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Orcs and Humans Continued

Hi, I've been asked to play Quel'Thalas, and will be continuing the ancient, time-honored tradition of killing trolls. If there is any diplomacy to us elves then please direct it to my inbox.
Thank you.

And what's this White Death? Sounds like quite the gun... I hope you kill some trolls with it.

To: Lordaeron
From: Quel'Thalas
We would like to offer you the secrets to the most powerful siege weapon in the world, the elven ballista, for 2 battleships, 2 frigates, 300 gold and 300 lumber.
As an added service we will also transfer the allegiance of our mages to you at the rate of 100 gold per soldier. Quel'Thalas has much in the way of magic, but little in the way of ships and lumber and the reverse seems true for Lordaeron, and it strikes us as we review the records of this past year that it is quite necessary to pair mages with ships.
Alternatively, we will also accept the services of an expeditionary force of warriors and knights as payment.
To: Quel'thalas
From: Lordaeron

We appreciate the offer of the ballistae, but we have no need for it at the current time. On the offer of the mages, we may be interested at a later time.

From: Nailix
To: All players

I believe EQ had it set up so nations could trade ships designs and unit designs, example the trolls could share the designs of their destroyer with the orcs so the orcs could build the destroyers, I am making that impossible at least for the time being. Now you can capture and trade ships and unique units and such, but you will not be able to build them if you are not the certain race that is required to do so.
To: Other Human & Dwarven nations, Gnomes, Goblins
From: Elves

We wish to extend you the same offer. We are willing to trade mages for 100 Gold per unit.
To: Lordaeron
From: Quel'Thalas

If a simple trade does not interest you, then would you consider an alliance? We much appreciate your kindness in the past in capturing the errant Prince, and as a sign of goodwill we are prepared to execute him to prove our sincerity.

To: Steamwheedle Cartel
From: Quel'Thalas

Our nation is slowly destroying the remaining Amani through attrition, a process we believe will soon accelerate for confidential reasons... We would like to grant you the southeastern corner of the Amani lands (the quarter with the mine) in return for an expeditionary force of 4 Zeppelins laden with Grenadiers, forces that we note are currently idle.
Not only will this provide the Cartel with a mine and lands on which to build another settlement, it will also give you a presence in the north and a guaranteed future customer.
To: Quel'Thalas
From: Lordaeron

We were under the impression we were still allies, however we will just save everyone the hassle of checking and confirm that we agree to a military alliance with the high elves of Quel'Thalas.

To: Quel'Thalas
From: Steamwheedle Cartel

We can agree to these terms, we will send you four zeppelins with eight grenadiers total to help with your war. If you want, or need, more troops you will have to pay for them.
OOC: Is is Lyuda/White Death from Borderlands 2? :)

To: Gnomes
From: Elves

We would be happy to compensate you half the lumber or gold cost of a new fort next month by corvette transport if you help the Dwarves by lending them the 200 lumber, they will probably use such resources to construct a second chokepoint further north of Fort Bazjak. To clarify, we are proposing to gift you either 100 Lumber or 150 Gold if you will lend the Dwarves 200 Lumber this month.

To: Goblins
From: Elves

We look towards to a bright history between our two peoples.

To: Lordaeron
From: Elves

Since we are allies, would you be willing to send us an expeditionary force of 200 warriors to assist us in destroying the Trolls? Since this is a war of aggression we understand if you wish to focus on strengthening your southern borders, and we assure you that regardless of your answer we will be there to assist in your defense should the Horde invade.
I'll be sending orders tonight ��
Sorry for the delay, will be working on the update soon. Still adjusting to my new job, thought I was all set then they changed my shift and ruined my sleep schedule... But I should (hopefully) have the update posted by Tuesday.
Wars of Warcraft: Month 19

Amani Begin Summoning. The Amani tribe has begun a summoning ritual this year while their elvish enemies press their borders, unknown currently what the ritual is the elves can only imagine what will come forth upon them if they do not act to stop it quickly. Zul'jin seems intent on the ritual being completed and has focused the majority of his troll army in protecting their shaman summoners within their capital.

Elves Construct Fort. In their newly claimed lands within the Amani forest the high elves have constructed a fort which took the majority of the month to complete. However it didn't come without complications as the trolls had booby traps set all throughout the forests. Even though no troll was seen the entire month many elves died to the traps such as pits sending the victim falling into spears, or trip wires that catch the victim by the ankle and pulling them into the tops of the trees and releasing them to fall to their deaths. However the elves were determined to build their fort and that they did, now they have a foothold within the Amani lands.
(Quel'thalas: -10 warriors, -5 rangers.)

Northern Alliance Crush Vilebranch. As the Wildhammer pressed their troll enemies once more this year in what was seemingly going to be a loss, their forces were bolstered by that of Stromgarde and Lordaeron. Led by the Trollbane's the forces swept in from the north east, they flanked the trolls from above forcing them eastward and away from the Dwarf fortress. At this moment Kurdan focused on Akil'zon as the humans hunted down Retherok and Mai'jin. The gryphon rider met the great eagle in a fierce battle trading blow for blow, neither giving an inch, after a long duel Kurdan raised the First of the Mountain high in the air and flung it connecting with the birds skull. A kill shot against anything else, the eagle began to fall, unconcious, but it's wings twitched and it began to fly towards the retreating troll army obviously dazed. During the battle on the ground Danath was able to find the troll leader Mai'jin and engage him. The two fought hard, a rematch of over a year prior when Stromgarde force Mai'jin and his trolls out of Arathi. This fight was no different then the last time these to foes met as Danath bested the shaman and forced him to call in a retreat after suffering a great wound. The Trolls abandonded much as they fled toward the coast, even leaving their capital for their enemies to claim.
(Lordaeron: -20 warriors, -5 knights. +1 level Leroy Jenkins, -1 level Lorde Garithos.
Stromgarde: -10 warriors, -10 archers, -1 cleric. +1 level all heroes.
Vilebranch: -60 warriors, -30 axe-throwers, -20 shaman. +1 level Retherokk the Berserker, -1 level Mai'jin and Akil'zon the Great Eagle.
Wildhammer: -20 warriors, -30 riflemen, -5 gryphon riders. +1 level Kurdan Wildhammer.)

Northern Alliance Created. After sharing in such a great victory over their common enemy, a three way alliance has been formed between the nations of Stromgarde, Lordaeron and the Wildhammer Clan. This makes the first official alliance in the north for many years, and it is surprisingly including a dwarf nation instead of an entirely human alliance. This could change everything for those nations excluded from this alliance in the north.

Surprise at Fort Bazjak. The Bronzebeards and their allies tricked the Horde this month. They, along with the talented mages of Dalaran, created illusions of an army just outside the fort. Seeing this army the Horde rushed through the fort only to run into more traps and then the fort collapsed upon them. Trapping and burying many orcs inside the rubble a great toll was inflicted upon the aggressors who had to fall back for a third month in a row allowing the dwarves and their allies to move even futher back into their own lands. It is unknown to the Horde at the current time if they will be hit with a counter attack or not.
(Blackrock Clan: -100 warriors.
Black Tooth Grin: -120 warriors, -20 spearmen.
Dragonmaw: -30 warriors, -30 spearmen, -20 warlocks.
Stormreaver: -20 warriors, -30 necrolytes, -12 warlocks. -1 level Gul'dan.
Twilight's Hammer: -10 warriors, -3 ogres, -10 necrolytes.)

Operation Catch the Big One. This month the Thorium Brotherhood initiated a new plan, Operation catch the big one. Again they scouted the Lightning's Blade Clan and waited until it was dark, and they struck. The night strike worked once again as they picked off the few patrolling orcs and rushed toward their target, the ogre. Chom'gar put up a fight, as did the rest of the clan, but in the end he was overpowered by the dwarves who threw a net over the creature and drug him off into the dark.
(Lightning's Blade: -12 warriors, -5 spearmen. -Chom'gar (Captured).
Thorium Brotherhood: -15 warriors, -5 riflemen.)

Frostwolves Continue Expansion. The Frostwolves have expanded south now as they have completed a bridge from Westfall into Duskwood. As they grow closer to the Gurubashi territory, and with their current troll war, it will may cause some tensions if the orcs tell the trolls to give up the lands they occupy in Duskwood.
(Frostwolf Clan: +15 gold, +25 lumber.)

Bandits Hit Frostwolves. With the majority of their army leading the expansion effort and sailing south the aid their troll allies the Frostwolves didn't have much defense at home. This opened them up for some bandits to strike quick and hard. They have attacked out of Redridge, hitting the nearby lumber mills and town of Lakeshire itself, taking control of one lumbermill and Lakeshire. After taking control of the town they proceeded to drestroy the bridge connecting Redridge to Duskwood, thus leaving only two routes into Redridge both great choke points. This has been a great opportunity siezed by the humans still in the area as the Bleeding Hollow clan moved south out of the area and it doesn't look like there will be much aid to be sent any time soon to battle back these humans.
(Redridge Brotherhood: -2 warriors.
Frostwolf Clan: -5 warriors.)

Gurubashi Strike. After an unsucessful attack on the arena last month the Gurubashi turned their attention toward the main forces of the Skullsplitters. However more dissent occured due to the events surrounding their leader and as the forces moved south they found themselves under attack by more rogue trolls. This was a larger force then what was dealt with in the north and the Gurubashi trolls forced them back to their camp where they defeated the renegades easily, but still took a sizeable amount of casualties. They found another cauldron at this camp similiar to the one they found at Zul'kunda.
(Gurubashi: -28 warriors, -20 axe-throwers, -2 berserkers.)

Skullsplitters Assault Jaguero. With the majority of the Darkspear forces on the mainland, and the lose of their water elemental ally, the Skullsplitters sent a small force on their lone destroyer to hit their enemies where it would hurt the most, their capitol. While the Darkspear forces on the island had no means of escape, due to no ships or shaman left behind, they faced a battle they knew they had to win. The berserkers of the Skullsplitter clan ran over the few warriors that were left behind to hold their city, while the Darkspear axe-throwers did their best to pick off the smaller forces. There was one lone berserker left behind by the Darkspear and he was one of the last standing, this berserker ripped apart a good amount of the attackers but in the end was slain. Jaguero fell to the Skullsplitters, but it cost them many trolls and doesn't seem like they will be able to control it for very long.
(Darkspear: -8 warriors, -5 axe-throwers, -1 berserker. -Jaguero.
Skullsplitter: -5 warriors. +Jaguero.)

Darkspear Dig In. As the Skullsplitters sent their force to strike Jaguero the Darkspear forces dug into their bit of land they took the previous month. They awaited the right moment to strike, and that came when the Frostwolf reinforcements showed up. They could see the massive Juggernauts on the horizon and knew that their orc allies were going to be attack nearby, and soon. Sen'jin took this time to strike, the Darkspears rushed toward the Skullsplitter positions thinking they would have turned their attention further south to repel the Frostwolves. They were mistaken and ran into the entire Skullsplitter force. Outnumbered and overpowered the Darkspears were thrashed heavily by their foes. Their saving grace would come in a few moments, so Sen'jin believed, from the Frostwolves who had made a landing just a little ways away. However their saviors never arrived and after a long, brutal battle they retreated with what forces they had left to their small island to the south. Battered, beaten and without a home the Darkspears look to be in no position to put up much more of a fight.
(Darkspear: -22 warriors, -15 axe-throwers, -12 shaman, -2 berserkers. +1 level Sen'jin and Rokhan.
Skullsplitter: -15 warriors, -8 axe-throwers, -4 berserkers. +1 level Ana'thek.)

Frostwolf Landing. While the Frostwolf clan quickly approached they could see, off in the distance, the Darkspear tribe doing battle with the Skullsplitters. Drek'Thar ordered the fleet to make a landing as soon as possible to flank the Skullsplitters and crush them. They landed on the beach southwest of the battle and immediately began to empty out of their ships. The battle was taking place just on the other side of a small forest, the orcs began charging through and were caught by complete surprise as they ran into traps and obsticles that prevented them from progressing. Many orcs that were in the front of the charge suffered life ending injuries as the fell into pits or ran into well hidden spears. Drek'Thar ordered the charge to stop and knew they would have to clear the forest of the traps before they could progress, and that would take to long for them to reach their allies. He ordered the forces to begin searching and clearing the traps and obsticles while he took a small group further north to look for a way around, instead they camp across a small camp of jungle trolls dancing around a cauldron that was bubbling wildly. The trolls were chanting something in their native tongue and they were being led by a shaman. Being a shaman himself he could feel the nature around him being twisted and bent to the will of this one troll, Drek'Thar knew this shaman was powerful, but as his group approached closer he realized that the shaman was just mist and not really there. He had, at first, thought the shaman was on the other side of the cauldron, but now he realized the shaman was just a projection from the steam off the bubbling cauldron. Drek'Thar couldn't make out the face of the shaman, but he thought the voice sounded familiar. The troll shaman noticed the orcs near and vanished causing the dancing trolls to stop their chants and dance. They turned their focus toward the orcs and started to charge, Drek'Thar weilded the fire beneath the cauldron to scorch the trolls quickly defeating them. Drek'Thar and his orcs took the camp and he sent a couple scouts to inform the rest to meet him there, then alert their Gurubashi allies of the event.
(Frostwolf Clan: -15 warriors, -30 raiders. +1 level Drek'Thar.)

Diplomatic Pouch

To: Gurubashi, Frostwolf Clan
From: Darkspear

We feel as though you have abandoned us, da Darkspear tribe has fought and suffered for a war dat we should not have joined in da first place. We saw da Frostwolf ships on da horizon and dey did noting to help us! Den we realized dat the Gurubashi had done noting to help as we fought the full strength of da Skullsplitta's. Dere better be an explanation for dis!

I apologize for the delay on the update.

World Map
Spoiler :
Great update. :)

To: Northern Alliance
From: The Elves

Please let us join your common alliance. We share your goal of eradicating all northern trolls and we will be happy to declare our eternal enmity against the Orcs if you will include us in your organization. As proof of our sincere friendship towards other northern nations we have just this past month gifted a shipment of 200 Lumber to the Bronzebeard Clan, despite our own shortages, that our Dwarven friends not suffer their chokepoints being overrun by the Horde from a lack of strong and flexible wood.
To: Gnomeregan
From: Quel'Thalas

Honored Gelbin Mekkatorque, Master Inventor of Azeroth, would your bright people deign to share with the elves your secrets of the fungi? The nations of the north must be as one to combat the Horde and we have attempted to demonstrate our sincere goodwill by providing the Bronzebeard clan with lumber for another fortress. Should your fungi be productive here in the north we will certainly provide you with as much of the enhanced production as you wish, even if it is 100% we would be happy for the fungi to simply establish a foothold in our territories as we cannot drive ourselves to operate lumber camps within our precious forests.
Yours Sincerely,
- King of All High Elves, Anasterian Sunstrider
To: Gnomeregan
From: Quel'Thalas

Honored Gelbin Mekkatorque, Master Inventor of Azeroth, would your bright people deign to share with the elves your secrets of the fungi? The nations of the north must be as one to combat the Horde and we have attempted to demonstrate our sincere goodwill by providing the Bronzebeard clan with lumber for another fortress. Should your fungi be productive here in the north we will certainly provide you with as much of the enhanced production as you wish, even if it is 100% we would be happy for the fungi to simply establish a foothold in our territories as we cannot drive ourselves to operate lumber camps within our precious forests.
Yours Sincerely,
- King of All High Elves, Anasterian Sunstrider

To: Quel'Thalas
From: Gnomeregan

We are willing to share our secrets of the fungi with you, if that aids youin your quest. You should make sure that the fungi is planted in deep, humid caves, for that's the only place where it will grow up.
The only payment we will require is 50 Gold and the solemn vow that you shall never share this secret with other nations without our permission.
To: Gnomeregan
From: Quel'Thalas

We give you our solemn vow (and the fifty gold of course), and thank you from the depths of our hearts.
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