Originally posted by Coke_Cola
Neomega when's the next patch for it coming out.
Beta v1.1 has been released. If you mean Beta v1.2, Probably in a week or so, right now I am working on the political (UN) victory graphics, which will need 25 wonder splashes, and 50 civilopedia icons. Each race will require four unique small wonders be built (costing 150-300 shields each) before it can construct a "U.N." which will cost 900 shields. Also all portraits for the foreign advisor screen have been completed.
My feeling is the U.N. victory is too easy, so I am making each small wonder require a "racial soul" resource. ie... for a mutant race to build the "High Council"
needs mutant souls, they first must construct clone, automon, human and cyborg councils, which respectively increase in cost due to racial/political mistrust.
There will also be updated wonder and improvement graphics.
Beta v1.3 I hope to refine some unit graphics, and possibly make the five palaces, and finish up the end game portrait files.
Beyond these versions will be more rule and graphic changes, before I release Beta v2.0, which should have the first two eras completely done, and ready to be mixed with the last two eras, which will be done in Conquests editor.
a look at the static .flc for the Mutant League, all leaderheads are now complete, but I may add leaderheads to the .flc's which portray only flags later