• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Orcs and Humans Continued

Orders being send in as well.

To: Gilneas
From: Clan Bronzebeard

We'll be send ya gold, and ya send yer men, aye?
Just a reminder orders are due today.

To: Bronzebeard
From: Gilneas

We have men already with yours to help you.
I'll have orders in within the hour
Wars of Warcraft: Month 16

Quel'thalas Establishes Naval Dominance. - This month the high elves of Quel'thalas send all their ships against the trolls of the Amani tribe. The elves had a great advantage of numbers with twenty-four corvettes against five destroyers of the trolls, but the trolls wouldn't go down without a fight. As the high elves fleet approached the shaman of the Amani utilized their magics and caused the waters to become very choppy, sending multiple elven ships down. However, while the shaman gave a great effort, the elven ships eventually closed in on the troll destroyers and a major naval battle began. The trolls were able to board a few of the elvish ships slaying the crews and moving on to the next nearby ship, but the elves quickly began firing upon their ships that had been overtaken by the trolls. Once the destroyers were sunk and the remaining trolls were killed the elves headed back home to recover from the bloody battle.
(Quel'thalas: -14 corvettes.
Amani: -5 destroyers.)

Amani Counter Elven Scrying Spell. - While the high elves attacked through the sea, they also attempted to spy on the troll positions within their lands. The high elves attempted to use magic to summon a scrying spell, but once the shaman of the Amani tribe realized what was going on they quickly countered it forcing the elves to strike blindly.

Amani Force High Elves Back. - After their major naval victory against the Amani, the high elves tried to push into the Amani territory. While they had a minor victory early on in their push, lead by Sylvannas Windrunner, they quickly found themselves unable to keep pressuring the trolls. Once their scrying spell had been countered the elves were moving through hostile lands blindly and without enough troops as the trolls quickly surrounded them. The elves found themselves being overpowered as the trolls seemed to appear out of the trees littering the Amani lands, the forest trolls proved why they are so deadly within the forests. Having such a good understanding of the area the trolls were able to cut off almost all escape routes the elves had and slaughtered many of their soldiers. The deadly shaman Alakzak, accompanied by the fierce warrior Tregla, were able to lead their warriors to victory after sustaining such losses earlier in the month.
(Quel'thalas: -20 warriors, -12 rangers, -5 mages. +1 level Sylvannas Windrunner.
Amani: -12 warriors, -4 axe-throwers, -1 berserker. +1 level Alakzak and Tregla.)

Steamwheedle Cartel Expands. - With the help of Stormwind, the Steamwheedle Cartle has set up a new village off the coast of the Modan Highlands. The city will be under supervision of chief engineer Marin Noggenfogger and is expected to work closely along side the rebuilding Stormwind. Noggenfogger, as his first move as mayor of the city, sent a couple zepplins and grenadiers to help strike the trolls in the area.
(Steamwheedle Cartel: +10 gold and +15 lumber per turn.)

Marcus Jonathan Injured As Trolls Wiped Out. - Uther led yet another strike upon Witherbark City this month. However this month he had the aid of the Steamwheedle Cartle along with two of their zepplins and a handful of grenadiers. The trolls were quickly defeated once the grenadiers blew open the gates from above and the humans charged in, however the goblins continued to attack the trolls as the humans were moving in and accidentally injured Marcus Jonathan. As Jonathan was charging a large group of trolls, the goblins had targeted as well, a bomb exploded nearby and flung him from his horse. He was injured but Uther quickly mended his wounds as the rest of the trolls were defeated or captured by the goblins.
(Vilebranch: -12 warriors, -10 axe-throwers. -Witherbark City.
Stormwind: -5 warriors, -3 archers, -1 knight, -1 level Marcus Jonathan, +1 level Uther. +Witherbark City.
Steamwheedle Cartel: +7 troll slaves, +1 level Marin Noggenfogger.)

Thorium Citadel Crumbles. - The Twilight's Hammer Clan assaulted the Thorium Citadel this month successfully. Cho'gall sent his enslaved lich, Khadgar, with the initial siege of the Citadel and was able to destroy the front gates with ease as there were no riflemen to oppose their approach. Khadgar, along with ogre companions, rushed through the broken gates to meet the crippled army of the Brotherhood. The dwarves fought hard to defend their home, but once the great warlock Cho'gall arrived they were doomed. Cho'gall, the massive ogre warlock, used his dark magics to burn and sear the flesh of the dwarf warriors and riflemen. Lokhtos showed his true fears for the Horde as he quickly ordered a retreat once the enemy had breached the main hall and the Brotherhood forces fled out a back entrance.
(Thorium Brotherhood: -30 warriors, -10 riflemen, -10 mortars. +1 level Lokhtos Darkbargainer.
Twilight's Hammer: -15 warriors, -2 ogres, -15 necrolytes. +1 level Cho'gall and Khadgar.)

Brotherhood Rallies With Unexpected Hero. - After leaving their Citadel to be captured and ransacked by the Twilight's Hammer Clan, the Thorium Brotherhood retreated back toward Thorium Point which had fallen last month. Now that the Horde had pressed on northward toward Ironforge Thorium Point was pressumed to be empty. However that was not the case as the Brotherhood entered the fallen city. It had been inhabited by the Lightning's Blade Clan as the clan's leader and champion were wounded in the previous battle and required rest. This clan had many dwarf prisoners, obviously they had survived the previous battle but had failed to escape. As Lokhtos ordered the dwarves to continue southward toward Blackrock Mountain they heard a familiar voice as a dwarf hurried up behind them. Lokhtos turned to see a boar charging and prepared to meet it in battle when he then saw Grothmag, presumed to be dead after last months battle, who called the boar off. Grothmag had named the boar snouts and had been surviving along with it and a handfull of other dwarves who had escaped near Thorium Point hiding from the Horde. The Brotherhood soldiers were thrilled to see their leader still alive and quickly rallied behind him who ordered the dwarves to reclaim Thorium Point for themselves and flush the orcs out. Grothmag lead the charge and quickly swept the orcs as they took them by complete surprise forcing them to flee or die, the majority of the clan fled leaving Thorium Point for the dwarves to retake.
(Thorium Brotherhood: +2 warriors, +5 riflemen. +Grothmag level 3 rifleman.
Lightning's Blade Clan: -10 warriors, -2 spearmen.)

Bronzebeard's Repel Initial Attack. - Finally, after months of preparations, the Bronzebeard Clan got to face the orcish Horde. The preparing paid off, along with the battle advice and assistances of Garona and the gnomish steamtanks, as the Bronzebeards withstood the first attack from the Horde. Dalaran mages cast a massive spell that dissrupted the initial charge from the horde summoning a major rock slide down upon the attackers, cutting off many orcs from the rest of the attacking group. Gul'dan and Zuluhead immediatly began working on clearing the rock and rubble as the orcs who were trapped were being slaughtered by the dwarven riflemen and Dalaran mages. Dakrin and Brann Bronzebeard tallied the most orc kills and by the time the debris was cleared the Horde were forced to retreat as they needed to regroup or be slaughtered.
(Bronzebeard Clan: -25 warriors, -10 riflemen, -10 clerics. +1 level Muradin and Brann Bronzebeard and Thudde Dunwald.
Dalaran: -15 mages. +1 level Dakrin and Landazar.
Blackrock Clan: -115 warriors. +1 level Doomhammer and Gulnarg.
Dragonmaw Clan: -30 warriors, -20 spearmen. +1 level Zuluhead.)

New Frostwolf Chieftan Rises. - With the birth of Go'el last month Draka has had to take a lot of time to tend to her new child. While Draka has been unable to continue her duties as chieftan of the Frostwolf clan she had given the position to her trusted shaman friend Drek'Thar. Drek'Thar is a very powerful shaman who, rumor has it, was born blind and has attuned himself with the elements. He has proven himself on the battlefield since he first set foot upon Azeroth, and seeks to lead the Frostwolves into years of great glory.
(Frostwolf Clan: + Drek'Thar level 1 Shaman.)

Frostwolves Continue To Expand. - Along side the Bleeding Hollow Clan, the Frostwolf orcs have continued to expand eastward claiming another lumbermill, village and fort. Under new command of Drek'Thar the Frostwolves seek to claim more land quicker then they previoulsy had as they seek to increase their ever growing navy to scout northward.
(Frostwolf Clan: +60 gold, +65 lumber per turn.)

Blacktooth Grin Called To Front Lines. - After the major loss to the Bronzebeard Clan this month Doomhammer has ordered that the Blacktooth Grin report to the front lines instead of wait to join the Bleeding Hollow on the ocean. The Grin have begun to mobilize immediately and are expected to reach the front lines by the end of next month.

News Items
Staff of Primal Fury and Amulet of Fair Winds crafted by the Gurubashi.

Great amount of resources sent to the Horde:
+500 gold and lumber to all clans.

Diplomatic Pouch

@Blue Bacon - your first spell was ineffective because of the target being use to mana thanks to the sunwell.

Seon and ELITEOFWARMAN8 have been dropped due to inactivity.

World Map
Spoiler :
The map is updated, just forgot to show your influence is where the trolls use to be. I'll get it next update.
The five troll shamans circled the fire atop the hill in depths of Stranglethorn jungle. The inky black sky was dotted by hundreds of stars, with the waning moon providing little light to the ritual the shamans meant to perform. Mandokir squinted his eyes against the stinging smoke, a sliver of doubt gnawing away at his resolve. He shook his head slightly, causing the bones attached to his tusks to rattle slightly. The Vision had led him this far and he would see it through.

It had started in the Arena, when he had fought Gan’zulah. Mandokir had used all his magic to call upon the Loa to aid him and they had answered, infusing him with enormous strength and speed and allowing him to triumph. Ever since then, even though he no longer possessed the direct power of the Troll gods, he had felt them at odd instances; flashes of bestial anger while fighting the goblins, unnatural bursts of speed running through the jungle, glimpses of events far off and other impossible abilities, but all lasting only a few seconds and always seemingly at random. Then, after he had returned to Stranglethorn from defeating the humans, he had received the Vision.

He hadn’t realized he had fallen asleep but suddenly he was walking along a path up a hill, the hill on which he now stood. An unknown compulsion led him onwards, not allowing him to tarry or question why. When he’d reached the summit, the Loa themselves had been arrayed before him; Shadra the Spider, Bethekk the Panther, Hir’eek the Bat, Hethiss the Snake and in the middle, Shirvallah the Tiger. They had spoken to Mandokir without moving their mouths. “The trolls are splintered and weak, little more than prey” Bethekk said in a low growl. “They are caught in the webs of others, not able to stand alone” said Shadra, her voice like a hundreds of young spiders skittering across the shaman’s mind. Hethiss spoke with the full menace of a coiled viper “The trolls must strike, lest they be trodden upon and destroyed.” High pitched and almost beyond the range of hearing, Hir’eek said “The trolls must learn to fly above all others, so that they may be free.” Shirvallah extended a huge paw, pointing a single claw at Mandokir “And the Gurubashi shall lead them. Gather the materials needed and return to this place and you shall be rewarded.”

Upon waking, Mandokir had known exactly what to do. He had called the other top shamans together, sending them out gather a slew of ingredients and then led them to the hill from the Vision. Now, they stood and prepared the ceremony. First, Arlokk produced the long piece of wood, taken from one of the huge trees deep in the jungle, jabbing it into the very center of the fire, a symbol of the jungle itself. Next, Jeklik threw a collection of rare herbs and flowers into the turning the smoke green and giving off a fragrant scent, and giving the blessing of earth. Then, Zanzil took out a pinch of bone dust, taken from the graves of the powerful shamans of old, adding the strength and blessing of the ancestors to the spell. Thekal produced a tiger’s heart, a representation of nature and its ferocity, and cast it into the flames. Then, Mandokir stood before the bonfire, which now rose in size, drew his knife and held his palm towards the flames. “Wid da blood of da Gurubashi, we commit ourselves to da Loa and to dere plan!” With that he slashed his left palm with the knife, spraying his blood over the staff and fire. There was a sudden whoosh as the flames shot upwards and then went out. After several seconds of silence, the shamans lit torches and surveyed the hilltop.

All evidence of the fire and ritual were gone. All the remained was the piece of wood that Arlokk had found, standing tall like tree. What had once been mere wood now pulsated with power. The knotted and broken end now resembled a snarling head, its eyes glowing red, its teeth bared. From it radiated the power of not only the Loa, but of Stranglethorn itself. Mandokir reached out and when he touched the staff, he felt a sudden thinning of the veil between this world and the next. When he held the staff, he could feel the Loa themselves watching over him, waiting to come to his aid if need be. With this weapon, the Gurubashi would be great things. With this, the Primal Fury of the Loa would be unleashed.
Wars of Warcraft: Month 17

High Elves Strike Amani Again. - In what seems to be a follow up attack from their successful naval assault last month, the high elves of Quel'thalas have sent more ships toward the Amani. The Amani had lost all their navy in the previous month, only being able to construct but one destroyer this month, and were very vulnerable to an attack from the sea this month. Again it was a very large number of ships that were sent after the Amani tribe, this time accompanied by mages to battle back the shamans powers that sent them retreating last month. This plan proved to be very successfull as they were able to pick off the shaman that were trying to defend the shores and begin burning the forests inside the Amani lands. Not wanting to venture far from their boats the elves didn't actually set foot on land causing them to be very limited to where they could start their fires, and when the fires had caught the attention of the troll shaman they were quickly extinguished by water spells. This tactic did prove to be successful in forcing the shaman to reveal themselves though and be targeted by the mages, but they were unable to really do that much damage to the forests.
(Amani Tribe: -1 Destroyer, -8 Shaman.)

Lordaeron Blockades Vilebranch. - Lordaeron increases the blockade they had already placed upon the Vilebranch Tribe of trolls this month. They had enough resources this month to pump out three brand new battleships and a couple frigates which were sent immediately to join the blockade on the trolls. This didn't go over well with the trolls who had just recently summoned one of their so called 'gods' and sent the giant bird to attack the humans. Hexx accompanied her new pet along with a group of other shaman, Hexx rode upon the back of the mighty beast keeping it under her control as they flew towards the blockade of around fifteen ships. The other shaman that joined their leader loaded up on the boats they had and set sail right for the humans. Using their shamanistic powers to control the wind forcing them to travel at quicker speeds to close in on the ships and sending massive tidal waves towards their enemies. Hexx, riding upon Akil'zon, threw down lightning bolts upon the boats setting a few ablaze while her bird swooped down and ripped the sails off a few ships. The trolls would have completely destroyed the Lordaeron naval blockade had it not been for the Wildhammer Clan, led by Kurdran Wildhammer himself, who came in and saved the day. Kurdran was accompanied by twenty other gryphon riders who surrounded the massive bird and attacked it quickly, working together to confuse the bird and it's rider with ease. The small dwarves were able to out maneuver the large bird who couldn't focus in on one gryphon at a time it seemed as Hexx threw lightning at the gryphon riders instead of the boats now. This distraction gave the human's enough of an opening to turn the battle in their favor and force the trolls back to shore. In the end Hexx and her shaman were forced to retreat as Akil'zon suffered a mighty blow from Kurdran himself, injurying to bird 'god' and sending the trolls back to their capital. If it had not been for the aid of the Wildhammer Clan the Lordaeron blockade would have surely been anhialated.
(Lordaeron: -4 Frigates, -1 Battleship.
Vilebranch: -10 Shaman, -2 Destroyers. +1 level Hexx, -1 level Akil'zon
Wildhammer: -1 Gryphon Rider. +1 level Kurdran Wildhammer.)

Steamwheedle City Completed. - After establishing their presence in the Modan Highlands last year, the Steamwheedle Cartel has completed their city off the shore of the Highlands. Naming it Steamwheedle City, and Noggenfogger still in charge of the city itself, the goblins residing within the city seem to enjoy their new home and have begun working hard on new inventions. It wouldn't have been possible to build the city so quickly without the seven troll prisoners they had captured during last years assault on Witherbark City, and with that the trolls have been locked up until they are needed later.
(Steamwheedle Cartel: +20 gold, +45 lumber per turn.)

Keeshan Remembered. - John J. Keeshan was remembered by the people of Stormwind this month as their newly built fort, nearby Village Triumph which was formerly known as Witherbark City, was named after the brave hero who stayed back to hold off the Horde long enough for the rest of Stormwind to retreat. Presumably dead, they honored his memory by naming the fort after the great archer and utilize the fort well in defending against any possible troll invasion as retaliation in the future. So far the trolls have yet to mount any sort of assault, and don't seem to be able to in the near future with the growth of the Lordaeron navy and blockade.

Gnomes See Light at end of Tunnel. - After months of research and investment the gnomes finally can see the light at the end of the tunnel for the fungi experiment. They have spent countless hours studying and failing as they tried to grow an alternative to lumber within their cave. These special fungi wont rely on the sun's light like trees do and they will be able to produce more of them quicker then trees, although the downside to the fungi is they produce much less resources then the trees do so it will require them to grow many patches to keep up. Yet with the more they grow they may find a way to grow more productive patches of these fungi forests in the future.

Wildhammer Reinforce Bronzebeards. - The Wildhammer Clan has finally sent their skilled gryphon riders south to aid their Bronzbeard cousins against the Horde. While they didn't believe in such an evil force roaming the south they were hesitant to send any troops, especially with the war between the Vilebranch and human nations in the north going on. However, once their emissaries witnessed the green skinned monsters first hand they immediately sent aid. Kurdran ordered thirty gryphon riders to join and aid the Bronzebeard forces and their allies, as well as search for the Thorium Brotherhood and help them. They just hope this aid wasn't sent to late.

Special: Battle of Fort Bazjak

Intial Assault- With the successful defense of Fort Bazjak last month the dwarves and their allies seemed very hopeful for the coming attack. It seemed as though nothing could penetrate this great fortress that had taken the Bronzebeards many months to construct. However the Twilight's Hammer Clan arrived to bolster the Horde forces with their ogres and spellcasters. The battle began once the rubble was completely cleared from the spell cast by the Dalaran mages last month, the ogres led the charge toward the gates of the fort. Their sheer size and strength was enough to burst through the heavy iron gates as they forced their way through the crowded entrance hall of dwarfs. Once inside the ogres quickly found themselves outnumbered and surrounded as the dwarfs quickly cut the giants down and killed as many as they could before being overwhelemed by the orcs. Spearmen flooded the hall and forced the dwarfs to fall back into the next room. The orcs quickly persued only to find themselves fall victim to booby traps set cleverly by the dwarfs, some orcs fell into spike pits, while others were crushed beneath heavy stone. Even though the dwarves seemed successful with their traps their fort had still been breached. While the battle raged inside the walls of the fort another battle was being waged outside.

Battle Surrounding the Fort. - Gul'dan and Cho'gall led the forces on the outside of the fort as they shot spell after spell of shadowy chaos at the walls and the forces atop them. Dakrin led the defenders on top of the walls and commanded his mages to counter the warlock's magic. It was brutal as many of the mages were the first targets as the skilled warlock's of the Horde overpowered them with their dark magic, quickly exposing the dwarven riflemen and gnomish snipers. All seemed lost as Dakrin was caught in a two on one duel with Cho'gall and Gul'dan, while his mage colleague Landazar battled the lich Khadgar. The rest of the warlocks were besting the kirin tor mages when all of a sudden, a gnomish sniper gained the upperhand for the defending force. Toshley, an unknown gnomish sniper, dialed up a shot on the warlock Cho'gall just as he was about to unleash a devestating blow to Dakrin who had shifted his focus to Gul'dan. The shot hurt the ogre warlock badly forcing him to fall back to safety as he was to weak to continue fighting, with the sight of their leader retreating the Twilight's Hammer Clan warlocks and necrolytes lost moral and followed suit. This gave the advantage to the mages, riflemen and snipers atop the walls until Gul'dan, infuriated that Cho'gall retreated, ripped the walls apart by summoning multiple infernals down into them.

Wildhammer Arrival. - After Gul'dan tore apart the walls, sending many of the defenders falling to their deaths, the Horde continued it's advance into the fort. Garona spotted the great warlock Gul'dan as he entered the fort through one of the cracks in the walls and quickly destroyed an earth element that the dwarves had summoned. She quickly cut down any orc that stood in her path towards the great warlock. Gul'dan noticed her as she was just feet away and froze her in mid jump. Garona had her dagger pointed directly at Gul'dan's throat, but couldn't move an inch as she floated a few feet off the ground. With a battle raging on around them Gul'dan focused soley on the half orc female who had come to kill him. He grinned wickedly at her as he began channeling a shadowy bolt in the palm of his hand, when all of a sudden the earth started shaking and the clouds began rumbling. The warlock looked to the skies to see over two dozen dwarfs on the backs of feathery winged beasts smashing the great hammers together causing thunder like rumbles in the sky above, as bolts of electricy fell apon the fortresses opening. The orcs that were unlucky enough to be standing within the opening were badly injured or killed, while the rest forced their way deeper into the fort. Gul'dan attempted to channel another bolt of shadow to fire towards the gryphon riders, but they easily dodged the spell and clapped their hammers together once more firing directly toward Gul'dan, many of the bolts missed the opening and hit the roof instead causing bits of stone and rock to rain down upon the orcs inside. With the arrival of the Wildhammer Clan it seems as though the battle has turned in the favor of the defenders for now.

Bronzebeard's Push the Horde Out. - After a long battle the Bronzebeard's and their allies were able to finally make a push forcing the Horde to retreat, both sides suffered heavy casualties though but Fort Bazjak will remain to be defended another day. If it hadn't been for the arrival of the Wildhammer Clan it would have surely fallen, however nobody has seen or heard from Garona since her encounter with the orc warlock Gul'dan as some believe the Wildhammer's killed her not knowing which side she was on.
(Bronzebeard Clan: -115 warriors, -32 riflemen, -20 clerics. +1 level all heroes involved.
Dalaran: -36 mages, -5 clerics. +1 level all heroes involved.
Gilneas: -15 warriors, -12 archers, -4 clerics, -5 mages, -1 level Genn Greymane. +1 level all heroes excluding Genn Greymane.
Gnomeregan: -10 warriors, -20 snipers, -4 autoguns, -2 steamtanks. +1 level Gelbin Mekkatorque, + Toshley level 1 sniper.
Blackrock Clan: -220 warriors, -15 spearmen, -3 catapults. +1 level all heroes.
Black Tooth Grin: -250 warriors, -40 spearmen, -5 catapults. +1 level Maim Blackhand.
Dragonmaw Clan: -20 warriors, -40 necrolytes, -20 warlocks. +1 level Zuluhead.
Stormreaver Clan: -30 warriors, -50 necrolytes, -40 warlocks. +1 level Gul'dan.
Twilight's Hammer Clan: -12 ogres, -10 necrolytes, -1 level Cho'gall. +1 level Khadgar.
Garona: +1 level.)

Lightning's Blade Suffer Second Defeat. - While the rest of the Horde battled further north this month the Lightning's Blade Clan attempted to retake Thorium Point from the Brotherhood. Recently reunited with their fearless leader, Grothmag Farbeard, the Brotherhood stood strong against the coming assault. Their riflemen proved their greatness once more following orders from their leader as they picked apart the oncoming clan of orcs. It was a bloodbath for the orcs as they were completely outranged and devestated. The short battle saw many orcs die and quickly retreat, two back to back defeats for this clan wont bode well for them with the Warchief.
(Thorium Brotherhood: -5 warriors. +1 level all heroes.
Lightning's Blade Clan: -40 warriors, -10 spearmen. +1 level all heroes.)

Bleeding Hollow Secure Mines. - Ordered by their chieftan Killrogg Deadeye, Formak led half of the clan south through the pass in which they originally came leading to the dark portal and claimed a mine there. While Formak led his group, Killrogg took the rest of the clan north into Redridge to claim a mine there as the Frostwolves continued their expansion towards Redridge. The clan however did not secure the mine for the Frostwolves as they sacked it and took all the resources the mines had to offer this month for themselves. This move has given the clan a boom in gold supply and it will be interesting to see if they hand the mines over to the Frostwolves when their expansion reaches said mines.
(Bleeding Hollow Clan: +100 gold.)

Zul'Kunda Falls to Renegades as Mandokir Falls ill. - A rogue witch doctor has been working diligently this month in an act against the leader of the Gurubashi Mandokir. Somehow the leader has fallen ill, many think it's the work of a witch doctor poisoning some food or drink that their great leader had while others think it's backlash from his new staff. With the interest in Zul'Kunda many also believe this group of renegades are from the former Bloodscalp tribe that had been forced to join the Gurubashi when Mandokir defeaded Gan'zulah in the arena all those months ago. Although while their leader had fallen ill a group of troll renegades overran Zul'Kunda to the northwest and killed all who were stationed there, or some how convinced them to join their cause, and with their leader taking the name Gan'Kunda it seems he is looking to reform the Bloodscalp tribe. With the recent illness of Mandokir putting him into a sleeplike state the Gurubashi have looked to their most powerful shaman for guidence and leadership, Zanzil. Zanzil has promised to find a cure for their great leader while he punishes those renegades for their betrayal and reclaims Zul'Kunda for the Gurubashi Empire. This cannot be a good sign for the Gurubashi as tensions with the Skullsplitters to the south have been increasing of the past couple months.
(Gurubashi: -12 warriors, -10 axe-throwers, -1 berserker. -1 level Mandokir. - Zul'Kunda.)

Skullsplitters Strike Gurubashi. - As word of the renegade trolls reached the ears of Ana'thek and the Skullsplitters he ordered a large assault on the Gurubashi. Their target was the Gurubashi Arena located in southern Stranglethorn Vale, near the border of the Skullsplitter tribe. With the Gurubashi's focus on helping Mandokir and retaking their lost city, they were unprepared for the assault on their arena, but put up a good fight. It was a longer battle then the Skullsplitter's had anticipated as the minor force stationed in the arena utilized it's great defensive setup with it's natural choke points to thin the numbers of the Skullsplitters. However the choke points weren't enough to hold back the massive number of berserkers in the Skullsplitter ranks as they were able to wash over the few troll warriors and claim the arena for themselves. Soon after the arena fell the Gurubashi retaliated with Ma'iq and Zanzil leading a counter attack, but the choke points served as a greater aid to the Skullsplitter berserkers then it did for the Gurubashi earlier in the month. They battled the Gurubashi forces back and stood strong claiming the arena for the Skullsplitters.
(Gurubashi: -10 warriors, -12 axe-throwers, 5 shaman. +1 level Ma'iq and Zanzil.
Skullsplitter: -12 warriors, -2 berserkers. +1 level Ana'thek. + Gurubashi Arena.)

News Items
Great amount of resources sent to the Horde:
+500 gold and lumber to all clans.

Diplomatic Pouch

@Blue Bacon - The High Elves already utilize moon wells, they don't use them as much as the Night Elves but they still have a couple within their borders.
Lord of Elves has been dropped due to inactivity.

World Map
Spoiler :
OOC: I'm going to try to get orders in on time, but they might be a little late
Orders are past due, only have 3 sets. If you want an update get those orders in!
Just a heads up on the update, I am working on it but with finals coming up soon and coaching baseball starting up (I got the head coaching position this year so I'll be busier then last year) the updates may be slower getting out. I don't think it'll be to difficult once I get use to my practice/game schedule and I don't have finals to worry about.
Wars of Warcraft: Month 18

Dalyn Joins Elvish Navy. - A new face has joined the Quel'thalas navy and a good one at that. Quickly asending to the rank of ship captain, Dalyn Dawnrider has impressed the leadership of the high elves and been granted command over the entire Quel'thalas navy. His first task occured later in the month as he helped lead an attack against the Amani Empire.

Elves Press Amani. - The high elves of Quel'thalas have pressed into Amani lands this year as they relied on their outranging ballistae and mortors given to them by the dwarves. At first the tactic wasn't very successful, but after a couple weeks of bombardment the trolls began to abandon their border villages and retreat deeper into their forest. Once the retreats began the elves began sending troops in to clean up what was left along the border. Not many trolls were actually killed during this assault, however many buildings were badly damaged and the elves have taken some ground from the trolls.
(Amani Tribe: -2 warriors, -1 axe-thrower.
Quel'thalas: +1 level Alleria and Sylvannas Windrunner.

Quel'thalas Continues Naval Campaign. - Led by newly appointed ship captain Dalyn Dawnrider, the high elves of Quel'thalas led yet another strike against the Amani Tribe. This month's strike was much more successful then the previous months as the ships were accompanied by Anasterian himself, and one of their newest mages in Ravandwyr. At first the naval force came upon no resistance as the Amani Tribe had no ships to send to their destruction, but once they approached the troll shores they were met by the Amani shaman in force. A brutal battle was waged between the two forces, the shaman weilding the elements and the elves weilding the arcane and stronger firepower. The number of mages were able to counter the shamanistic magics cast upon the water around the ships allowing them to suffer only one ship lost initially. However the shaman then began weilding the wind and calling for thunderstrikes to rain down upon their foes, by this time though the troll numbers had taken a major hit. Once the wind and thunder began crashing against the boats the Amani claimed the advantage, but it wouldn't last long as the elves wisely backed out leaving the battle successful by leaving a large toll on their enemy numbers.
(Amani Tribe: -10 warriors, -12 axe-throwers, -10 shaman. +1 level Alakzak.
Quel'thalas: -2 corvettes, -8 mages. +1 level all heroes involved.)

Vilebranch Turn Attention Toward Wildhammer. - After their success was thwarted by a surprise attack from the Wildhammer clan, the Vilebranch have turned their attention toward their western neighbor this month to exact revenge. The two nations waged war on land and through the air this month from almost the entirety of the month. With Stromgarde and Lordaeron sending aid to the Wildhammer on ground, the dwarves were able to focus most of their efforts to battling the great eagle.

Wildhammer Decimate Vilebranch. - The month long battle between the Wildhammer and the Vilebranch seemed to be going either way throughout the month as there was no clear cut victor, that is until the final battle. Hexx rode upon Akil'zon once again leading the fight in the air against the gryphon riders and Kurdan himself. While Mai'jin and Retherokk led the ground battle against the dwarves and humans. Danath Trollbane was placed in command of all the ground troops, including the dwarven troops, while Kurdan was busy in the air. Danath proved his tenacity and leadership prowess as the trolls attack was stemmed quickly and the defenders put the pressure on the trolls quickly, forcing them to fall back quickly as the defending troops became the aggressors. Danath focused most of his efforts on finding Retherokk and bringing the beast down, while the rest of the forces attention was on bringing down the shaman of the Vilebranch. Meanwhile, up in the air, Kurdan and his forces were taking a beating from the eagle and it's master Hexx until a group of riflemen were ordered to aid the gryphon riders. Their vollies distracted Hexx enough for Kurdan to fly high above and use a divebomb type of maneuver and throwing his great hammer, the Fist of the Mountain, right at Hexx. The massive hammer collided with the shaman knocking her from the eagles back and plumetted toward the ground. She began summoning the wind to ease her down slowly, but Kurdan was persistent as his gryphon riders swarmed the eagle. Kurdan retrieved his hammer and quickly persued the shaman who was now just gliding toward the ground softly. Once he came upon her she had to stop focusing on the wind and battle for her life, this was in Kurdan's favor as when she would cast a spell toward him she would begin to fall quickly once again. The gryphon rider easily dodged the spells and once the shaman refocused on the wind, as she was just feet from the ground, he swooped down and struck her in the skull with his great hammer. Hexx fell hard the rest of the ten feet and with a thud contacted the hard dirt below, the witch leader of the Vilebranch had been slain and at the sight of that the Vilebranch forces fled.
(Lordaeron: -15 warriors, -5 knights.
Stromgarde: -10 warriors, -6 archers. +1 level Danath Trollbane.
Wildhammer: -50 warriors, -28 riflemen, -5 gryphon riders. +1 level Kurdan Wildhammer.
Vilebranch: -80 warriors, -50 axe-throwers, -5 berserkers, -10 shaman, - Hexx. +1 level Retherokk and Mai'jin, -1 level Akil'zon.)

Fungi Forest Completed. - Finally the gnomes have created their first fungi forest. As an alternative to wood, they have been able to grow large fungi type forests that can do almost the exact same things a normal wood can. This forest is something amazing for any who see it, and will hopefully continue to progress as they don't offer much as a means of wood at the moment. With time these forests could eventually populate most of the Eastern Kingdoms.
(Gnomeregan: +15 lumber per turn.)

The White Death. - The gnomes of Gnomeregan have once again created something ingenious, but this time something much smaller then their previous inventions. After bringing back an old sniper rifle once used by the best known gnomish sniper and repairing it, they added some new features to it. These features consist of a telescopic sight and explosive ammunition. Now wielded by their great sniper Toshley, The White Death is something to be feared by enemies attempting to battle the gnomes.

The Fall of the Gryphons. - With one successful assault last month, the Horde has had yet another this month. As the gryphon riders from the Wildhammer patrolled the skies the warlocks knew they had to focus those enemies down first or all would be for nothing. With Gul'dan leading the spells the rest of the warlocks, including Cho'gall, began flinging spells toward the gryphon riders. At first the gryphon riders were able to dodge most of the spells and block the rest, but then Gul'dan turned up the pressure and successfully dismounted two gryphon riders who were dead before they hit the ground along with their mounts. Then the slaughter began, once the warlocks figured out the deadly spell the gryphon riders began falling quickly. This forced the survivors to flee after being able to inflict just a minor toll upon the warlocks and left their dwarf allies vulnerable to yet another seige.
(Thundermar Clan: -5 gryphon riders. -1 level Colin Thundermar.
Wildhammer: -12 gryphon riders.
Dragonmaw Clan: -5 warlocks. +1 level Zuluhead.
Stormreaver Clan: -10 warlocks. +1 level Gul'dan.
Twilight's Hammer Clan: -4 warlocks. +1 level Cho'gall.)

Battle of Fort Bazjak, Part Two. - After a somewhat successful defense of the fort last month the dwarves, and their allies, dug in once more to defend against the Horde yet again. This time their air support had been pushed out leaving just the ground troops and all the traps the fort had to offer. Led by Muradin Bronzebeard the dwarves stayed near the back of the fort abandoning all the rest of it, but they had added a couple extra surprises for the Horde in each room. Once the orcs entered the first room they were met by swinging spikes and trap doors sending a few orcs falling to their deaths, while others were stuck and swung across the room until they bled out. The next room the orcs entered carefully, but once one of them stepped upon a weight designed trap two parts of the ceiling came swinging down smashing a large group of orcs between the two large stone slabs. Another room was full of explosives while somewhere else orcs could be heard burning alive. So far the plan was working and the orc numbers were dwindling, but they finally made it to the final room where the orcs met the dwarves. A brutal battle ensued which led to the dwarves being pressed out of the fort, but this was planned for also as multiple steamtanks sat waiting for the first sign of the orcs. They immediately bombarded the fort collapsing just the back room upon them and cutting many off from their allies. Those cut off were quickly cut down by the dwarves who heard the orcs retreating to the other side of the fort and began clearing rubble to reenter their fort.
(Bronzebeard Clan: -10 warriors. +1 level all heroes involved.
Dalaran: +1 level all heroes involved.
Gilneas: -20 warriors, -1 level Genn Greymane, -Amos Vayr.
Gnomergan: +1 level all heroes.
Blackrock Clan: -35 warriors, -30 spearmen. -1 level Formak, +1 level Doomhammer.
Black Tooth Grin: -50 warriors, -50 spearmen. +1 level Maim.)

Thorium Brotherhood Strike Back. - Grothmag led a quick hit and run type assault on the Lightning's Blade Clan this month, a clan that has seemingly been forgotten by the rest of the Horde after their multiple failures. The isolating of the clan has seemed to worsen the orcs moral and were easy pickings for the quick attack that came during the night. After scouting the orc camp for a few days with his trusty boar companion, Snouts, Grothmag led a silent attack during the darkest hours of the night. The dwarves easily killed the patrolling guards quietly allowing them access to the camp where they quietly killed a few more orcs then had the riflemen open fire. This woke the orcs who were confused and began frantically looking for their attackers who were on all sides. Chom'gar, the massive ogre, was easy for Grothmag to pick out even in the darkness and focused his fire upon the giant being. He brought the ogre to it's knees then ordered for his men to fall back and regroup, since the one night attack there were no more from the Brotherhood this month.
(Lightning's Blade: -30 warriors, -5 spearmen. -1 level Chom'gar.)

Thorium Brotherhood Expands. - With the reunion of their fromer fearless leader Grothmag and a successful night attack upon the Lightning's Blade Clan, the Brotherhood has begun to expand claiming what was previously theirs. They have claimed the Searing Gorge town and a couple of gold mines this month. This has bolstered their monthly income and help cut the Lightning's Blade Clan off from the rest of the Horde a little more as they hope to seal the orcs fate soon.
(Thorium Brotherhood: +180 gold per turn.)

More Trolls Leave Gurubashi. - More trolls have been seen leaving the Gurubashi Empire to join the Zul'Kunda tribe. Many of the recent trolls have been recognized as trolls who were not even part of the original Bloodscalp tribe that use to inhabit Zul'Kunda. This has raised questions as to what the reason of the defections are, many believe something or someone else is behind the defections that has yet to be discovered. This has put the Gurubashi trolls on guard for any sort of sneak attacks.
(Gurubashi: -20 warriors, -15 axe-throwers, -2 berserkers, -5 shaman.
Zul'Kunda: +20 warriors, +15 axe-throwers, +2 berserkers, -5 shaman.)

Gurubashi Strike Zul'Kunda Turns Into Surprise. - As a major force was sent to fight the Zul'Kunda trolls along with the Bleeding Hollow Clan from the Horde, they found a surprise waiting for them. It seemed as though the Zul'Kunda tribe had been tipped off about the oncoming attack and had fortified heavily. Once the Gurubashi and their allies broke through the fortifications they saw that hardly any trolls were actually in Zul'Kunda, the majority were the axe-throwers atop the walls and the three berserkers within. The berserkers put up a good fight before they were taken down, but the axe-throwers fell quickly as the Bleeding Hollow catapults tore them apart during the inital assault. Gan'Kunda was sitting in the middle of the city unarmed, and when approached he didn't fight back as a troll warrior quickly cut into him. Once the Gurubashi realized he wasn't a threat their shaman tried to heal him back up and question him. They were successful in healing the wounds, but before he could get any words out he fell into a deep sleep and couldn't be woken. It is unkown at this point what happened to the remaining members of the Zul'Kunda tribe, but the attacking forces discovered a cauldron with a liquid that the shaman who accompanied them could not identify. Even though they could not identify to substance, the shaman felt bad vibes radiating from it and decided to alert their leader, Zanzil, about it.
(Bleeding Hollow: -5 warriors, -2 spearmen. +1 level Kilrogg Deadeye and Formak.
Gurubashi: -12 warriors, -4 axe-throwers, -1 shaman. +Zul'Kunda.
Zul'Kunda: -10 axe-throwers, -3 berserkers. -Gan'Kunda.)

Battle In The Arena, Round Two. - The Gurubashi sent a large force in an attempt to reccapture the Arena this month. It was a vicious battle, but yet again the choke points served as a disadvantage to the Gurubashi. Even though the Gurubashi brought in berserkers of their own, they were no match for the Skullsplitter berserkers which they specialize in. While the Gurubashi outnumbered the Skullsplitter force, which was as minimal as they possibly could allow as they were being attacked on two other fronts. Ma'iq proved his greatness on the battle however as he accounted for the most Skullsplitter casualties, yet his valiant effort was not enough as he eventually had to call for a retreat. Ana'thek was nowhere to be seen at or around the arena however as he was presumably off fighting against the Darkspears.
(Gurubashi: -42 warriors, -15 axe-throwers, -10 berserkers, -5 shaman. +1 level Ma'iq.
Skullsplitters: -20 warriors, -5 axe-throwers, -5 berserkers.)

Darkspears Battle Skullsplitters. - In what turned into a bloody battle for both sides, the Darkspears attempted to reclaim their former lands from the Skullsplitter tribe this month. With no ships available to them they had to rely on their shamanistic powers to allow their trolls to tread upon the water, this tactic made their soldiers tired by the time the reached the shores allowing for another advantage for a defending force. Once the Darkspears reached the land they were immediately attacked by Ana'thek and a large group of berserkers. The Skullsplitters put up a great fight against the shamanistic force of the Darkspears accompanied by Lord Hydronis as they took out many shaman. Ana'thek himself singled out the water elemental himself and engaged the foreign creature, the water spells didn't seem to hurt Ana'thek to badly as the large berserker just kept coming at Hydronis. The two's battle lasted quite a while as the main forces continued to cut into each other, and in the end Ana'thek pinned Hydronis to the ground looking to finish the elemental off. Just as he was about to deliever a killing blow a massive wave crashed down upon the two and Hydronus was no where to be seen afterward. It is unkown what happened to the water elemental as some of the Darkspear shaman believe they heard Neptulon call his servant back to the elemental plane of water. What is certain though is the Darkspears suffered a brutal toll but reclaimed their lands from the Skullsplitters, thanks to a new emerging hero of the tribe known as Rokhan. Rokhan, trained as a shaman, is a shadow hunter and has unlocked the abilities most shaman fear to attempt as he can channel the powers of the dark gods to curse his enemies. Like normal shaman he can heal his allies, but Rokhan proved he is the greatest warrior the Darkspear have as he cut down many berserkers by himself as well as regular trolls.
(Darkspear: - 20 warriors, -12 axe-throwers, -38 shaman. +1 level Sen'jin. -Lord Hydronis. +Rokhan level 1 Shadow Hunter.
Skullsplitter: -25 warriors, -10 axe-throwers, -10 berserkers.)

News Items
Shadow Hunters - A new hero unit available to troll tribes through combat, meaning you cannot purchase one, these are deadly shamanistic witch doctor type heroes who can use shadow magic and typical shamanistic magics. They wield blades as well and are very good in melee combat as they cast spells while fighting giving them an advantage over most normal units.

Horde Recieve Minor Supplies
+100 gold and +25 lumber each clan.

Diplomatic Pouch

I apologize for the delay, but the update is finally here and all it took was a kick to the ribs from a horse for me to find the time to get it done!

World Map
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