Random Events

iTech is the tech id of the tech player is currently researching.
-1 means the player is not researching anything, so no point proceeding further.

It should be gc.getTeam(player.getTeam())
Its possible to link events with culture? I mean some different events for N.Americans civs and different for Asian ones.
Its possible to link events with culture? I mean some different events for N.Americans civs and different for Asian ones.

Yeah, this is actually pretty easy. Just add the Culture (Asian) as prereq.
What ideas did you have?
Thanks for the Feedback so far! More (even for the first set) is still appreciated.

Next set...

11) Slave Revolt (1 Turn of disorder, may continue)

a) It currently has the following tech prereqs along Civic_Slavery and pop size 4: Wrintng OR Monotheism OR Priesthood OR Bronze Working. Maybe this should be adjusted to more fitting techs. Any ideas?


12) Farm Bandits (Bandits plunder :food: pay or let unit chase them)

a) They don't require the new roads in C2C and the new Bonuses that need a Farm. I'll add these as OrPrereq.


13) Pestilence

a) Only in 55% of the Games -> 75%

b) Actually... no idea what it does. Might be better with the Disease Property anyways.


14) Spicy (Adds Spices)

a) Only in 50% of the games, change it to 75%
b) Are Spices actually a map resource?


15) Tornado (Destroys Improvement)

a) Can only occur on Plains and only on a list of Improvements (not all new C2C included) -> Will add them. Where else can Tornados form?

b) It should destroy the improvement. Is it actually doing so? Because from the code I can't really tell.


16) Brothers in need (When your friends are at war, you can gift them a resource)

a) This is not made for C2C Resources. I can adjust this.

b) There is no diplomacy bonus / penalty when helping or not helping. I was thinking about +1 for helping and -5 for

not helping.


17) Tsunami (can kill 5 People or destroy several buildings)

a) Is completely turned off by default. Is this so bad that it is disabled and only there under Really Bad Events?


18) Blizzard (can destroy Route and Improvement)

a) Not all Routes / Improvements from C2C as prereq, will add these.

b) Can only happen on Tundra, I will add Permafrost and Ice as well.


19) Jade (Jade appears)

a) Not all Routes / Mines are allowed as prereq, will add ne C2C ones.

b) It still adds a sign on the map since it once just gave a bonus to the plot. I will remove this.

c) Also, I will increase the iWeight from 20 to 50, as all "Migration Events" are.


20) Clunker Coal (Coal plot produces -1 :hammers:)

a) Add new C2C Routes and Mines as Pprereqs


21) Truffles (Adds +1 :commerce: to a plot Adds Mushrooms to a plot)

a) Now adds Mushrooms to a plot. I will delete the sign that is still in the code.

b) Will change the prereq from gathering to <WhateverRevealsMushrooms>

c) Increase iWeight to 50 to be in line will other "Immigration Events"


22) Tin (Add Tin to a Plot)

a) Increase iWeight to 50.

b) Add new Mines / Routes as prereqs

c) If it is no longer revealed by Bronze Working I will change this prereq as well.

d) Remove the sign from the map


23) Ice sculpture (Either + :culture: in your city or great artist)

a) Add Permafrost and Ice as Prereqs (was only Tundra)


24) Bull Running (Adds Culture or more culture when you pay gold)

a) Add the new Routes from C2C as prereqs.


25) Patron of Knowledge (:science: to a random tech OR :science: to random tech and +1:science: from Library)

a) Add a "min 4 turns left"

b) Remove the :science to tech: from second option.


26) Bowyer (Gives all Archery Combat I)

a) Increase iPercentActive from 35 to 80.

b) Add at least 1 Archer (and such) as prereq and also make it more likely the more archers you have.


27) Horseshoe (All Mounted get Flanking I)

a) Increase iPercentActive from 35 to 80.

b) Add new C2C Routes as Prereqs


28) Champion (A unit gets the promotion Leadership)

a) Increase iPercentActive from 35 to 80.

b) Remove the "global" tag. This will make it possible that every civ can get it ONCE, and not just 1 get it once.
4) Mother Lode (Discovered Mother Lode! -> Gives 100-200 :gold:)

a) Requires Writing OR Monotheism OR Priesthood OR Bronze Working. I'd say we can switch this to Hydraulic Mining probably. Or maybe Mining?

b) Never obsoletes, but requiers Mine or Shaft Mine and therefore can't occur when you have Modern Mines. Should I add these as OrPrereq?

c) Only gives 100-200 gold... I was thinking of changing the event to give the plot +3 :commerce:. OR, what I'd like more, to make it require a Gold Mine (Building) and then give this building +3 :gold:.

Again why not have multiple events one for Stone Tool Workshops, one for Mine and so on up to the most advanced mine?

I like the idea of a windfall of money early on. If you are going to give the plot/building a boost then you also need to turn that boost off after a number of turns to simulate the running out of that particularly rich vein.

5) Washed Out (Either pay 20 :gold: or route is destroyed)

a) Well... only 20? But since routes are so cheap (40 :gold: in the late game for the Magnetic Levitation Route? Come on...) I will leave it for now. Alternatively I could make multiple events for different type of routes and adjust the :gold: for it. It maybe could be done due python but I have no idea how :(

Maybe we need to review the costs :gold: and :hammers: of building the routes. I don't think we have ever done one but we have added a lot of new faster worker units and there are bothe techs and buildings that increase the speed they work at.

6) At the Swords! (One unit gets +3 Experience)

a) Currently only for Light Swordman and Swordman. What about Obsidian Swordman and Heavy Swordman?

b) Obsoletes at Invention OR Paper OR Theology OR Philosophie OR Music. I'd say Gunpoder would be more appropiated.

c) The effect seems a bit weak, what do you think? How about free City Rider I for every Sword-Unit?

a) Yes it should be for all sword units. Just like the scout one "bear clan/tough as nails" should probably apply to wanderers and other recon only units.

b) Yes

c) Changing it t that would mean that this event would have no effect in my games as City Raider I is the first promotion my sword units get. ;)

8) Inspired Mission (Convert 4 own cities, if you pay up to 4 more)

a) Only 10 :gold: to convert 1 more city and 25 :gold: for 4 more cities (both not necessary own cities). -> Increase to 100/250

b) The converted cities must not have more than 1 other religion. Maybe this should be increased to 2 or 3?

9) Hymns and Sculptures (Gives free Great Artist)

a) Only active in 20% of the games -> Will increase it to 90%.

b) Requires a lot of Cathedrals but not all, at least 10 global. (not sure if this is AND or OR). I will add the other Cathedrals if I find their tags.

Sounds right to me.

11) Slave Revolt (1 Turn of disorder, may continue)

a) It currently has the following tech prereqs along Civic_Slavery and pop size 4: Wrintng OR Monotheism OR Priesthood OR Bronze Working. Maybe this should be adjusted to more fitting techs. Any ideas?

This is actually turned off. As is the Serf Revolt. They can be turned on but the player with the Great Wall will not be affected by these events at the moment since the units will be kicked out next turn.

A "fix" may be to turn the plots where the slaves/serfs revolt into barbarian using Super Forts. This way everyone is affected and everyone will need to get troops together to quell the revolt. We have graphics for bandit camp improvements that I can turn into such things - currently they are in the Bad Karma work in progress mod.

12) Farm Bandits (Bandits plunder :food: pay or let unit chase them)

a) They don't require the new roads in C2C and the new Bonuses that need a Farm. I'll add these as OrPrereq.
Again why not have multiple events one for Stone Tool Workshops, one for Mine and so on up to the most advanced mine?

I like the idea of a windfall of money early on. If you are going to give the plot/building a boost then you also need to turn that boost off after a number of turns to simulate the running out of that particularly rich vein.

We could have multiple events, or we could use python to boost the outcome with every new mining tech.
You CAN trigger events X turns after the first one happened, but I haven't really understood this. When I do, I can add this.

Maybe we need to review the costs :gold: and :hammers: of building the routes. I don't think we have ever done one but we have added a lot of new faster worker units and there are bothe techs and buildings that increase the speed they work at.

:goodjob: I brought this up before and the main reason against increasing :gold: for Routes is, that Workers build them automatically.

a) Yes it should be for all sword units. Just like the scout one "bear clan/tough as nails" should probably apply to wanderers and other recon only units.

b) Yes

c) Changing it t that would mean that this event would have no effect in my games as City Raider I is the first promotion my sword units get. ;)

Well, they'd also affect new build swordsman so you'd have one promotion more to give :crazyeye:

This is actually turned off. As is the Serf Revolt. They can be turned on but the player with the Great Wall will not be affected by these events at the moment since the units will be kicked out next turn.

A "fix" may be to turn the plots where the slaves/serfs revolt into barbarian using Super Forts. This way everyone is affected and everyone will need to get troops together to quell the revolt. We have graphics for bandit camp improvements that I can turn into such things - currently they are in the Bad Karma work in progress mod.

The slave revolt doesn't put any units on your plots I think. It just gives disorder in your city and if you make sure stop it you have to sacrifice 2 Pop (otherwise it can continue)

Thanks :) And thanks to TB as well!
And the next ones:

29) Comet Fragment (Boosts :science: from Lab and 5% Spaceship production)

a) It can only occur on a Tundra plot with Forest but no Route/Improvement. I was going to change the
Route/Improvement req so there COULD be one (it doesn't HAS to be there) and then make the event destroy the

b) It also removes the forest. We could keep it this way or replace it with a Burned Forest (Once the code for this
is operational again).


30) Influenca (Kills 4 People and can spread or kills only 3 people)

a) Only in 45% of games active -> Increase to 85. Also reduce iWeight from 400 to 150.

b) Make it require "Common Cold"; if I know how I'd like to make it more likely with increasing disease.


31) Antelope (Places Deer on empty Forest)

a) GamesActive: 55% -> 85%

b) iWeight: 200 -> 75 (a bit more then normal migration events cause it has more requirements)

c) Make it possible to happen more then once per game.


32) Whale of a Thing (Places a Whale)

a) GameActive: 50% -> 85%

b) It requires Ocean right now. Should I add POLAROCEAN and TROPICALOCEAN as well?

c) Make it possible to happen more then once per game.


33) Hiyosilver (Places Silver on a plot)

a) GamesActive: 35% -> 80%

b) iWeight: 200 -> 70

c) Make it possible to happen more then once per game.


34) Whining Monks (Places Wine on the Map)

a) GamesActive: 65% -> 90%

b) Whinery now requires Fermentation instead of Monarchy right? I will change the prereq.

c) It can only trigger once per game, it should be once per player (unless he loses the Wine)


35) Independant Films (Gives a Player access to Hit-Movies)

a) GamesActive 35% -> 90%

b) Change the prereq to Movie Studios.

c) The event should be able to happen once per player.


36)Ancient Olympics (Don't understand the python)

a) It is a Quest. I wondern how the Wonder "Olympic Games" should be involved in it.


37) Modern Olympics (Seems to be the reward from the above quest)

a) Needs Scientific Method. I think Modern Sports would be more appropiate. Or maybe another Sport tech if Modern
Sport comes too late.


38) Axe Haft (All Axeman gain free Shock)

a) GamesActive: 25% -> 85%

b) Making it require at least 1 Axeman and make it more likely the more you have.

c) Since the earliest Axemen comes at Axe Making now, I think we can change the prereq from Bronze Working to Axe


39) Tower Shield (Give Cover to every Melee Unit)

a) GamesActive 50% -> 90%

b) iWeight: 200 -> 100

c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 100 :gold: per city.

d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.


40) Smokeless Powder (Give Pinch to Musketman)

a) GamesActive 40% -> 90%

b) iWeight: 200 -> 100

c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 100 :gold: per city.

d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.

e) Should also help Arquebusier. Any other pre-rifling Gunpowder Unit?


41) Stronger Fitting (Give Combat I to all Crossbowman)

a) GamesActive 25% -> 85%

b) iWeight: 200 -> 100

c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 100 :gold: per city.

d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.

e) Should also give it to early and heavy Crossbowman. Any other Unit?

f) Since the early Crossbowman comes before Machinery, I'd change the prereq from Machinery to that tech.


42) Fireing Pins (Give Pinch to all Grenadier)

a) GamesActive 25% -> 85%

b) iWeight: 200 -> 100

c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 200 :gold: per city.

d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.

e) Any other unit that should be affected by it?


43) Riffled Cannon (Give Combat I to all Cannons)

a) GamesActive 35% -> 85%

b) iWeight: 200 -> 100

c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 300 :gold: per city.

d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.

e) Any other unit that should be affected by it? Culverine, Heavy Cannon, Falconett?


44) Metal Decks (Give Drill III to all Carriers)

a) GamesActive 35% -> 85%

b) iWeight: 200 -> 100

c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 300 :gold: per city.

d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.


45) Loong Range Fighters (Give Range I to all Fighters)

a) GamesActive 20% -> 85%

b) iWeight: 200 -> 100

c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 300 :gold: per city.

d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.

e) Any other unit that should be affected by it? Note it would be only for Propeller Fighter.


46) Halberd (Give Shock I to all Pikeman and Heavy Pikeman)

a) GamesActive 25% -> 85%

b) iWeight: 200 -> 100

c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 100 :gold: per city.

d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.


47) Reinforced Hull (Give Combat I to all Trireme)

a) GamesActive 25% -> 85%

b) iWeight: 200 -> 100

c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 100 :gold: per city.

d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.

e) Any other unit that should be affected by it?
We should make new event to spawn new resources like Henna, Murex, etc.

Yeah, I've read that you wanted this. So, if you provide me with a list of these missing resources I'd be happy to make the events.
Yeah, I've read that you wanted this. So, if you provide me with a list of these missing resources I'd be happy to make the events.

I am not 100% sure they don't already have events but here are the newer ones ...

- Almonds
- Amber
- Coca
- Cocoa
- Coconuts
- Dates
- Figs
- Flax
- Fossil Beds
- Geodes
- Guavas
- Guinea Pigs
- Henna
- Kava
- Mangoes
- Melons
- Murex
- Opium
- Papaya
- Peyote
- Pistachios
- Pomegranate
- Prickly Pear
- Pumpkin
- Resin
- Rubies
- Sapphires
- Squash
- Turquoise
- Vanilla

I think there are other new ones but they already have events like Mushrooms, Diamonds, Walrus, Seals, Kangaroos, Camels, Llamas, Fine Clay, Tin, Parrots, Natural Gas, etc.
Guys please, I need some more feedback :sad:

48) Ancient Texts (either :science: or +1 Diplo with all)

a) Only has Desert as prereq, will add dunes as well.

b) It says that there must not be a Route, but otherwise I think it very unlikely to find ancient texts in the desert... So I'd actually remove the no routes prereq.


49) Impact Crater (Either nothing or places Uranium with a mine)

a) GamesActive: 20% -> 80%

b) Can only trigger if player has no Uranium. I'm not sure if I like this...

c) I think that when you choose OPTION_1, just Uranium should be placed. That's the case by a lot of other events, what do you think?

d) Also, it puts a normal MINE there. It should be a Shaft Mine at least.


50) The Huns (Places some Horse Archers near your boarders)

a) GamesActive: 20% -> 80%


51) The Vandals (Places some Swordman near your boarders)

a) GamesActive: 20% -> 80%

b) Change Swordman to Heavy Swordman (they require 1 civ to have researched Smithing)


52) The Goths (Places some Axeman near your boarders)

a) GamesActive: 20% -> 80%


53) The Philister (Places some Spearman near your boarders)

a) GamesActive: 20% -> 80%


54) The Vedic Aryans (Places some Archers near your boarders)

a) GamesActive: 20% -> 80%

b) The event checks if you can build the counter units. In this case, they check for Archers as well. Isn't the AtlAtl the counter unit for archers? (Well, Archers suck at city attack so this is no biggy...)

c) On a Huge (and bigger) map they only place 6 units (all of the above events). I was thinking of increasing this to 10.


55) Holy Ritual (small amount of gold)

a) Requires Temples, but not from all Religions. Add missing ones.

b) Requires Routes, but not all. -> Add missing ones.

c) Requires a lot of different terrains with Incese on it. Even "Snow" (= Ice) would be ok... I will skip the Terrain requirement completely then.

d) I think a choice would be cool if you want to get gold from it or give more culture to your temple.


56) Security Tax (receive small amount of cash)

a) GamesActive: 70% -> 90%


57) Literacy (Gives a free Great Scientist in one city)

a) GamesActive: 20% -> 90%

b) iWeight: 100 -> 500 (This needs a Library in EVERY city to trigger)


58) Farm Plows (Get a bit gold)

a) Not every Route listed -> Add the rest.

b) I think this should be more related to food, but how? <-Ideas please!!


59) Stained Glass (just a little gold)

a) Requires various Cathedrals, but not all.

b) Doesn't require Glass nor Tech Stained Glass...

c) Not sure if this is fitting at all since we have the tech Stained Glass... Opinions?
I was thinking either give a cathedral +:culture: or (of possible) give a boost towards Stained Glass tech.


60) Marble statues (Small amount of gold)

a) Not every Route listed -> Add the rest.

b) Also just gives gold...
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