then modify each independently, and combine for every update. Complicated, but it works. :/
Thanks! I hadn't thought of that. I'll have a look at doing it that way.
Does this mean we can expect the first update soon?
It's still in the works, but I've actually made significant headway.

Problem is, I'd like to be able to make sense of where people are before I continue at this point. I need to work out at least a basic map for that. The good news is, you're probably going to get quite an extensive update, considering it's update zero. Question is when it's going to be finished. Hopefully, that's in the next forty-eight hours. Maybe twenty-four if I don't do the map and work everything out some other way.
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