Small Observations General Thread (things not worth separate threads)

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Contrary to the build from the antiquity stream, toponyms now remain the same in spite of age transitions. Hooray. :)
I noticed during the Antiquity stream, some river changed name when they loaded a further save, so this could also have to do with things discovered while playing after saving point A not named the same way as when discovered while playing from saving point A to saving point B. The very first Granary in Roma was also not placed on the same tile between the 2 first saves.
I think I saw such somewhere on these forums; that in Civ 7 no military units require specific resources. Is that true all around or for just, say, infantry? Because if horse based units do not need horses anymore, I find that incredibly lame LOL.

There are no units that I have seen that require particular resources.

It's conceivable that this may be different in the Modern Age, though I doubt it.

AS far as I underestood, we still have "strategic" resources, but they do not limit unit construction. They do, however, provide combat benefits to related units. So infantery strenght is increased with Iron availability and I guess somewhat similar may happen with horses and cavalry. In any case horses/iron were pretty common in previous civs to have continents devoid of a type of unit (if that is what initial quote meant by "simulating american civs"

Contrary to the build from the antiquity stream, toponyms now remain the same in spite of age transitions. Hooray
Seeing the volcano near Chalkidiki / Madrid appears during the livestreams as "Teide" I won't say it will be always the case. ¿Maybe they remain usually but change if you switch the city name to the new civ?

Seems it may be the case:

Near Chalkidiki (once renamed to Madrid):

And near Thebai, some turns earlier
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Dunno if we'd noticed that before, but in the exploration stream I noticed some diplomatic actions under the heading ESPIONAGE. Other headings were TREATIES and ENDEAVORS, but all the way down the scroll list were espionage options. So we have confirmation that it is back in the game.
Ugh, espionage... perhaps the most consistently terrible feature in Civilization.
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