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Rise of Asia

ShiroKobbure said:
what are those yellow squares mean?
They appear in the editor to indicate LM terrain. They do not normally appear in the game. The screenshot was intentionally taken in the editor in order to highlight the LM Hills.
What's the point of trying to make me look redundant by editing your previous post? I could probably increase my post count by an order of magnitude if I spent my time posting irrelevancies, spamming, zombifying dead threads, saying "cool!" to every new graphics post, etc., etc., insteading of trying to contribute to the community.
If you need, I could make buildings for this mod in Bryce. Just make a couple of requests and I'll get to working on them. :) But I ask only one thing in return - that Korean hanbok prop for Poser that Shiro's been working on. :p
:shifty: Well, I'm embarrassed, and chagrined.

Embarrassed, because I din't take a close enough look at Rhye's LMForest. It makes all of what should be Plains or Grassland Forest into forested Hills. So please substitute this View attachment 140766 for the one in your present RoA Art folder.

Chagrined, because in a week, noone bothered to point this out to me. Even without installing the recommended Art or d'ling the BIQ, it was perfectly obvious from the screenshot that all of the LMForest was HILLS. That tells me too much about everyone's level of attention, let alone commitment, to this mod.

So, having corrected my oversight, it's now officially my turn to see how long it takes my g.m. to go numb while I wait for someone else to actually do something.:coffee:
Nope, sorry, I'm not the leader, never have been. I'm only the map dude. When I get to mod making, it'll be Bharat, not Asia in general. You have been the leader, and could be again.

Edit: I'll pick up the Bamboo Forest; I'm also looking at some other terrain refinements. I'll work on suggesting resources, and placing whatever is decided on the map, as well as tribal starts. But all that is dependent on others' interest.
On Sept. 22, post#357, Shirou broke it down like this:
ShiroKobbure said:
well first, who are working on this mod?
Then we will seperate into groups and deivide work:
Wonders & Buildings
text & entries
I think that you should start by reviewing the thread(s) to get a sense of what has been suggested/outlined/done. There needs to be one post that holds the critical path (what remains to be done, who's working on it, etc.) and that also has links to current versions of any files.

All the areas that need work are interlinked, so one could start just about anywhere. Ultimately the tech tree is key, since access to new resources, improvements, and units is the narrative thread of the game.

Edit: Plotinus' Scenario Tutorial is worth a review now and then. We've got the BIQ (which is the map + nascent rules/properties) and the beginning of the folder structure in the RoA Art folder. You could start by fleshing out the file/folder structure Plotinus suggests, even if it's placeholders at present.
So basically I'm working off of the standard Civ3 techtrees and changing the names, thats stage one, stage two will be the addition of more techs and a movement away from the look of the civ3 techtree. the addition of wonders and units etc. If you have any ideas suggestions let me know.
Review the threads. A lot of wonders have already been suggested.

A specific tech tree suggestion: put chemistry before fireworks. And something along the lines of Taoism or Vedic Science to precede chemistry (maybe a few steps back).

A great start on a tech tree. But remember, you don't have to do everything yourself. It's more important to lead by keeping things organized and moving. See my previous post for ideas about how to do that.
didnt hinduism come before buddhism? and i think magnets were used in sailing for many years before where you have it.
Both Buddhism and Jainism have very roughly the same relationship to Hinduism that Protestantism does to Catholicism. To be historicalistic Monarchy would also have to precede Buddhism in chronology if not path, since Buddha was born heir to a kingdom.
oh, right. but shouldnt it still be after it, not before it. i think i get your message anyways.
Alright I updated both the ancient and mideval tech trees with your suggestions Blue. I intend on adding in the units and civs after we get the techs squared away. Any other ideas on important techs that should be featured in these two eras?
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