• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Orcs and Humans Continued

To: Vilebranch, Witherbark
From: Gilneas
We declare war. You must not be allowed to finish your spell.

To: Lordaeron, Stromgarde
Regarding our communications, we will assist this month immediately instead, as we have noticed their great spell.
To: The Bronzebeards
From: Anduin Lothar, King Regent of Stormwind

Our hearts go out to you, brave Dwarves. While we wish you would have been able to aid us in the defense of our lands, we understand you had issues of your own to deal with. While we are in no position right now to fight the Horde, we will pray to the Light that what befell Stormwind will not befall Ironforge.
So since I was out of town and was unable to finish all my homework I'll give a minor extension on orders due to tomorrow at 12pm pacific time.

I will be sending orders now with the hope you will have mercy on me and accept them. :p
Wars of Warcraft: Month 13

Quel'thalas' Prince Returned. - After months of absence, the rebel prince has been sent back to Quel'thalas by the hands of Sylvannas Windrunner. Thalressar Sunstrider had been behind the kidnapping of Varian Wyrnn, the prince of Stormwind, and various other pirate type attacks throughout the past year. However with his defeat at the hands of Kul Tiras and his capture by Stormwind his time of pirating seems to be finished. His father, Anasterian Sunstrider has since thrown him in a prison on the island where the Sunwell is located as to keep him as far away from the mainland as possible.

Witherbark Tribe Joins Vilebranch. - A month after aiding the Vilebranch in the defense of Stromgarde Keep the weakend troll faction of the Witherbark tribe has agreed to join the more powerful tribe of the Vilebranch. The joining of these two tribes brings two of the most powerful shaman in all of Azeroth together in the same tribe now as Hexx and Mai'jin are now working together.
(Vilebranch Tribe: +12 shaman, +30 axe-throwers, +76 warriors, Mai'jin, +50 gold per turn.)

Trolls Best Humans in Port of Stromgarde! - Just one month after the Vilebranch were able to resist the attacks of Dalaran and Lordaeron they did it once more, this time the forces of Gilneas where involved as well however. The majority of the month was spent with the humans looking for fortified areas around the keep in the Arathi Highlands, but this was a waste of time as the trolls had not ventured from the keep to build such defenses. Hexx hadn't ordered any more patrols either this month limiting the death toll for the force. While the humans were searching on land for defenses, they were striking the bay of Stromgarde by sea with ships and mages. The humans were successful in sinking one of the troll ships, but it was empty as the trolls had all taken shelter within the walls of Stromgarde. Annoyed with the cannon fire and spells being flung by the mages Hexx and Mai'jin combined their efforts sending a massive tidal wave towards the Gilnean and Lordaeron ships sinking a good amount and sending the rest retreating. Once the humans retreated the Vilebranch made quick work of capturing the frigates scattered in the sea that once belonged to Stromgarde.
(Vilebranch: -1 Destoryer, +5 Frigates.
Lordaeron: -2 Battleships, -2 Frigates.
Gilneas: -5 Frigates, -1 Battleship, +1 level Zachary Charles.
Stromgarde: -5 Frigates.)

Humans Breach Stromgarde Walls. - When the humans had finally searched the highlands and found no signs of defenses they laid seige to the walls of Stromgarde once more. With their naval strike bested they knew this was their final chance of the month. They sent all they had at the walls, mages, catapults, knights. It was very costly for all the humans, but they finally breached the front gates and punch large holes into the walls around the keep. As the humans began to pour into the courtyard Hexx ordered a full retreat as there was nothing to oppose them in the bay. Many troll warriors stayed back to delay the forces as the majority of the Vilebranch forces fled to the boats. By the time the humans had defeated the warriors who stay back the rest of the force had already set sail and covered themselves with fog.
(Vilebranch: -55 warriors, -12 axe-throwers. +1 level Hexx and Mai'jin.
Lordaeron: -200 warriors, -44 archers, 60 knights, -40 clerics, -8 mages. +1 level to all heroes involved.
Dalaran: -15 mages, -10 clerics. +1 level Dakrin.
Gilneas: -150 warriors, -50 archers, -20 knights, -45 clerics, -6 mages. +1 level to all heroes involved.)

Trollbane's Return Home.- Months had passed since the Trollbane's had left their home to wage war upon the Vilebranch trolls, and they had gone from a once great nation to a now crippled and almost destroyed nation. Their once great kingdom has been molested by troll magic and their keep has been battered by a massive battle. The navy is now nonexistant for Stromgarde and the people look toward the future as they pray the trolls do not return to their homeland any time soon.

Hope's Landing Complete. - A month after Fort Stormwind's construction the people of Stormwind have completed the small coastal village of Hope's Landing! The village has been utilized as a small fishing village as they begin to establish farms and send hunting parties around the Modan Highlands. So far there have been no threats to the village, or the fort for that matter, as the trolls to their north have been busy with a war of their own. With time, this village could eventually turn into a great city as the people of Stormwind look to make their new home.
(Stormwind: +15 gold per turn, +10 lumber per turn.)

Faol Frees Garona! - Wielding the power of the light for the past months Alonsus Faol has attempted to break Garona free of the bonds by the great ogre warlock Cho'gall. This month his persitance has finally paid off as the orc assassin has finally been freed from the ogre's control. Garona, once a good friend of Khadgar, Medivh and the former King of Stormwind Llan Wyrnn, has asked to be let loose. Lothar, the current leader of Stormwind, has allowed her to depart as he was assured she would not rejoin the Horde who used fel magics to break her will. Unsure of what the orc will do Lothar has asked her to join Stormwind, an offer she took into great consideration but had to refuse at this point in time.
(Garona: Level 6 Assassin, wandering hero.)

Rise of Uther. - The apprentice knight of the great cleric Alonsus Faol has gained the attention of the Reagent King of Stormwind. Uther has now been shown great potential on the battlefield and leading armies, and so Lothar has promoted him filling the position that had been vacated with the loss of John J. Keeshan.
(Stormwind: +1 Knight/Cleric Hero Uther.)

Cambri Thundermar Finishes Training. - The elves of Quel'thalas have recently agreed to help train the cousin of Colin Thundermar, Cambri. She has shown great knowledge of the arcane and has completed her training quickly. Now she has joined the ranks of the Thundermar army and is ready to lead mages of her own.
(Thundermar Clan: +1 level 1 mage hero Cambri Thundermar.)

Wildhammer Sends Emissaries to Ironforge. - As the Bronzebeard clan has been petitioning for the aid of the Wildhammer clan to battle the oncoming Horde they have agreed to send emissaries. This is a sign that the Wildhammer still do not believe in this Horde, but are willing to give the Bronzebeard's the benefit of the doubt by sending observers should there truly be such an evil, bloodthursty force advancing.

Horde Overrun Dark Irons. - With the arrival of the main Horde forces they overwhelmed the Dark Iron forces outside of their capitol city of Blackrock City. Forcing the remaining dwarven forces deep into hiding, the Horde have progressed into the Searing Gorge but will have to halt their rampage northward as Orgrim Doomhammer was injured in the battle by the last remaining rifleman of the Dark Iron Clan.
(Dark Iron: -100 warriors, -11 riflemen. +1 level Dagran Thaurissan.
Blackrock Clan: -270 warrior, -7 spearmen. +1 level Gulnarg, -1 level Orgrim Doomhammer.
Dark Scar Clan: -30 warriors, -5 spearmen. +1 level Kash'drakor.
Dragonmaw Clan: -28 warriors, -7 warlocks. +1 level Zuluhead the Whacked.
Lightning's Blade Clan: -12 warriors, -10 spearmen. +1 level all heroes.
Twilight's Hammer Clan: +1 level all heroes.)

Frostwolves Attacked Again. - In hopes of freeing their leader, the humans have struck the Frostwolf clan once more. Although this time wasn't as successful as Draka herself was there to greet the humans. Draka was able to wield the elements and inflict heavy damage to the humans, forcing them the retreat back into the mountains.
(Frostwolf Clan: -10 warriors. +1 level Draka.
Captain Reginald Windsor: -3 warriors, -3 archers. +1 level.)

Gul'dan Awakens! - The lead warlock of the Horde, the most powerful warlock and leader of the most powerful clan of warlocks the Stormreaver clan, has awoken. Gul'dan and his Stormreaver clan have finally come through the dark portal and look to spread destruction across Azeroth.
(Horde: +Stormreaver Clan, +level 10 warlock Gul'dan.)

Sen'jin Summons Great Water Element. - Sen'jin, the leader of the Darkspear tribe of trolls and great shaman has summoned a powerful water element. This water element is rumored to be a liutenant of Neptulan, the powerful old god of the water elemental plane, himself. Lord Hydronis has seemed to be cooperative with the troll shaman as Sen'jin was only powerful enough to summon the elemental and not control it yet. For now it seems that Hydronis will serve the Darkspear tribe loyally.

News Items

Diplomatic Pouch


World Map
Spoiler :
To: Coalition
From: Genn Greymane

My heroes and I, and a small contingent of regular forces, will continue to assist you should you decide to venture into Witherbark lands, while the bulk of our military returns to Gilneas.

To: The Cartel
From: Genn Greymane

I must admit to being suspicious of your presence so close to our shores, having received land simply for selling items to our race whilst Gilneas has bleed in the south, on the sea and in the east simply for our mutual cause. However if you will join me in combat against the Witherbark along with a grenadier detachment to complement my contingent then I shall see the Goblins as equal to Humans.
Posting this so you can be reminded of the Cartel's prices. I realized the prices were on the previous thread and not in this one.

The Steamwheedle Cartel is PROUD to announce the beginning of our Valued Customer Program!
While The Traditional system of Hiring Steamwheedle Mercenaries at cost has long been the Cornerstone of our Corporate Policy, we realize that in this new, modern world of warfare and mayhem, people need an option to hire a Modern and well trained* Army at a reasonable Cost, as listed Below:
Warriors: 9 Gold
Grenadiers: 45 Gold
Sappers: 120 Gold
Zeppelins: 120 Gold and 120 Lumber
While these Prices may seem Steep, The Steamwheedle Cartel Prizes Quality, and you are paying for the BEST.**
With these prices in mind, the Steamwheedle Cartel would like to offer membership in our Valued Customer Program.
For a Bronze membership, which costs a Measly 5 Gold per Month, but includes a mandatory year long contract, all units are at a discount of 5% on All units
For a Silver Membership, which costs 10 Gold per month, but includes a mandatory year long contract, all units are at a discount of 10% on All Units
For a Gold Membership, which costs 20 Gold per month, but includes a mandatory year long contract, all units are at a discount of 15% on All Units
For a Platinum Membership, which costs 50 Gold per month, but includes a mandatory year long contract, all units are at a discount of 50% on All Units

The Penalty for Cancelling a contract without Full payment is the return of all Steamwheedle Cartel forces and the Blacklisting of the faulty Party until the payment is completed.

*be aware that Steamwheedle Mercenaries are contractually required to not fight other Steamwheedle forces, even if employed by the so called "enemy."
** The Steamwheedle Cartel reserves the right of canceling any contract without penalty at the discretion of the Board. Additionally, Not all units may be available at all times.
To: Lordaeron
From: Gilneas

Humans bleed to protect Humans and Goblins alike. We feel a concerted diplomatic effort to pressure the Cartel may be in order as we are dying to protect Goblin lives, despite the free land you have given them in their time of need. You have been nothing but kind to them and they have been nothing but mercenary, it is time they contribute to the common good. If they do so we will once again send our full force, not just our heroes and a contingent.
To: Gilneas
From: The Cartel

We are in no alliance with the humans nor are we being threatened. It has been made clear that we remain neutral and are willing to offer our services to the humans at this time.

@ELITEOFWARMAN - You're not orcs you are trolls so I'm not sure if you knew that and meant would they sell to you or not.
From: Kingdom of Lordaeron
To: Gilneas

While we appreciate your support, it is not Gilneas' concern what Lordaeron does with her land, and we will not be bribed into betraying agreements made with the goblins of the Steamwheedle Cartel for Gilneas' fairweather friendship. We will gladly accept your aid in driving the trolls from the lands they infest but we will not have our good favor bought. We are not at all impressed by your rhetoric in regards to our common cause, that you have "bled" for, when previously Gilneas was unwilling to contribute forces to free Stromgarde from the troll grip. There is no reason for the Kingdom of Gilneas to feel threatened given that the Steamwheedle Cartel has signed an agreement of friendship and neutrality with Lordaeron, which we would consider breached and respond appropriately if they undertook any aggressive action against the Kingdom of Gilneas and other nations in the region that Lordaeron considers itself to be in a detente or alliance with.

From: Kingdom of Lordaeron
To: Alterac

Do not think that we have forgotten your treachery in the matter of Stromgarde. Those who have done their due for the cause of mankind, and those who have shirked their duty, will be remembered by His Majesty King Terenas.
To: Lordaeron
From: Alterac

Keep making threats to multiple nations while you pick goblins over your own human brothers. We were in no position to fight the trolls and needed to look out for our nations best interests, you can not bully us into joining a war that we cannot sustain.
To: Lordaeron
From: Genn Greymane

We most definitely have bled most grievously for the Alliance both in the south to which we contributed greatly and in the recent engagement where we lost half our army (by value) and navy, indeed our losses could be considered second in comparative size to only Stormwind and Stromgarde, and while we appreciate that Lordaeron has made a far greater net contribution in both forces and determination we do not feel that our great sacrifice is being fully acknowledged unlike the Goblins who continue to rest under the Human shield, pausing between their meals only to think of the gold they shall have when they complete an invention lethal* to its operator, though the Gnomes will have marketed half a dozen by then.
We do however apologize for having been absent from the war effort for a month (OOC: or replace with the correct time period if it was longer) before returning in full force for a month. At any rate, we will continue to send our heroes into battle with a contingent of regular forces which we will continually reinforce as much as we are able. Unfortunately we need to maintain the bulk of our surviving regular units on Gilneas for security against Orkin or Troll surprise attacks from the south (or indeed that of Vilebranch even).

*we give them credit for the Zeppelin though, it's surprisingly non-explosive.
To: King Anduin Lothar of Stormwind, High Mage Antonidas Dalaran
From: King Magni Bronzebeard of Clan Bronzebeard
cc: Other human and Elf kingdoms

Hail sovereigns! We send word to you that the Horde approaches Bronzebeard land. In our folly, we ignored your warnings and for that, you have suffered much loss. However, we know now of the threat the Horde poses, and we would beseech you for you assistance in the coming battles. If we do not receive assistance from the northern kingdoms, we shall fall and then the Horde will press onwards. We ask that you send us the men you can spare, particularly your mages, that we might serve as a bulwark against the force of the Horde. We await your words and will prepare room for your men.

King Magni Bronzebeard
To: the Bronzebeard Clan
From: Gilneas

After some thought on the matter we have decided our help is more urgently needed in Dwarven lands, as Vilebranch may be willing to make peace seeing as how they did not start the war with Stromgarde. We will send our contingent of heroes and bodyguards south to assist you in your defense.
PS. If you will we also wish to order 65 gold pieces worth of very light armor for our Mage, and a 35 gold pieces worth of even lighter armor for our Ship Captain.
To: Gilneas
From: Bronzebeard

That ken be arraged. Send word ahead of yer measurements, and well begin crafting something for ya.
To: King Magni Bronzebeard
From: Archmage Antonidas

The noble Bronzebeard clan may relieve on the Magics of Dalaran in their coming battle with the horde.
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