• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Orcs and Humans Continued

Wars of Warcraft: Month 14

Tregla Shows His Strengenth. - Tregla, a new up and comer among the Amani tribe, has proven his worth this month. The troll warrior has shown his unmatched strength and battle prowess which has impressed Zul'jin greatly who has promoted him to one of his lieutenants. This has increased the moral of the trolls within the Amani tribe who may be ready to march once again, very soon.
(Amani Tribe: + Tregla level 1 warrior.)

Vilebranch Remain Home. - Since the tribe had retreated and left Stromgarde for the humans they have remained home and quiet. The tribe seems to be planning something as they have focused on continuing their spell which Dalaran was only able to glimpse at before being blocked last month. If the spell is completed it could shock all those who find out what it was.

Gilneas Steals Zeppelin! - Gilneas, having problems with the goblins pressence already, has sent a spy to Purgation Isle to watch the goblins and do whatever to mess with their operations. In an attempt to kidnap Marin Noggenfogger, the brightest goblin engineer, Amos Vayr was unsuccessful and had to make a quick escape. Fortunatly for him he was able to hide out for a couple days before returning to the main city and steal a zeppelin. Vayr was able to sneak onto the flying craft, killing the four goblins on it, and pilot it back home to Gilneas.
(Gilneas: +Amos Vayr level 1 assassin hero, +1 level Amos Vayr, +1 zeppelin.)

Dalaran Expedition Moves South. - Led by Dakrin, the previous group that aided in the recapture of Stromgarde from the Vilebranch trolls has moved south toward Ironforge. Dalaran who sent aid to Stormwind to fight the Horde, has now joined forces with the Ironforge dwarves to stand against the orcs one more time. Dakrin is one of the most experienced men alive in fighting the Horde and battling their powerful dark magic, this will be a great aid to the Bronzebeards and their allies as they prepare for war.

Uther Rallies Against Vilebranch! - The first month of being a commander within the ranks of Stormwind Uther has already begun to take action militarily. He has led a sizeable force to do battle with the Vilebranch trolls just north of Fort Stormwind. This has greatly boosted the moral of the citizens of Stormwind and restored faith in their military. Uther has proven battlefield dominance over the greenskinned trolls and pushed their remaining forces in the area back to their lone city. Only time will tell if the main Vilebranch forces will send aid or not, if they don't then Stormwind will only continue to expand.
(Stormwind: -8 warriors. +1 level Uther.
Vilebranch: -12 warriors, -1 berserker, -3 shaman.)

Thudde Dunwald Released to Bronzebeard. - Dunwald, formerly a prisoner of war to the Thundermar clan, has been released and joined the Bronzebeard clan after a couple months of imprisonment. Upon he release he had to recognize that all former Dunwald lands are now rightfully Thundermar lands as well as vow to fight the Horde. All the demands were met, stubornly, and Dunwald has been sent on his way.

The Gnomes Complete the Great Drydock! - After two months of hard work it has finally been completed. This drydock is the most impressive drydock to grace the face of Azeroth. It is armed heavily and has an opening and closing mechanism that only the gnomes could have invisioned. This not only provides them with a safe and secure way into the sea, but prevents any unwanted guests from using it as a way into their great city.

Garon Meets Magni. - While Garona was wondering her way through the wetlands she came across a small camp of dwarfs. Uncertain if they would be friendly or hostile she waited until nightfall and snuck into the camp. Unseen she stole some food and water, along with some other supplies, but before she could escape into the dark one soldier spotted her. He yelled for her to halt and, for some odd reason, she complied. The dwarfs brought her to the gates of Ironforge where she met with the leader of the Bronzebeard clan, unarmed, and discussed what had happened. Magni forgave her for the theft and provided her with an invitation to a feast on the condition that she would meet with him and his military advisors to discuss the approaching Horde. She accepted.

Thorium Brotherhood Prepares. - Knowing all well what the Horde is capable of, after witnessing the total destruction of the Dark Irons, the Thorium Brotherhood has begun preparations to battle the Horde. They have made various choke points in their few cities and added tall towers for their riflemen to provide support fire and rain down upon the orcs. The Bronzebeard clan has also been generious enough to send thirteen mortars to boost their already seven, twenty mortars total for the Brotherhood. It doesn't look like they'll be able to completely beat the Horde, but it looks as though they can fend them off for the time being.

Horde Attack Thorium Point! - While the Warchief spent most of the month recovering from his injuries at the hands of the Dark Irons, the orcs continued to move forward. Their sights now firmly set on the Thorium Brotherhood, the Dark Scar and Dragonmaw clans both launched a strike upon Thorium Point just north of Blackrock Mountain. It was a brutal bloodbath for the Horde however as the dwarves had just completed their renovations on the city and had riflemen and mortars set up. The riflemen spotted the oncoming orcs and rallied the troops, they prepared for their first encounter with the orcs and fired the mortars toward them when they came into range. This tactic inflicted a heavy toll of damage upon the two clans who continued to push through. The resiliency of the Horde shocked the dwarves as the riflemen began to pick off more of them. When they finally breeched the city the warriors began to have some fun, the mortars stopped firing as to not hit their own men, and Grothmag Farbeard himself thinned the numbers of the orcs. Finally, after an utter defeat, the orcs pulled back and returned to Blackrock Mountain to regroup with the rest of the Horde.
(Dark Scar: -50 warriors, -8 spearmen. +1 level Kash'drakor.
Dragonmaw: -30 warriors, -10 spearmen, -15 necrolytes. +1 level Zuluhead.
Thorium Brotherhood: -10 warriors, -2 riflemen. +1 level Grothmag Farbeard.)

Frostwolves Search for Humans. - Fed up with the recent attacks from the renegade band of humans in the area, Draka has sent her raiders out to hunt down the group. It took almost the entire month, but the orcs finally found the men and hit them hard. Reginald Windsor was taken alive after a valiant effort to resist, but the rest of his group wasn't so lucky as the raiders let their frostwolves feast on the human corpses. Once Windsor was brought to Draka she had him executed where Keeshan could witness it and left his body outside of Keeshan's cell.
(Frostwolves: -1 raider.
Reginald Windsor: -3 warriors, -1 archer, killed.)

Go'el Born. - A major reason Doomhammer ordered the Frostwolves to hold the city of Stormwind was because of Draka carrying a baby, this month that baby was brought into Azeroth. Named Go'el, the Frostwolf clan has praised their new born leader who will take the mantle of chief when he has come of age. Draka, the shamanistic leader of the clan and mother of Go'el, has foreseen great things in her child's future.

Frostwolves Expand Aggressively. - With the capture and execution of the human renegades the Frostwolves have begun expanding aggressively this month. They have gained control of two gold mines and the village of Westfall. These gains will surely help the cause of the Horde who continue to push north.
(Frostwolf: +110 gold.)

Gurubashi Expand. - As the Frostwolves of Stormwind expand over the next few months the Gurubashi trolls have moved in on the former Stormwind lands to their north as well. How the transfer will be handled in the future remains to be seen, but for now the Gurubashi will enjoy a nice boost to their lumber and gold supplies.
(Gurubashi: +125 gold, 75 lumber.)

News Items

Diplomatic Pouch

@Seon and Gem Hound - I know it's dull with what is going on lately, but I assure you the plan will be going into action within the next couple turns. Please don't drop out of the NES and send orders, just because you're supposed to stay around Stormwind doesn't mean you can't do things you want, there are still wildmen scattered across the area you could hunt them down if you wish, or see if the Gurubashi want any help with anything.

World Map
Spoiler :
"Good job Amos!" Genn would have shouted at the young man if he wasn't down in the clanner lands, but the words in the letter were certainly bolded and the Ship Captain had been instructed to continually thump him on the back at full force as he read the letter.
Fortunately for Amos the letter ended there, but several days of feasting and one of the King's younger daughters were further piled onto Vayr's bountiful plate as the month came to a close. There would be some other time to acquire engineers...

To: Bronzebeard Clan
From: Genn Greymane

We have now arrived in your lands and are ready at your service as an expeditionary force. Our forces consist of myself, Genn Greymane (Warrior 4), leading Curancy Pharnsworth (Cleric 3) and Davis Barnes (Mage 2), all three of us are armored in your fine armor (100, 65, 65), and we are further protected by our security contingent of 30 Warriors, 20 Archers and 10 Mages. While we could not send more as half our military and navy has been lost with barely a thanks we hope to bleed with you what we have sent and once again sharpen our skills in battle against the Horde.

OOC Nailix: How far did my expeditionary force get? I'm not quite sure as all I instructed was to 'go south (from Stromgarde) to assist the Bronzebeards'.
occ Hey, did I get my orders in? I just can't remember and won't be able to if until this eve.
OCC: Sorry about the delay Done and done

To: Thorium Brotherhood
From: Magni Bronzebeard

Stand firm and make you ancestors proud.
To: Bronzebeards
From: Brotherhood

We thank ye fer yer aid with the cannon's, we will battle the Horde fer as long as possible lads!
Wars of Warcraft: Month 15

Akil'zon, the Great Eagle. - It's screeches echoed throughout the lands, first heard by the dwarves of Aerie Peak and then the humans of Stromgarde, Alterac and Lordaeron. It was Akil'zon the Great Eagle and the Vilebranch tribe had summoned it, a winged god like creature to be feared by all. Akil'zon is a great beast, and it is bound to Hexx the great shaman of the Vilebranch.
(Vilebranch Tribe: + Akil'zon, the Great Eagle level 10 Troll God.)

Goblins Retaliate. - After having their lead engineer almost kidnapped and a zeppelin stolen from them, the Steamwheedle Cartle has retaliated towards Gilneas. The goblins targeted the largest port of Gilneas with the most amount of ships. Unfortunately for Gilneas their ship captain had just returned to Gilneas from raiding the Frostwolves and was in that very port at the time. Three goblin zeppelins, loaded with grenadiers, floated high above the port of Gilneas and immediately started dropping bombs down upon the human ships. Before the humans could get anyone to fire back the goblins had already begun retreating, floating high up into the air out of range of even the best of archers. They had left a great deal of damage as they sunk two ships and wounded Zachary Charles in the proccess.
(Gilneas: -5 warriors, -5 archers, -2 frigates. -1 level Zachary Charles.)

Landazar Answers the Call. - At a young age Landazar first began his studies in the halls of the Magical city of Dalaran. With great study and diligence did he rise to become one of the best of his class. Having long completed his studies, and with rumors of death and destruction of the mighty kingdom of Stormwind to the south by the greenskin horde. Landazar can not sit idlely any longer by as humanity falls to darkness before him.
(Dalaran: +level 1 Mage Hero.)

Vilebranch Repel Stormwind. - Another month has passed and the people of Stormwind have continued to press the trolls to their north. After a major victory last year for Stormwind they looked to finish the job and conquer the troll fort force the Vilebranch to be restricted once more to their native lands among the Hinterlands. However the few remaining trolls in the Modan Highlands are a resilient bunch and wouldn't allow their city to fall so easily. The trolls were able to hold out for the month, while losing the majority of their lands around the city, but are in bad shape as the humans led by Uther seem to be ready to break through the city at any moment.
(Stormwind: -20 warriors, -15 archers. +1 level Uther.
Vilebranch: -5 warriors, -5 axe-throwers.)

Hope's Landing Grows. - Once just a minor village, now Hope's Landing has grown the size of a city. This has increased the citzens of Stormwind's moral as well as the moral of their military. Many of the people have continuously worked day after day to see the city grow to what it is now and they are proud of it and themselves, they hope to see it once day rival that of their precious Stormwind.
(Stormwind: +25 Gold, +5 Lumber.)

Gnome's Fungi Experiment Continues. - As the intellectually great minded gnomes send troops to help their dwarven friends battle the oncoming Horde, their greatest minds have continued to work dilligently at home on their fungi experiment. This has been an experiment long in the making and has had many set backs in the past, however they feel confident that they have gotten onto the right track recently and may soon have found what they are looking for. Only time will tell when this experiment will be completed, but the progress they have made this month is proof they are moving in the right direction.

Bronzebeard Army Greatly Increases. - This month the recruitment drive was excellerated as over ninety dwarven warriors joined the ranks fresh out of training. The dwarves of the Bronzebeard Clan have heard the call of war and have marched toward Ironforge to defend their families and friends. Most have not seen battle, but they are unafraid as the orcs march from the south upon Bronzebeard Lands.

Bloodbath at Thorium Point. - A second battle has taken place this month at Thorium Point. Last month the Thorium Brotherhood was able to battle back two of the orc clans successfully, but this month they face the might of the majority of the Horde. This time, they were utterly defeated. Orgrim Doomhammer led the charge himself, fully recovered from his previous injuries, and the Horde followed fearlessly. The dwarves bombarded them hard with mortars and bullets, but the orcs wouldn't slow down one bit. Once the orcs reached the walls of Thorium Point they broke and cracked quickly, allowing for the orcs to overwhelm the dwarves within. Grothmag Farbeard sat atop his tower, along with a few other riflemen, and targeted the orcs who were shouting commands to the others. Farbeard shot down a large ogre, Chom'gar, wounding the beast greatly and forced him to fall back to the back of the pack. The next target Grothmag targeted was a great orc warrior, one who had dealt much damage to the Dark Irons over the past months, Kash'drakor. It took many bullets to bring the massive warrior down and yet he still was able to will himself back to his feet. Nothing would seem to stop the blood crazed orc who cut down many dwarves around him until Grothmag shot him right between the eyes, killing the orc. Upon seeing the death of the orc warrior the rest of the dwarf defenders moral seemed to be boosted as they charged back to face the oncoming orcs. With the death of one of the orc clans chieftans it seemed that the moral was shattered, until the great warlock Gul'dan arrived. He summoned great infernal terrors and demons rained down upon the dwarf fort and struck down many dwarfs. When Grothmag tried to stop the warlock all he did was gain his attention, with a wicked smile Gul'dan struck down the dwarf rifleman. Grothmag Farbeard had fallen and all was lost, the remaining dwarves began retreating towards the Thorium Citadel. During the retreat Zarantu, the chieftan of the Lightning's Blade clan, sought revenge for his wounded ogre Chom'gar and chased after the dwarves. While he cut into a couple dwarves one warrior finally turned around and struck back, disarming and injuring the orc forcing him to fall back to the rest of the Horde.
(Thorium Brotherhood: -84 warriors, -57 riflemen, -10 mortars, -Grothmag Farbeard. +Lokhtos Darkbargainer level 1 warrior.
Blackrock Clan: -55 warriors, -2 catapults. +1 level Doomhammer and Gulnarg.
Dark Scar Clan: Wiped out, -105 warriors, -25 spearmen, -Kash'drakor.
Dragonmaw Clan: -15 warriors, -10 spearmen, -50 Necrolytes, -20 warlocks. +1 level Zuluhead.
Lightning's Blade Clan: -60 warriors, -20 spearmen, -3 catapults. -1 level both Zarantu and Chom'gar.
Stormreaver Clan: -20 Necrolytes, -10 warlocks. +1 level Gul'dan.
Twilight's Hammer Clan: -10 warriors, -5 ogres, -5 necrolytes, -5 warlocks. +1 level Cho'gall and Khadgar.)

Lokhtos Rallies the Brotherhood. - After the fall of Thorium Point at the hands of the fierce Horde, and the loss of their fearless leader, the Brotherhood seemed all but lost. However Lokhtos Darkbargainer was able to bring most of the wandering dwarves back to Thorium Citadel and regroup. They all knew what they had lost and how great of a loss it was, but Lokhtos let them know they wouldn't have to lose their Citadel if they stood strong and fought for each other. The dwarves cheered and rallied around their new leader, for now it looks as though the Brotherhood will continue to stand against the might of the Horde, but for how long will they stand?

Gilneas Raids Frostwolves. - Accompanied by some Kul Tiras ships on a scouting mission, the Gilnean navy launched a small raid upon Frostwolf Westfall this month. It was successful, however some lives were lost as the Frostwolves and the Bleeding Hollow Clan were able to respond. It was only a minor skirmish on the shores before the humans retreated to their ships with their loot and the orcs we unable to load up on their ships in time to make chase, nor would they want to while being so outnumbered.
(Gilneas: -5 warriors, -2 archers, +50 lumber +25 gold.
Frostwolf Clan: -5 warriors, -2 raiders.
Bleeding Hollow Clan: -2 warriors.)

News Items
Great resources arrive to the Horde:
+300 gold and 300 lumber to each clan.

Diplomatic Pouch

To: Gurubashi
From: Doomhammer

We see the fleet is almost completed, but you seem to need more lumber. Some of our clans are willing to give your great troll tribe their lumber as they haven't much use for it and the ships will be needed soon.

To: Gilneas
From: Trade Prince Ratso Steamwheedle

We will give ya humans one chance to apologize and return our zeppelin along with the cost to construct one and we will forgive ya fer ya attack on us last month. If you refuse we will continue with more deadlier strikes, we wont just drop bombs in the wata and splash ya boys, we'll bombard ya entire city!


@Billsif - You didn't fight the Horde this month so I stored the mana from that great spell for use when you do encounter them.
@Blue Bacon - You can't make Druids yet, if there are any in Gilneas they don't know how to channel their magics in battle only in farming.

World Map
Spoiler :
OOC: Great update! I should've stayed focused, knew they'd probably be coming for us, but wanted to get more stuff done. ;)
Hmm... looks like we're still waiting for the joint expedition to be launched.

To: Steamwheedle Cartel
From: Gilneas
We will return your zeppelin and apologize for all that 'us humans' (we are working from your referral to Gilneas as 'ya humans') have done to you.

To: Magni Bronzebeard, Garona Halforcen
From: Gilneas
High Chief/King Magni Bronzebeard, we wish to order the creation of a cheap set of stealthy armor for Amos Vayr for which we will pay 100 Gold. Garona Halforcen, we respectfully request your permission for the young Amos Vayr to serve as your assistant.
Good update.


To: Thundermar
From: Storm wind

Neighbors, as you have no doubt noticed, over the past two months we have been taking a preemptive attack against the Vilebranch Trolls which plague these otherwise perfect and beautiful highlands. We would like your assistance in knocking the tribe out by agreeing to a military partnership. We will continue to recognize that these highlands belong to the Dwarves and promise not to encroach on your territory, if you will keep the Trolls who have left on their military expedition from passing through your lands and help aid our fledgling settlements here from being overrun should we be attacked. We are not asking you to aid us in destroying their village here, only to keep their reinforcements from coming to aid them.
Lurker's Comment : The elves dont do anything at all now. Do they ?
OOC Nailix: Actually, I'm not too sure whether I should go through with my dove plan (coz of the incoming Orcish fleet), or to return the zeppelin from the front with a new Archer Hero and archers using incendiary arrows, while Davis Barnes (mage hero) and a few mages casts defensive spells to fight the three other zeppelins (it would be glorious :D). They don't have any lumber themselves so that kind of fun might be workable in the short term, even if it's a fairly terrible idea geopolitically. Probably the wise thing to do is to sit tight and build naval defenses and the gate. I think I'll leave whether to go nutters to you.

I'll swap for Quel'Thalas now if I may?
Edit: an insubstantial edit, then remembered I was going cold turkey
Alright, I liked the direction you were taking Gilneas but if you're set on the crazy elves go for it :p
Thanks dude, will definitely stick with these guys. :)
I already have a possible grand spell in mind - peace and friendship! (Of the charm your enemy and then suggest going to sleep taking the first watch variety...)
Or maybe I'll work on importing some horsies.
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