Pie's Ancient Europe

I am getting the hang of it. Xerses declaired war on Egypt and wiped me out. So next time I played him :)

Egypt can get lots of culture but not many cities due to unhealthyness. Persia can get many cities but cant reach some resources because they get no culture.

I have a repeatable CTD attached are the logs and a save.
Sorry if I missed this, but does this play as a scenario? what speed or does that matter?

This looks great. I really love the idea of era specific tech trees and endgames. Look forward to playing
First, thanks very much for this, it looks very interesting, and especially thanks for a Mac-compatible version!

However, maybe I'm missing something but after getting Agriculture, I still can't get my worker to make a farm (it's greyed out) and I got mining, but my worker won't build a mine (it's greyed out too). :(
First, thanks very much for this, it looks very interesting, and especially thanks for a Mac-compatible version!

However, maybe I'm missing something but after getting Agriculture, I still can't get my worker to make a farm (it's greyed out) and I got mining, but my worker won't build a mine (it's greyed out too). :(

You also need money to build improvements. On epic it is 10 gold for a farm and 25 gold for a mine.
Is there an alternate download mirror? For whatever reason it's still in the moderation queue. I'm eager to try the mod but I can't. :(

Perhaps you can release it as two zips each under 10MB?
This one seems promising. I really miss some screenshots in this thread though.

Could CtD's depend on language versions? For some people in the above posts seem to have them, while others don't...
hey all,
@Manifold: yes horses can be mounted and dismounted (only some units)
@lymond: you can play it with the attached scenarios or with a random map
@cmason: yes, improvements cost money.
@pieceofmind: great avatar! ;) I've loved the phalanx in CIV I. I've posted the direkt link again in the download thread. On everytime I change the posting, the file is in moderation queue :(
@Le Sage: no, because I played the mod in english too. there is no difference.
(I played constantine's save in german and english... both worked)

If you have troubles and questions with the mod during gameplay, have a look at the civipedia. there you'll find a lot info at Pie's Mod Concepts.

The ancient era is waiting for you... ;)
take the direct link under the main picture. I'll let the direkt link in there.

(just took it out after it was activated and after that edit it was in queue again.. pfff)
Oh yeah. Those moderation queues can really screw things up. The next time I update my mods, I won't announce the update on my threads until they've cleared the moderation queue. Then I'll also update the thread. That helps a bit, I guess.

As a history geek I was enjoying the Mod thoroughly (playing as Egypt I was at once amused and annoyed to find the desert storms were wiping out my improvements)

However, I'm having a crash to desktop consistently at about 612 BC. I am wondering if there's a python event or something happening that is causing it. I wasn't building a wonder and otherwise there wasn't much action going on in my area on known world.
hey troymk1,
send me your save plz.
I will check Hoskuld's save too. perhaps there is a connection.

and no, there is no event of mine.

(you can try to open the worldbuilder (one or two autosaves before), save as szenario and play it this way again)
Hi Pie, You might be right about a corrupted file but I am still not sure. I dont have internet so i burned the mod to a disk and then downloaded it. I also have 3.19. I will try agin with a memory stick and test.

Sorry i gave you the wrong file before. Here is that save that crashed a few turns later (about 3 to 6) on my system. This has happened with about three games so far.

Have you actually tested the game type i'm playing to the end (or beyond 1400 BC). i fit works on your system it has to be mine but i have never had any trouble with mods or any thing before.



  • Julius Caesar BC-1400 crash.CivBeyondSwordSave
    468.5 KB · Views: 188
Apologies. I've lost the auto save where it happens right after. But this is my last save before it happens. Just hit enter a bunch LOL


  • Thutmet.CivBeyondSwordSave
    452.2 KB · Views: 218
there are no errors in your logs (except 3 missing tga-files, but they don't matter) and it always crashed the next turn. then I tried to set a spy with WB on different locations with different loadings and it always worked?! I have no clue why! then I saved it via WB as szenario and you can play this without problems. .. be careful the babylonians will declare war on you ;)

ha, this is cool. my first try with just pressing enter failed. the next try I automated your workers. it worked! the 3rd try again with automated workers. fine! the 4th try with non-automated workers -> crash. so, I got no clue.
I have noticed that you build cities too early. let some cities grow so that you can afford new ones. a city rush is almost impossible in this mod and thats intended. the greeks will build the silk road project so that you are able to build traiding posts. they're important for city trade routes.

this save didn't crash. I built the wonder, alexandria got plague, thebes too and pi-ramesses fell to the barbarians... oh yeah. try again.
Thanks mate. I'll give it another try or two (although It crashed 3 times at same stage before)

I've been playing as Attila and I think I found a bug for you. CTD when I tried to get 4 slaves to build a road, there was a combat unit on top of them and I believe the slaves revolted and caused the crash. Has happened twice. Will try again and report
Yes! I found the mistake. You're right Troy. It crashes sometimes when a slave dies during improvement building. I will upload the file right now....

Edit: PLZ download again (the link is updated) in the Download Thread. you can continue your saves with it.
Hi again, My feeling about the crash was that it was about the slaves also. I always hear the sound of them and then the crash. I am going to try saving as scenario and try agin as recomended above.
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