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SGFN-09: Constantinople stands alone!

Ok I've looked at the save now, we're in the endgame now, so I would like some input before playing. We're looking at victory in 31 turns, so with the Greeks out of the way I want to focus on maximizing score. The only things that count for score are territory and non-angry population. The earlier we finish, the higher our score. To finish in 1 turn less Constantinople needs to accumulate another 110 culture along with the 140/ turn it produces already. The only significant culture producing buildings are the early modern times wonders, which are at least 11 turns away from being able to build. Even if we're lucky enough to get computers as our free tech, which could give us 15 turns of 5 extra cpt, we can't possibly win any faster than 31 turns, so after mass production I'm turning off research in order to maximize happiness and fund some hurrying.

I assume with the conditions put forward at the beginning that I can't join any foreign workers, so I'll join any of our own workers to increase population and use the rest to increase food output and clean pollution. I'll hurry temples in the south to expand our territory and set the slider at whatever value gives maximum happiness. I can mobilize for an invasion of the Aztecs (need to build transports) for more territory if the next player wants to do so, but since we won't be researching tanks or planes, cav armies will have to suffice.
I think it's worth the risk to go for the modern age. We could get lucky with an SGL along the way.

Also, we don't have Battlefield Medicine yet. Rush a few more Hospitals, build that, and that 110 culture needed drops to ~85 culture needed to win ... easily doable if we get Fission and Computers, then build the UN and a Research Lab.
Constantinople is building an army to allow the Pentagon, so make sure the other two armies are not in a city with a flip risk (hopefully Constantinople won't be flipping anytime soon :D).
Ok, we've shaved off one turn due to Constantinople's older culture buildings aging- we are now at 145 per turn, victory in 20 turns. We got computers as our free tech, I leave it to the next player to decide whether to finish Battlefield Medicine or go for SETI right away to try and finish one turn earlier. There's a good chance we can get a MGL, so I recommend switching to SETI now, then building a research lab. Oh, and I went on a reckless blitzkrieg rampage in Aztec land trying for a MGL. If we get one it can be used on battlefield medicine. If we get a SGL for fission, use it for the UN. And I built 19 airfields.
Turn Log:
Spoiler :

Turn 0:
Lower to 50% science, mass production in one turn. Join some native Byzantine
workers. Move armies to Constantinople. Change builds in small towns
to libraries where possible, and switch to a few hospitals.

IBT: Nothing

Turn 1:
Mass Prodiction in, Motors in 4.
Barcelona factory -> hospital
Isand factory-> hospital
Argos library -> arty
Umfolozi library -> duct
Hurry army in Constantinople.

IBT: Nothing

Turn 2:
Const. army-> Pentagon in 5.
Barb. infantry -> cathedral
Upgrade a couple of transports in the hopes I can get a MGL in Aztec land.
I join two workers to Constaninople, and make any labourer not producing
sheilds into a civil engineer, giving Pentagon in 4. It will starve in 3
turns, but I'm pretty sure this is not an exploit.

IBT: Nothing

Turn 3:
Bapedi Cruiser -> cruiser
Salamanca Hospital -> cruiser

IBT: Pollution strikes Constantinople, ending my plans for a faster Pentagon.

Turn 4:
Madrid Hospital -> temple
Santiago library -> hospital
Three transports of cavalry and cavalry armies set sail for Aztecs, protected
by a single cruiser.

IBT: Aztecs land an archer and spear near Zimbabwe, Mongols are slaughtered
at Swazi.

Turn 5:
Mot. transport in, flight in 5.
Make landfall at Xochichalco. No leaders from killing the Aztecs near Zimbabwe.

IBT: Aztecs throw themselves at my infantry with medival units with predictable
results. I lose two infantry though.

Turn 6: I kill surrounding units with my elite cavalry then take Xochichalco
with the armies. No MGLs though.

IBT: Aztecs move some more cavalry fodder near Xochichalco.

Turn 7: Pentagon completed, Battlefield Medicine in 7.
Still no MGL near Xochichalco. Going against all my instincts I fortify the
units in Xochichalco, relying on our dominant culture to prevent a flip. I
need to heal these units now to attack again ASAP.

IBT: Nothing

Turn 8: Capture Tlaxcala. Still no MGL, and I can't find any Aztecs to kill.

IBT: Nothing.

Turn 9:
Attack Teothican, move towards Tenochitlan simultaneously. turn slider to 60%.

IBT: Nothing.

Turn 10:
Flight in, we get rocketry as free tech! I proceed to build a grand total
of 17 airfields in Greece and ship a bunch of workers to Aztec land to build
railroads. I also airlift some tanks. I capture Teothicuan, and, having long
since abandonded reasonable tactics, I attack Tenochitlan from across a river.
It's only defended by pikemen, which manage to kill one cavalry. Tenochitlan
falls but still no MGL.

More notes:
Spoiler :
-I stopped recording when cities finish builds since they're mostly irrelevant.
-I fortified most of the workers in stacks because I needed to finish this faster and their improvements at this point are largely unnecessary for adding to score.
-The rest of the workers I used to build airfields and flew a bunch over to Aztec land for RRing to make the blitzing even faster, and to get a MGL home ASAP, so the transport convoy is now mostly useless.
-There's a stack outside Constantinople for cleaning up its messes, which happens almost every turn now.


  • SGFN09 1475 AD.SAV
    219.5 KB · Views: 184
I think this is the current roster:

1: Overseer => UP!
2: Elephantium => On deck
3: Bowsling => Waiting in the wings
4: Charlemagne => Just played
Ok, got it, will play over the weekend.
Finally coming back to CFC after a loooong break. Just saying great job guys, sorry I couldn't be there for the endgame.
About halfway, screwups included. I should have re-read Charlemagne's turn-log. We will survive my screwups, but my rusty skills aren't helping.
Oh well, it'll make it more interesting.
:bump: again. Overseer, could you post your turnset? I'd like to play my set this weekend after finishing my turns in Bowsling2.
If you want to play today, just take Charlemagne's save. I only got through the IBT after the 3rd turn. RL has been really distracting of late, and I still haven't regained my Civ3 mojo. If you plan on playing tomorrow, I can get my mid-set save to you later today.
Here is my aborted turn-set with the turn-log:

Spoiler :

Pre-flight: CivAssist 2, Word running. Get the save loaded.

Workers 2
Slaves 61

Military units:
Muskets 1
Rifles 4
Infantry 6
Ancient Cavalry 15
Knights 3
Cavalry 16
Tanks 3
Cannons 10, Plus 3 captured
Artillery 2
Maces 2
Armies 3, 1 w/3 AC’s, 2 w/3 Cavalry
Caravel 1
Transports 4
Destroyers 2
Cruiser 1

Unit Support
Total units: 75
Allowed units: 93
Support cost: 0

Mongols=>Peace Anarchy, Average to
Russians=>Peace Democracy, Strong to
Ottoman=>Peace Republic, Strong to
Aztecss=> War Republic, Strong to

Capital Size 24, growth stagnant, Battlefield Medicine in 4 turns. 145Cpt, 17,150 total culture. CA II win date 1580 AD.

0/9/1, Fission in 7 turns at -87 gpt, 547 in the bank.

Press Enter:

IBT: Keshiks move, plus a few Ottoman ships. A couple of tanks finish.

Turn 1, 1480 AD: Fort damaged troops, move tanks Worker moves. Ask the Mongols politely to Leave and they DoW us! Sorry guys, didn’t know about the lux trade. Lose a healthy eCav to a 2 hp eKeshik, next one wins, we get a leader! Make an army, Battlefield Medicine finishes soon anyway. Killing the last kills a Mongol MGL.

IBT: No movement.

Turn 2, 1490 AD: Armies kill 3 pikes at Tenochitlan, city is taken.

IBT: Mongols kill eKnight with rushed cavalry, some ship traffic. Battlefield Medicine finishes=>Research Lab.
Pollution near Toledo.

Turn 3, 1495 AD: Disband 1 ACav to get lab in 1 turn.Nearly lose a Cruiser on Caravel battle, Destroyer damaged also. 3 eCavs take out 3 pikes, Calixtuhaca is ours. 3 Tanks take out 3 pikes, Army vs LBow, Texcoco taken, Aztecs are gone! Hmm, realize I have messed up bigtime, I thought SETI had already been built, and Battlefield Medicine was a pr-build. Duhhhh, sorry again team. Spend 49 g to build embassy in Moscow so we can get an ROP. Trade even up for that. Then trade Scientific Method to Russia for Gems, Communism, WM and 37 g. Then trade Scientific Method to Ottomans for Incense, WM and 5 gpt and 20 g Clean up pollution.

IBT: A few Mongol units move.

Tank Army wipes out two Mongol Cavs near Moscow


Mongols move north.

Turn 1 (1505 AD):

Kill a few Mongol cavs and move troops from the north towards Mongol lands.


Lose a Cav to Mongol cavs. He takes two of them with him!

Fission > Mini

Turn 2 (1510 AD):

A-Cav destroys Batshireet on the W island.
Hmm, we get more cpt with the UN, so I switch to that.


Russia/Ottomans sign peace.
Lose a Tank to a Cav.
Pollution at Const

Turn 3 (1515 AD):

Capture Yekaterinburg.


Mongols lose three cavs trying to retake Yekaterinburg.

Turn 4 (1520 AD):

Gain a Leader - Justinian -- taking Rostov!
Then we take Smolensk.



Turn 5 (1525 AD):

Destroy Rhodes.


Mongols land a Crusader at Zimbabwe :rolleyes:

Turn 6 (1530 AD):

Take Vladivostok. We now have Silks!
Lux to 0



Turn 7 (1535 AD):

Nothing much happens, just moving troops into position.



Turn 8 (1540 AD):

Take Yakutsk.


Mongols lose another Cav vs. our Tank army at Yakutsk.
Mini > Rockets

Turn 9 (1545 AD):

We take Almarikh and Orenberg.


Russia founds a city on our continent. Time to worry about another war! :lol:

Turn 10 (1550 AD):

Move troops, but it's pretty quiet. We can make peace with Mongolia, or we can keep pounding on them for the next 5 turns.
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