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RevolutionDCM for BTS

@Afforess and Mamba
A few of the schema files have changed in RevDCM 2.6 beta, I think this means that existing woc modules that contain older schema's possibly won't work with 2.6 do you agree? The weird bit is that some modules work and some do not even though both contain the same outdated schema's. So at a guess, we have broken woc modules backward compatibility with 2.6 beta?

I had the same experience with schema files, sometimes having outdated ones seems to not matter at all, no idea when / why though

It may not matter, after all there is only a handful that were ever converted to RevDCM format anyway yes?

Apparently you broke it, but I would not worry too much, replacing the existing schemas with the new one should be all it takes (assuming none of the new tags are mandatory).

That can actually be automated (my WoC converted has a function which replaces all schemas in a dir and its subdirs (i.e. the mod) with that of another dir (i.e. the latest schemas)) - and as you said very few were converted to begin with (not that there is much need for a conversion for most imo, they should work as they are).
Yeah agree that woc modules should still work even with outdated schema's. Some do and so do not apparently:crazyeye: Glad that at least you have tried the interface for the show hidden attitude mod and that it doesn't produce errors or side effects...so far. It is off by default just to keep the interface presentation as standard as possible. After all, one click and it's on now and doesn't any longer need a reload of the game.

Well, I haven't noticed any Schema crashes with my modules, and I have a 12 of them. Will they fail silently or dramatically?

About the SHAM, I really think that it should be on by default. I feel that keeping information from the player by default is bad. I don't mind it being an option, so that those who dislike it can turn it off, but I get the feeling that a great many players know little or nothing about the BUG options panel, and never change from the default settings.
Your mod pack is woc-irized? I know Mamba has done next war on woc. What's the latest on where we keep all these woc modules? Johnny set something up at one point on SVN. Perhaps this could be looked after by me at some point.

Yeah if you're talkin about that WoC converter java application, that was and is very cool work done for us.

Your mod pack is woc-irized? I know Mamba has done next war on woc. What's the latest on where we keep all these woc modules? Johnny set something up at one point on SVN. Perhaps this could be looked after by me at some point.

Mostly, but it's made for RoM, not RevDCM.
Thanks Gekk 100 pages of idle nothings. Love your signature very cool. When I think about it, I spend a lot of time with those squigglies. I believe they can be eradicated by extracting the eye fluid and replacing with the same gel they use for breast implants. However I don't mind them either. When concentrating on modding, they swim into the scene and have to pushed aside like fish in a bowl :)
Thanks Gekk 100 pages of idle nothings. Love your signature very cool. When I think about it, I spend a lot of time with those squigglies. I believe they can be eradicated by extracting the eye fluid and replacing with the same gel they use for breast implants. However I don't mind them either. When concentrating on modding, they swim into the scene and have to pushed aside like fish in a bowl :)

I take it that sleep is overrated now; correct? :lol:
dude! 100 pages dedicated to making the one modcomp that no one can play without ;)

btw, my signature is Stewart Gilligan ( a.k.a. Stewie ) Griffin's memories when he thinks he's going to die :p
Man that wocconv.jar app is very cool. Just used it to convert a bunch of schema's to latest revdcm release and it does it faultlessly. Just added the utility to the project because something that good has to live on. I've used the code base for other utilities and it's object oriented design is very flexible.

SHAM on by default.

@WoC people
Anyone sorted the issue with the little pink icons showing up for some of the woc bits and pieces you add? From memory Johnny said you have to manually add some "atlas" files because woc doesn't do that automatically although it should. Am I understanding the phenomenon correctly? It's particularly noticeable in nextwar woc.
Man that wocconv.jar app is very cool. Just used it to convert a bunch of schema's to latest revdcm release and it does it faultlessly. Just added the utility to the project because something that good has to live on. I've used the code base for other utilities and it's object oriented design is very flexible.

Hehe, thanks, I wrote it mostly to convert my own mod to WoC, but I figured it might be of use to others as well :)

@WoC people
Anyone sorted the issue with the little pink icons showing up for some of the woc bits and pieces you add? From memory Johnny said you have to manually add some "atlas" files because woc doesn't do that automatically although it should. Am I understanding the phenomenon correctly? It's particularly noticeable in nextwar woc.

Not sure what you are talking about here, for me it does load atlas files (using WoC Lite). If you are using my NextWar wocified, I am using some non-standard buttons I did not include in the zip here when I uploaded the xml, so that would explain some pink icons - but e.g. all units should have their proper icons (not pink ones), from the Atlas file, they do for me.

In the current SVN, this is the only bug I can find that bothers me. Otherwise the current build seems good to go from what I see (any ideas on a 2.6 release timetable?):
File:  CvPlayer.cpp
Line:  6683
Expression:  GC.getCivilizationInfo(getCivilizationType()).getCivilizationBuildings(eBuildingClass) == eBuilding
To reproduce this assert drag the cursor into the production queue of the city screen. This trips in standard RevDCM unmodded, and it's a pretty bad assert, at least I've seen this cause crashes for vista users. I've only seen this assert before when a unique building doesn't match it's replacement buildingclass. This can't be what is causing the assert in default RevDCM, as everything regarding buildings in CivilizationsInfos, BuildingInfos, and BuildingClassInfos is all correct in RevDCM's XML.

On another note, here are some suggestions for future developement, but not for RevDCM 2.6:

1)Fix the bug where Leadernames don't switch properly durring revolution events in Scenarios
2)Fix bug in Scenarios where setting the Start As Minors option in the WBS file causes all civs to have contact with each other (makes it impossible to set up ancient scenarios with Start As Minors on).
3)Add visibility functionality to the RevDCM tab, and all sections in the assets/Config/RevDCM.xml file. This way modmakers can hide sections they don't want users mucking with, or the whole RevDCM tab if wanted. Also this function will be essential to MP debugging, as locking out the RevDCM tab, and the ability to change RevDCM configuration is a necessary part of creating a stable MP experience that wol't go out of sync.

Also depending on what others think, this could be a nice component to add (at least I vote for it's inclusion in a future update):
Lead from behind
Also depending on what others think, this could be a nice component to add (at least I vote for it's inclusion in a future update):
Lead from behind

I agree, but conditionally. I'm personally adding it to my modmod now, but I'm making it a custom game option, that way users who like the older implementation can still choose it, since it's such a big change.

Also, I am looking at your latest sources now, and see nothing in the way of the SHAM modcomp in CvPlayerAI. Did you move it somewhere else? How did you implement it?

Edit: NVM. I found it.
Woc converter.jar :goodjob: That is the good news.
Bad news is little pink icons. Uploaded here is a module that shows pink icons in RevDCM 2.6 beta. Does it show pink icons in your woc-incarnation? The pink icons are most simply seen in the sevopedia->unit categories->assault mech units, Behemoth tank etc

I cannot reproduce your assert error, have tried. Perhaps Mr Jdog can. As for final release, I would like to get the pink icon issue sorted and in any case after a week of delays, a bit more delay is not a bad thing (once you get used to it).:rolleyes:



  • nextwar_pink_icons.rar
    3.4 MB · Views: 51
Also depending on what others think, this could be a nice component to add (at least I vote for it's inclusion in a future update):
Lead from behind

I definitely agree. However, I want the modder of the modcomp to finalize that code before testing it because like Afforess said it is a big change.
I like the concept and even assert that it is "realistic" as this game can ever get to, imho.
I cannot reproduce your assert error, have tried.
You need a debug dll using the latest SVN source, obviously (otherwise no asserts).
Assuming you've done that, it may be an issue with game options and time in game. So assure you play out (I used AI autoplay) to the Classical Era (AI autoplay 40 or so turns); using a custom game startup these are the game options I have that produced the assert in RevDCM:

City Flipping after Conquest
Raging barbarians
Aggresive AI
No Tech Brokering
Permanent Alliance
Rising Seas
Barbarian World
BarbarianCiv Mod
Tech Diffusion
Dynamic Civ Names
Start as minors
(all civs and leaders on random, difficulty nobel)

My guess is the only relevant thing is Barbarian world. My hunch is that the building replacement of NONE used for barbarians in CivilizationsInfos (this is how default Civ4 makes it so barbarians don't build wonders or palaces) is caussing this assert due to some change in the way things are coded in BULL.
I definitely agree. However, I want the modder of the modcomp to finalize that code before testing it...
I'm talking about a future release so that was assumed on my part.
...after a week of delays, a bit more delay is not a bad thing (once you get used to it).:rolleyes:

Now you are getting it. Turning out a quality upgrade means resisting the temptation to release the mod before it is truly ready. Sometimes it is tough to know where to draw the line between what needs to be fixed and what can wait. Keep up the good work, as you have many people that are like little kids waiting to open presents on Christmas Day.

Orion Veteran :cool:
All the advanced sentry actions have disapeared in the 200s SVN :( Those were nice functions, why did they go away? I know they were there and working in the 193 SVN.
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