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Pigs step to the fore in terror war

if i was a sucide bomber, this would just make me tape more explosives onto my chest than i would have otherwise.
The veritable band aid to repair a fracture if I have ever seen one:lol:
At last - a useful consequence of idiotic religious beliefs.

How come these stupid rules are followed more closely than 'love thy neighbour,' or whatever the Muslim equivalent is?
If you're a muslim terrorist you can break every single rule of Islam if it ends "well" with lots of dead Infidels. Allah will forgive you.
Originally posted by Dr Jimbo
At last - a useful consequence of idiotic religious beliefs.

Yes exactly, one of the best exemple.

XXX year ago, a well know shaman/guru/priest or whatever decide to eat a pig, but he was a bad cook, and the pig's meat was insuficently cook. It is well know now by microbiologist that a worm parasite sometimes live within pig and can contaminate human. It is call ''vers solitaire in french" , lonesome worm is a bad translation.

But anyway, after he got infected by a several feets long worm, he declare pig insane under his god's rule,:lol: when you dont understand what going on, better fabulate and write idiotic religious law.

Poor human, hey Pothead , do you want a ride on my protoss scout, you deserve to quit this planet too.:goodjob:
From a similar article on Yahoo news:

Asked about the deterrent capability of pig fat on Israeli buses, Palestinian sources called it an exercise in futility.

Islamic militants are told by those who send them on bombing missions that their souls enter Paradise instantly after they explode despite any contamination or defilement of their bodies.
If it wasnt for religion, these people would be living in peace, instead of running around blowing themselves up and squirting each other with liquid pig lard.
Originally posted by Dumb pothead
If it wasnt for religion, these people would be living in peace, instead of running around blowing themselves up and squirting each other with liquid pig lard.

It seem that the scientific revolution is time laging for a lots of zealots, some still live in the dark ages.

Why poeple still stuck within ignorance amaze me, if i disguise myself like a shaman and teach science will it work ? do poeple realy need some imaginary concept to comfort them? It was easier to have blind disciple following illogical rule in the past then it is today to teach scientific method.

I should have follow the conclave rule and burned the human world, my mind wouldnt have been stuck into their weak body as a punishment.
Snopes.com has some interesting background on the Pershing-against-the-Moros story and this whole discourage-Muslim-suicide-bombers-with-pigs idea:


Probably the best summary is at the end: "The keys to heaven are not in the hands of settlers," said Sheikh Hassan Youssef, for Hamas, whose military wing has sent dozens of suicide bombers into Israel.

As appealing as such a novel idea sounds, Muslims aren't any more likely to let their own religion be used against them than Jews or Christians would be. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Dumb pothead
If it wasnt for religion, these people would be living in peace, instead of running around blowing themselves up and squirting each other with liquid pig lard.

Are you really that naive?
Whats naive about it? The Jewish people and the Arabs are cousins, both are Semetic. The only thing seperating them is religion.
imagine if Palestine had control over all of Israel-Palestine and there were more Jewish terrorists than Muslim ones in Israel-Palestine and the government decided to put chunks of pork in buses to detter Jewsih suicide bombers.
Whats naive about it? The Jewish people and the Arabs are cousins, both are Semetic. The only thing seperating them is religion.

If both sides followed their religions they wouldn't be killing each other.
Yes and religion is a tool to get power over :sheep:
even if it doesn't work, I say they should keep doing it untill suicide bombings cease as punishment.

Instead of bombing or bulldozing terrorist's family homes and neighborhoods, they should just get those firefighting helicopters and fill their tanks full of liquid pork fat, and drop a couple thousand gallons on their houses.
Originally posted by Tassadar
Yes and religion is a tool to get power over :sheep:


Keep telling yourself that. Ignorance is bliss, as they say.
Originally posted by Speedo
If both sides followed their religions they wouldn't be killing each other.
Cant argue with that:thumbsup:
Originally posted by Tassadar
Yes and religion is a tool to get power over :sheep:
And what better way to get power than by emphasing differences instead of common values.
Originally posted by Laughing Gull
Instead of bombing or bulldozing terrorist's family homes and neighborhoods, they should just get those firefighting helicopters and fill their tanks full of liquid pork fat, and drop a couple thousand gallons on their houses.
But then theyd all be slipping, sliding and falling down in the pig fat and it would be too funny for words.
using lard will scare away all Muslims(except the ones who ride anyway, but then again, some blacks would ride a bus with a Confederate flag on it, but most wouldn't), not just the Muslims in terrorist groups.
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