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Russia Invades Ukraine

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Direct military action against Russia, as you know I meant.

And Putin is already saber-rattling about the aid, we will see if he escalates things further regarding that.
The US has already stated that there will be no US troops sent to defend Ukraine. The only way the US troops would enter into combat is if a NATO member state was attacked. I think that probably holds true for all the NATO allies. In fact I believe that is a big part of why Putin is trying to capture Ukraine before they become a member of NATO, because he realizes that once they join NATO he will lose any opportunity to control Ukraine without direct military conflict with all the NATO allies, which would be... suboptimal, to put it mildly.
The US has funded bad guys all over the world of many different ideologies and intentions. So what? Governmental purity by any nation is mostly lacking. Long term and short term political goals tend to over ride squeamishness about methods. Poisoned underwear? Government agencies use the tools at hand.
Yes, but the US presents itself as something akin to the world's moral compass.
Using "death squads" and funding neo-Nazi groups is beyond the pale, as are
extraordinary rendition, torture and imprisonment without trial at Guantanamo Bay.
Using Ukraine as a pawn in their geopolitical game has not worked out well for the pawn.
Ok, I have to ask : WTF is this with Lukashenko displaying the invasion plan (ooops sorry, I meant "military training"), down to Ukraine being separated on in 4 parts and an attack on Transnistria, on TV ?
Is this a joke I missed or what ?
Ok, I have to ask : WTF is this with Lukashenko displaying an invasion plan (ooops sorry, I meant "military training") on TV ?
Is this a joke I missed or what ?

The army that's currently invading Ukraine is, after all, successor of the army in which he rose to the rank of colonel (I think, I'd need to check for actual rank).
The best way to cripple Putin's invasion is to cut Russia off from the world economically. No air trave; worthless Ruble; no oil and gas sales to the West; frozen back accounts (thank you to the Swiss!); no more cultural or sports activities; etc.


London/Moscow (CNN Business)Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to stem the flow of Western businesses fleeing the country over his decision to wage war on Ukraine.

Capital controls designed to stop the exodus were announced by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, state news agencies TASS and RIA reported on Tuesday. Western companies were taking decisions because of "political pressure," he said, and they would be prevented from selling Russian assets until that pressure subsides. "To enable businesses to make informed decisions, a draft presidential decree has been prepared to introduce temporary restrictions on exiting Russian assets," Mishustin was quoted as saying. "We expect that those who have invested in our country will be able to continue working here."

Oil giant BP (BP) is one of the most prominent companies to abandon Russia since its troops invaded Ukraine last week. It said Sunday it was planning to exit its 19.75% stake in Russia's biggest oil company, Rosneft, and their joint ventures — amounting to one of the biggest foreign investments in Russia. Others have since followed suit, including Shell (RDSA) and Norway's Equinor.

France's TotalEnergies said Tuesday it would not provide new capital for Russian projects and was assessing the impact of swingeing Western sanctions on its existing investments in the country. Big global investment funds are joining companies in trying to dump Russian assets. Norway's $1.3 trillion sovereign wealth fund will divest shares in 47 Russian companies as well as Russian government bonds, the Norwegian prime minister said on Sunday.

Russia has been scrambling to prevent financial meltdown since the United States, European Union and other Western allies imposed sanctions on much of the country's banking system, including freezing hundreds of billions of dollars worth of foreign reserves Moscow had been stockpiling for years to shield the Russian economy. Analysts say the measures could lead to a banking crisis.

The ruble plunged by about 25% on Monday, and is now worth about one US cent. It has lost about half its value since Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2014, annexing Crimea and triggering much more limited sanctions. Russia's stock market hasn't opened for trade this week, but shares in Russian companies listed overseas have crashed. Russian officials have already taken emergency measures to try to stabilize the financial system. The central bank more than doubled interest rates to 20%, and temporarily banned Russian brokers from selling securities held by foreigners. The government has ordered exporters to exchange 80% of their foreign currency revenues for rubles, and banned Russian residents from making bank transfers outside Russia.

"I am sure that the sanctions pressure will eventually subside, and those who will not curtail their projects in our country, succumbing to the slogans of foreign politicians, will win," Mishustin said.
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Several people living in Ukraine interviewed right now in TV. They all say Russian land offensive is a total disaster with loads of Russian soldiers killed and whole columns annihilated. Russian missiles and aircraft are doing a lot of damage though.

Might want to take that with a grain of salt.

It's clear the Russians are paying the blood price though.
Yes, but the US presents itself as something akin to the world's moral compass.
Using "death squads" and funding neo-Nazi groups is beyond the pale, as are
extraordinary rendition, torture and imprisonment without trial at Guantanamo Bay.
Using Ukraine as a pawn in their geopolitical game has not worked out well for the pawn.
Old news. Welcome to US politics. Go ahead and be indignant. It is what governments do. It is what people do on a personal level. When you feel that you are policing the world, you do what you feel is necessary. Nations with less influence are able to make decisions that are more harmonious with global and cultural ideals.
It's hard not to think of how many countries mine has invaded or interfered with on the pretense of domino theory or preventing another Munich Conference. Of course, most of those were countries that could barely shoot back.
And unlike them Ukraine can shoot back. For better/worse Ukraine is the geographically largest country in Europe, and population-wise only behind the Big Boys (Germany, France, UK, Italy). If there is a country where aiding the defenders to pre-empt future continued Russian aggression against Europan nations, it is Ukraine. EVERYWHERE else is geographically smaller, and almost always less populated. Conversely, if Putin can take Ukraine, he can take anyone/everyone. Better he fails here, if possible.
Old news. Welcome to US politics. Go ahead and be indignant. It is what governments do. It is what people do on a personal level. When you feel that you are policing the world, you do what you feel is necessary. Nations with less influence are able to make decisions that are more harmonious with global and cultural ideals.
LOL. Guantanamo is still current news. :)
LOL. Guantanamo is still current news. :)
It is current because Washington hasn't been able to solve/close it yet and the prisoners there have "enough rights" to keep their plight alive. We have lots of unsolved problems that politics won't let us resolve.
And then there's Syria. That situation also has the indelible Russian imprint. No actual reason not to assume Ukraine will turn out something like Syria, for as long, and as intractable.
It is current because Washington hasn't been able to solve/close it yet and the prisoners there have "enough rights" to keep their plight alive. We have lots of unsolved problems that politics won't let us resolve.
Ok, the guards have stopped feeding them through the ass.
The inmates now have enough rights. :rolleyes:
It's cause the idea of the hot, attractive, Ukrainian woman sounds like a much better deal than the old, balding, anti-western, increasingly unhinged, male Putin.

Who cares if such beauties are fascist? It don't have to be about love or political ideals, just sex.
US officials saying there are signs of a number of russian units being "risk-adverse" (basically, lack of willingness to fight). That would align with the rumors that a lot of soldiers are young conscripts who are not necessarily very motivated to fight Ukrainians.
Or it's all propaganda, though it seems there are a number of sources which tend to agree.
Ok, the guards have stopped feeding them through the ass.
The inmates now have enough rights. :rolleyes:
Start a new thread if you want to continue this conversation. :)
The best way to cripple Putin's invasion is to cut Russia off from the world economically. No air trave; worthless Ruble; no oil and gas sales to the West; frozen back accounts (thank you to the Swiss!); no more cultural or sports activities; etc.


London/Moscow (CNN Business)Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to stem the flow of Western businesses fleeing the country over his decision to wage war on Ukraine.

Capital controls designed to stop the exodus were announced by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, state news agencies TASS and RIA reported on Tuesday. Western companies were taking decisions because of "political pressure," he said, and they would be prevented from selling Russian assets until that pressure subsides. "To enable businesses to make informed decisions, a draft presidential decree has been prepared to introduce temporary restrictions on exiting Russian assets," Mishustin was quoted as saying. "We expect that those who have invested in our country will be able to continue working here."

Oil giant BP (BP) is one of the most prominent companies to abandon Russia since its troops invaded Ukraine last week. It said Sunday it was planning to exit its 19.75% stake in Russia's biggest oil company, Rosneft, and their joint ventures — amounting to one of the biggest foreign investments in Russia. Others have since followed suit, including Shell (RDSA) and Norway's Equinor.

France's TotalEnergies said Tuesday it would not provide new capital for Russian projects and was assessing the impact of swingeing Western sanctions on its existing investments in the country. Big global investment funds are joining companies in trying to dump Russian assets. Norway's $1.3 trillion sovereign wealth fund will divest shares in 47 Russian companies as well as Russian government bonds, the Norwegian prime minister said on Sunday.

Russia has been scrambling to prevent financial meltdown since the United States, European Union and other Western allies imposed sanctions on much of the country's banking system, including freezing hundreds of billions of dollars worth of foreign reserves Moscow had been stockpiling for years to shield the Russian economy. Analysts say the measures could lead to a banking crisis.

The ruble plunged by about 25% on Monday, and is now worth about one US cent. It has lost about half its value since Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2014, annexing Crimea and triggering much more limited sanctions. Russia's stock market hasn't opened for trade this week, but shares in Russian companies listed overseas have crashed. Russian officials have already taken emergency measures to try to stabilize the financial system. The central bank more than doubled interest rates to 20%, and temporarily banned Russian brokers from selling securities held by foreigners. The government has ordered exporters to exchange 80% of their foreign currency revenues for rubles, and banned Russian residents from making bank transfers outside Russia.

"I am sure that the sanctions pressure will eventually subside, and those who will not curtail their projects in our country, succumbing to the slogans of foreign politicians, will win," Mishustin said.

The Central Bank of Russia has lost access to USD 600 Billion reserves. This Putin war chest of 600 Billion is not paper money stacks in Russian vaults but claims on western banks like the Fed and CEB.
Since Saturday the access is frozen.
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