SirJethro's DyP II - "The Emperor's New Mod"

I think we've learned a lot here about playing industrious. Build serfs while we can and upgrade only captured ones. But what about Engineers? I think I saw those come after laborers. What do they do?

cromagnon....can we switch positions for the first round? After noon on Wed I can't play again until Monday. Parents in town to see the baby.
Originally posted by Quokka
If the Laborer arrives only just before Railroads, why would you build them? After RR's are around, movement is pretty much instantaneous to anywhere. The only place this would help is on the frontier or completely unimproved tiles, but you could always use upgraded slaves for that and keep your Serfs cost free.
If the Laborer came alot earlier then there advantage would be more beneficial as the lower road movement significantly lengthens move times, but if you have put up with slow movers until RRs why not wait a few turns more until movement is essentially free?
With laborers, you can move onto a plains or grassland tile, road, RR, and irrigate it all in one turn because of the 2 moves. Engineers can do the same with hills and forest, as they move 3. A small improvement, and may not be worthwhile.

@SirJethro: No problem; any order is fine with me.
SJ, The worker summary is as follows:
-Workers are just like unmodded civ.
-Serfs are worker-replacements for Industrious civs without support cost
-Asian civs have "Asian workers" or "Asian serfs" instead which are simply "flavor units" -- that is same stats but different graphics.
-Laborers have 2 movt and cost 20 but can pillage. Workers and serfs (of any flavor) upgrade into laborers
-Engineers have 3 movt and cost 30 and can also pillage. Laborers upgrade into Engineers.

Any of these which are captured become "Slave" workers which are just like unmodded slave workers with the 1/2-speed improvements. You can upgrade slave workers into slave laborers or (I assume) slave engineers to get the increased movement. They keep their slave status and thus have no support but work at 1/2-speed.

One final note: I don't think you can buy anything but actual "workers" through diplomacy but I haven't rigorously tested this.
Also, when units are captured (eg settlers, or cities razed), they turn into workers, not laborers/engineers. Capturing a serf as a non-industrial civ turn it into a regular worker.

I don't know if serfdom is retained if captured by another industrious civ. Also, I can't remember if the laborers I captured in my SP game turned into workers or stayed as laborers (I think it was the former).
the serfdom is not retained, but workers upgrade to serfs for industrious civs so you can upgrade any captured workers to serfs, though there is no real reason to do so since both have zero maintenance.
Sent a pm to all players listed in the first post, with the link to beta build 04 of version 1.10x. Hope to see this game get started soon (it's about all the action I get :) )

Don't hesitate to mailbomb me, if you have any problems with the patches, settings or life in general.
Hey guys, mind if I join this one? I have been eager to play a DyP succesion game since SirJethro started his first game, but couldn't because I had already played DyP before.
DL'ing the patches now. Should be posted in an hour at the latest.
MALI!!! Okay, after quite a bit of thought I decided to go with Mali over Siam...mostly because of the UU (I likey the horsey, and I hate swordsmen), but also because I would like to try out these "being" techs. Anyway, here is the save (this looks like a VERY interesting starting location....lots of jungle):

4000 BC

(for full disclosure, I restarted once because we were surrounded by tundra).

I'll post a screenshot in a sec.
Question for the DyP team:
- Now that I've installed 1.10b4, does that mean I can't play my 1.05x single player game (it isn't a problem...just wanted to know)
I've got it.

Bloody jungle seems to be everywhere when I use this mod.
Hi guys (I assume :eek: )

Good to see such an enthusiastic crowd :D

Isak wil have to answer that compatibility question. I think it depends on how the graphics files have changed.

I just wanted to tell you that I have found some problems with this build. They aren't game stoppers, and you all seem to be quite Civ competent, so they might not concern you.

They are:

Champion should cost 1 (not 2) and have -1HP (not 0)

Clans, shamans and pioneers should cost 5 (hardy) and 3 (normal) not 6/4.

Clear Forest should have no prerequisite, but it has Dynasticism. This affects the AI (slows them a bit), probably not you.

The tech rates should have been lowered, speeding up research.

Isak is usually quite meticulous, so I'm not sure what went wrong. Too much in a hurry, I expect. Sorry 'bout that. In any case, all these can be changed in the bix if you want to do that. I'll try to persuade the others to release a bix update asap.

You might not be too concerned about this, but I thought you should know.
I'll sit on it for a bit.

Sir Jethro will have to generate a new start with the new bix correct? Or can we all just make those changes ourselves?
no problem....i'll restart with the new patch.
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