• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

So whats a poster like you doin' in a place like this?


Aug 14, 2004
I personally rarely play Civ anymore, and I get the impression that some people here almost never played it at all. Others who did play the game no longer do, but still post here. So how did you get here? And more importantly, why did you stay?
You rarely find a forum as intelligent as this one. Interesting stuff pops up now and again.
I play about a game a month, mostly conquests. What am I doing here? It is cold outside and the other things you can do inside eventually become boring.
I think Perfection nailed, this place is heaven on cyber-space.
I play civ all the time. When I come here, it's when I don't have much else to do.
I play Civ very occasionally, mostly in SGs. I come to the forums more for NESes than for Civ.
I play civ very occasionally nowadays. I used to play it very often, though.
I don't currently play civ. However, I will be playing it all day and night without sleep, eating, or the toilet when TETurkhan finally gets 2.0 done.
My girlfriend knows abosolutely nothing of politics, and most of my friends either agree with me, or we already discussed everything to death.
I also like history, and the history forum is filled with clever people writing interesting stuff.
Finally, I want to know how and why people in other countries feel and think.

Oh, and sometimes Im just bored.
Was an addicted Civ1 player, continued with Civnet and ended with Civ3 v1.17. Then I left Civfanatics on-topic and returned to CFC when I got bored elsewhere. I paused for more than 2 years.
When I have free time at home, I'm often too tired to play civ.
OT doesn' require same amount of concentration as civ, so is far more suitable when only half awake. I do still play, some GOTMs and Team Peanut for SGOTM :)
Also when I can't be bothered to do what I'm supposed to be doing at work (like now) I sneak a visit here. Terrible habit really.
On another level I sometimes wonder if my alter ego is a teenage boy, and that's why feel at home here ;) Other than that I don't quite understand the facination. I'm well passed deabting religion and philosofy, I used to do that quite a lot in my teenage years way back when half of you lot were still in diapers. Who knows. Who cares :)
I still play civ occasionally, but for me the main attraction is the community and posting with people I (sorta) know or at least am familiar with, I used to be here rather rarely, I dropped in for the odd creationism vs evolutionism debate, and that was about it, most of my posting was on a still running board http://www.armadafleetcommand.com/afc/ because one of my favorite games of all time was Star Trek armada 1 & 2, but it got really slow on there forums and I got bored with the discussion a bit and needed a real replacement forum, which I found here and on the trekBBS board (being an avid Star Trek fan) thought I really have never got seriously into the discussion there like I do here, there almost everything is about trek, and even loving trek, there is only so much I can take.

and there offtopic is like a roudy bar, I mean the admins let almost everything go, threads like "Are all muslims evil" or "I hate america, how bout you?" are the norm, I mean there right are WAY right and there left are WAY left, and the forum is like no-mans-land between em' :)

So I settled here, a bit more studious forum of learning, and a little less bloody warzone (though things can get a little heated here too) ;)
I didn't play for a couple years after 9/11 as I was otherwise engaged. The GOTM got me back into it, though I'll now only play one game per month. When I have limited time or I'm done with my COTM then I come in here. I like the range of views and actual intelligent thought here, unlike some other forums I went to.
Used to play Civ2, but don't really have time anymore. I still come to OT from time to time though. That will end too as of tomorrow afternoon.:)
this a place to talk a little politics, and for some reason its very addictive

i first signed up to ask a question about which patch i should install, a month or so later i discovered the OT
I rarely play now, when I should be playing it non-stop day and night! :wallbash:

Probably 'cause I used up all the interest I had playing it practically nonstop. Flying Celestia may also be a factor.
I found this place before I ever played a Civ game. I dont really post here much but enjoy reading this forum and the World History one. There are a lot of clever people and you have much more mature discussions than most places on the internet!!

Oh and after finding this place I thought I ought to try this game that brought everyone else here. I bought Civ 3 and just couldnt get on with it and gave up pretty quickly. :D I am more of an action gamer than a strategy one (although I loved and still love Medieval: Total War for some reason!). :)
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