• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Random Thoughts XIV: Pizza, Pomegranate Juice, and Shreddies

Sleetwood Mac (District 1)
Snowplowpilla (District 1) A play on Sopapilla (food)
Billy the Skid (District 2) Billy the Kid lived in NM
That’s All Slick (District 2)
Better Call Salt (District 3) TV show based in Albuquerque, which is in District 3
Darth Blader (District 3)
EE, I Snow, huh? (District 4) ???
Walter Whiteout (District 4) Breaking Bad
Bisc-Snow-Chito (District 5) Biscochitos are a NM cookie
Ctrl-Salt-Delete (District 6)
Mr. Snow It All (District 6)
Snowzobra (District 5) Play on the annual Zozobra burning in Santa Fe every end of summer. Old man gloom! Video of the burning; skip to 5:00 for the finale: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=zozobra&t...i=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp622jzV4FQ
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Neither do I.

btw could you please remove the tracking from your link?
New Mexicans say "Eeeeeee" and "I know, huh?" I'm told:

New Mexicans say "Eeeeeee" and "I know, huh?" I'm told:

Great link! Sounds like you nailed it even if that expression is new to me after living here 30 years. Likely it is rooted in Spanish and our Hispanic communities.

not as particularly impressive examples but tumblr has such pictures time to time with a Ben Myhre being the only name given in the ones ı noticed . Oh , but this should be real , some French public library or whatever .


no idea how instagram works , tumblr is a mess to search , pinterest was an annoyance in the week ı was a member but could possibly lead to some finds .
I'm not as annoyed with Pinterest after I figured out how not to get liquor and travel ads with my feed. But they still keep mixing up Lancelot and Gwaine when I go looking for Merlin-related stuff. And apparently owls and cats look alike.

If not for one specific screenshot I saw on Pinterest, I would never have even known that BBC Merlin existed, let alone take it on as my newest fannish obsession.

EDIT: Some of those images on Instagram are incredible. It's a shame some of them aren't real, because they look like places where you could actually live (assuming you had a few billion to have afforded them in the first place).

As for that couch on the beach, I think they forgot a wall. Or maybe there's a force field to keep the water and sand out?
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Hm, last time Vladimir Harkonnen was just a kid, and now he is basketball-player tall.
6 f 7 at 17 is not a good trajectory if you aren't on a path for a career in that sport.
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And no one will talk with you!
is this a test ? More propaganda . That the "evil concentrated into one" is a fool who can't see the differences . That the game is played by different rules than we mere mortals can understand , 'cause check the layout of the board or whatever . The guy is a martyr and an angel even if ı know people online who "watched it alive" on TV , this march thing in Alabama or whatever and the Whites dudes came out worse even then , too . Another BS'ing about how Whites don't get it and act sissily with the books , you know , especially those who "supported" Black Rights before it was fashionable . Think this is given as Trump's test to enter Heaven and he will fail , like because if Trump goes to Heaven there is something wrong and May God Forgive me for the situation that ı spread doubts against . Can't tell why All Lives Matter is hung the wrong way , maybe it is a trick to deceive not the created .
Shouldn't Trump be asking why his pieces AREN'T all the same, rather than different colors? I see the various types of chess pieces aren't all the same (no idea how to play the game, but I do know what the different pieces look like and what they're called).
a certain part of the Left currently involves people who are not happy with a worldview that divides people into men and women . To Trump , the pieces are all the same , down from Adam and Eve . Even before it comes to noticing the rainbow of colours . Yes , rainbow image in its various forms has already become a "contested" thing here in Turkey , too .
At the vanity project of one of the world's most powerful bazillionaires.

It is a bizarre design, if that's the artist's rendering of what it will look like. It's an eye-sore, even 'on paper.'
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