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Personal smells of yours, that you like

Which of YOUR personal smells, do you like?

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Don't make me destroy you
Apr 18, 2004
Death Star
Which of the above personal smells, OF YOURS, do you like?
All of the above, but especially farts.
None of the above. I find it weird that anyone would. I personally smell the things you listed, but I don't actually like the smells.
I forgot sperm odor! No!!!!!!!!!!! The poll is flawed!!!
general body
pubic region

also, i smell good. and people that smell bad should be locked up.
Be advised that this is a public poll: other users can see the choice(s) you selected.
I'm going to have to choose None of the Above.
I smell like Irish spring w/aloe !!
Ok this poll is lame, but I still voted for my fart, because it is so disgusting but also so man-like. Do you ever had this moment where you always fart in your room with closed window and door and you get out of the room to let's say go on the toilet, and you get back into your room and you just realize how bad it smells? I'm always starting to laugh about that like you wouldn't believe :)
nope, never had that moment, Galatian. my farts don't smell bad unless i eat a lot of medium-rare steak. then they get funky.
... you're joking, right?
Ok this poll is lame, but I still voted for my fart, because it is so disgusting but also so man-like. Do you ever had this moment where you always fart in your room with closed window and door and you get out of the room to let's say go on the toilet, and you get back into your room and you just realize how bad it smells? I'm always starting to laugh about that like you wouldn't believe :)

Yeah, and big time, too. I would have bad gas from consuming a mountain of dairy products and lay in my room playing video games or something, farting up a storm. I'd leave for even as long as 15 minutes and come back to a smelly room.
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