PerfNES I: Ultima Ratio Regum

Lord Gong Li, I have bad news to report. Our peace negotiations with the false Emperor of the Nanhai have failed. They have played us for fools once again. They prefer the certainty of war to the uncertainty of peace.

Gong Li: And so our path is clear. The Nanhai desire war and we shall deliver it.

Sun Tzu said:
Thus it may be known that the leader of armies is the arbiter of the people's fate, the man on whom it depends whether the nation shall be in peace or in peril.
Sorry guys I'm dropping out of this again. :(
That's okay, Egypt doesn't survive this turn anyway. Should have sent contingencies :(
Right, so, update on the update: bad news, I'm afraid. There have been unpleasant complications, and the upshot is that I lost thirty hours of work, which I now have to redo. I've got a lot of the ancillary stuff yet, so it shouldn't take quite so long, but it will take me more time than I've left this weekend. If it's any consolation, this is far more annoying for me than it is for you.
OOC: I stand behind you absolutely.
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