Quran Burning - Chaos Erupts In Afghanistan

You are leader of a major religion and see horrible things happening in a country that also has millions of your followers, do you a) comment on horrible things doing nothing productive and having your people killed as retaliation or b) say nothing and behind the scenes work against the horrific actions?

If you truly trust in Jesus with all your heart mind soul and strength, you will choose A and trust God to protect you.
Wouldn't that be a bit like taunting God?
Do not put the Lord your God to the test...

Hmmm... I've never really thought about that point. That said, the point of that phrase was don't do something frivolous just because God will protect you (Which isn't guaranteed) it doesn't mean not to do something risky and have faith that it will work (It depends on if God called you to do it or not.)
Hmmm... I've never really thought about that point. That said, the point of that phrase was don't do something frivolous just because God will protect you (Which isn't guaranteed) it doesn't mean not to do something risky and have faith that it will work (It depends on if God called you to do it or not.)

Hitler wouldn't have listened even had the Pope said something, he couldn't let innocent people die from his inaction
Hitler wouldn't have listened even had the Pope said something

True. That said, he still should have. Remember the apostles, dying bravely for their faith? And if you claim the Pope is somehow exempt, well, Peter was crucified.
Don't die. Run away to preach again!
Don't retreat! Reload!
First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller
First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller

Interesting, can you give me some context? I assume its related to Hitler somehow...
True. That said, he still should have. Remember the apostles, dying bravely for their faith? And if you claim the Pope is somehow exempt, well, Peter was crucified.

He wasn't the one who would die, if hew commented others would be killed in retaliation.
Hitler wouldn't have listened even had the Pope said something, he couldn't let innocent people die from his inaction
The classic Catholic cop out... It wouldn't have mattered if we had stood up for the innocent because we weren't strong enough... so, we just let the innocents get murdered.
Can we get back to the subject at hand? Godwynn's law always gets proven by threads such as this.
The classic Catholic cop out... It wouldn't have mattered if we had stood up for the innocent because we weren't strong enough... so, we just let the innocents get murdered.
Let me get this straight, personally saving more Jews than Schindler is letting the innocents get murdered??
So.... How did we get from Qu'ran Burning and Chaos in Afghanistan to the Pope and Nazis?
As both the instigator and the reactors in the thread subject show, Abrahamists can do things the rest of us are not capable of. Another example:

A woman upset with the father of her children packed her four youngsters into her minivan and drove into the frigid Hudson River, killing everyone except her 10-year-old son, who managed to roll down a window of the sinking vehicle and swim to shore.

Armstrong appeared stressed-out when she picked up the children Tuesday at the Young and Unique Christian Development Child Care, said Shaniesha Strange, supervisor in the infant room.

We need to start considering whether Abrahamists shoud have to periodically prove their fitness to retain custody of their children.
I should quit the tequila white lightning if I were you, JR, given that beign religious doesn't make one evil.
I should quit the tequila white lightning if I were you, JR, given that beign religious doesn't make one evil.
I have been told that the Muslim subset of Abrahamists should be looked at with suspician because of what some of them do. I am merely broadening that point to Abrahamists. I have purposely excluded non-Abrahamists as that would be too broad of a generalization.
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