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Saudi Arabian Journalist Murdered in Consulate

Now that the CIA has said the Saudi Prince was behind the murder, Trump has to decide: will he accept the CIA's version or the Prince's denial.
It seems like he'd already decided even before the CIA said anything and it does not seem like he's budging in his position... which is apparently "Whatever, they give us/me money and say nice things about me so lalalalalalala... not listening... lalalalalalala"
As much as I don't like him, I have to give him some credit for saying he just doesn't care due to the money aspect.
I can think of many other politicians that would have made up excuses while doing the same thing.
finding it took like 10 minutes as apparently silicon women applies to those dolls in Turkish and not the silicon support to the face and down , one learns stuff everyday . So , this is MbZ , kindred spirit to Mega BS and after some Formula 1 race or whatever and from the woman's web accounts and proves they are unworthy and yes , is the answer to what is the last post of the previous page , Saudis mock how they are destroying the "modern" Turkey and the lot and this is Qatari / New Turkey answer ; in that the Egytian has a real face and the lot .

Macron is worried about his good pal the clown prince. Has been advising him, it seems.

The two leaders were having an informal conversation on the sidelines of the summit, standing close together and apparently unaware their conversation was being recorded.
According to a Guardian analysis of their only partly audible conversation, Macron replies to the crown prince’s assurances: “I do worry. I am worried … I told you.”
“Yes, you told me,” the prince says. “Thank you very much.”
“You never listen to me,” Macron says.
“No, I listen, of course,” replied Prince Mohammed, dressed in flowing white robes and smiling broadly after apparently becoming aware of a television camera.
“Because I told you. It was more important for you,” Macron says, and gives a tight smile, before turning away from the camera to speak further to the prince.
Macron then says something inaudible, to which the Saudi leader says: “It’s OK. I can deal with it.”
After another indecipherable segment of conversation, Macron says: “I am a man of my word.”

One can woeder what Macron gave his word about.
The DC neighborhood where the Saudi embassy is has just renamed the street in front of the Embassy after Khashoggi.
As much as I don't like him, I have to give him some credit for saying he just doesn't care due to the money aspect.
I can think of many other politicians that would have made up excuses while doing the same thing.

yup, such a weird dichotomy how he can lie so much yet tell the truth
Russian hackers forced Macron to conspire with the Saudi prince to violently murder a journalist. As always, Putin masterfully hides behind the scenes. But when the two usurpers finally meet, they can’t help but keep smiling, thinking of all the female sex-slaves they traded, raped and killed together, and that will remain their dark secret, since the only person with evidence on hands is dead, cut into many pieces. As for Macron, poor guy, he doesn’t know. But he has his own dark secret to hide now.
Russian hackers forced Macron to conspire with the Saudi prince to violently murder a journalist. As always, Putin masterfully hides behind the scenes. But when the two usurpers finally meet, they can’t help but keep smiling, thinking of all the female sex-slaves they traded, raped and killed together, and that will remain their dark secret, since the only person with evidence on hands is dead, cut into many pieces. As for Macron, poor guy, he doesn’t know. But he has his own dark secret to hide now.
Pfffft! Everyone knows that Hillary, Obama, Soros and Mr.Banghazi are the real criminal masterminds behind this diabolically nefarious plot!
GOP Senator after briefing by CIA: "If the crown prince was in front of a jury he'd be convicted in thirty minutes."

Trump's loyal Pompeo: "There's no evidence."
To be honest, no one comes out of this looking good. Kashoggi's father was a arms dealer instrumental for the Saudis' interference in the previous yemeni civil war. And he followed in his steps, was one of their liaisons with their pet fanatics in Afghanistan. So Trump saying this is just the saudis settling their business is true, the guy was not an innocent journalist, he was the CIA's man. But the manner in which he was killed was a crass demonstration of saudi methods. And the interesting thing now is that Trump is still at war with a sizable faction within the CIA. Imperial politics...

Oil wealth turned the world upside down since the 1970s. The financial turbulence of the oil shock and the final death of the British Empire, the birth of the massive tax evasion through "fiscal paradises", the neo-liberal age, the spread of wahabbi religious fanaticism, the "war on terrorism", the current intrigues in the imperial court...

Carrying out the US' foreign policy for the Middle East entirely according to Netanyahu's desires may very well be Trump's downfall. The Russian collusion thing was the product of a handful of political partisans within the FBI. Dissatisfaction at Trump's policies regarding Iran and Saudi Arabia is widespread. That whole quagmire: the occupation of eastern Syria, complicity in bombing and starving Yemen, saber-rattling and economic sanctions against Iran that have made allies angry, all that was unnecessary and is damaging for american influence worldwide. Trump is being warned that influential (and competent unlike those FBI stooges) are getting pissed.
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also on the news . Because G-20 Summit was like designed to cover "Ebu Minşar" / Father of the Saw as it is written in Turkish , even if he is still the same Clown Prince Mega BS and the idiot who will become the next Saudi King and PM was not active in the actual Summit , because we hear the moderator called for a lunch break just about he was to start talking , despite the PM's global fame against moderators and the like Qatar just quit OPEC . Covers the coverage of Al Crusading , the famous TV station and all the Ihvan can have something to chew as they are not allowed to hear anything about the typical Leftist ranting ftom Turkey . Al Crusading then fully returns to the regular "Breaking News!" with the whole screen in red , naturally about the senators hearing it from the CIA ... They have been in red for like two months now .
uh , it seems the guy became Time's person of the year as an example of Journalists killed in the line of duty . Congragulations to Mr. Kaşıkçı , he will now also be torn apart by the people of Time Warner company .

rantwise the chief of the so called national intelligence , when asked by the turkish Parliament to report about what was going on with the Kaşıkçı case , he didn't bother one bit . Being too busy and New Turkey does not require public officials to be mindful of the Parliament as obviously all the power is to be concentrated in one person . Oh my , we then just hear he has briefed American senators , as noted last week and he has just returned . The PM , mindful of the Saudis , says he didn't know that would happen , despite the chief of the so called national intelligence being by his side at the G-20 Summit in Argentina and was obviously dropped at Canada while at some refuelling stop of the Presidential plane or whatever . Mind you , Obama actually snubbed the PM for the PM's insistence to let his intelligence chief speak at some meeting where the Americans had been surpressing some anger over the general ineptude of New Turkey in toppling the Syrian Regime , his rtrack-ecord being a root cause , too . The PM says he will speak with the head of the so called national intelligence and learn why he did such a thing . Despite the thing that the guy would not come here at all , if he didn't have the word from the PM ...
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