• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

PreSLNES I: Masters of Ethereal

Hey everyone:

Can you all give me the name of your kingdom officially?

I have:

thomas: Imperium of Peace
Terrance: Marburg Confederacy
nutranurse: Sul Empire?

Other than that, I don't know.

Northen Wolf: Clan-Union Rage
Banana Republico.

No wait, it's not a republic. Candyland? No, too sweet. Oh look kittens!

Thusly I will name this land Alhazran after my kitten!
Thanks everyone. Will have a realms map up eventually.

Almost complete biomes (still a work-in-progress; I want to change some things):

Spoiler Biomes Map :

Bright Green = Temperate Forest
Bright Yellow = Temperate Steppe
Darker Yellow = Temperate Grassland
Purple = Mediterranean Vegetation
Bluish-Turquoise = Mountain Forest
Light-White Blue = Mountain Tundra
Brown = Dry Steppe
Light Brown = Semi-arid Desert
Reddish Brown = Arid Desert
(please excuse the silly font - just humor me for a bit...will change...) :D

So far:

Spoiler :

Luckymoose will be in the Southern Sul.
tuxedohamm will be in Kerador's Cape.

Wurgotr / Tuxedohamm
Race: Gnoll
Citadel: R’gomr
Government: WIP
Shiftwalkers -
Spoiler :
Enchant; Within Kingdom; Small Burst; Wondrous; Sustainable (300 cast / 150 sustain) Cast upon large-sized travelling groups, they are capable of extreme speed and endurance for fast travelling.

Mana (per turn / crystals): / 150
Gold (per turn / coffers): 80 / 300
Castles: 0
Cities: 1 (Murokr / Gnolls / 20,000)
Units: 5 Death Gnolls (Upkeep: 45 Gold/20 Mana)
Spoiler Death Gnoll :

Death Gnoll
Size: 10
Quality: Veteran 8
Weapons: Axes 0
Armor: Leather 2
Mounts/Movement: Combatant 0
Magic: Weak 8 / 8
Cost: 18 Gold, 8 Mana
Upkeep: 9 Gold, 4 Mana

Reanimated gnoll corpses waste not a single death and make for a fearsome site on the battlefield as they race up on all fours leaping into an attack as they grab the axes strapped to their backs. If the shock of the attack isn’t enough and as they’re struck down, the magic within their bodies draw their scattered remains back together to fight on against their enemies.

Spoiler The Guided :

The Guided

Size: 1
Quality: Elite 16
Weapons: None
Armor: Netheryl 40
Magic: Expert 60/60
Cost: 116 Gold 60 Mana
Upkeep: 58 Gold 30 Mana

In dreams Wurgotr connects to dark elf female mages exploring their minds for knowledge. Certain females that have a deep sense of peace around the figure of the gnoll are mentally drawn towards Wurgotr until they make the journey to his citadel. There they perform their magicks as needed either in battle or more regularly as envoys and seekers of knowledge.

Spoiler Fisr Ship :

Fisr Ship

Size 2 Ships
Quality: Seadogs 16
Type: Caravels 24
Range: Seafaring 30
Cost: 70
Upkeep: 35

The Fisr quickly ply the waves in search of new discoveries. “Manned” by a crew of sea-loving gnolls, the pack mindset allows for a well organized crew that works nearly like one organism providing for fast travel and coordinated battle.

Spoiler :
Wurgotr openned his eyes to the void in front of him. Drawn to walk towards an unseen destination that didn't exist. Yet he continued walking.

As time that wasn't there passed, a flicker of reality faded into view. A hint of air passed the nostril of Wurgotr, a brief hint of pleasurable air filled with the magic of the world he was approaching. For a moment, he could taste a hint of salt in the air. A sea would soon be near. For a moment, he could almost feel the earth support his weight on his clawed foot.

With a bright flash and a burst of air that nearly knocked him over, reality finally took hold and wrenched Wurgotr from the void. He stopped walking, crouched down and rested. The air, though slightly salty from a nearby sea, was otherwise dry.

Shrub bushes and patches of grass were all that covered the land before him. A simple road stretched off into the distance. The sky was clear.

Wurgotr looked around. To his right the road stretched on around some hills. In the distance he could just barely detect the scent of meat cooking over fire. A settlement is over there, thought Wurgotr. He looked to his left. In the distance rose a tower. Power trickled from that distant structure. Wurgotr reached over his back and felt for the javelins straped there. He stood and slowly began walking towards the tower.

The dirt warmed his paws as he walked. He approached the looming tower slowly but steadily. A few humans had passed him without much look. He had also seen a few gnolls, beastmen, and other creatures. Traffic wasn’t heavy, but had been increasing as the day took hold and as he closed on the tower. He had also noticed a small group of gnolls begin to follow him as he walked. They kept their distance, and they took time to increase beyond a dozen. Yet, slowly he had a good crowd behind him. Their chatter was a welcome presence to the cacophony in his head; at least he was able to understand most of the gnollish chatter. The whispers and calls echoing through his mind could drive a dog wild if one wasn’t able to ignore it and focus on something else.

Wurgotr halted his movement and turned to the assembled gnolls. He pointed at the tower behind him, “Thisss sshall be the ssite of my towerrr.” (The end of ‘tower’ trailed off into a low growl.)

The assembled group began laughing, hooting and howling. The noise cause some passer-bys to cover their ears while others picked up the pace of their walk.

An older looking gnoll stepped forward, “This towerr belongs to the wiszarrd Farrraday.”

Another younger looking gnoll jumped beside the first, “‘Tiszz a ssleeping wiszarrrrrd. He doess nothing, but draw the irrrre of the tigerrrs.”

“That may be, but he iss ssstill a wiszard,” said the older gnoll.

Wurgotr held up his hand (paw). The chatter and laughing stopped. He dropped down to all fours, turned and ran towards the tower gate alone. The gate opened slightly and a single man stepped forward.

“Halt, beast! This is Spiral, tower of the wizard, King John Faraday!” The man raised his hand in as a signal to stop.

Wurgotr slowed to a stop and rose on his hind paws. He looked the man over, “Who isss thiss that sstandss beforrre me?” Wurgotr gave the man a toothy grin.

“I-I am Roland. Advisor to the Wizard-King.”

“Rrrrreally?” Wurgotr replied in a pleasantly surprised tone. “You arre frreee to leave and take rresidence in a village and live in piece.”

“I cannot let you pass. I will prevent your entry.” A weak glow came from Roland’s hand.

Wurgotr let out a horrendous laugh, “You have practiced well in yourrrr masterrrs abssence.”

Roland sighed and dropped his hand and head. He fell to his knees and started sobbing. Wurgotr hopped over the defeated man and entered the tower.

Other than the main entry, it was quite dark inside. Wurgotr’s eyes guided him through the halls and passages with ease however, and soon he came upon a door that Wurgotr felt a small amount of magic coming from. He pushed open the door with ease and found what he sought.


Outside the tower the gnolls had slowly moved closer, curious. Roland had already moved away, wandering aimlessly to the east.

Wurgotr emerged from the tower and approached the gathering gnolls. He held up a corpse. It was that of a human. Gaunt, leathery skin stretched over the remains of bones.

“Thisss iss yourrr Faraday.”

Howling ensued.

Wurgotr continued over the howling, “He wassted away by drinking only the mana his citadel producced. His corrrpse was preserved by the pressence of the towerrr and the towerrr remained only by hisss corrrpse’s pressence.”

As if on cue, the body he held up broke apart and fell to the ground as dust and a few remaining bones. Behind Wurgotr came a deafening rumble as the citadel Spiral collapsed in on itself. Fast moving dust rushed outward from the structure, turning the day to a sightless night.

“Tomorrow as the dust settles, therrre my towerr shal ssstand,” spoke Wurgotr.
That looks excellent, tuxhamm.

If you look at some of the past maps, you will see some of Spiral's land - that is the same amount of land you will begin with.
You can begin with 300 gold and 150 mana crystals. Plus, you may begin with 5 units of Death Gnolls - please remember to pay their upkeep.
You will generate 80 gold from your first city - please give me the name of your first city. Is it all right to put it where Spiral's first city was located?
= 380 gold to start/150 mana crystals to start/5 units of Death Gnolls
Edited post with a city name and added what you said. The same location is fine.
Sorry, misunderstood what you meant by 5. No prefered color, though maybe something more on the red/orange/yellow side of the color wheel.
Lucky and tuxhamm added to Wizards Listing.

I think I am going to get rid of Creatures and Spells Listings - people can just refer to the original posts of players to see the specifics on those. That way players can update their original info throughout the game with any new units and spells.
Please don't get rid of Creatures and spells.
Some creatures have changed, some spells have been added.
It is really way easier than having to fish the info in another post, which may be outdated.
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