Return to Roots NES 2

Starting the update now, sorry for all the delays.
I suppose we (Egypt) were close too. Gigantic army and navy with medium national guard, very large airforce and very prosperous economy as well as good education. (And were not afraid to use it if need be)

Upgrade economy

Upgrade education
-Global events-

Vietnam sold to France as well the Chineese African colony.

African Peace Coneicl formed between surviving African nations to resolve the conflicts in South Africa.

-NPC Messages-

To: Iriquoisland
From: Congo

For peace we have provided you half the land reutrned to us by the Andes Confederation.

To: Foreign Invaders
From: African Peace Conceil

We African nations have decided to give you the land currently occupied. What you do with it is now your problem.


Doesnt seem to be much is there? Everything this turn that has happened isnt coming out in the open or was just upgrading. Someone start a major world war or something.

All major nations are recieving a PM from me shortly after this update. Spy agencies are going to be availible to the top nations of the world. They will be used like Civ3 spies. The details will come with the PM.

-World Map-


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The Empire was restored. France was once again a world power. All thanks to the new Anarchian government. People rejioced it the streets as the army paraded down Paris. The Anarchian flag hung over a series of other flags, all bearing the "A" that represents the government and the commonwealth alike.

To the world:
We are still not happy. A french town was burned to the ground and we have no way to stop the agressors who did this. But alas, German and French agents have found out who the culprit is, and I promise justice will be payed out in the full.

The Iriqouis nation was now prospering. New roads and buildings were set up. The three largest cities, San Fransisco, Sioux City and Seattle now had double the population of only 50 years earlier. The times were changing in Iriqouis. It was a time that would be known as the roaring 20s.

Many attempts would take place in the 20s. Charles Cheifberg Jr would try the first non-stop Trans-Pacific flight. Henery Ears would design Iriqouis's and the world's largest Skyscraper. Dome Stadium in San Fransisco would become Iriqouis's largest Lacrosse Stadium seating nearly 35,000. The grandest of all though would be the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge, to be put 13 years ahead of schedule with the higher demand of movement. It will be the wonderous structure in San Fransisco and possibly the Iriqouis nation.

Other political acheviments were being made. The Republicans made a sweeping victory over all other parties. Progressive reforms would reshape the nation. And international relationships would be made.

The 20s were a time of change and reform for the Iriqouis who were about to recieve a new name. Holding a special election, the first in 153 years the Iriqouis Nation voted on a new name. Taking 3 years the three finalists were selected.

The Pacific Union(From a Coast entry)
The United Provinces of the Iriqouis Nation- UPIN (A Sioux entry)
The United Nation of Iriqouis- UNI (A Utah entry)

It was put to a popular vote. Many non-coastal people voted for the later two while the coastal populas voted for the first one. It came close but the UNI was chosen. It was now that the United Nation of Iriqouis was formed.

Also during this time the new Republican government was more Imperialistic the past few governments. The newer form of Imperialism made the UNI look more on an economic or political way of controling other lands rather then by force. Several deals were also proposed to other netions.

The UNI was tring to reform it's land holdings and it's base of power. It wanted to move away from Africa and towards the west. It also looked towards the north. Sending deals to Russia, UK, Aztecea and various nation over the 20s the UNI would reshape it's borders.


- Build modern road system
-invest in private sector

Rename Iriqouis Nation to UNI(United Nation of Iriqouis)

Great Feats that will be attempted-

Charles Cheifberg Jr to fly non-stop across Pacific(1st attempt by anyone)

Building of the Golden Building to be 80 stories tall(tallest in world)

Construction of Dome Stadium- 35,000 seats(Largest in North America)

Begin Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge(1.7 Miles long, largest bridge in the world )

(All of the feats should boost economy, more office space, more tourism, more ticket sales, faster commutes)

To Russia:

We would like to reshape the Arctic treaty once again. We would like it to form the Arctic Alliance. It will be a defense pact only. And neither side will have to join a war if the other side is the agressor or if coming to the aid of another ally. Please accept these changes.

To UK:

We would like to Purchase your Canadian lands. We will pay over the coarse of 10 years(2 turns) a large aid package to your economy(boost it one, but it will take two turns)

To Aztecea:

We would like to offer a land trade. We will offer you our Angolan colony in return for Hawaii.

To Phillipines:

We would like to purchase the Marshall and Caroline Islands from you. In return we offer you a large aid package. In 15 years(3 turns) we will pay fully for the upgrading of your living standards.
President Vaques had just began his term as President when it began. First it was just rumors of a new age, of a new leadership and government of the Incans. A whisper in the wind of a new leadership arising in the north.

The whisper soon turned to a yell. Organized armies of thousands of people without a homeland and supported the marxist ways marched upon a surprised citizenry of two USSR border cities, La Paz and Sucre.

The National Army was not strong enough to hold back this unbeliveable onslaught. Nearly thousands of troops belonged to this communist army. Now taking control of the twin cities, they pose a huge and immediete threat to the United States, and the capital which is just a couple hundred miles away.


Newly-elected President Vasques met in the war room of the Cuzco palace with his cabinate of war officials and generals.

"Gentlemen, welcome to the war room. I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot of this room in the next few months. As you know, a viable civil war has finally sprung in our strong state. However, my intellegence shows me that these are not of our people. They are of immigrants, immigrants mostly from the USSR and the conquered Argentina. They want to impose a communist government over our loyal and honorably race. Well, I for one will not let that happen. I have you here now to mobilizae our world-class army, and the largest navy in the world, along with the USAF to repel this invasion." The generals all looked at eachother. They knew this new President was going to do just fine.



From USA

We demand a reason for you letting your citizens get out of control! This will do much to sour our relations. We demand weaponry so that we may combat these invadors with effeciency, but do not wish for you to invade, as we do not trust you.

To Aborigines
From USA

We ask from our long-time friends and allies for aid in exterminating these rebels. Please, we need man power (just send some troops, if you want, under my control). You are the only nation that we fully trust to not turn on us when we are weakest.
Portugal was rising again... under the rule of Queen Tareija the second, the nation had rebuilt it's struggling economy. Yet Portugal found it's self in a precarious position, Portugal's allies are not what they once were thought to be... they were diffrent, changed. Not all of them, of course a few were still loyal.

Portugal has entered into the forefront of the world market, one of the leading nations in international banking.

Current Exchange Rate:
7.238 World Average = 1 Portuguese Escudo
To: Portugal
From: Egypt

I just read your above message and just wanted to reaffirm that if you should come under attack, we will come to your aid, as stated by the Euro-Egyptian Untion.
Orders from USNA:
Increase Navy size
Increase Airforce size

Did I hear someone ask for a world war??

Invade China!!
Press release:
"We cannot see why this has been delayed so long! China invaded Korea, then had to be forced out, and received no punishment! We go now to administer that! We are not here as evil warmonger, but we will take a proper amoun of land from China, giving 2/3rds of it to Korea when we are done.
We hope that Korean aid will come quickly and that our allies the Russians will aslo see the righteousness of this crusade."
"This will also, hopefully, show our position as a strong nation. For too long have we been ignored, a backwater of politics, never known for anything. Now it is time to set the score right, to show that we feel with our friends the Koreans, to show that we exist, in spite of whatever ignorances have been made of us!"

P.S. Does this qualify me to receive one of those PMs about spies? PM me the answer.
To the USNA:
As having signed a Mutual Protection Pact with China, we will be forced to declare war if you attack them. Please rethink your position.

The Democratic Empire Of Germany

German Central Intelligence Agency Report 001:
The following information and evidence has been discovered by German Intelligence officers working in France:
- Portuguese Currency was found around the area of the attacks although this evidence is rather weak as it is possible that other nations may have use of the currency while in Europe.
- A Map of the area in Portuguese; the map was created by a mapmaker in Vichy, the mapmaker died in mysterious circumstances days after making the map.
- A Soldier's rucksack was found in the area belonging to a member of the Portuguese Army; this is concrete evidence although it does leave open questions as to the professionalism of the attackers if they are so clumsy as to leave such damning evidence.
- Finally the testimony of the Soldier in question who claimed that the attack was ordered by someone high up in the Portuguese Government and gave a full account of the incident which matches with our reports.
Thus our conclusion is that Portugal was in some way connected to these attacks. Although the evidence is damning we would like to remind people that alot of this evidence is easily forged, meaning that this attack may have been arranged to seem as though it was ordered by the Portuguese.
Until further evidence can be uncovered and the testimony of the Portuguese Government is given we urge other European leaders to be measured in their response until such a time as all the evidence has been throughly checked.

To: France
From: Germany
I know you will be angered at these attacks but we urge you to wait until the Portuguese Government has given their sid eof the story.
Chancellor Bernt Hass of Germany

To: Portugal
From: Germany
Friend I am very sorry to have had to release this information but in the interests of Peace I had no choice. I hope taht someway we can prove your innocence despite all this evidence.
Chancellor Bernt Hass of Germany
From USNA to France: We are sorry that you have to get involved in this. We are punishing China, and we do not seek to agravate the world.
However, the decision of war is irritrievable.
OOC:Once again,my orders were missed,I should have a medium army/navy and stable economy now.

-assuming the above,increase economy level to prosperous once again
Once again I'd appreciate a few more orders for a better update

Upgrade to very large air force.

Upgrade to medium coast guard.


To UK:

We would like to Purchase your Canadian lands. We will pay over the coarse of 10 years(2 turns) a large aid package to your economy(boost it one, but it will take two turns)

To Aztecea:

We would like to offer a land trade. We will offer you our Angolan colony in return for Hawaii.

To Phillipines:

We would like to purchase the Marshall and Caroline Islands from you. In return we offer you a large aid package. In 15 years(3 turns) we will pay fully for the upgrading of your living standards.
- Build modern road system
-invest in private sector

Rename Iriqouis Nation to UNI(United Nation of Iriqouis)

Make Alliance with Russia

Make Alliance with France

Give CAR to France in return for his offer(You post this)

Great Feats that will be attempted-

Charles Cheifberg Jr to fly non-stop across Pacific(1st attempt by anyone)

Building of the Golden Building to be 80 stories tall(tallest in world)

Construction of Dome Stadium- 35,000 seats(Largest in North America)

Begin Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge(1.7 Miles long, largest bridge in the world )

(All of the feats should boost economy, more office space, more tourism, more ticket sales, faster commutes)
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