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Rank the major candidates in according to evilness/goodness


Ancient CFC Guardian
Oct 25, 2000
Corporate USA
So, as we draw closer to Judgement day(Primary days), we must rank all the major candidates according to the evilness/goodness. #1 is the most evil, #10 being the least evil. The contestants are(not in order here, that's for you to decide).

Madame President Hillary Clinton
Fiery self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders
Donald, the Duke of Trump
Cruz, the super conservative that the GOP hates
Rubio, the anti-immigrant son of immigrants
Bush, possibly the third Bush disaster
Carson, the clueless Nuero-Surgeon
Christie, the overweight bridge-jamming governor
Rand, Son of a legend, not much himself

I don't actually think anyone really matters.
(large gap)
(large gap)

That's my perception at least.
(large gap)
(large gap)

That's my perception at least.

What exactly makes Trump evil though? Sure, he acts like a jackass and says some pretty douchy things, but there's nothing about him that strikes me as being overtly evil or malevolent.
Isn't he openly racist and sexist? That's got to count for something.

Does he do openly something that others do secretly? That surely counts for something...
I think he rubs people the wrong way because his major hobby is naming things after himself.

Does that really make him "evil" though? I mean, there's plenty of people in my life that rub me the wrong way, but I wouldn't go as far as to call them evil.

Isn't he openly racist and sexist? That's got to count for something.

As are most people, to some degree. Most hide it, while Trump is quite open about it; and that's assuming we take his statements at face value and don't assume he just says what he says for the shock value.

I would contend that just being racist or sexist alone does not make one "evil", but rather how they choose to act on those biases would be the determining factor as to how evil that person is.
Trump has a track record of destruction for his own gain...sucking assets and then bankrupting companies to leave others holding the bag, turning a viable sports league enjoyed by his fellow owners, the players, and fans, into scrap so they could have a lawsuit about the wreck instead...plus, even if "others are in secret" actually relishing being a racist and sexist is still a low point.
I like Trump. He strikes me as really American. Like when someone mentions America I just imagine someone like Trump, but in various socioeconomic classes.
What exactly makes Trump evil though? Sure, he acts like a jackass and says some pretty douchy things, but there's nothing about him that strikes me as being overtly evil or malevolent.

He seeks political power by exploiting humanity's worst instincts. This makes him evil in my book.
He seeks political power by exploiting humanity's worst instincts. This makes him evil in my book.

Doesn't every politician do that though? The difference between Trump and other politicians is that he doesn't try to hide it. I would say that actually makes him less evil than the typical politician.
Chris Christie
Donald Trump
Rick Santorum
Marco Rubio
Carly Fiorina
Hillary Clinton
Jeb Bush
John Kasich
Mike Huckabee
Martin O'Malley
Bernie Sanders
Ben Carson
Ted Cruz
(huge gap)
Rand Paul
Which one is most fitting for the title "Lord of Darkness"?
I cant see any Lord of Darkness but many Satans cherubs...
Rand Paul is the only major party candidate that I like even a little bit, I'm prepared to call of the rest of them Satan's 'lil helpers.

Too bad Rand has no chance of winning the primary that I can't vote in. I can only hope he still runs as an independent.
If you cast the American political landscape into the Star Wars universe, Bernie Sanders would be a wise Yoda-like Jedi ghost with no real powers, Ted Cruz would be a Sith master who kills himself in the first 5 minutes of the first debate by turning on his lightsaber backwards, Donald Trump would be a human relations specialist droid programmed wrong as a joke, Marco Rubio would be a stormtrooper who defects from the Empire and joins the Ewoks, Jeb Bush would be a sanitation exhaust pipe on a Star Destroyer, Ben Carson would be Luke and Leia's idiot son, Chris Christie would be Jabba the Hutt's intern/sex slave, Rand Paul would be Darth Paul, and Hilary Clinton would be an AT-AT.

Take from that what you will.
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