And the next ones:
29) Comet Fragment (Boosts

from Lab and 5% Spaceship production)
a) It can only occur on a Tundra plot with Forest but no Route/Improvement. I was going to change the
Route/Improvement req so there COULD be one (it doesn't HAS to be there) and then make the event destroy the
b) It also removes the forest. We could keep it this way or replace it with a Burned Forest (Once the code for this
is operational again).
30) Influenca (Kills 4 People and can spread or kills only 3 people)
a) Only in 45% of games active -> Increase to 85. Also reduce iWeight from 400 to 150.
b) Make it require "Common Cold"; if I know how I'd like to make it more likely with increasing disease.
31) Antelope (Places Deer on empty Forest)
a) GamesActive: 55% -> 85%
b) iWeight: 200 -> 75 (a bit more then normal migration events cause it has more requirements)
c) Make it possible to happen more then once per game.
32) Whale of a Thing (Places a Whale)
a) GameActive: 50% -> 85%
b) It requires Ocean right now. Should I add POLAROCEAN and TROPICALOCEAN as well?
c) Make it possible to happen more then once per game.
33) Hiyosilver (Places Silver on a plot)
a) GamesActive: 35% -> 80%
b) iWeight: 200 -> 70
c) Make it possible to happen more then once per game.
34) Whining Monks (Places Wine on the Map)
a) GamesActive: 65% -> 90%
b) Whinery now requires Fermentation instead of Monarchy right? I will change the prereq.
c) It can only trigger once per game, it should be once per player (unless he loses the Wine)
35) Independant Films (Gives a Player access to Hit-Movies)
a) GamesActive 35% -> 90%
b) Change the prereq to Movie Studios.
c) The event should be able to happen once per player.
36)Ancient Olympics (Don't understand the python)
a) It is a Quest. I wondern how the Wonder "Olympic Games" should be involved in it.
37) Modern Olympics (Seems to be the reward from the above quest)
a) Needs Scientific Method. I think Modern Sports would be more appropiate. Or maybe another Sport tech if Modern
Sport comes too late.
38) Axe Haft (All Axeman gain free Shock)
a) GamesActive: 25% -> 85%
b) Making it require at least 1 Axeman and make it more likely the more you have.
c) Since the earliest Axemen comes at Axe Making now, I think we can change the prereq from Bronze Working to Axe
39) Tower Shield (Give Cover to every Melee Unit)
a) GamesActive 50% -> 90%
b) iWeight: 200 -> 100
c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 100

per city.
d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.
40) Smokeless Powder (Give Pinch to Musketman)
a) GamesActive 40% -> 90%
b) iWeight: 200 -> 100
c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 100

per city.
d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.
e) Should also help Arquebusier. Any other pre-rifling Gunpowder Unit?
41) Stronger Fitting (Give Combat I to all Crossbowman)
a) GamesActive 25% -> 85%
b) iWeight: 200 -> 100
c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 100

per city.
d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.
e) Should also give it to early and heavy Crossbowman. Any other Unit?
f) Since the early Crossbowman comes before Machinery, I'd change the prereq from Machinery to that tech.
42) Fireing Pins (Give Pinch to all Grenadier)
a) GamesActive 25% -> 85%
b) iWeight: 200 -> 100
c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 200

per city.
d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.
e) Any other unit that should be affected by it?
43) Riffled Cannon (Give Combat I to all Cannons)
a) GamesActive 35% -> 85%
b) iWeight: 200 -> 100
c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 300

per city.
d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.
e) Any other unit that should be affected by it? Culverine, Heavy Cannon, Falconett?
44) Metal Decks (Give Drill III to all Carriers)
a) GamesActive 35% -> 85%
b) iWeight: 200 -> 100
c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 300

per city.
d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.
45) Loong Range Fighters (Give Range I to all Fighters)
a) GamesActive 20% -> 85%
b) iWeight: 200 -> 100
c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 300

per city.
d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.
e) Any other unit that should be affected by it? Note it would be only for Propeller Fighter.
46) Halberd (Give Shock I to all Pikeman and Heavy Pikeman)
a) GamesActive 25% -> 85%
b) iWeight: 200 -> 100
c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 100

per city.
d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.
47) Reinforced Hull (Give Combat I to all Trireme)
a) GamesActive 25% -> 85%
b) iWeight: 200 -> 100
c) Make it a choice: Do nothing for free or equip them for 100

per city.
d) Make it require Units and more likely the more you have.
e) Any other unit that should be affected by it?