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Preview: DisNES3 (rules and signup)


Beep Beep
Jan 25, 2004
Only the News You Need
DisNES3 - Sins of our Fathers

Welcome to the next installment of the epic and amazing DisNES series! Here I’ve got the ruleset for your amusement and critique, as well as lists of nations and territories for sign ups and some initial diplomacy. Over the coming week I will be finishing off the stats and creating the technology tree and once they’re all done we can start! That is if I get enough people signing up.


Thye may seem quite long, but I tried to make them as acessible and modular as I can, once again if you desrve credit you should consider it yours ;).

Updates and Orders

I will be trying out a new 4-and-1 system for the updates; in the industrial era having militaries and diplomacy only being able to react on the scale of a year is silly indeed, thus for each year you send in your economy and development orders and your military policies in a big set, then there will be four ‘mini-updates’ of military and diplomatic events representing a 3 month period each then there will be a big final update which will contain stat growth and economic and development changes (as influenced throughout the year). Each of the mini-updates will be quite mini and I will send out intelligence briefings by PM to those involved to supplement it, and then those involved (and others who wish to join in) can send little war and diplomatic order sets to handle the crisis’s. If you don’t get orders in for a mini update I will just follow your stated positions from the big order set.

Unfortunately I cannot commit to a regular weekly update schedule, but my current plan is to have a mini-update every four days (with 3 days to get orders in) and then maybe 5 days for the big update of the year plus getting orders in for the next one.

As regards orders, I like long orders under two conditions – they must be easily parsable and well structured. Thus all the military bits in one place, diplomacy in others and so on, hypertext to supporting information, maps and subheadings are good, as is bolding important facts. If you want an example of what I’m looking for look at Symphony D’s in the show your battle plans thread for good formatting.

If you want anything in your orders to be kept secret, it’ll be useful to demark it with tags.


Yes. Stories will get bonuses, but expect diminishing returns on lots of stories per update.


There will be 2 maps, the political map well remember from every other NES, which will also show army movements (given as circles, white in own territory, the faction colour in another’s territory). The second map will be the economic one, with commercial and industrial cities indicated and economic regions outlined.

States, Territories and Players

I’m going to try something a little different here, hopefully emulating the real life circumstances of large empires in a fun an exciting manner and I hope the NESing community doesn’t disappoint me. As well as the ‘core territory’ of a nation which will be run in exactly the same way as the standard das-NES nation, an empire will also have various other territories and possessions that will have their own stats…and players. Core territories get apportioned out on a first-come first-serve basis, but to take up a ‘peripheral territory’ will require the core players authorization, and the core player will have the power to dismiss the peripheral player (of course nothing stops the peripheral player then taking up the mantle of rebellion) and overrule their actions (that they know about ;)). In character activities are encouraged and peripheral players who try and subvert the core player without good reason will be punished. Peripheral territories without a player can of course be run by controller of the metropole or assigned to be NPCed, though at a slight cost in efficiency, and they can be reorganized if the metropole puts the effort in. If the peripheral territories/vassal states have enough freedom and processes to choose their own leaders (only the three dominions of the British empire and the four vassals of the French Empire fall into this category at the current time) then players can take them on FCFS and they get their own colour on the map, but the metropole does have influence and in-character activities are encouraged.

Players can also choose to play Rebellions of course, in much the normal matter (though don’t expect good success with an unlikely rebellion unless you lay the ground work first over several turns).

NPCs will be controlled by me of course, they won’t be that smart but they will spend their income each turn and act in a consistent manner diplomatically.

The Stat list

Government Form:
Size (Area/Population):
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade):
Industrial EP limit:
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research):
Quality of Life:
Spoiler :

Army Leadership:
Naval Leadership:
Airforce Leadership:

Not yet organised or placed

Military upkeep of

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Government Form

Your type of government determines quite a lot – freer economies grow faster but have trouble mobilizing resources, freer populaces are happier but tend to mess up the governments plans from time to time.

Stability and contentment

These are reporter stats on the feelings of your populace, you can only influence them by your actions rather than be direct spending. Stability indicates the cohesion of the state, a low stability increases the likelihood of civil wars and riots. Contentment indicates how happy the people are with your current policies; a discontent nation may rise in revolution or lynch you ;). The existence of peripheral territories should make this more informative than in some NESes.

Stability is measured on this word based scale:


Contentment is measured on this word based scale:



This is for NPCs only, it’s a one sentence description of what the current regime is like diplomacy wise – ‘Aggressive and untrustworthy’ or ‘isolationist and paranoid’ etc. As for the PCs…well that’s something you’ll have to work out yourself.


The two measures of size are again reporting statistics about your nation, and affect various things elsewhere, area is given as a word based level with the modifier in brackets, whilst population is given in millions, to the nearest 10m for larger nations (lots of guesstimating used btw, but dissent will not be tolerated ;)).

Size is given on this scale:

Tiny (0.5)-Small (1)-Medium (2)-Large (3)-Very Large (4)- Huge (5)- Vast (6) – Colossal (7)

For working out the population modifier I use this scale:

<2 million: 1
2-5 million: 2
5-10 million: 3
10-20 million: 4
every subsequent ten million adds 1 to the modifier.



The E4 system has two components &#8211; Map and Stat line, all the necessary information is contained in both sections stat line, but the map has the advantage of telling you where everything is, and the stat line has the advantage of showing everything in one place. It is currently set up for industrial play, but the simple expedient of removing the industry line will convert it for other ages.

The Stat lines

There are 3 different lines, the first being the economy line which goes;

Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/External) - $ ($/$/$/$)

Here, extractive and agricultural represent extractive industries such as mining and forestry, agricultural represents agriculture production of course. Each EP in this section will correspond to an Economic Unit on the map, with the exception of fisheries, which aren&#8217;t shown on the map (1 circle = 1 EP).

Industrial represents manufacture and processing of raw materials and is shown on the map as industrial centres (blue outlined cities). Each industrial centre produces one or more EPs, but there will probably be a few extra showing lower concentrations of industrial activity spread throughout the minor cities of the Economic units.

Tertiary represents internal trade and services, on the map cities important in trade or services will be given a red outline and called trade centres, each TC is worth at least 1 EP in this column, but there will be other EPs representing more nebulous things.

External is what your nation gets selling its products and services and doing transhipping, its not shown on the map, and if you conquer a trade partner then their section of external trade will obviously move into your Tertiary column.

Next is the taxation line, which simply goes;

Taxation &#8211; Tax taken/Gross national income

This is pretty simple and set by the player &#8211; higher tax fractions will give you more EP to spend but cause growth to drop (unless you reinvest it), and make you unpopular. You get to set the tax rate at the beginning without problems, but altering it later will have to be a slow process.

Next is the industrial line, which goes;

Industry &#8211; State Controlled/Total national production

This shows how much war material your nation can produce, Total national production is directly proportional to the industrial section of the economy, but I haven&#8217;t decided the exact proportion (currently I&#8217;m leaning towards 2). Basically here for things like building ships and tanks and supplying modern armies you spend EP you get from taxation, but you cannot spend more than your controlled industry rating (can&#8217;t have cows making bullets after all ;)). Naturally you can nationalise production, but at the cost of lowering natural grow significantly.

&#8220;Squeezing the Economy&#8221;

So you have taken all the taxes you can and you still want more? Much like the &#8220;sacrifice&#8221; of economy levels under the old NES2VI system you can get extra money by seizing permanent assets. Basically you gain extra EPs equal to 20&#37; of your total economy, but at the cost of having all sectors shrink by 10%. EPs are rounded down.


Your economic stats will grow over time, at rates depending on your policies and events, reinvestment and tax breaks will of course increase this growth rate, but with non-linear responses to the amount invested. Additionally it is easier to grow industrial stats with industrial cash.

Things that require Industrial EPs

-Anything above light ships
-Armour and artillery
-giving divisions the &#8216;industrially supported&#8217; tag
-supplying any of the above stuff logistically
-quick industrial growth
-many projects

With the permission of another state you can use any of their &#8216;unused industrial capability&#8217; i.e. industrial potential they haven&#8217;t spent themselves. What you give them to do this is between you and them of course, but this will significantly increase their industrial growth and curb your own.

Banking and loans

Economy can be banked (and kept secret if you wish), but large surpluses without good reason will annoy the populace and decrease in value over time.

If you want you can raise capital by appealing to the internal financial community, but your reputation will pay an important factor in things and not paying back your loans will lead to trouble.


This stat represents how much stuff has been built up for transport and management of the territory in question, a higher infrastructure allows your troops to move faster in your territory and has non-linear effects on your economic growth (all your economic stats except trade are influenced by infrastructure depending on the nations circumstances) stability and quality of life. It will degrade over time and is proportional to your general technological level. It&#8217;s measured on this scale;

None-Appalling-Poor-Bad-Not Bad-Good Enough-Good-Great-Excellent-Outstanding

And changing either requires some money and clever ideas, or EPs equal to 5 (subject to change) times your &#8216;size&#8217; modifier.

Quality of Life

This stat determines how well off your citizens are, low values will lead to discontent and weakened education systems (though it will make extractive and industrial economy development easier), whilst high values will give better growth of tertiary and trade economic sectors and a more content society, it requires constant &#8216;social maintenance&#8217; funding to keep at high levels however. Its measured on this scale:

None-Appalling-Poor-Bad-Not Bad-Good Enough-Good-Great-Excellent-Outstanding

And changing either requires some money and clever ideas, or EPs equal to 5 (subject to change) times your &#8216;size&#8217; modifier (it costs a lot less to maintain than to let it fall and have to grow again). In free economies in good times it will likely increase without government intervention.

Research and Education


Education is divided into three tiers and one numeric quality, to represent the various different sorts of education that a modern state needs. The stat line will look like this;

Education (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research) - &/&/&/$

The first three are word based qualitive levels that are rated on the scale below, whilst the last is a numeric quantity giving you research points to spend. The three word level stats go on this scale;

None-Appalling-Poor-Bad-Not Bad-Good Enough-Good-Great-Excellent-Outstanding

&#8230;and are proportional to your population size.

Basic Education is things like numeracy, language skills and literacy for your population, having a high basic education will make some methods of economic growth easier, change the way your population reacts to events, slightly improve the efficiency of your army, and make it easier to raise and maintain high standards of the higher educational levels. This will degrade over time without continued funding (or some method to maintain it) and increasing a level will require funding equal to twice your population size.

Skilled education is things like technical skills and secondary level education, having a high skilled education will increase economic growth significantly particularly industry, change the way your population reacts to events, improve the quality of the specialists in your army and your navy and air force, and make it easier to raise and maintain levels of Higher Education and your Research output. This will degrade over time without continued funding (or some method to maintain it) and increasing a level will require funding equal to twice your population size.

Higher education represents university level educations, having a high Higher education establishment will increase some forms of economic growth, and the quality of your upper army echelons and political elite (depending on your government form). The likelihood of advances (see below) being made is dependent on the product of your Higher education rating and your population. This will degrade over time without continued funding (or some method to maintain it) and increasing a level will require funding equal to three times your population size.

Research points are a numeric quantity of research that you can spend on various things (see Research, below). The base number of research points is proportional to the product of your Higher Education and population; you get some extra for high levels of Skilled Education and more research points can be gained from setting up research institutes (see projects). You can spend research points on basic research or on technologies, or duplicating advances.


There are two types of research that appear in your stats, these are advances and technologies. Advances are things like atomic theory and the theory of relativity, whilst technologies are things like super-Dreadnaught Battleships and atomic bombs.


You don&#8217;t get to choose your advances except in the most general way (because this annoys me no end in NESes ;)) instead you&#8217;ll get advances from the unrevealed list in a quantity determined using a RNG algorithm that takes into account a) your higher education and population, b) the number of research points you put into basic research c) the amount of collaboration you do with researchers from another country (which can give you results greater than the sum of its parts). What you get is determined by a) what advances you know already, b) What technologies you&#8217;ve invested a lot in and c) if you put any requests in; for example &#8220;faster ships&#8221;. In this NES the bed rock of technologies is 1890 level, and advances represent development beyond that.


Each advance unlocks technologies enabled by that advance, I&#8217;ll give a list but feel free to suggest more and I&#8217;ll review if they are appropriate or not for the advances you have. The word &#8220;technology&#8221; is slightly misleading here, because this category includes things like &#8220;Artic Warfare&#8221; and &#8220;cracking Nazi encryption&#8221;, but nothing else seemed to fit as well. Each technology will effect the operation of your stuff in the NES in some way, for example &#8216;Machine guns&#8217; and &#8220;Basic mechanized infantry&#8221; will make your armies hit harder and move faster respectively. You research a technology by investing research points into it, and you can &#8220;crash develop&#8221; something by spending economy points at a 1:1 ratio to research points, however you must put at least some research points into the technology each year you advance it. In free economies you will sometimes get extra research points turning up in technologies that the business community thinks will be profitable.


You can keep technologies secret, but that will increase the amount of time and effort they take to complete, and once you start deploying the technology on a large scale it will also take money and effort to keep secret. Note that secret technologies will not appear in your stats, I&#8217;ll send you a PM with your &#8220;classified&#8221; stats each turn. Advances cannot be kept secret, but you can order them to be &#8220;protected&#8221;, preventing other nations from playing catch up (or at least increase the cost), though this might create ire, and depending on how widely deployed the technology is may take funding. Technologies can also be &#8220;protected&#8221; within having to keep them secret.

Catch-up and technology trading

Its hard being the technology leader, and once an advance or technology is known about you can order your researchers to duplicate it for a set cost in research points. you can &#8220;crash develop&#8221; something by spending economy points at a 1:1 ratio to research points, however you must put at least some research points into the duplication each year you advance it. Catching up usually costs somewhat less than researching the technology in the first place but the cost can be increased by;
-lacking the necessary advances if a technology is being copied (greatly)
-being at war with the state your attempting to copy if from (greatly)
-not trading much with the state your attempting to copy it form (slightly)
-if the state is keeping the technology or advance protected or secret (enormously)

&#8230;and it can be decreased by;
-trading a lot with the state your copying it from (somewhat)
-if many states have the technology (depends on number)
-if a state with the technology gives/sells it to you (greatly)



The military section is separated into Army, Navy and Airforce to allow three separate military leadership stats, to show how the various arms are led. Higher stats will obviously lead to cleverer generals and admirals, and it is measured on this scale.

None-Appalling-Poor-Bad-Not Bad-Good Enough-Good-Great-Excellent-Outstanding

This stat is related to your skilled and higher education levels and the amount of combat your armies have seen, thus it can be increased by raising education levels and getting in fights. It can also be raised by projects representing military academies.

Generals and admirals

In the course of war certain men end up standing out, thus every so often you will get a named general or admiral (you get to pick the name) cropping up, who can then be attached to an army to increase its chances. This process is a randomly determined and is a function of training and combat.

The Army

The army is organised into divisions of infantry, irregulars (inc. cavalry), Armour (lacking at the start) and artillery. The divisions are organised to armies according to the players wishes, armies are actual formal entities and I highly encourage them to keep my management down ;), and each army will have its rough location (unless its secret) given in the stats, for example:

Prussian Union

Army Leadership: Great
Naval Leadership: Not Bad
Airforce Leadership: None

1st Army (General von Lettow-Vorbeck+++, around Hamburg)
10 Infantry Divisions I++
2 Infantry Divisions I+
2 Artillery Divisions I-
The symbols after the divisions are very important and replace the training stat of earlier rule sets; the +&#8217;s and &#8211;&#8216;s (ranging from -5 to plus 5) indicate the training level which can be increased high moral, by getting into combat or spending money on it (1 EP gives 5 pluses to spread around) and decreased by the inverse. The letters represent various attributes and training of the individual division which cost various things.

I &#8211; possibly the most important attribute, represents &#8216;industrialised&#8217; indicating the troops are well supplied with material and modern weapons. 1 EP provided you have access to industrial production gives 5 divisions the &#8216;I&#8217; attribute.
Ar &#8211; Trained in artic warfare
Al &#8211; Trained in alpine warfare
Am &#8211; trained in amphibious assaults
De &#8211; Trained in desert warfare
Pa - Paratroopers
Me &#8211; Mechanised

The costs of giving these attributes to your divisions will be given in the techs which unlock them.

Raising army units

Artillery and armour costs per division are given in the techs that unlock them, starting plus and negative attributes depend on your &#8216;skilled&#8217; education level.
Infantry on the other hand can be raised in one of two ways; the first is raising the professional troops of a volunteer military which costs 1 EP per division raised, and gives units coming in at between &#8216;+&#8217; and &#8216;+++&#8217; depending on the level of your basic and skilled education, and if you use an industrial EP they come in with &#8216;I&#8217; as well. The second way is conscription to produce the less professional conscript troops; here you spend 2 EP (representing the cost of organising the conscription) for up to 20 divisions (your choice), however using conscription will damage your economy and popularity depending on the size of your population compared with the number conscripted (rough rule of thumb &#8211; raising 2*your population size in conscript divisions will cause your economy to shrink by 10%, i.e. 60 divisions or 600,000 men in a pop of 10 million will cause a 10% shrinkage). Conscripts start off at between &#8216;----&#8216; and &#8216;&#8212;&#8216; depending on your basic education level.

The Navy

The army is organised into ships and fleets, the fleets obviously corresponding to the armies of land forces with admirals and locations, for example;

The British Empire
Home Defence Fleet (Admiral Marlborough+, North Sea and English Channel)
1 Goliath -
7 Battleships ++
10 Escorts +++
40 Light Ships +++
10d worth of transports

The various classes of ships have costs detailed in the techs that unlock them and start off with training based on your basic and skilled education levels which is increased or decreased by combat and moral. Transports aren&#8217;t given in numbers, but in the amount of troops they can move from one place to another at one time. Here is a quick list of costs:

Battleships &#8211; largest ships in the fleet, very powerful guns (1 costs 2 industrial EP)
Escorts &#8211; smaller and faster ships than Battleships (2 per industrial EP)
Light vessels &#8211; suitable for recon patrols and assisting larger vessels (1 per EP or 4 per industrial EP)
Transports &#8211; transporting troops (5d per EP)


Works much the same as the two above, with only &#8216;Light recon aircraft&#8217; available at the current time (5 wings per EP).

Logistics, military updates and raising troops in miniupdates

Logistics cost money obviously the more forces and distance from friendly bases the bigger the cost, its recommend to ask you advisors about costs before embarking on something. You can raise troops in the mini-updates (though large ships will take more than 3 months to build), and it is recommended to keep a &#8216;war-chest&#8217; to supply operations you may wish to make.

Size of the military when compared to your population and economy and living standards will also give you a direct military upkeep per turn, though a highly militaristic society can mollify this.


Spying on people is a time honoured tradition, and here you can of course do it too. It&#8217;s not very expensive to run a general intelligence gathering agency (perhaps 2 or 3 Ep a turn), but running operations to spread propaganda and assassinate people is rather more expensive. What you get out will be luck based but also roughly equivalent to your degree of interaction with the spied upon nation and the experience of your spies.

Projects and &#8216;stuff&#8217;

To do stuff you can have projects, pretty much any sensible effect is allowed, each project has a cost and a time and possibly a location (so it can be capture or destroyed by enemies). For example:

Australian University System, +4 Research per turn (0/10 Ep, 0/5 turns, east coast of Australia)

Hi Ho silver lining, everywhere you go!
Spoiler :


The year is 1905; a century of cold war between Britain and Napoleonic France has left a complex and troubling world with the great game in full swing in the middle east and china, flashpoints around the world about to go critical, and radical and nationalist movements stalking through the minds of the Europeans. So far the British naval might has upheld the Status Quo, but with the completion of HMS Goliath the British realize they have built a battleship that renders all prior models obsolete&#8230;and suddenly he British naval lead doesn&#8217;t look so large after all.

Nation descriptions

United States of America
Founded by rebelling British colonies in the late 18th century, the United States has grown to span a continent and become an important regional power, and has the potential for much more. Several crises plagued its growth such as the American Civil war and the war of 1812, but it has overcome its battle with regionalism and defeated Russia in a number of wars to gain the important pacific coast and holdings in the northwest pacific. Massive industrialization and a dynamic finance sector have given prosperity to this land of immigrants.

Continental States
The continental growth of the United States began immediately after the revolution, as settlers and immigrants poured across the continent. The territory was expanded by purchases (the Louisiana and Florida) and wars (the conquest of Canada and Russian lands on the west coast). The immigration from Europe particularly that of the Great Flight allowed a massive campaign of industrialisation to occur about the great lakes and the southern rebellion to be defeated. Now modern cities sprawl across the continent and the next great frontier &#8211; the vast untapped resources of the northern states and territories is beginning to be opened up.
Capital: Trenton D.C.
Government Form: Presidential Federal Democracy
Stability/Contentment: Strong/Happy
Size (Area/Population): Vast (6)/ 75m (10)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 60/70/50/30
Taxation: ?/210
Industrial EP limit: 140
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Good Enough/Outstanding/Good/73
Quality of Life: Great
Culture: American Melting Pot (less Catholic Europeans than OTL, and more Dutch)
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Great
Airforce Leadership: Not Bad

Not yet organised or placed
6 Divisions ArI+++
2 Divisions AmI+++
5 Divisions I++
6 Divisions Artillery

10 Battleships ++
4 Submarines +
56 Escorts ++
120 Light Ships ++
Military upkeep of 6 EP/year

Spoiler :

Ivy League Universities +14 RP (North East)
Wall Street; increased tertiary and industrial growth, chance of financial shocks (New York)

Spoiler :

Far Eastern Territories
Kamchatka and Outer Manchuria, won in the second Russian-American war and the Baltic war respectively, represent the latest annexation of Russian lands by America. The non-Russian inhabitants are not to bothered by the American rule (particular with the increasing benefits), and the territories resources and strategic position could give the Americans considerable wealth, though at the cost of embroiling them in the messy situation of the far east and earning deep Russian enmity.
Ruler/Player: American Gift
Capital: Vladivostok
Government Form: Military Protectorate
Stability/Contentment: Neutral/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Large (3)/ 1.5m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 2/2/1/8
Taxation: ?/13
Industrial EP limit: 4
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Bad/Appalling/None/0
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Various Native groups, Russian, Korean and Chinese immigrants, american recently, very mixed.
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Poor
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Divisions Ar++

10 Light Ships +
Military upkeep of 0EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Panama (Protectorate)
Under American pressure the region of Panama succeeded from the mess of Colombia in 1896 to allow American finance freedom to build the great Panama Canal. The standard model of corruption for the Latin countries holds true, but US investment and the revenues from the canal and support services gives the glimpse of a rosier outlook.
Capital: Panama City
Government Form: Weak and semi-corrupt Presidential Democracy
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Tiny (0.5)/ 0.3m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 1/0/4/6
Taxation: ?/11
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Bad/Appalling/Appalling/1
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Catholic Hispanic mix
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Appalling
Naval Leadership: Not Bad
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
1 Division --

3 Escorts +
10 Light Ships +
Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Republic of Quebec
The Quebec republic suffered many reversals in the 19th century with the French support of the loosing side in the American civil war causing the Union to finally force its independence from all Europeans. Since then the republic retained strong ties with France, and during the oppressive periods of French politics was the destination of choice for fleeing French dissidents. It has now developed into a densely developed and intellectually productive state with little ambition on the world scene beyond being left alone.
Capital: Quebec City
Government Form: Parliamentary Democracy efficient but very weak executive
Stability/Contentment: Excellent/Happy
Size (Area/Population): Large (3)/ 6m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 5/8/9/9
Taxation: ?/31
Industrial EP limit: 16
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Outstanding/Excellent/Excellent/26
Quality of Life: Excellent
Culture: Catholic Quebecoise with large First generation French immigrants, some Amerinds in the north
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Great
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Divisions IAr++
2 Divisions I++
2 Divisions Artillery

2 Subamrines --
4 Escorts ++
20 Light Ships ++

Military upkeep of 2 EP/year

Spoiler :

University of Quebec +3 RP (Quebec)
University of Montreal +3 RP (Montreal)

United States of Mexico
The chaos of the Peninsular War and the French invasion of Spain prompted the various Mexican political factions to declare independence and start a gruelling guerrilla campaign for freedom. Spain&#8217;s economic devastation and British pressure (wishing to keep Spain focused against France and to open up Mexico for trade) resulted in Mexican independence being recognised in 1820. The following forty years saw a few coups and revolutions but recently Mexico has achieved some measure of stability and prospered under an American modelled government with foreign investment and immigration, taking over Spain&#8217;s pacific holdings as Iberia imploded time and again. Nowadays the biggest threat comes from internal strife, as the old landowner elite, the industrialists of the rising Mexican heartlands, the liberal immigrant populations and Amerinds of the north, and the socialists of the urban poor all have different visions of how Mexico&#8217;s future should progress.

Mexico proper has seen many ups and downs over the years but recent prosperity may turn things on their head. Initially a agricultural and mining state dependent on American and British investment a recent series of protectionist policies has seen the rise of industrialization and the discovery of significant petroleum reserves is giving production quite a boost. The north of Mexico is a very interesting place with the western expansion of the US pushing large numbers of Amerinds south and large European immigration (mainly Irish and catholic Germans attracted by Mexico&#8217;s catholic values, and who now outnumber Hispanics in the north) to Texas and California has produced an interesting mix that is rather different to the rest of the nation.
Capital: Mexico City
Government Form: Presidential Democracy, ineffective and regionalist
Stability/Contentment: Poor/Content
Size (Area/Population): Very Large (4)/ 25m (5)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 25/13/8/20
Taxation: ?/66
Industrial EP limit: 26
Infrastructure: Good Enough
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Not Bad/Bad/14
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Hispanic in the south, Irish-German-American-Hispanic in the north large Amerind minorities in various regions, strongly catholic throughout
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good Enough
Naval Leadership: Not Bad
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
5 Divisions I+
3 Divisions IDe+
3 Divisions IJu+
3 Artillery Divisions

6 Escorts &#8211;
40 Light Ships +
Military upkeep of 3 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Mexican Philippians and Island territories
The chief Spanish colony in Asia since the 16th century, with the standard harsh religious policies enacted. As Spanish power declined in the 19th century resistance built up to their rule and even major cities were lost to the rebels, eventually the Spanish had to sell the heavily catholic part of the colony to Mexico and the south to Britain as part of the ending of the shortlived Colonial War, and native resistance seamlessly refocused on the new rulers despite their lighter touch. Various other powers have expressed an interest in the territory, namely Prussia and Japan. The island&#8217;s exports provide some wealth to Mexico, but their strategic location isn&#8217;t really something the current Mexican states are capable of taking advantage of, and many in the government are disapproving of the situation.
Ruler/Player: Mexican Gift
Capital: Manila
Government Form: Colonial Authority, local councils
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 7m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 9/0/3/7
Taxation: ?/19
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Bad/Appalling/None/1
Quality of Life: Bad
Culture: Strongly Catholic Filipino, various minorities and Spanish-Mexican Overclass
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: Not Bad
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
5 Colonial Militia Ju--

25 Light Ships --
Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

After the fall of the United Provinces of Central America Nicaragua has languished as a backwater, though the increasing investment by US companies in its fruit and mining industries may change that.
Capital: Managua
Government Form: Presidential Democracy ineffective and Caudillo dominated
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 0.5m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 3/0/0/1
Taxation: ?/4
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/Appalling/Appalling/1
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Catholic Hispanics
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: Poor
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
1 Division Ju++
2 Divisions --

12 Light Ships --
Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Costa Rica
A largely quiet agricultural country after the break with Mexico and then the UPCA, though several American filibusters have tried to take control, and the country is now dominated by American finance.
Capital: San Jose
Government Form: Weak Presidential Democracy
Stability/Contentment: Neutral/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Tiny (0.5)/ 0.3m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 3/0/02
Taxation: ?/5
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Bad/Appalling/None/0
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Catholic Hispanics
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: Not Bad
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Divisions -

8 Light Ships
Military upkeep of 0EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

The republic of Gran Colombia was established by the great Simon Bolivar to free Latin America from the Spanish yoke weakened by the long peninsula war. Although successful in his goal, Bolivar&#8217;s death in 1838 eventually plunged the region into chaos as regionalist factions fought for dominance. In the decades of civil war that followed the centre of the old empire about Bogot&#225; came under the military dictatorship of General Urdaneta and the authoritarian state has engaged in countless border feuds with its fellow post-Bolivar state and Brazil (generally to Columbia&#8217;s loss). El Libertador&#8217;s dream seems very far away&#8230;
Capital: Bogot&#225;
Government Form: Semi-Democratic Oligarchy
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Above Medium (3)/ 5m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 7/2/2/3
Taxation: ?/14
Industrial EP limit: 4
Infrastructure: Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/Poor/Appalling/3
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Catholic Hispanic with diverse roots
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Appalling
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Divisions AlJuI+
9 Divisions ---

1 Escort &#8211;
20 Light Ships --
Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Another post-Bolivar state characterized by political instability, political struggle and dictatorial rule, Venezuela lost perhaps the most land to Brazil. However its coastal position may give it better trade relations in the new century if it can get its act together. France in particular seems eager to increase trade relations to secure a commercial and diplomatic foothold in Latin America.
Capital: Caracas
Government Form: Authoritarian Presidential Democracy
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 3m (2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 6/1/2/4
Taxation: ?/13
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/Appalling/Poor/3
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Catholic Melting pot of Hispanic and immigrants, more urbanised than most S American nations
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: Appalling
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
8 Divisions --

15 Light Ships --
Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Republic of Zulia
The Lake Maracaibo Basin and the Andean Estados just south of it were common targets for conflict between Venezuela and Colombia, and eventually the people had enough; declaring their own republic and resisting both sides (with vague Anglo-US-Mexican support). Zulia is somewhat more liberal than either of its two neighbours.
Capital: Maracaibo
Government Form: Weak liberal Presidential Democracy
Stability/Contentment: Poor/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 0.5m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 3/0/1/1
Taxation: ?/5
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Bad/Appalling/Appalling/1
Quality of Life: Bad
Culture: Catholic Hispanic, strongly united
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: Not Bad
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
3 Divisions I-
1 Artillery Division --

1 Escort --
10 Light Ships --
Military upkeep of

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

The smallest of the immediate post Bolivar states its nineteenth century was marked by instability, with a rapid succession of rulers. The conservative Gabriel Garcia Moreno unified the country in the 1860s with the support of the Roman Catholic Church. In the late 19th century, world demand for cocoa tied the economy to commodity exports and led to migrations from the highlands to the agricultural frontier on the coast. The rising liberals protest the power of the clergy and caudillos.
Capital: Quito
Government Form: Oligarch dominated Presidential Democracy
Stability/Contentment: Fine/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 1.5m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 4/1/1/3
Taxation: ?/9
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Appalling/Appalling/1
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Catholic Mixed Hispanic
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Appalling
Naval Leadership: Poor
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
3 Divisions I-

2 Escorts -
30 Light Ships
Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

The Bolivar Republic of Peru
Forged from the decaying Spanish empire by Supreme Protector Marshal Andr&#233;s de Santa Cruz, the loosely federated states in Peru and Bolivia came under immediate attack from their neighbours fearful of the power of such a state. However the nation was saved with the annexation of Chile by Britain, British financial aid, and the implosion of Gran Colombia. The looseness of its governmental structure has prevented any great accomplishments though it is certainly the one of the richer and better off South American states with Britain and the US investing heavily. A number of border incidents with Brazil has revealed significant failings in the Peruvian military and a series of lackluster presidents have let the various states draw apart.
Capital: Lima
Government Form: Federal Presidential Democracy, weak executive, efficient state gov&#8217;s
Stability/Contentment: Poor/Happy
Size (Area/Population): Large (4)/ 6m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 13/4/5/9
Taxation: ?/31
Industrial EP limit: 8
Infrastructure: Appalling
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Appalling/Appalling/3
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Urban Hispanic with the largest rural Amerind minorities in the continent, very catholic
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Appalling
Airforce Leadership:

Not yet organised or placed
2 Infantry Divisions Al++
7 Infantry Divisions ++
1 Artillery Division ----

2 Battleships ----
40 Light Ships --
Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Empire of Brazil
Over the course of the 19th century Brazil gradually gained complete independence from Portugal, finally confirmed in the Portuguese financial crash and the Colonial War that followed. Under an authoritarian monarchy Brazil sought to expand in South America only to tangle with the British and the Plate, to their detriment and the loss of a number of southern territories. This may have proven to be a blessing in disguise as the Brazilians reordered their military and jumpstarted the industrialization of the big cities thanks to refugees from the south and the hostility from Britain. The new regime is looking outward once more, with rumours of alliance with France and the development of a submarine fleet.
Capital: Rio de Janeiro
Government Form: Efficient Authoritarian Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Loving
Size (Area/Population): Huge (5)/ 27m (5)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 20/10/9/12
Taxation: ?/51
Industrial EP limit: 20
Infrastructure: Good Enough
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Bad/Bad/Not Bad/16
Quality of Life: Bad
Culture: Brazilian (Portuguese-African mix) large unassimilated amerinds
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good Enough
Naval Leadership: Good Enough
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
35 Infantry Divisions I
4 Artillery Divisions I

3 Battleships ---
6 Escorts ---
40 Light Ships +
6 Submarines &#8211;

Military upkeep of 4 EP/year
Military upkeep of

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

When other states in the Spanish empire in the New World broke away Cuba remained loyal, more out need for export security and protection from the US than anything else. However with the American civil war apparently ending that threat the island began to campaign for greater autonomy resulting in the 25 years war between the Spanish and pro-independence rebels. Eventually the Spanish gave up and considered selling the island to France, at which point the US and Britain stepped in an demanded the islands freedom, even paying a large sum to ensure it (which may have been the Spanish intention all along). Since then the island has prospered quietly with some trouble from pro-US and pro-Mexico factions, and recently a large influx of Consejist thought and agitators from Iberia.
Capital: Havana
Government Form: ineffective Presidential Democracy
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 2m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 6/1/2/6
Taxation: ?/15
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Bad/Bad/2
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Homogenous Catholic Cuban with a recent influx of Iberians
Spoiler :

Army Leadership:
Naval Leadership:
Airforce Leadership:

Not yet organised or placed
4 Infantry Divisions I

Military upkeep of

Spoiler :

Spoiler :
Republic of Liberia
Established by the American colonization society as a home for freed slaves, the Liberians Americo-African elite has managed to create a small republic on the west coast of Africa, expanding slowly as the rest of Africa was snapped up by imperial powers. Today the republic is small and economically backward but has a high standard of living for Africa. It has no major foreign entanglements except economic ties with Britain and the US.
Capital: Monrovia
Government Form: effective Authoritarian presidential democracy
Stability/Contentment: Neutral/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 2m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 3/0/1/2
Taxation: ?/6
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Appalling/Appalling/1
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Two Tier African-Americans and natives, only immigrants can vote
Spoiler :

Army Leadership:
Naval Leadership:
Airforce Leadership:

Not yet organised or placed
3 Infantry Divisions Ju+

Military upkeep of

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

The Madrid Consejo
Mismanagement has been the curse of the Iberian Peninsula as the competing influences of Britain and France tore the land part, first in war then in economic terms and both Portugal and Spain faced a serious decline in their power and cohesion over the 19th century. With the Colonial War, the Brazilian independence and the Portuguese financial crash both governments fell in 1899 with their monarchs fleeing overseas and the nations descended into infighting between right wing groups, regionalists and the extreme socialists. Over the next four years direct foreign intervention was halted by Anglo-French tension and the left-wing groups gradually ascended over the right-wing; the most powerful being the workers council (Consejo in Spanish) of Madrid. The future situation as the Consejo moves to crush the coastal regionalists and seek international recognition is anyone&#8217;s guess, but their success is giving hope to workers groups throughout Europe.
Capital: Madrid
Government Form: Effective Socialist Oligarchy
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 15m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 8/3/2/0
Taxation: ?/13
Industrial EP limit: 6
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/Poor/Bad/9
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Various Catholic Spanish groups, predominantly rural working class
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
25 Infantry Divisions --
2 Artillery Divisions -

Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

The British Empire
The British empire can be considered one of the greatest (if not the greatest) power in the world today, with a vast overseas empire both in her north Atlantic backyard and across the global, and her naval tonnage outweighs the two runner up fleets combined. At home the empires resources and Britain&#8217;s position as the worlds leading financial nation brings great prosperity. However all is not well in Albion, the great French menace stirs once again and Russia threatens the empire in the middle east, and the empire itself is consumed by political debate; on the question of free trade verses protectionism, the question of India and the inherent social values of British rule.

The United Kingdom (Britain, and North Atlantic possessions)
The heart of the empire, Britain has a greater per capita industrialization and wealth in the world, and vast stores of capital deployed worldwide. Relatively untouched by the left and right wing tides in Europe the nation is still paranoid about the French, on of the reasons for securing Norway and her possessions, although investment has flowed into the Scandinavian countries. Liberal and conservative parliamentary groups jostle for position.
Capital: London
Government Form: Efficient Parliamentary Democracy with weak Constitutional Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Strong/Content
Size (Area/Population): Very Large (4)/ 45m (7)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 10/50/90/80
Taxation: ?/230
Industrial EP limit: 100
Infrastructure: Great
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Excellent/Good Enough/Great/45
Quality of Life: Great
Culture: British with Irish and Scandinavian Minorities, mainly protestant except for the Irish
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Excellent
Airforce Leadership: Poor

Not yet organised or placed
15 Infantry Divisions I++
3 Infantry Divisions DeI++
3 Infantry Divisions JuI++
10 Artillery Divisions ++

1 Goliath Battleship --
50 Battleships +++
80 Escorts +++
200 Light Ships ++
2 Wings of Observation Planes
Military upkeep of 8 EP/year

Spoiler :

Oxford & Cambridge Universities; +8 RP (Oxford and Cambridge)
The Square Mile; Great tertiary growth and international trade and investment (London)
Karachi-Singapore Railroad; Trade and development of the South Asian Colonies (south Asia)

Spoiler :

Dominion of the Plate
After the loss of Canada the British sought to make up their territories elsewhere, and the agriculturally rich and strategically located Argentina was just too tempting for the hungry nation and with a powerful attack in 1808 seized control of Buenos Aires and forced Spain to cede the territory. With the countries heart in British hands resistance collapsed though a long running campaign by rebels in Mendoza lasted into the 1840s. To secure their new territories the British offered many land grants to Canadian loyalists and the German Legion and over time a tiered society of rich immigrants and poor Hispanics and Amerinds developed and spread across the nation. The colony saw a chance to expand in the confederation war by taking Chile and the other la Plata states and eventually the Spanish and Amerindians became a resentful minority in their own land. Agriculture and ranching has boomed but other sectors of the economy are still very much centered in the vast city of Buenos Aires. A war with Brazil has lead to uncertain land gains to the north and the years since the Dominion Act has been consumed with trying to find solutions to the question of the northern territories and the Hispanic underclass.
Capital: Bairdstown
Government Form: Parliamentary Democracy
Stability/Contentment: Poor/Content
Size (Area/Population): Huge (5)/ 14m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 20/3/5/6
Taxation: ?/34
Industrial EP limit: 6
Infrastructure: Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Good Enough/Not Bad/Not Bad/13
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: European immigrant in the big coastal cities, Hispanic and Amerinds inland
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Great
Naval Leadership: Poor
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
9 Infantry Divisions I++

7 Escorts ++
30 Light Ships ++
Military upkeep of 2 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Dominion of South Africa
Ceased by the British in 1797 for its strategic location the formerly Dutch colony was the target of much immigration (particularly that coordinated by the German Legion) after the Napoleonic war, a process intensified by the discovery of gold, diamonds and extensive ore deposits. The original Boer inhabitants fled to the northeast and resisted British Rule in a number of Anglo-Boer that pitted guerilla warfare against the powerful British army, often to the British detriment. After the conclusion of the last war in 1899 it was attempted to rejoin the Boers to the political process but since the Dominion Act they have used their influence to increasingly campaign against Black rights, though the large English and German contingent forming the liberal party help to dampen this.
Capital: Pretoria
Government Form: Parliamentary Democracy
Stability/Contentment: Fine/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Huge (5)/ 14m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 21/4/5/7
Taxation: ?/37
Industrial EP limit: 8
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Great/Good Enough/Not Bad/14
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: Boer and British-German immigrants dominate the Africans (approx 60&#37; of the population), mainly Protestant. More Africans in the northern territories
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Good
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
6 Infantry Divisions I+
2 Colonial Militia Divisions I+

3 Escorts +
15 Light Ships +
Military upkeep of 2 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Dominion of Australasia
After the gold rush of the 1850s and the substantial emigration from Europe in the 19th century the 8 crown colonies of Australasia were all prosperous with sprawling coastal cities and thriving agriculture sectors and were recognized as achieving nationhood within the empire with the Dominion Acts of 1902. The population is well integrated and the future looks rosy indeed.
Capital: Sydney
Government Form: Parliamentary Democracy
Stability/Contentment: Excellent/Happy
Size (Area/Population): Huge (5)/ 10m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 19/4/5/8
Taxation: ?/36
Industrial EP limit: 8
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Great/Good Enough/Good Enough/17
Quality of Life: Great
Culture: British-Irish-German immigrant population, Aborigines marginalised, some Malay workers.
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Good
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
4 Infantry Divisions I+

8 Escorts +
30 Light Ships ++
Military upkeep of 2 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Caribbean Possessions (includes Guyana)
The Caribbean is a little developed portion of the empire since the first British activities of thee 16th century, mainly producing minor agricultural products and offering good trading positions. Occasionally French agents try to stir up trouble but the relaxed British policy makes the islands mostly content.
Ruler/Player: British Gift
Capital: Barbados
Government Form: Colonial Authority with local councils
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Content
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 1.6m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 5/0/1/3
Taxation: ?/9
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Good Enough
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Appalling/Appalling/1
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: Naturalised African and Asian workforces, some Europeans
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: Poor
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Colonial Militia Divisions -

15 Light Ships -
Military upkeep of

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

West African Possessions
Slowly established over the late 18th and 19th centuries, the rich and populous coastal towns of West Africa were brought under British rule for the most part, which certainly helped British actions against the slave trade. Now proper British influence is beginning to reach into the backwoods parts of the colonies. Raids by tribes from the north are common, and French influence is suspected.
Ruler/Player: British Gift
Capital: Lagos
Government Form: Colonial Authority with some tribal structures retained
Stability/Contentment: Neutral/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Very Large (4)/ 20m (5)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 13/1/4/7
Taxation: ?/25
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Various African groups, mostly Nigerian, traditional and Christian mostly with some Muslims
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: Poor
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
4 Tribal Militia Divisions --

4 Light Ships --
Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Victoria territory (East African Possessions)
In the 1840s British missionaries began moving into the African heartlands from the east coast, and corporate ventures and protectorates followed later as plantations and some mining has picked up. Vast numbers of Africans remain untouched by the colonial influence still.
Ruler/Player: British Gift
Capital: Mombassa
Government Form: Colonial Authority with tribal structures still intact
Stability/Contentment: Neutral/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Very Large (4)/ 10m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 5/1/2/3
Taxation: ?/11
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Bad
Culture: East African tribes with traditional Beliefs, some Christianized
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Appalling
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
4 Tribal Militia Divisions ----

Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Arabian Possessions (inc. the Horn of Africa)
In order to secure India and reduce transit times the British have had a growing influence in the Arabian peninsula, with a slow two part scheme of protectorates with the sheikhs and military bases such as Aden. This became increasingly important when the opening of the French financed (and later controlled) Suez Canal requiring strong strategic control of the Bab el Mandeb, and some British investment has changed the small Arab populations in the region.
Ruler/Player: British Gift
Capital: Aden
Government Form: Colonial authority with local councils and princes
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Large (3)/ 4m (2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 1/0/2/5
Taxation: ?/8
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Various Muslim Arabic tribes, some Europeans at Aden
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: Not Bad
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Colonial Militia Divisions &#8211;
2 Tribal Militia Divisions De+

Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

The British Raj
The end of the Napoleonic Wars and the denial of British merchants to large swaths of Europe lead to an increasing focus on India and the gradual transfer of power from the increasingly discredited EIC to the British Government occurred mid 19th century with a number of separated mutinies by Indian troops being the initiating factor, "the Princes, Chiefs, and Peoples of India" were now placed under the British crown. The latter half of the century saw Indian economic growth ******ed by the Raj&#8217;s merchentilist policies, though substantial infrastructure and administration networks were built up and most famines dealt with effectively due to the increased importance of India for Britain and the worry of French and Russian infiltration. Indian political groups are rising in the new century, and the Indians relationship with the empire is the question on everyone&#8217;s lips.
Ruler/Player: British Gift
Capital: Calcutta
Government Form: Colonial Authority with local advisory groups and local elites in the Princely states
Stability/Contentment: Poor/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Vast (6)/ 300m (33)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 50/8/8/15
Taxation: ?/81
Industrial EP limit: 16
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/Appalling/Appalling/33
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Huge and diverse, Hindu Indian majority, large Muslim minority, smaller Sikh and other minorities
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: Not Bad
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
10 Infantry Divisions I+
20 Colonial Militia Divisions I+

40 Light Ships +
Military upkeep of 3EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Lanka has always been a hub for Indian Ocean trade, something which has continued strongly under British auspices and development with the island being a keystone in British naval policy. Plantations also make the island an important exporter of goods, and the populace is currently well behaved, though some civil rights grievances a circulating.
Capital: Colombo
Government Form: Colonial Authority with local councils and elites
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Content
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 4m (2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 5/1/2/6
Taxation: ?/14
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Bad/Appalling/3
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: Buddhist Sinhalese Majority, disenfranchised Muslim Tamil minority
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: Not Bad
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Colonial Militia Divisions I--

20 Light Ships -
Military upkeep of

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

A series of wars has placed a pro-British Amir on the throne and firmly bound Afghanistan to British policy, creating a great, if fragile gain in the great game as the Russians prepare to the north. Defeating the Afghans does not mean placating them, and many tribes remain violent and resistant to the pro-British and pro-West rule.
Ruler/Player: British Gift
Capital: Kabul
Government Form: Military Protectorate with Tribal Authorities
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Large (3)/ 4m (2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 2/0/0/2
Taxation: ?/4
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Sunni Muslim Afghani
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Great
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
6 Tribal Militia Divisions AlDe++

Military upkeep of

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan
The Himalayan states have been bound to Britain in a series of treaties in the 19th century but remain internally autonomous. Mainly loyal to the British, the elite Gurkha units provided by Nepal have provided very useful to British control of south Asia and are widely seen as fair an impartial in the Raj.
Ruler/Player: British Gift
Capital: Lhasa, Kathmandu, Thimphu
Government Form: Military Protectorate with local Monarchies intact
Stability/Contentment: Neutral/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Very Large (4)/ 8m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 2/0/1/1
Taxation: ?/4
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Appalling
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: Majorities of Tibetan, Nepalese and Bhutanese respectively, with Buddhists prevalent in Tibet and Bhutan and Hindus in Nepal
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
5 Colonial Militia Divisions Al+++

Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

A series of war on the Indian frontier brought Burma under British control in the second half of the 19th century, though its difficult terrain and diverse ethnic groups make it difficult to govern effectively, and the majority of British investment is focused in the coastal regions.
Ruler/Player: British Gift
Capital: Rangoon
Government Form: Colonial Authority with Local Aristocracy maintained
Stability/Contentment: Crumbling/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Large (3)/ 6m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 2/1/2/3
Taxation: ?/8
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Appalling
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Appalling
Culture: Buddhist Burmese majority, many minor ethnic groups
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Appalling
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Colonial Militia Divisions --
3 Tribal Militia Divisions Ju-

Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

The logic of British empire building in Asia was quite simple; take Burma to secure India, then take Siam to secure Burma and Malaya. The British have installed light rule and co-opted the local authority structure has left to a peaceful and growing region.
Ruler/Player: British Gift
Capital: Bangkok
Government Form: Colonial Authority with Local Aristocracy maintained
Stability/Contentment: Neutral/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Large (3)/ 7m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 3/1/2/3
Taxation: ?/9
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Siamese with Mon and Khmer minorities
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: Appalling
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
5 Colonial Militia Divisions --

10 Light Ships -
Military upkeep of 0EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

The preexisting British Malay territories were greatly expanded by the second treaty of Amiens, gaining all of the former Dutch East Indies. It has since been loosely administered from Singapore and is one of the most profitable British territories albeit some small problems exist with the Javanese.
Ruler/Player: British Gift
Capital: Singapore
Government Form: Colonial Authority (loose and regionalist) with local elite maintained
Stability/Contentment: Neutral/Content
Size (Area/Population): Vast (5)/ 50m (8)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 30/4/5/10
Taxation: ?/49
Industrial EP limit: 8
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/Appalling/None/2
Quality of Life: Bad
Culture: Many Malay Ethnic groups, predominately Muslim, largest is the Javanese. Many British commercial settlements
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good Enough
Naval Leadership: Good Enough
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
13 Colonial Militia Divisions +

40 Light Ships +
Military upkeep of

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Chinese Possessions
The opium wars and the showing up of the Qing military allowed the British to gain Hong Kong Island and more in the quest to open china up for trade, and the two cities have since grown into bustling metropoli and the entrepots of the British Empire.
Ruler/Player: British Gift
Capital: Hong Kong
Government Form: Colonial Authority
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Content
Size (Area/Population): Tiny (0.5)/ 1.5m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 0/4/5/10
Taxation: ?/19
Industrial EP limit: 8
Infrastructure: Great
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Good Enough/Good Enough/Bad/3
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: South Chinese and British Merchants
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Great
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
4 Colonial Militia Divisions I-

4 Escorts +
20 Light Ships +
Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

A small protectorate mainly intended to secure their south pacific positions, maintaining a presence in Hawai&#8217;i seems less necessary to the British in the new naval race that&#8217;s beginning in Europe. Perhaps they may transfer control to another power, but who, for what price, and will they take the local kingdoms feelings into account are all important questions.
Ruler/Player: British Gift
Capital: Honolulu
Government Form: Colonial Authority with local monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Content
Size (Area/Population): Tiny (0.5)/ 0.2m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 2/0/1/2
Taxation: ?/5
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/Appalling/None/1
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: Hawaiian with some European settlers
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: Poor
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Tribal Militia Divisions &#8211;

5 Light Ships --
Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :
French Empire
Although the rough winner of the Napoleonic wars, France achieved such at a terrible price with the destruction of her economy and manpower, added to the cost of maintaining her great gains. The isolationistic policy of Napoleon slowed the recover as well in a twenty year period which is referred to as the &#8216;Le Repos&#8217;. However that ended with the death of Napoleon I and the ascension of his son Napoleon II to the throne and a return to French expansion and power, reasserting control over the vassals and stiffening rule in the incorporated lands (leading to the Great Flight to the US and the British empire) followed by a series of conquests in Northern Africa. The money spent trying to match the British fleet and supporting the loosing side in the American Civil war sent the French into a recession and further expansion was curtailed till the 1860s when, fearful of British influence in Egypt spreading to the whole Ottoman empire. The French attacked an took most of the Empire in a matter of years, easily defeating a few Austrian armies who attempted to interfere (leading in part to the collapse of the Austrian empire) concluding with the taking of the straits and making the rump state of turkey a vassal. In the late parts of the 19th century France crossed the Sahara and conquered the Sahal, throw the British out of Egypt with some cunning diplomatic and military moves and developed working relationships with Russia. However the lack of support for Russia in the Eastern war (due to revolutionary sentiment at home, fear of British attack and the need to pacify the southern reaches of the Sudan) has soured the latter, and the constant stream of republican, liberal, and nationalist rebels has proved something of a fly in the ointment.

THE FRENCH EMPIRE'S STATS HAVE BEEN EXILED TO POST 18 - they are too grand to share a post ;)

Swiss Confederation
Negotiation led to the detachment of the Swiss cantons from the French empire and they have remained heavily armed and hostile to the French ever since whilst their banking laws has given them significant financial growth. The threat of France however has led to high levels of emigration (primarily to the US) and forced the government into neutrality, though relations with other alpine states remains warm.
Capital: Bern
Government Form: Federal Democracy, canton government efficient whilst federal is not
Stability/Contentment: Strong/Happy
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 3m (2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 3/4/6/5
Taxation: ?/18
Industrial EP limit: 8
Infrastructure: Great
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Great/Good Enough/Great/10
Quality of Life: Great
Culture: Swiss, speaking various languages but highly united
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: Appalling
Not yet organised or placed
10 Divisions AlI+++

1 wing of Observation Planes

Military upkeep of 1EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Kingdom of Bavaria
The death of the Holy Roman Empire led to the formation of Bavaria as a kingdom and it managed to maintain its independence by playing off the rival influences of Austria, Prussia and France, developing a rich cultural tradition and some degree of modernization. However the implosion of the Austria Empire has left Bavaria trapped between French and Prussian influence and its isolated position has lead to declining economic growth and the rise of strong left wing and right wing factions. Bavaria may soon have to link itself with one of the great European powers, or may perhaps take another route with linkages to the other alpine states.
Capital: M&#252;nchen
Government Form: Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Neutral/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 6m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 4/6/4/3
Taxation: ?/17
Industrial EP limit: 12
Infrastructure: Great
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Good/Good/Good Enough/13
Quality of Life: Good
Culture: Catholic German, Homogenous
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good Enough
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
3 AlI+
5 I++

Military upkeep of 1 Ep/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Kingdom of Austria
Austria, once ruler of southeast Europe has fallen on hard times; with the Napoleonic wars, the economic conflicts that marked the 19th century, the French destruction of the Ottoman empire and the aggression of Russia pushing from the outside and the ethnic power struggles within the Austrian empire came apart at the seams in the late 19th century. With Prussian influence replacing Austrian in the Balkans the rump state of Austria has been left a minor partner in the anti-French saga though strong links with the other alpine states have been forged and the Viennese cultural and educational centres is still highly regarded. Revanchist Right-wing forces and left-wing labor groups are particularly strong against the weakened government.
Capital: Vienna
Government Form: Weak constitutional monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Poor/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 6m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 4/8/5/4
Taxation: ?/21
Industrial EP limit: 16
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Good/Good Enough/Good/17
Quality of Life: Good
Culture: Catholic German
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
10 Divisions AlI++

Military upkeep of 1 Ep/year

Spoiler :
University of Vienna +3RP, centre of culture (Vienna)

Spoiler :

Kingdom of Denmark
After being forced into the British sphere of influence in the Napoleonic wars, and its attempts to break free and ally with the French costing them Norway and other possessions. Later on with the loss of Schleswig-Holstein extensive reforms were undertaken and Denmark now maintains a position of armed neutrality and is a significant investor nation and tax haven, with ownership of a semi-corporate state in central Africa. Unlike Switzerland the strategic location and weaker natural defenses of Denmark may cause their neutrality to be violated if a power feels the need is great enough.

The tip of the Jutland peninsula and Copenhagen is one of the most developed and liberal states in Europe, prospering under a constitutional monarchy and light taxes. Although the labor movements are are very strong them are not overtly hostile as in many European countries.
Capital: Copenhagen
Government Form: Constitutional Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Strong/Happy
Size (Area/Population): Tiny (0.5)/ 2m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 4/3/4/8
Taxation: ?/19
Industrial EP limit: 6
Infrastructure: Great
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Great/Good/Great/9
Quality of Life: Great
Culture: Homogenous Danish
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Good
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
1 Infantry Division AmI++
3 Infantry Divisions I++

4 Battleships ++
12 Escorts ++
30 Light Ships +
Military upkeep of 2EP/year

Spoiler :
University of Copenhagen +3 RP (Copenhagen)

Spoiler :

Danish Congo
Originally set up as a corporate state by the wealthy king of Denmark these territories along the Congo River were explored and exploited in the late 19th century. Over time the Danish state took over management of some factors of the colony, but has found that maintaining high levels of profit has costs in terms of the native populations. The attraction of considerable American capital to the colony has provided links between the US and Denmark. The small Danish colony on the west African coast is administered from Kinshasa as well.
Capital: Kinshasa
Government Form: Corporate Colonial Authority
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Hateful
Size (Area/Population): Huge (5)/ 6m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 15/0/0/3
Taxation: ?/18
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Appalling
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): None/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Appalling
Culture: various Congolese tribes, Dutch-various colonial Overclass
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
4 Colonial Militia Divisions &#8211;

5 Light Ships - -
Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Caribbean territories
A number of small island territories are owned by Denmark though there has a been a decline in their profitability since the end of slavery.
Capital: Fredricksted
Government Form: Colonial Authority
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Tiny (0.5)/ 0.5m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 3/0/1/1
Taxation: ?/5
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not bad/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Former Slave African some Dutch and mixed race
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: None
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
1 Colonial Militia Division I ---

5 Light Ships
Military upkeep of

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Kingdom of Sweden
The Absolutist monarchy of Gustav III was rocked by the losses of Sweden in the Napoleonic wars; Finland to Russia and their attempted taken over of Norway thwarted by Britain leaving Sweden isolated. Over the 19th century the Rikstag drew more power to itself and helped create one of the most liberal states in Europe and exports generated considerable wealth. Recently the Prussians have begun to regard Sweden as integral to their economy and defense and have courted various monarchist factions in the parliament though the some sections government worry about foreign entanglements and more liberal factions favour closer ties with Britain.
Capital: Stockholm
Government Form: Monarchy with Parliamentary Structures
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Happy
Size (Area/Population): Above Medium (3)/ 5m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 13/4/5/9
Taxation: ?/31
Industrial EP limit: 8
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Excellent/Good/Good/15
Quality of Life: Great
Culture: Swedish, some problems with Scaneland
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: Poor
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
3 Divisions ArI++
6 Divisions I+

2 Battleships -
7 Escorts -
30 Light Ships +

Military upkeep of 2 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Kingdom of Finland
Lost by Sweden to Russia in the Finnish War of 1811 the Grand Duchy of Finland varied between loyalty and distance with Russia, however the programs of russification (as part of the &#8216;Great Expansion&#8217; planned by Tsar Michael) turned the Finns against the Russians and when the Great Russian War broke out the Finns sought independence with the provocation of Prussian agents, achieving independence in the Treaty of Minsk in 1898. Now the Kingdom is a firm ally of Prussia (as well as their economic satellite) with a Prussian monarch on the throne and looks to liberate the Karelian territories to the east from the &#8216;Great Beast&#8217;.
Capital: Helsinki
Government Form: Constitutional Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Strong/Content
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 3m (2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 6/2/3/2
Taxation: ?/13
Industrial EP limit: 4
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Good Enough/Not Bad/Bad/5
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: Homogenous Finnish
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: Poor
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
6 Divisions ArI+

4 Escorts -
20 Light Ships -
Military upkeep of

Spoiler :

Spoiler :
Prussian Union
Defeated by Napoleon in the Battle of Jena-Auerstedt the Prussians were forced to retreat and join the Continental system, however the second treaty of Amiens and Britain&#8217;s successful economic war allowed the Prussians to break free and regain their strength during the French empires troubles. With the powerful threat of France, Prussia and Austria had a strong alliance and the diplomatic genius of Otto von Bismarck expanded the kingdom among the lesser German states. With the collapse of the Austrian empire Prussia has taken up the mantle of Protector of central Europe and has fought several small wars with France and Russia and a large war with Russia (with the aid of British and American material) whilst achieving remarkable economic growth and development, and even a colonial empire.

Kingdom of Prussia
Prussia is the core of the Union and is one of the most densely industrialized regions in the world, and its people are united if somewhat paranoid of their two great European enemies. The Prussian system of technical and higher education is widely regarded as the best in the world and the state has pioneered many new technologies, particularly when the always tense European situation turns hot.
Capital: Berlin
Government Form: Authoritarian Constitutional Monarchy, very efficient
Stability/Contentment: Strong/Happy
Size (Area/Population): Medium (3)/ 30m (6)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 15/40/30/20
Taxation: ?/105
Industrial EP limit: 80
Infrastructure: Great
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Excellent/Outstanding/Outstanding/61
Quality of Life: Great
Culture: North German Protestant with large numbers of immigrants from French Germany and the Balkans
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Great
Naval Leadership: Good
Airforce Leadership: Poor

Not yet organised or placed
35 Divisions I+++
20 Artillery Divisions +++

25 Battleships +
40 Escorts +
100 Light Ships +
5 Submarines - - -

3 Wings of observation planes &#8211;

Military upkeep of 6 EP/year

Spoiler :

Berlin University; +4 RP (Berlin)
Prussian University System; +12 RP (major cities)
Prussian Investment System; rapid industrial growth (intangible)

Spoiler :

Kingdom of Poland
Recreated by one Napoleon, and nearly destroyed by another has been the fate of Poland. After a brief halcyon era under the duchy of Warsaw, the return of Russian expansionism and the desire to ally with Russia caused Napoleon II to consign the Duchy to Russia. This however was thwarted by Bismarck who engineered a masterful diplomatic and propaganda campaign to tie the worried Poles to Prussia as an independent kingdom within the union. Since then the catholic poles have provided some friction with the Prussians but Prussian spending and the fear of their neighbours binds the two nations together under their King. Education and development lags somewhat behind Prussia but he agricultural regions of Poland feed the Union. With the defeat of Russia in the Eastern War the kingdom has extended its borders east, and many now dream of returning Poland to its 17th century expanse.
Ruler/Player: Chancellor &#8230;
Capital: Warsaw
Government Form: Authoritarian Constitutional Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Fine/Content
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 20m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 25/11/5/5
Taxation: ?/46
Industrial EP limit: 22
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Excellent/Good Enough/Good Enough/17
Quality of Life: Good
Culture: Homogenous Catholic Poles
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: Poor

Not yet organised or placed
20 Divisions I+
5 Artillery Divisions I+

1 wing of observation planes
Military upkeep of 2 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Baltic Duchies
Taken from Russia in the Eastern War, the lightly populated Baltic territories have been rapidly modernizing along Prussian lines and the populace is generally happy with their new situation.
Capital: Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn
Government Form: Authoritarian Constitutional Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Fine/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 2m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 4/2/3/6
Taxation: ?/15
Industrial EP limit: 4
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Excellent/Good Enough/Good Enough/4
Quality of Life: Good
Culture: Various Baltic ethnic groups, homogenous in their area
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Good
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
5 Divisions I+

20 Light Ships +

Military upkeep of 1EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

African Possessions
After the financial collapse of Portugal in the 1880s, Prussia was able to buy some of their territories to start their African empire; the British wishing to keep Prussia content, France out and lacking the resources to take over themselves without overstretching. With typical efficiency the regions have been developed and exploited for mineral extraction and as markets, though further expansion is curtailed by Britain and France.
Capital: NA
Government Form: Efficient Colonial Authority
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Large (4)/ 7m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 10/0/2/6
Taxation: ?/18
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Various African cultures with mixing of German settlers
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
10 Colonial Militia - -

Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Chinese Possessions
Using their African possessions (and recently using the Panama Canal) the Prussians have recently sought influence in China, the last great uncolonised territory, as well as a chance to strike at Russia from behind if they have to. Prussian economic influence is rapidly growing, much to the frowns of the British.
Capital: Fuzhou
Government Form: Efficient Colonial Authority
Stability/Contentment: Strong/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Tiny (0.5)/ 3m (2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 2/1/4/8
Taxation: ?/15
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/Good/Poor/4
Quality of Life: Not bad
Culture: Chinese workers with German Overclass
Spoiler :

Army Leadership:
Naval Leadership:
Airforce Leadership:

Not yet organised or placed
3 Infantry Divisions - -

Military upkeep of 0EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Kingdom of Hungary
Despite begin one of the main contributors to the fall of the Austrian empire, the Magyars have not done well out of its demise, the lack of any friendly states nearby essentially forced the Hungarians into the Prussian sphere of influence (the diplomatic genius of the late Bismarck probably had something to do with things as well). The unity of the state might come in handy if the Hungarians develop ambitions however.
Capital: Budapest
Government Form: Monarchy with some democratic elements, military command is powerful
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Small (2)/ 7m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 5/3/3/5
Taxation: ?/16
Industrial EP limit: 6
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Good Enough/Good Enough/Good Enough/13
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: Homogenous Magyar
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: none

Not yet organised or placed
12 Divisions I++

Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Kingdom of Romania
The Romanians are the most solidly pro-Prussian of the Balkan states, fearing a return of Russian expansionism in the new century. Prussian investment and their oil wells has brought Romania a new level of prosperity in the fractured and uncertain Balkans.
Capital: Bucharest
Government Form: Constitutional Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Small (2)/ 8m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 12/3/4/5
Taxation: ?/24
Industrial EP limit: 6
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Good Enough/Not Bad/Good Enough/12
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: Romanian, Large Minorities provide some tension
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good Enough
Naval Leadership: Appalling
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
10 Divisions I

4 Escorts - -
10 Light Ships -

Military Upkeep of 1Ep/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Another post Ottoman state the Serbians good relations with France lapsed after the end of the Austrian empire and the state has since fallen into a period quiet isolation and backwardness relatively untouched by European social change. The great powers may soon demand its markets and strategic positions however.
Capital: Belgrade
Government Form: Absolutist Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Poor/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 4m (2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 4/1/2/2
Taxation: ?/9
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/Poor/Appalling/2
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: South Slavic, homogenous
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
5 Divisions - -

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Kingdom of Bulgaria
The Collapse of the Ottomans led the Bulgarians to freedom much like the other Balkan nations, but a combination of luck and a more dynamic leadership left them with rather more of the Balkan pie. An authoritarian and militarist regime has sprung up with obvious expansive goals as the military is reformed, but development lags behind and the nation is dependent on foreign capital at the current time.
Capital: Sophia
Government Form: Absolutist Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Poor/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 7m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 3/4/5/4
Taxation: ?/16
Industrial EP limit: 8
Infrastructure: Good Enough
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Bad/Bad/7
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Orthodox Bulgarian and Minorities, still mainly rural
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Great
Naval Leadership: Appalling
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
3 Divisions I++
6 Divisions +

2 Escorts -
15 Light Ships --

Military Upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Hellenic Republic
The dismemberment of the Ottoman empire by the French allowed the Greeks to rise up and seek their independence in the form of a democratic republic&#8230;which has achieved little of note in the decades since apart from occasionally flirting with British trade. The increasing tensions in Europe and the economic influence of Prussia reaching south into the Balkans means the Greeks may have to pick a side in the future, and there are a number of things in the Mediterranean that they have their eye on.
Capital: Athens
Government Form: Democracy, efficient but with a weak executive
Stability/Contentment: Strong/Happy
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 4m (2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 4/2/9/12
Taxation: ?/27
Industrial EP limit: 4
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Not Bad/Good Enough/8
Quality of Life: Good
Culture: Greek Orthodox, homogenous
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: Good
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Divisions AmI+
4 Divisions I+

1 Battleship &#8211;
7 Escorts +
20 Light Ships ++

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Empire of All Russias
After being Napoleons enemy and ally and enemy again at the start of the 19th century, Tsar Alexander looked with some satisfaction at the failings of Napoleonic France and resumed Russian expansion at the expense of reform working to central Asia and the northwest of America. Revolutionary ideas spreading from the upheavals of Europe prompted a strong reaction and Russia&#8217;s westernization was slowed. This proved problematic when Russia was shown what a modern military can do as the French disassembled the Ottoman empire and the Americans pushed them off North America, leading to another round of modernization, reaction and expansion (gaining land from Austria and in central Asia) and conflict as they entered into war with Prussia and later America. Now Russia is on the modernization part of its cycle and has the fastest growing industrial sector in the world though it is dependent on outside capital and radical groups stalk the corridors of power.
Capital: Moscow
Government Form: Absolutist Monarchy with very weak democratic bodies, moderately efficient
Stability/Contentment: Neutral/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Colossal(7) / 130m (16)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 50/20/8/15
Taxation: ?/93
Industrial EP limit: 40
Infrastructure: Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Not Bad/Good Enough/50
Quality of Life: Bad
Culture: Russian Orthodox, many minorities, largely rural some urban industrial
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good Enough
Naval Leadership: Not Bad
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
20 Divisions ArI-
30 Divisions I-
40 Divisions --

16 Battleships --
30 Escorts --
30 Light Vessels -

Military upkeep of 4 EP/year

Spoiler :
Tran-Siberian Railroad; Easier east-west movement, industrial growth (OTL locations)

Spoiler :

Hashemite Arabia
Pushed out of the Hejaz by French influence the Hashemite Emirs retreated into the Arabian Peninsula and sought alliances with the British. Through fiercely independent and well supplied with British equipment the current chances of the Hashemites gaining power outside the region seems small.
Capital: Majma&#8217;ah
Government Form: Tribal Monarchy, current monarch is efficient
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Content
Size (Area/Population): Large (3)/ 0.8m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 0/0/2/4
Taxation: ?/6
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Appalling
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Various Arab tribes, loosely unified
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
3 Tribal Warrior Divisions IDe++

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Shahdom of Persia
The meeting point between the British, French and Russia empires has made Persia the most hotly contested and confusing part of the Great Game, but the state has managed to maintain its independence&#8230;for now. The people are unhappy and rebellious as the great powers attempt to carve out regions of influence, with British in the south, Russians in the north and French in the west, but the Russian trickery of managing to get a port on the Persian gulf ceded to them in the last few months means the game may enter an even more intense phase.
Ruler/Player: ?
Capital: Tehran
Government Form: constitutional Monarchy with powerful regional and foreign interests
Reputation: Brittle, hostile and troublesome
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/ Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Large (3)/ 11m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 8/2/6/10
Taxation: ?/26
Industrial EP limit: 6
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Poor/Appalling/5
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Shiite Persian, homogenous
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: Appalling
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
7 Divisions De-

15 Light Ships - -

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Qing China
China at the start of the 19th century; quiet, restful, stagnant. The opium wars with Britain revealed the pitiful state of the Chinese military in the 1840s and revealed many inadequacies in the Qing government and provoked widespread rebellions against the regime. Rocking from crisis to crisis as new imperial powers such as Russia, Prussia and Japan began making inroads into the Chinese lands and gaining spheres of influence with the northern Manchu lands being lost all together. The Qing regime now has an important choice; it could proceed with reform and thereby alienate the conservative gentry or it could stall reform and thereby alienate the revolutionaries
Ruler/Player: ?
Capital: Beijing
Government Form: Crumbling Divine Monarchy with inefficient bureaucracy having great power.
Reputation: Ineffectual
Stability/Contentment: Crumbling/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Vast (6)/ 400m (43)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 35/6/15/10
Taxation: ?/66
Industrial EP limit: 12
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/Appalling/None/10
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Han Chinese in grinding rural poverty, modernizing cities
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: Appalling
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
20 Infantry Divisions I-
30 Infantry Divisions --
50 Infantry Divisions -----
3 Artillery Divisions ---

5 Escorts -
80 Light Ships - -

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Empire of Japan
After the opening of Japan in the late eighteen forties the Komei restoration has propelled Japan from a feudal backwater to a rapidly industrializing and expansive military state under an oligarchy of ministers, it is now running out of expansion room, and critical dependence on outside resources is worrying, however the annexation of Korea (1903) and Formosa (1890) and the detachment of Manchukuo from china hint at the possible Japanese futures. Has good relations with Britain and Germany (though is beginning to compete with the latter in china), but worries about Russians to the east and the Americans to the north.

Home Islands
The dense and rapid industrialization has caused much social change in the heavily populated home islands with a rising middle class and industrial elite, though quality of life is still quite low.
Capital: Kyoto
Government Form: Constitutional Monarchy with tight and efficient ministerial Oligarchy
Reputation: -
Stability/Contentment: Excellent/Content
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2) / 45m (7)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 10/10/8/7
Taxation: ?/37
Industrial EP limit: 20
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Good/Great/Not Bad/30
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Homogenous Japanese, old feudal structure disappearing
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good Enough
Naval Leadership: Great
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed

2 Infantry Divisions I Am ++
13 Infantry Divisions I++
20 Infantry Divisions I
5 Artillery Divisions

4 Battleships +
2 Submarines &#8211;
30 Escorts ++
100 Light Ships +
10D Transports

1 wing of observation planes

Total military upkeep of 3 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

The Russian desire for influence over northern china allowed them to take over the Manchu lands in all but name in the 1890s, and formally placed a minor Qing emperor under vassalage in 1894. After the Russian defeat by the Americans and the subsequent chaos the Japanese were able to replace the Russian influence over the &#8216;Great Manchu nation&#8217; with their own, and successfully resisted the Russian attempts to reintroduce their control in the quiet Argun War of 1902. The Manchu population mostly support the Japanese as protection from their powerful neighbours.
Ruler/Player: ?
Capital: Hsinking
Government Form: Monarchy, Military Oligarchy, inefficient.
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Large (3)/ 16m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 10/2/2/5
Taxation: ?/19
Industrial EP limit: 4
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/Poor/None/2
Quality of Life: Bad
Culture: Sino-Manchu with large Han, Korean and other minorities (Han are fast approaching a majority), lacking dynamism
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: NA
Airforce Leadership: NA

Not yet organised or placed
2 Infantry Divisions I
15 Infantry Divisions --

Upkeep of 1EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

In the late 19th century Japan forced Korea out of the Chinese sphere of influence and into their own, and in 1903 forced the Koreans to sign their annexation. Japanese exploitation has brought wealth to Japan, but many Koreas resist Japanese rule and a steady stream flees to the US territories.
Ruler/Player: Japanese Gift
Capital: Seoul
Government Form: Puppet Monarchy and Japanese military rule
Reputation: Japanese Puppet
Stability/Contentment: Strong/Hateful
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 12m(3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 11/1/1/1
Taxation: ?/14
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/Appalling/None/0
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Homogenous Korean, Japanese colonist populations
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Appalling
Naval Leadership: NA
Airforce Leadership: NA

Not yet organised or placed
3 Infantry Divisions ---

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Occupied in 1890 after a war with China the Japanese treatment of the Taiwanese has been much more pleasant than their activities in Korea, and the island produces many goods for the Japanese public.
Ruler/Player: Japanese Gift
Capital: Taipei
Government Form: Japanese military protectorate, local councils
Reputation: Japanese Puppet
Stability/Contentment: Fine/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Tiny (0.5)/3m(2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 6/0/1/3
Taxation: ?/10
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Bad
Culture: Chinese and Taiwanese tribes, Japanese plantations
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: NA
Naval Leadership: NA
Airforce Leadership: NA

Not yet organised or placed

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Kingdom of Vietnam
After a precarious independence under the Pax Britannia and then the expansion of British colonies in the end of the 19th century, Vietnam has managed to partially modernize and achieve a small measure of unity along the model of the more successful Japan, its future seems uncertain and various European and Asian powers now eye its wealthy croplands.
Capital: Hue
Government Form: Modernising monarchy with Feudal and democratic elements, not very effective.
Reputation: Timid and backward but willing to defend its territory
Stability/Contentment: Neutral/Content
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 15m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 18/3/2/4
Taxation: ?/27
Industrial EP limit: 6
Infrastructure: Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/Bad/Appalling/5
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Westernising Vietnamese on the coast, resistant hill tribes inland
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: Poor
Airforce Leadership: NA

Not yet organised or placed
13 Divisions - -

3 Escorts -
30 Light Ships -

Upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :


Posting is now permitted :)

reserveations, I would really like at least the big 6 (US, Britian, France, Prussia, Russia, Japan) to have players before we start.

USA - Symphony D.
Prussian Union - das
France - Azale
Great Britian - Kal'thzar
USM - Communisto
Republic of Quebec - Tycoon101
Dominion of Australasia - Luckymoose
Empire of Japan - JosefStalinator
Kingdom of Sweden - j_eps
Brazil - Icmancin
Kingdom of Denmark - Niklas
Kingdom of Finland - Shadowbound
Russia - Stormbringer
Rhenish Confederation - shortguy
Liberia - jalapeno_dude?
Arabia - Darkening
Dominion of the Plate - silver2039
Republic of Hellas - Dachspmg
Madrid Consejo - TheBladeRoden
Kingdom of Italy - germanicus12
Qing China - alex994
??? - Contempt
States. American ones, preferably United.
Great Britain, I wanted Italy but there is no whole Italian state. :(
I'll take a stab at leading the Republic of Quebec.
I love the rules. I hope this lasts and I hope to fully enjoy a long NES by the great Dis.
You lie, he has previous claims on the Prussian Union.

French Metropol (plus contiguous gains)
After the second treaty of Amiens reconciled Europe with Napoleons grandeur the vast core French state encompassing everything up to the Rhine, the north German coast and the west of Italy was established. However wracked by war and famine lead to Le Repos as France tried to digest her gains, this uneven process has seem many rebellions by the various non-French nationalities and massive emigration overseas and the boundaries of Continental France have shrunk even as the empire extended elsewhere as Hamburg was lost in the great German revolt and one or two Italian departments needed to be dealt with. Strong authoritarian control has clamped down on the conquered peoples however, and the main problems now come from the French people themselves, the authoritarian government and the industrialization and empire building mainly seeming to advance the elite has lead to the proliferation of nationalist and Socialist groups, and the ideals of the revolution seem far away indeed. However France is still strong and developed and the rule of the Napoleonic monarchs might reach higher yet.
Capital: Paris
Government Form:
Stability/Contentment: Strong/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Very Large (4)/ 80m (12)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 45/50/30/45
Taxation: ?/170
Industrial EP limit: 100
Infrastructure: Great
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Excellent/Great/Good/73
Quality of Life:
Culture: Catholic French with large Dutch, Flemish, Italian and German minorities in the east (some 40&#37; of the total population)
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Great
Naval Leadership: Good
Airforce Leadership: Not Bad

Not yet organised or placed
40 Infantry Divisions I+++
20 Infantry Divisions I++++
5 Infantry Divisions DeI+++
5 Infantry Divisions AlI+++
20 Artillery Divisions ++

30 Battleships +
60 Escorts +
150 Light Ships +

5 wings of Observation Planes --

Military upkeep of 10 EP/year

Spoiler :

Paris University +3 RP (Paris)
&#201;cole Polytechnique +4 RP (Paris)

Spoiler :

Rhenish Confederation
The various minor states of German were ripped from the Holy Roman Empire and merged into the confederation of the Rhine by Napoleon; however the end of the wars saw some of its states breaking away. The states prospered under Le Repos and each managed to achieve near complete internal autonomy but the resurgence of French economic power and protectionism and the increasingly high handed manner lead to the German revolt with many states defecting to Prussia and the internal politics of the Confederation were in ruins. The Grand Duke requested French assistance and a brutal military regime were put into place. Over the years the Confederation was forged into a proper federal state and a sense of a &#8216;Rhenish Nation&#8217; has properly emerged. Disliking of the French power held over them but bound by innumerable economic and military ties the industrial but poor Rhineland is full of radical groups and will likely be a flash point of Europe in the future.
Capital: Frankfurt
Government Form: Federal Parliamentary Democracy, Aristocrats have a lot of power
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 11m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 8/13/5/4
Taxation: ?/30
Industrial EP limit: 26
Infrastructure: Great
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Great/Good/Good/20
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: &#8216;Rhenish&#8217; German, mainly Catholic
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
5 Divisions I+
5 Divisions I-

Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Kingdom of Italy
Ruled by Napoleons viceroys in his name after the kingdoms establishment in much the same manner as the Rhenish Confederation, the Italians finally got a king of their own in the form of Louis I, the brother of Napoleon III (mainly to keep the highly popular Louis away from power in France). Initially unpopular, a series of acts that reduced the French exploitation of the kingdom and gave Italians some measure of influence made Louis widely liked. Playing French power blocks off each other Louis managed to make Italy the home of prosperous commercial interests, and even gain some small lands in the horn of Africa. Now in his seventh decade the aging king is in decline and his various ministers do most of the ruling, and on his death the question of Italian relations with France will have to be examined again.
Capital: Venice
Government Form: Constitutional Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Strong/Happy
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 12m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 5/8/7/10
Taxation: ?/30
Industrial EP limit: 16
Infrastructure: Great
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Good/Good/Good/20
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: Catholic North Italian
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Good
Airforce Leadership: Not Bad

Not yet organised or placed
2 Infantry Divisions IAl+
13 Infantry Divisions I+
3 Artillery Divisions +

4 Escorts ++
40 Light Ships +

4 Wings of Observation Planes

Military upkeep of 3 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Italian African Possessions
As the French secured their control over North Africa and the Middle East the Italians under Louis I decided to stake out some colonies of their own for pride and profit, taking over the horn of Africa and the crisis-wracked Abyssinian Kingdom. These colonies have proved a useful staging point for Italy to operate outside Frances commercial sphere and tariff - to their own benefit.
Ruler/Player: Italian Gift
Capital: Addis Ababa
Government Form: Colonial Authority
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Large (3)/ 13m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 7/0/2/8
Taxation: ?/17
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Bad
Culture: Abyssinian Christian, Somali Muslim minority in the south
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Appalling
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
3 Tribal Militia Divisions --

Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Kingdom of Naples
In contrast to its northern neighbor the Kingdom of Naples was installed with their own monarchy right from the start, the rather less impressive Joseph Bonaparte. An oppressive regime and the exploitation of resources for French benefit has resulted in a kingdom exemplified by grinding rural poverty and all the unhappiness that entails.
Capital: Naples
Government Form: Efficient Absolute Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Fine/Unhappy
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 6m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 7/1/2/4
Taxation: ?/14
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Bad/Appalling/Appalling/3
Quality of Life: Bad
Culture: Strongly Catholic southern Italian
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: Poor
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
4 Divisions I--

2 Escorts --
25 Light Ships --
Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Turkish Sultanate
The Ottoman Empire was once one of the world great powers, but unfortunately suffered great reversals in the 19th century with a series of unproductive wars with Russia, a rise in British influence followed by a French invasion as part of their New Imperialism marching from North Africa and the Adriatic coast. The French-Ottoman war saw the Balkans fragmenting into independent states and the French taking the choice parts of the Middle Eastern empire in a series of conquests. With the choice parts of Anatolia under French control (to provide them access to Russia) the rump Turkish state is poor and powerless and faces a vast rise in nationalism and Islamic extremism.
Capital: Ankara
Government Form: Semi-Theocratic Absolute monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Crumbling/Unhappy
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 10m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 6/3/1/3
Taxation: ?/13
Industrial EP limit: 6
Infrastructure: Good Enough
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Appalling/None/1
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Sunni Muslim Turkish
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
20 Divisions I--

Military upkeep of 2 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Hispaniola (and Caribbean)
French Saint-Domingue was the richest and most brutal colony in the Caribbean with its vast coffee and sugar exports and three tiered society. After Napoleonic forces crushed a slave revolt the island remained the sole major French holding the new world and the brutal institutions continued and the colony was turned into a vast fortress wary of British attack (who, secure in their naval superiority didn&#8217;t bother). After the ending of the slave trade the conditions on the island improved (not until a quarter of a million slaves were brunt up in the first half of the 19th century), its economy changed somewhat and the collapse of Spanish influence allowed a quick grab of the remaining part of Hispaniola by the garrisons commander (an act which nearly brought France to war with Britain and the US and was punished severely).
Capital: Port-au-Prince
Government Form: Harsh Colonial Aristocracy
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Unhappy
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 1.5m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 11/1/1/4
Taxation: ?/17
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/Appalling/Appalling/1
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Catholic Black majority with small mixed and white overclasses
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: Not bad
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
6 Divisions I++

30 Light Ships
Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

As Spanish influence waned French armies out of Algeria took over Morocco in the 1840s, though spared the colons it to has faced harsh control and has been characterized by many revolts, though a wealthy pro-French merchant faction has arisen.
Ruler/Player: French Gift
Capital: Rabat
Government Form: Military Protectorate with Puppet Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 4m (2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 7/0/3/4
Taxation: ?/14
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/Appalling/Appalling/2
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Sunni Arab-Berber mix
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
4 Tribal Militia Divisions De--

Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Mali territory
Coming down the African coast and crossing the Sahara allowed France to defeat the native kingdoms between 1870 and 1890 without much notice from the rest of the world and create a vast fiefdom extending from Africa's westernmost point at Cape Verde to the depths of the Sahara with many millions of subjects and a great deal of profitability for France. After a few attempts to rule indirectly that resulted in resistance the French imposed a system of military colonial offices to secure the region and the rich Sahal trade routes. However a civilizing mission ethos has developed and Africans who adopted French culture, including fluent use of the French language and conversion to Christianity, have been granted equal French citizenship.
Ruler/Player: French Gift
Capital: Timbuktu
Government Form: efficient Colonial Authority
Stability/Contentment: Poor/Content
Size (Area/Population): Huge (5)/ 8m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 16/0/0/5
Taxation: ?/21
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Appalling
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appallign/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: African Tribal, Muslim on the Sahal, traditional and Christian elsewhere
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Appalling
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
8 Tribal Militia De-

Military upkeep of 0EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

The first step in the new French imperialism was Algeria, the conquest in the 1830s widely seen as the end of Le Repos period and the restoration of French power, the Berber states being overrun with ease. With the loss of Quebec, Algeria became the main target for the more patriotic French colons and is the backbone of the French African policy. The locals have been alienated by some of the French policies, with gaining full citizenship requiring conditions seen as apostasy, and a number of colonial revolts have occurred over the years.
Ruler/Player: French Gift
Capital: Algiers
Government Form: French Governor and Local (colon dominated) elected councils
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Content
Size (Area/Population): Very Large (4)/ 7m (3)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 9/4/4/8
Taxation: ?/25
Industrial EP limit: 8
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Not Bad/Not Bad/10
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: Muslim Arab-Berber mix, large French settler minority
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Appalling
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
3 Divisions DeI+
3 Divisions I+

20 Light Ships
Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

Spoiler :

Casablanca-Baghdad Railroad; Increased movement, trade and industrial growth (3/6 years, 5/35 EP, North African coast)

Spoiler :

The mistreatment of French citizens in Tunis gave the French an excuse to expand their North African empire, as the Bey was disposed and French rule similar to Algeria imposed in the 1850s.
Ruler/Player: French Gift
Capital: Tunis
Government Form: Military Protectorate with Puppet local monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 2m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 3/1/3/4
Taxation: ?/10
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Good Enough
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/Poor/Poor/2
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: Muslim Arab-Berber, sprinkling of colons
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: Not Bad
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Infantry Divisions De-

10 Light Ships -
Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

The three minor states that were merged into Libya were part of Napoleon III grand plan for empire; by taking over land routes in Europe and the north African coast he could threaten the Ottoman empire and British positions in the east. Something of a walkover for French troops (including North African levies) the coastal strip is a poor and generally uninteresting part of the French empire.
Capital: Tripoli
Government Form: Military Protectorate
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Large (3)/ 0.4m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 2/0/1/3
Taxation: ?/6
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Poor/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Sunni Muslim Arab and Berber, some European settlers and Jews
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Appalling
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Tribal Militia Divisions De--

Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

From the Middle Ages onwards, Chad was a crossroads for trans-Saharan trade and East-West migration, and naturally that attracted the attention of the French in the west, who brought Chad under their control in the late 1890s. Large cotton growing plantations and missions have been established in the south, with a system of military control in the north, the conquest is still fresh in people&#8217;s minds and resistance is muted. The border with the expanding Danish Congo in the south is ill defined, and has been the cause of some arguments between colonial authorities.
Ruler/Player: French Gift
Capital: N&#8217;djamena
Government Form: Military Protectorate, some old tribal structures remain
Stability/Contentment: Neutral/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Large (3)/ 0.7m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 3/0/0/3
Taxation: ?/6
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Appalling
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): None/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: African tribes, Muslim in the north, animist to the south
Spoiler :

Army Leadership: Appalling
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
1 Tribal Militia Division De---

Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

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Egypt and the Sudan
The final set piece in Napoleon III&#8217;s grand plan was Egypt, increasingly British dominated over the thirst half of the century the destruction of the Ottoman empire set French forces on all sides of it and Napoleon III spend vast sums on raising and equipping an insurgency against the pro-British Ottoman viceroys, then before the British could properly change matters the French seized control of the country. The whirlwind the emperor created failed to disappear however and the Egyptians are infatuated with ideals of self-governance and independence, and Egypt is one of the most rebellious colonies in the empire and brings troubles unmatched with well organised independence movements. With the Suez Canal being an incredibly important naval chokehold the wealth the is unmatched as well, and Britain obsesses over the French threat to the Indian ocean and the profits they are missing out on. Moving south from Egypt and west from the Sahal brought France to the Sudan in the last few years.
Ruler/Player: French Gift
Capital: Cairo
Government Form: Military Protectorate
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Very Large (4)/ 15m (4)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 20/2/4/15
Taxation: ?/41
Industrial EP limit: 4
Infrastructure: Good Enough
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Bad/Bad/Not Bad/12
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Eastern Arab majority with large African tribal minority, numerous other minorities. Predominantly Sunni Muslim
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Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: Appalling
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
6 Infantry Divisions &#8211;
5 Tribal Militia Divisions --

20 Light Ships --
Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

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Suez Canal; Trade and movement to the red sea (Sinai)

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Adriatic territories
After storming the Dalmatia under the authority of the republic the French empire set up a provincial administration and invested heavily in the territories infrastructure to ward off Austria. They proved very useful in forcing the collapse of Austria from its internal pressures and as a staging point for the invasion of the Ottomans to the south. Now a prosperous and somewhat loyal part of the French empire, though Slavic immigrants from the Balkans are causing a problem.
Ruler/Player: French Gift
Capital: Split
Government Form: Military Protectorate with strong local assemblies
Stability/Contentment: Neutral/Content
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 4m (2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 3/3/2/3
Taxation: ?/11
Industrial EP limit: 6
Infrastructure: Good
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Not Bad/Bad/Bad/5
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: Mixed Albanian, Croat and other Slavic, both Muslim and Christian populations
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Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: Poor
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
6 Divisions I+

2 Escorts &#8211;
20 Light Ships
Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

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Eastern Mediterranean territories
A series of strategic control points taken from Anatolia and the Greek islands in the war with the Ottomans gives the French empire great influence over Russian trade (much to the independent minded Russians annoyance, though French investment is helping their industrial growth). The Turkic and Greek populations within and without both want the territories for themselves, but the impressive French military presence prevents such things for now.
Ruler/Player: French Gift
Capital: Constantinople
Government Form: Military Protectorate + weak local councils
Stability/Contentment: Fine/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Tiny (0.5)/ 2m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 1/1/3/7
Taxation: ?/12
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Great
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Bad/Not Bad/Good/5
Quality of Life: Good Enough
Culture: Highly mixed Greek, Turkish, and other. Islam and Orthodox both highly influential
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Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: Good
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
4 Divisions I+

4 Escorts &#8211;
30 Light Ships +
Military upkeep of 1 EP/year

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A post-Ottoman subject region, numerous Arab tribes assisted the French after the defeat of the main Ottoman armies in Anatolia and a large army contingent cements French control of the Middle East. The multitude of religions and ethnic groups is causing the French imperial authorities a number of headaches.
Ruler/Player: French Gift
Capital: Damascus
Government Form: Military Protectorate
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 1m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 3/0/2/3
Taxation: ?/8
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Poor
Culture: Sunni Arab Majority, religious and ethnic minorities
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Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
5 Tribal Militia Divisions De-

Military upkeep of

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A post-Ottoman subject region, somewhat quieter and more commercial than Syria, the French colonial authorities have many of the same problems however. There has also been a noted migration of Jews from other regions of the old ottoman empire and from war torn Spain.
Ruler/Player: French Gift
Capital: Jerusalem
Government Form: Military Protectorate
Stability/Contentment: Poor/Neutral
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 1m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 2/1/2/4
Taxation: ?/9
Industrial EP limit: 2
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Bad/Bad/Bad/3
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Mixed Arab, Jewish, Christian and various minor groups
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Army Leadership: Poor
Naval Leadership: Poor
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Infantry Divisions I

5 Light Ships +
Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

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Another post-Ottoman subject region, formed by the merger of the various Ottoman Wilayah about the great rivers. Some agricultural production and resistance to the outside rule of the French continue.
Ruler/Player: French Gift
Capital: Baghdad
Government Form: Military Protectorate
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Discontent
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 3m (2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 9/0/0/4
Taxation: ?/13
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Not Bad
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Arab Muslim, Shiite majority, Sunni minority
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Army Leadership: Not Bad
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
3 Infantry Divisions &#8211;
1 Tribal Militia Division De+

Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

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Another of the states taken from the post-Ottoman mess the Kurds were threatened by the Russians and their Arab neighbours in the chaos. Now under the protection of France their mountainous region isn&#8217;t particularly well developed, but with enemies all around it is often commented in the imperial court that the Kurds are &#8216;more loyal than some Frenchmen&#8217;.
Ruler/Player: French Gift
Capital: Batman
Government Form: Constitutional Monarchy (currently without a King)
Stability/Contentment: Stable/Content
Size (Area/Population): Small (1)/ 3m (2)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 3/0/1/2
Taxation: ?/6
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Appalling
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Mixed religion Kurdish
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Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
2 Infantry Divisions I+
3 Tribal Militia Divisions AlDe+

Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

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The Hejaz
Seeking to secure another possible route of attack for their canal, the French attacked the Kingdom of Hejaz in 1901 and forced the ruling dynasty to flee. However mindful of Muslim revolts in other territories a new puppet kingdom was set, though continued agitation threatens the stability.
Ruler/Player: French Gift
Capital: Jiddah
Government Form: Theocratic Monarchy
Stability/Contentment: Unruly/Unhappy
Size (Area/Population): Medium (2)/ 0.8m (1)
Economy (Extractive&Agricultural/Industrial/Tertiary/Trade): 1/0/3/5
Taxation: ?/9
Industrial EP limit: 0
Infrastructure: Poor
Education: (Basic/Skilled/Higher/Research): Appalling/None/None/0
Quality of Life: Not Bad
Culture: Islamic Arab
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Army Leadership: Good
Naval Leadership: None
Airforce Leadership: None

Not yet organised or placed
3 Tribal Militia Divisions De++

Military upkeep of 0 EP/year

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@dis, I assume I have France? Luckymoose scared me a bit, but I'm pretty sure das' reservation was Prussia. I love this peripheral idea btw.

@valleron, I can agree to let you run a peripheral state.

TO ALL: France has peripheral states open, but the ones I allow will be different depending on who is asking for them. If anyone asks for them. I dunno, I want to be fair, but some people can be trusted better than others ;) Treachery will not be tolerated on any level and will result in your immediate expuullssion.
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