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Realpolitik of the Smoky Skies - The Reboot

A tie means Pulias City then?

((A tie means that Puliana is defeated, but Pulias City is the wording in the bill. The bill will now either be passed or defeated by the Senate.))

The voting period for amendment proposals has expired.

The vote is tied and therefore fails to pass.

The vote tally is below:

Ayes | Noes | Abstains
Augustus (PIP)|Gustavus Gurra (PPP)|William Melda (PPP)
Albert Bazil (PIP)|Ernest Barnard (PAU)|Heerlo (PAU)
||Edwin Zachariah (Ind)

The bill will therefore be put to a vote in its original form.

I move that the bill be heard a second time.

Time left to vote: All votes have been cast.

((To be completely clear in case I've written this confusingly, the proposal to amend the wording of the bill is what we just finished voting on. Now we're voting on whether to pass the bill into law or not.))

Senator the Honourable William Melda
Acting Prime Minister of Pulias
Minister of Culture
President of the Pulias People's Party
Senator for Haven of Peace
I vote aye!
I'm just a private citizen but I'd urge my senator to vote no if anyone cares.
I'm just a private citizen but I'd urge my senator to vote no if anyone cares.

My primary concern has been reducing the confusion by ensuring the name of our great capital city is not as easily confused with the name of our great nation.

Beyond that, I did not have a preference as to which new name prevailed as long as the name was changed.

Although I still do not have a preference between Pulias City and Puliana, I do find persuasive the argument than Puliana is a more creative name.

However, do you prefer that instead of the uncreative name Pulias City we stay with the even more uncreative and potentially confusing name of Pulias?

As an elected representative of the great nation of Pulias I would like to understand your views on this matter.

((At the moment there's already technically a majority vote in favour, but I want to run the clock down to give the remaining Senators a chance to cast their vote for or against this bill.))
Today and tomorrow blew up in my face. Update is delayed until later this week.
Sen. Zachariah votes in favor of changing the name to Pulias City.
I vote aye.

The vote for the Pulias City Naming Act 1822 closes after one day.

I think the ayes have it.

Unless the Grand Majah opposes it on constitutional grounds the bill passes into law.

The vote tally is below:

Ayes | Noes | Abstains
Albert Bazil (PIP)|none|none
Ernest Barnard (PAU)||
William Melda (PPP)||
Gustavus Gurra (PPP)||
Augustus (PIP)||
Edwin Zachariah (Ind)||
Heerlo (PAU)||

I sincerely thank all Government, Opposition and crossbench Senators for their assistance in this matter. I am sure the couriers' guild in particular will be most grateful for our efforts this today.

Senator the Honourable William Melda
Acting Prime Minister of Pulias
President of the Pulias People's Party
Senator for Haven of Peace
Hello :)

I shall join as an Economist in Pulias. For now I'll remain independent until I get my bearings.

Good gid, glad to have you in this game!
Update up possibly tomorrow but more likely Friday.
Speech: No longer shall I sit idly by as these upstarts seek to degrade the tradition of Pulias. They vilify the elite and ennobled as if we have chosen our lot in life any more than they have. I, Dot80, hereby form the Mossback Party. We will work to preserve the great tradition this is Pulias. In doing so we will seek to bring glory to our land and our people.

The Mossback Party
Spoiler :

Founder: dot80
Members: dot80
Funds: ?
The Mossbacks seek to preserve the tradition of Pulias. They support a government made up of those who have been educated at the finest universities and from the finest families. They will support policies that they see as bringing glory to Pulias. Generally this means they will work to attain the titles of Grand Philanthropist, Captain of Industry, and Lord of Refinement and all that achieving those titles entail. Their foreign policy can generally be described as isolationist. They support a strong military. Most favored social policy trees include: Culture, Industry, and Military.

ooc: Named ironically I suppose. Honestly I just looked in a thesauraus to find synonyms for traditional and 'mossback' came up. I figured the double meaning would be perfect for a party name and I like the sound of 'the Mossbacks.' It just occurs to me now that this could be offensive to someone. If so just let me know and I'll come up with something else.
It's very offensive to me, simply because it's a party other than the PAU. ;)


It's not offensive to me.
Mossbacks, eh? This should be interesting...
Update tomorrow evening, I think. Really tired right now.
OOC: Diversity and controversy? This is going to be great! Good to see some nonconformism. :p
((One man party? Hopefully the PIP and the Mossbacks can cooperate against the socialists, even though I would describe the PIP as hawkish liberals))
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