The data seems to indicate this "degradation" is extremely relative.

April 3. Russian military "almost completely reconstituted," U.S. official says

April 16. Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies says IMF

May 11. Why is the Russian economy booming despite sanctions?

May 21. "They've grown back:" How Russia surprise the West and rebuilt its force.

June 10. Russia's economy is booming.
Russia’s economy is booming. In the first quarter, Russian GDP grew by 5.4%, higher than in the fourth quarter of last year, albeit boosted by an extra day in February. The economy is on course to expand by over 3% this year or more, ahead of expectations.​
The growth has gone beyond the military Keynesian boost Russia enjoyed in the first year of the war in Ukraine due to the torrent of military spending. A number of factors have come together to put the wind at the economy’s back as the changes in the economic growth become structural.​
On the plus side of the balance sheet is higher than expected oil and gas revenues, as the West oil price sanctions have largely failed. Russia has also managed to almost entirely dodge the technology sanctions, with technology imports in 2023 only 2% less than a year earlier. Russian companies rallied to the challenge of sanctions and have been investing heavily in retooling their production lines to deal with the difficulties of obtaining Western inputs. Investments in fixed capital in Russia moved up by 14.5% year on year in the first quarter of 2024, RosStat recently reported to RUB5.93 trillion ($66.2bn) over the reported period. Fixed capital investments as of 2023 year-end gained 9.8% y/y and amounted to more than RUB34.04 trillion ($379.6bn).​
The growth in industry shows up in Russia’s PMI manufacturing index, which was 54.4 in May, far ahead of the 50 no-change benchmark and one of the strongest expansions in Europe.​

At the same time, the labour shortage – unemployment fell to a fresh all-time low of 2.6% in April – has driven nominal wages up about twice as fast as inflation (7.8% in April), which has seen real wages rise strongly for the first time in a decade and is fuelling a consumption boom. S&P Global reports that job creation in Russia in May was at its highest level in 26 years.​

1930's Germany economy is viable only as long as you are preparing for total war, this is a warning than Russia does not plan for peace and won't stop at Ukraine.
The main reason is military Keynesianism kinda works, definitely better than the primitive balanced-budget religion that rules the imaginations of people in the West.
Who's balancing the budget? Most of the major western countries have just run up deficits. Sure, they're supposed to run them down occasionally, when things are good, but experience shows most don't. They just take on a bit less debt for a while.
this is a warning than Russia does not plan for peace and won't stop at Ukraine.
I've been told Russia is incompetent, has horrific casualties and unable to take Donbass, let alone whole Ukraine.
Now, all of a sudden, Russia allegedly planning to attack EU/NATO after Ukraine's defeat.
I've been told Russia is incompetent, has horrific casualties and unable to take Donbass, let alone whole Ukraine.
Now, all of a sudden, Russia allegedly planning to attack EU/NATO after Ukraine's defeat.
If they are or not, their competence in Ukraine has little bearing on it.

And the Russian tanks are obsolete and useless,
but their loss is somehow a disaster to Russia.
True or false, losing armour is a blow to military strength?
I've been told Russia is incompetent, has horrific casualties and unable to take Donbass, let alone whole Ukraine.
Now, all of a sudden, Russia allegedly planning to attack EU/NATO after Ukraine's defeat.

I have been told the Russian army wouldn’t invade Ukraine.

Clearly they can’t be trusted.
Indeed. What better way of creating wealth than building a tank, then getting it burned down on a field? 🙄

Well, if you're gullible enough to believe the Russian economy is gonna collapse any day now when we've been hearing that for two and a half years, go right ahead.

Who's balancing the budget? Most of the major western countries have just run up deficits. Sure, they're supposed to run them down occasionally, when things are good, but experience shows most don't. They just take on a bit less debt for a while.

Your use of the word "supposed" proves my what I wrote again. I didn't say the west always runs balanced budgets (in fact this is quite rare), I said most people in the West believe the government should run a balanced budget under 'normal' economic circumstances. This is because most people (including most trained economists!) do not understand the true relationship between government spending and the economy.
We have been told NATO won't expand to the East.
Only as in: You have been telling yourself that.

And then resorting to violence on the basis of things you have been telling yourself.

The EU was expanding to the east (the actual challenge to Russia as it currently is), but Russia talks as if it was NATO.

And then NATO does in fact expand since it is the safest port to head for to preempt Russian aggression.
I've been told Russia is incompetent, has horrific casualties and unable to take Donbass, let alone whole Ukraine.
Now, all of a sudden, Russia allegedly planning to attack EU/NATO after Ukraine's defeat.
Russia keeps escalating. Everyone else is just responding.

There is still no plan or actual strategy to the responses to Russia's aggression and escalations – just the weird reversed perspective of how any response at all to Russian aggression somehow can be painted as "escalation".

Again, so far NATO has proven the only relatively effective deterrent against Russia.
Your use of the word "supposed" proves my what I wrote again. I didn't say the west always runs balanced budgets (in fact this is quite rare), I said most people in the West believe the government should run a balanced budget under 'normal' economic circumstances. This is because most people (including most trained economists!) do not understand the true relationship between government spending and the economy.
So we agree on that.

Makes it kind of unclear if you mean the actual thing (Keynesianism) is supposed to work as advertised, or not – if most just don't abide by it anyway?
Until it doesn't. Germans also tried that strategy.

The numbers provided also cone from Russian government.

On paper the Russian army is fine until you look at what equipment they're using.

If this was USA by comparison Kyiv would gave fallen in a week or so.

The summer offense was Kharkiv. And a failure. Ukraine might lose but outnumbered 3-1 popukation wise and 10-1 in resources tends to do that.

More satellite photos of ex Soviet stockpiles. Almost 100% out.
This is all nonsense.
This is all nonsense.

It's all there in satellite photos.

They've depleted most of the modern tanks, close to 100% of the IFVs and the last T-72s left are mostly A and B models in unknown condition. The oldest ones presumably in the worst condition.

They've also depleted most of their artillery reserve.

Depending on what can actually be restored they have 1-2 years left at current loss rates. They're already resorting to light vehicles and motorbikes.

Notice a lack of Russian summer offensive?

They're on the same trajectory as Germany in WW2. 1 big attack, next year attack on one front, following year attack on one sector of one front.

Putin's best hope is Trump winning the election.

And that's assuming the Russian production figures are somewhat accurate.

Not an opinion that's satellite photos of all the major reserves. If Ukraines doesn't roll over soon Russia will be unable to advance in the near future or they have to burn an entire years production on a Kharkiv style push.

I linked them. They're the videos I posted and they include the photos.

You can buy commercial ones and check if you like.

Russia was telling porkies as to how many they has in reserve. 6500 or so still a lot though. Remaining tanks are also the old ones.

Noticed the lack of a Russian offensive thus year except the small Kharkiv one?
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