Real Balanced Pantheons (AI)

Real Balanced Pantheons (AI) 2.3

Ofc it works. Language is irrelevant.
There are 2 files called RealBalancedPantheons_Text (.xml and .sql)
In .xml you have to translate all <Text> and change "en_US" into "ru_RU"
In .sql you have to translate text between single quotations ('..').

Most of this texts are actually strings from the game but with just different parameters. You can find them in the game files if you look for respective LOC_ texts.

Edit, creating the file alone does not seem to work. I have not made changes in the sql file. If I need to do so, please clarify exactly what needs to be done. Do I really have to change all the tags? That seems too much work...

Please see the Polish language attached for the xml


  • RBP_Text_pl_PL.txt
    5.7 KB · Views: 49
Last edited:
Edit, creating the file alone does not seem to work. I have not made changes in the sql file. If I need to do so, please clarify exactly what needs to be done. Do I really have to change all the tags? That seems too much work...
Please see the Polish language attached for the xml
SQL file was used in the previous versions, now it is only XML that needs to be translated.
Thank you to the translation :)
Thank you.

Your Mod is better than Better Balanced Game mod regarding pantheons, so is the Sostratus mod regarding unit balance however Better Balanced Game does a very good job at rebalancing the Civs, and this is unfortunately necessary, as in base game the civs are vastly disproportional regarding how powerful they are. and some small buffs like Poland getting relic for free on founding a religion is not only a necessary rebalance, but also a quality of life buff, as it makes the key advantage of Poland more repetitively reliable. Previously you had to pray for a goody hut with a relic.
Yeah. If they could release a Civ-rebalance-only version of BBC, I'd jump in with both feet. But I don't want to let go of this or Wondrous Wonders.
Yes, there is a weong language code. One of the users posted a fix on steam.

Just checked the mod files. It seems you this in the polish localization:

<Text>+1 [ICON_Culture] Kultury z Plantacji.[NEWLINE]Dodatkowo, w Starożytności: +1 [ICON_Culture] Kultury od nieulepszonych surowców na których można zbudować plantacje.</Text>

I just corrected the "en_US" to "pl_PL" to fix it.
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