
BT Update 0 - 2100

In a small village somewhere in Greece, a wise man sits atop a hill, detailing the events of his lifetime so that perhaps in a bog of lies some truth might be preserved.

This inquiry into our history will cover all that I have seen and read since I lost my job as a teacher in the global debt crisis of 2028 – the only date I’m truly sure of. It was after that black year unemployment in the West ballooned as proud and industrialized nations went bankrupt – debt had grown to such a size no bailout could save Europe or the Americas. When East Asian markets collapsed the next year the world had irreversibly taken a path to annihilation. The American Empire, after briefly flirting with interventions in Europe and Latin America to try and stop a new fascism from taking root, receded from global politics to handle violent domestic chaos. American bases were decommissioned and hastily abandoned as Western countries declared martial law to try and manually reboot their economies. Rebels and terrorists world-wide exploited the weakness of the international order to declare independence, begin campaigns of genocide and overthrow weak governments in the developing world. Sectarian violence erupted in civil wars in Africa and the Middle East, while ideological insurgencies and coups overtook nations in East and South-East Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

A new Red Army of the unemployed masses organized in China, weakening and eventually destroying the People’s Republic (though the Red Army would eventually decentralize into a modern warlord system), while Japan receded into bleak austerity. Russia rolled tanks into neighbouring states to find itself quickly overextended. Overcome by corruption and struggles for leadership the church began to assert itself over the rural population and eventually the urban centres forming strange patriarchate. India and Pakistan fought a desperate war over the Kashmir region, fighting the first and only limited nuclear war in history to discover the general ineffectiveness of nuclear weapons in the face of advanced technical defence systems – which had been successfully developed in the 2020s and proliferated to most of the world’s nuclear powers. Pakistan “won” the conflict because at that point the total fraud of a democracy India had become lost all central authority to its regional subdivisions under the strains of an expensive war that tore at a society already suffering from mass starvation.

In Africa aid (military and humanitarian) stopped flowing and with the threat of peacekeepers and foreign intervention gone, a galaxy of rebel groups took their chance to overwhelm weak administrations. The Sahara and Sahel came under the harsh authority of conflicting tribal groups; large countries, such as Congo, South Africa and Ethiopia splintered to secessionist or radical insurgents. The rest of the continent suffered either coups or harsh military law, but in trying to defend what precious little authority states had as mass graves of dying and starving people were mounting was futile. Huge urban slums were emptied of people, and rural subsistence life, away from violent rebels and authoritarian governments became the normal life.

The need for oil prompted multiple attempts at invasion of the Middle East, but they were expensive and only hurried the demise of the foolish developed nations that attempted them. Unable to safely export petroleum over the seas due to constant naval warfare and pirating, only after the developed and militarized economies that would have otherwise imported oil had become silent and rural did the seas clear up – by which point billions had died in war and famine, with the Mid-East no exception. A strong dictatorship formed around Iraq, which was spared a foreign attack where its neighbours, Iran and Saudi Arabia, were not. Some military tyrant called himself king, and the region has seen surprising peace since perhaps the 2070s. Turkey’s current government can still trace its history to Ataturk, though the government had to abandon its eastern portion to keep the regime alive.

It was Europe that was the most profusely confusing of all. That’s where the great book burnings began, which destroyed vast amounts of human knowledge, and wiped out the historical profession almost entirely. European integration failed spectacularly, as deeply indebted countries were taken over by radical nationalists and unabashed fascists that promised recovery through war, or at least, to put the pains of economic destruction and climate change on other nationalities. Eastern European states were the first to turn, one by one they were overtaken, until a military coup in France forced a desperate Germany to intervene with Great Britain and the United States – only to ignite nationalist passions all across Europe. By 2075 so many governments had changed, and so many countries taken sides in liberal “interventions” or nationalist crusades the detailed history of conflict perhaps will never be fully understood. In northern Italy fascists worked closely with corporate entities to preserve some functioning state, which grew a minor empire to some renown. Some fascists in Germany declared their dictator king. Hungary overcame its despots in revolution, but a revolution of the vastly more impoverished. In England the monarchy had fled the wars in Europe to safety in Canada – but never returned after the seas went silent. General anarchy forced the end of fascist leadership, though on the local level many nationalists survived and still pine for central states to fight the new European powers.

The worst of the plague that struck the world at its weakest during the high point of famine in the 2040s hit Latin America where climate was well suited to the particular virus that ravaged the world. Populations there were so radically reduced even without war cities were falling into disrepair from a lack of workers, and general decreases in world trade impoverished and starved millions. Argentina survived as basically a city-state of Buenos Aires, ruled by a staunchly republican elite, though the gift of democracy has yet to get to the majority rural poor. Peru similarly survived as a city-state around Lima run by an autocratic and prejudicial military elite. Venezuela preserved a long-line of leftist tradition, though urgency in keeping the state together required dictatorial authority – while Mexico’s poor revolted and in the last years of the twenty-first century created a leftist republic of the people.

While roving marauders roam the Great Plains and paranoid forts dot the general landscape of North America now, the fall of the United States initially seemed like it might be a peaceful affair of seceding states as their economy collapsed – until climate change had ruined American agriculture and mass starvation in an unprecedented scale for the first time threatened the American way of life. The military was commanded to establish order and serve upper class interests, infuriating the poor (at this point included the middle class) which began organizing militias from across the political spectrum, with people prepared to topple the government. On multiple occasions the failing American Empire had to invade its own states preparing to secede or militarize, until it could hold no more, and retreated what it could to the north east, where corporate interests dominate what remains of the American military-industrial complex. Far away from most of the trauma, California more successfully converted the Sacramento valley into farmland, where a faux republic tries to survive. Much like the United States, Canada abandoned its farther territories to focus on its capital and surrounding territories, though tensions between Quebec and English Canada nearly shattered what remained of the constitutional monarchy.

Over huge stretches of land, from the Great Plains to the African savannah to Central Asia, nomadic life has resumed, as wild animals have finally been given breathing room to be in sizeable numbers for hunting. Though human food supply systems were tragically disrupted beyond recovery, animals were comparatively well off, growing in number and diversity since 2075 onwards – though near extinction of the vast majority of species gripped the world until then. Forests have slowly been recovery, and over the next century will likely become sizeable again, while sea life has been doing incredibly well since fishing became a non-option after the opening of global naval combat.

Infrastructure has been hugely damaged by technologically advanced bombing wars, and no major infrastructural projects have survived direct attack combined with neglect due to radically fewer technical experts or labourers. For most folks plumbing and electricity are a privilege, with some societies faring better and some worse – though an underclass of largely farmers, hunters and fishers exists in every society mostly without an electric grid or typical infrastructural maintenance of roads or bridges. The world’s most advanced technological structures are all gone, though older ones, from nuclear plants to various factories and rail systems have survived in part or sometimes in whole. Just about no skyscrapers dance on the horizon, and no large technical systems such as telecommunications are operational. De-globalization hurt industrialized areas, but a modicum of manufacturing exists about everywhere on the planet, with industrial labourers make up a tiny fraction of the world’s population compared to agricultural workers. The necessaries of economic life, coal, oil, natural gas, and mineral resources had not been entirely exploited by the beginning of the end, nor by the end of the end. Small quantities are burnt to supply existing small-scale industry, but reserves are still around – wars, economic catastrophe and mass starvation prevented their full exploitation in the waning years of civilization.

In the technical fields high level specialists were prized as civilization fell, and modern medicine, science and engineering are still being taught to the children of elite families – though resources are usually lacking for effective pharmaceuticals or building projects due to de-globalized trade. Medicine in particular received patronage even in war and famine due to the plague that shattered the world. Some say it was man-made, some countries biological weapon gone wrong, but if it was that truth was thoroughly hidden. The plague is and air-born virus that initially expels as much bodily fluid as possible – blood, stomach fluid, sweat, whatever can be excreted – living as skin boils.

All throughout this whole cataclysmic history not only was education preserved and literacy kept high, but it was enhanced. I know from the vicious lies the younger generations have tried to persuade me of that this was a tool of propaganda everywhere. When the book burnings started in Europe they spread far and wide to control information and present nationalistically appealing and historically revised accounts of history, biology and science. Only the wealthy and powerful in society receive an education at least free of the most obvious lies – though the upper classes have participated in self-delusion perhaps for their own sanity. The social effects of five sixths of the world dying are harsh. Ruralization was a global phenomenon, and most people have returned to agriculture, while variously corporations, communes and elite-populated bureaucracies have taken the helm of a few organized countries. Corporations formed the bedrock of most domestic trade, becoming effectively bodies of elite ad hoc administrations – combining variously the military, the wealthy, and those popular with the people together. Some societies are largely controlled by corporate interests that run the business of government. Some societies hold onto now ancient ideological beliefs – communism, socialism, nationalism, republicanism. Some are just run by families – usually these places pretend they gain legitimacy when their mobster-governments call themselves monarchies.

When the bell tolls, it tolls for thee, but in the deafening clatter of six billions bells its hard to tell.


Is the above plausible? Certainly not everywhere, but I would like people to interpret just about everything in the BTs as not objective truth but some particular person's view – probably partially fueled by misinformation or outright lies. The above account is what much of the upper class (the leadership of your countries) will probably believe more or less, whether it’s all true or not. In fact, I fully expect that by 2200 whatever happened before 2100 will have basically no bearing on the great majority of nations on the planet.

Major things to note:

- Ethnic, religious and demographic divisions are pretty much as they are in 2013, approximate population is 1/6th of what it would be today anywhere in the world with obvious exceptions (places where no water could get to without modern infrastructure, so deserts and stuff, like most of Saudi Arabia).

- Absolutely no relations between peoples or states before 2100 will be relevant by 2200. I’m willing to agree with just about anything based on the random numbers and player actions – Israelis and Palestinians living in total harmony? Sure, if the numbers are right and player choices work together. The purpose of the BTs is to setup the hostilities and relations of people and states for the full NES.

- Stories are welcome, so long as they don’t intrude on substantive matters (so I determine who wins wars, and whether wars are fought at all) I particularly would like to know what people want to see in their domestic politics so that I have concrete government types rather than “leanings” by the year 2200.

- No WMDs. Stealing an idea from TheLizardKing, you can pretend nuclear weapons (and other WMD stockpiles) “rotted” away, they stopped being important, and everyone hates them. The scientific community hates them, and won’t design them – but in any case, they’re an insane expense for basically barely industrial societies.

- The only nations eligible to use Wars of Aggression are those that have a country within marching distance of their own, so for the first turn, only South Germany, Hungary, Padania, Canada and the United States are all allowed to order wars.

- Diplomacy is fine, but remember that telecommunications are down and international transit is basically non-existent, so it might actually take more than 20 years to get a message there and back - keep it reasonable.

- Finally, beyond this post, I will never really reference the pre-collapse times beyond the fact that they were pre-collapse times – and I’d prefer if you didn’t either. They aren’t meant to be relevant or burdensome on your choices, and I don’t want to be constricted by them. Also, any place not mentioned in this post you don't know about yet, and will have to learn about through the BT updates.


Please submit orders now for the first 20 year BT! All questions are open too, as I've probably missed things that will be pertinent to your nation, please PM me and I will try to add them to this post or the front page.

Current order deadline will be next Wednesday, December 18th.
Question- what is the size of the food surplus? I ask because in historical Soviet Union and Communist China a serious problem was that because the food surplus was small, industrialisation couldn't happen. Both countries tried to encourage heavy industry by shifting workers from agriculture to industry and forgot that their agricultural surplus was too low.


From Russia
To World

As the rightful sucessor to Russia, we proclaim that the former Soviet Union must be reunited as a new Russian state. However, as a collolary to this we promise not to expand one foot outside the Soviet borders.

With the exception of the very Russian Far Eastern Republic, any state which proclaism sovereignty within the borders of the former Soviet Union will be considered to have declared war on Russia.

From Russia
To Far Eastern Republic

Though our states differ, we are both Russian. How about a Union agreement of some sort? We are willing to compromise to a degree on questions of ideology, including re-introducing democracy.
Would it be feasible to do any diplomacy at this point, given the state of utter disrepair that everything is in? I mean, I'm not even sure if I could get a message to Padania, let alone know of their existence. It seems like Russia getting their message all the way across the continent and back seems unlikely.
@NWAG3: everywhere in the world is subsistence farming for now, food surpluses are possible, but you'll have to emphasize agriculture.

@Ophorian: You can send a couple scouts out in fancy clothes and call them ambassadors, but good luck getting through violent intermediate territory. The answer is yes, I won't stop diplomacy, but the update won't reflect deals or relations (it might reflect how poorly your scouting went though). You'd be safer treating the world as global gun-boat.

Also, realized that Mexico is still free to play - apparently their my blind spot.
American History 2028-2100:

There was no denying that as the 21st century progressed and world resources and energy became progressively strained to support a population that had long outgrown the planet's ability to sustain, corporate interests became more and more prominent in influencing US government policy.

Faced with increasing demands upon its support infrastructure (particularly health care, but then also education, transportation, and law-enforcement) and ever-dwindling tax income, the US government was increasingly willing to follow the model set out by a number of states including Texas and Florida and privatize first health care, but then also the penal system and finally the transport infrastructure. The federal government jealously guarded it law enforcement and banking institutions however

A population increasingly disempowered, disillusioned, and desperate for basic resources (agriculture was failing in a massive way due to reversal of the 'green revolution' and the drying of major midwestern aquifers) led to greater and greater resistance and finally armed resistance against those with the power and resources (the corporations). In a landmark decision, granted by the US supreme court on December 9th, 2069, corporations were awarded the right to use lethal force to guard their property or managed state-property and to maintain private armies for that purpose. Within 3 years, corporate influence over government bodies and courts was sufficient, and US government desperation for funds was so great, that the courts passed the 'Corporate Extra-Territoriality Law of 2072' in which US-based corporations could lease special land-agreements within the US territory that they could govern as they saw fit for limited periods of time as their own private 'corporate state'.

While these laws were able to revitalize the funds available to the US government, they led to increasing tensions with the states and civilian population. A number of states, starting with California but also soon including Washington, Idaho, Texas, and others sought to leave the union. These actions were hotly contended and would have been put down easily except that by then the USA was already embroiled in the European collapse and conflicts in the middle east. Secessionism and rebellion seriously curbed the US’s ability to meet foreign conflict as the military was increasingly overstretched just to deal with domestic issues. Ultimately, it was logistics that failed as the cost and resources to move troops and keep them well supplied were just not available. California, Texas, Washington and others were able to secede.

During these wars and the resulting economic and industrial collapse that followed, it was the corporations who kept the USA funded and- somewhat- whole. In many of their newly organized ‘extra territorial’ lands they had already systematically and in an organized fashion deindustrialized the general population, returning them to agricultural labor to support the elites of the corporation who were privately educated, held the power, and had the only social mobility available. It is these corporations who maintained the US state, though increasingly as little more than management and coordinator of military power and centralized financial management.

As the corporations cemented their dominance over the population and control over the US military-industrial complex, rivalry between companies was often very intense, and, in 2072, the continuous shadow and financial wars that were a constant part of their competitive development erupted into a full-scale military conflict between the Berkshire Hathaway and McKesson corporations. The resulting violence was particularly destructive for a number of companies and the health of the precariously balanced US economy as a whole. Afterwards, the executives of the most profitable and influential corporations met to discuss mechanisms to prevent a reoccurrence of this sort of internecine war. Ultimately, to encourage cooperation and prevent this sort of competition, the corporations chose to impose a Japanese Keiretsu-type horizontal codependence. Horizontal cooperation led to each corporation establishing 'interlocking' ownership and profit-sharing between companies. This had a number of immediate consequences. Firstly, the internecine competition-based destruction of the past quickly died out and corporations also turned from more short-term profit-based goals to longer-term growth. Theoretically, this also makes the companies less susceptible to foreign takeovers.

In the 2080s and 2090s, the corporate territories focused on domestic stability, maintaining agricultural production within the USA, coordinating between themselves to maintain a centralized military, and maintaining what energy development they could. The first was imperative in the face of massive international starvation due to plummeting food production and violent conflict. The second was primarily critical in the face of raids by increasingly desperate and rapidly decivilizing nomadic westerners intent to seizing the agricultural and industrial wealth of corporations. And the last was important to maintain what industry they could as sources of petroleum and other energies were increasingly inaccessible or simply depleted.

Today, the USA is a collection of corporate powers, many managing large swathes of territory or other resources, others specializing in services or products that do not require lands. Ninety-eight percent of the population have both American national and corporate-subnational citizenship. Healthcare, education, infrastructure, and many other basic services are no longer the responsibility of the state, now being either provided by the appropriate corporation or subcontracted from other, specialist corporations. Within these corporate populations, the majority of people (>90%) live as 'corporate agents'- farmers, fishermen, or other basic support personnel required to maintain the remaining 10% 'corporate executive'. It is these executives who control the destiny of their corporations and both the executives and agents that are citizens thereof. The various corporations continue to be governed by the US government. This is the remaining 2% of the population. The US government maintains the laws that govern intra-corporate trade and conflict- themselves mostly demanded and enforced by the corporations. It also manages relations with other nations and territories, coordinates finances and budgetary policy, and finally controls the military. Despite this relationship, the US government exists, effectively, to serve the corporate executives, as these are the ones that ensure it has the budget it needs to perform these duties. It is the corporate executives, who together steer US policy in all matters. And although domestically US policy may occasionally be inconsistent and diverse- due to the fine balance of power between the corporations- the executives realize the value of appearing and acting in a united and decisive manner vis-à-vis foreign powers and those divisions are not normally apparent when dealing with outsiders.

Economy Policies
Agricultural Growth (2)​
The organized deindustrialization of the 'corporate agents' has allowed for a gradual and organized shift to an agrarian power base for many companies. And while oil-based fertilizers and machinery are no longer available, renewable energies are effectively and efficiently utilized to irrigate, run pumps, and transport goods on electric rail. Additionally many corporations explored diversifying crops very early during deindustrialization and despite changes to the climate, weather, and the agricultural diseases that have struck, the USA remains a significant food producer.

And while industrial development continues, the products thereof have been systematically invested into agricultural modernization and land reclaim/reform.

Military Policies
Emphasize Army (1)​
Emphasize Economy over Military (1)​
As security became more and more important, the corporate executives aggressively pursued a policy of maintaining strong borders, the ability to intervene domestically as required, and to project force, at least somewhat, where required. The USA military is effectively divided into three components. The first is the ‘corporate assets’- a ‘national guard’-type levy who are periodically trained in the use of weapons and battlefield discipline but only utilized in situations of desperation or where cannon-fodder might be required. The corporate and federal professional armies are another matter entirely, inheriting from the corporate mercenary and private security forces of the previous decades as well as the still very professional, well-trained and well-funded American Army. These two later components have a high degree of coordination and cross-platform training and make extensive use of what communication and battlefield coordination technology they can.

Wars of Aggression

none yet

Settlement and Expansion

Our first priority is to expand along the Missouri river and secondly along the Mississippi.

Our expansion will be underwritten by our military, with military forces present at the forefront of our western and south-western drives and throughout any new territory, guarding supplies, logistic centers, and populations. Where decivilized populations exist, they will be incorporated as best as we can, combining a nostalgic ‘dream’ of what the USA once was, the presence of a strong security and organizing structure (the US military) and shared food security (form our focus on agriculture).

Ultimately the expansions will often be led by mid-level executives from a variety of companies and usually consist of a sort of ‘colonizing party’ who’s job it is to establish and hold agriculturally or mineral rich regions and develop them into ‘corporate territories’ with the first priority being security, the second being logistic and communication connectivity, and only after these priorities are addressed turning to productivity.
We sent out some diplo. Check your inboxes.

(It's still relevant, even if sent Pre-Update 0.)
A Brief History of California: Coming soon to a post near you...

Economic Policies
-Agricultural Growth
Focus on developing the agricultural base of the economy and region to better support advanced civilization and future needs.

-Industrial Goods
Instead of attempting to reclaim old infrastructure which is out of date and in disrepair, develop a new system of transportation and communications based upon electric rail and potentially MagLev technologies. The new system would be built with the mindset of efficiency and convenience, as well as having the ability to mobilize quickly if needed.

Military Policies
-Emphasize Air Force
Assure dominance in the air by building upon aviation technologies that have been recovered and developing them into higher class weaponry with emphasis on stealth and fast-hitting ordinance.

-Emphasize Economy over Military
Pour resources that would otherwise be used in military policies into the economy.

Wars of Aggression

Settlement and Expansion
In terms of expansion, focus firstly on development into the Pacific Northwest, including and expanding past Washington and into the west coast of Canada. Establish settlements and communities along the entire coastline, including fishing and light logging of the (hopefully) still plentiful forests of Oregon. Have logs and lumber, as well as food surplus' shipped back to the San Francisco bay region, which is to become the capitol of the new republic.

For the second phase of expansion, establish small military outposts throughout the Rocky mountains, including strategic Air Force bases that can reach from the eastern edge of the rocky's into the wasteland that is surely the old Great Plains with its elite long range air force. While building networks of anti-air defenses along the spine of the mountains, attempt to cause landslides or otherwise block off all known passes into or through the treacherous mountain ranges. Set up a forward operating base at Salt Lake City, Utah to handle border conflicts and diplomacy between the nomadic tribes of the western Great Plains and Rocky Mountains region.
From: the Far Eastern Republic
To: Russia

We would be interested in a union agreement between our nations, so long as we are allowed to do as we wish for the time being. We are not opposed to trade if you are interested.

From: The Far Eastern Republic
To: Japan

Would you be interested in a trade deal between our two nations?
From: the Far Eastern Republic
To: Russia

We would be interested in a union agreement between our nations, so long as we are allowed to do as we wish for the time being. We are not opposed to trade if you are interested.

From: The Far Eastern Republic
To: Japan

Would you be interested in a trade deal between our two nations?

We accept. May trade flourish.
From: The Republic of California
To: Canada/Mexico/United States

California would like to peacefully establish diplomacy and commercial ties to your country, in hopes of a better future flourishing out of the ruins of the old.
From Russia
To Far Eastern Republic

We regret the length of time that these messages take, but they are necessary. If you are willing to agree to the principle of union, then we shall wait until our borders touch in Siberia. We can then discuss the matter further.

Complete free trade between us, to the extent trade is possible of course, is a natural consequence of this.
All nations for Turn 1 are taken, we're at 100% capacity. Reminder that all orders should be posted publicly in-thread - also reminder that wars of aggression can only be ordered against other organized states, not yet-to-be-organized (blank) territory.
From Russia
To Far Eastern Republic

We regret the length of time that these messages take, but they are necessary. If you are willing to agree to the principle of union, then we shall wait until our borders touch in Siberia. We can then discuss the matter further.

Complete free trade between us, to the extent trade is possible of course, is a natural consequence of this.

Would you be willing to discuss your principle of Union as you call it?
Would you be willing to discuss your principle of Union as you call it?

Russia is one and undivided. Two states may exist for the moment, but the Russian people are one people. Once it becomes possible, the two states must be united into one.

However, the nature of the one Russian state is open to negotiation. The Far Eastern Republic, just as our Russian Theocracy does, represents a portion of Russia. When the time comes for union, the nature of the Russian state must be decided by all.

(OOC: We could do a co-player thing or something)
I will be watching this with interest. Kinda depressing I missed the sign-ins :p
To: Russia
From: The Great Iraqi State

Any attempt to expand into the sovereign Caucasian region and to incorporate the unique Caucasian peoples into this Russian theocracy will be viewed in an extremely unfavorable light.

Economic Policies:

-Agricultural Growth:

-Industrial Goods:

Military Policy:

-Emphasize Army

Wars of Aggression:


Settlement and Expansion:

Expand up the two beautiful rivers up until the Caucasian states. So basically what was Turkish Kurdistan, I guess.
England - Ophorian
Government: Leftist Republic-leaning
Colour: Red
Size: Minor Power

Government Information
- Despite the global collapse, democracy remains vibrant in jolly olde England. However, the collapse triggered a marked leftward shift in the political landscape, the public tending to demand what little funds the government has to be focused on welfare and social policies.

Economy Policies
- Industrial Goods (more military and hard industry capital)
- The goal of producing more industrial goods would be to supplement the mass naval buildup referenced below.

Military Policies
- Emphasize Navy x 2
- England's separation from other major powers by water necessitates the reconstruction of a large and powerful navy to protect its sovereignty. Existing terrestrial forces should be more than capable of handling any threats, should they arise. Military buildup will likely occur in later years to prevent a steep imbalance.

Wars of Aggression
- As England currently does not border any governed nation, we are incapable of committing to or engaging in war.

Settlement and Expansion
- Using the remnants of the Old English Navy, and ships produced during the naval development in these two decades, the English are to ship settlers and soldiers across the English Channel to Normandy, making landfall in Le Havre. After sweeping aside any organized resistance (if any), heavily fortify Le Havre and use it as a base of operations for expanding into the lands formerly known as France through Normandy. If the stars align, expand into Calais as well, and use that city as a secondary base of operations. The English Navy is to patrol and protect controlled portions of the English Channel to facilitate communication and intra-state commerce.
From Russia
To Iraq

Our first priority is union with the far eastern Republic. However, the Caucasian regions are next. Those people have played an integral role in Russian history. I point out first that Stalin himself was from Georgia, second that the minor states which once existed would be too small to be viable in modern times, and third that without our support the region will collapse into anarchy.

If you expand into the region, you will face war.

From Russia
To Turkey

Why not work with us against the Iraqi dictatorship? We must look to our own house first, so we can help you expand not only to Turkey's former borders but throughout the Middle East. If our lack of democracy is a problem, we can promise to institute an independent democratically elected legislature, an independent judiciary, and freedom of speech as additional terms of alliance.
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