Somethin' wrong with the world today...

Flatlander Fox

Armed Cultural Consultant
Mar 5, 2001
Unemployment Line
If you change one thing in your life, what would it be?

I would eliminate my smoking habit.

(Without cravings, and pain-free of course) :D
hmmm, I always stay by the axiom: if I change anything in my life, then I am no longer me and I would not want to risk me...

On second thought,

I guess betting on the Patriots to win it all back when the season began wouldn't hurt too bad right now, would it? :)
Originally posted by Flatlander Fox
If you change one thing in your life, what would it be?

I would eliminate my smoking habit.

(Without cravings, and pain-free of course) :D

That's a good one right there. I have a friend that just found out she's pregnant and we were just talking about this 1/2 an hour ago.

Since I have zero will power, I need a good excuse like that to quit. That or get locked up in jail for a month or so. :lol:
I would like 5 minutes alone with the 4 punks that hung a little boy's dog in Alberta.

:mad: :mad: :confused: :confused:
Maybe just put me in a room with those Edmonton monsters as I try once again to quit smoking.

Things would get ugly FAST!
One thing that I would change in my life.....nothing much, maybe find a religion that I can believe in. That is what worries most lately. Or maybe come to grips with being non-religious but still believing in a God.....maybe not a perfect one, but more close to perfect then us, something to aspire to.
Very difficult if you don't practice some kind of religion.

But I believe in something (God?) but I am not sure how or in what capacity...

But I don't have any faith that there is a god. I just suspect that there is one.

As for religion, I despise it as a control measure.

And smoking, I need something to wallop me and make me quit. Perhaps a free X-Ray of my lungs would do the trick...;)
I would stop reading civfanatics so much and concentrate on getting some work done.
I'd like to have another go at the last 5 years, with knowledge of what stuff not to do wrong.

Short of that, its a toss up between being US President, or getting frighteningly fit.
I would eliminate all these colds, viruses, bacterial infections, head-aches and other nasty microbes (NOTE. This is not an all microbe bashing statement :D )

If I miss any more days off school, I may never catch up and I could fail my GCSE's!
I would arrange to have had wealthy parents so I wouldn't have to waste so much time working.
Originally posted by Flatlander Fox
If you change one thing in your life, what would it be?

I would eliminate my smoking habit.

(Without cravings, and pain-free of course)

Definetley go with that one!
[dance] :beer: [dance]
Originally posted by Magnus
hmmm, I always stay by the axiom: if I change anything in my life, then I am no longer me and I would not want to risk me...
Wow. There are actually people that believe that?! :eek:
That's very sad. I would hate to be like that.

But I'm not like that! For me change is always an opportunity to learn, and I'm passionate about learning.

At the moment I'm changing several things in my life. I'll mention just one: I'm losing weight. Last week I was 280 lbs. This week I'm 275. By the summer I'll be 235.
Correction: At the mometn, I wish we would have picked up one more seat at the election, and thus got government.:D
Originally posted by stormerne

Wow. There are actually people that believe that?! :eek:
That's very sad. I would hate to be like that.

You misunderstand me (and hold the pity, it makes you seem arrogant). I am saying I wouldn't change anything in my PAST, not the FUTURE. My life-plan is chaos anyway, which has its upsides and its downsides but its the path I have chosen, and its gotten me this far...
I would make my 1 year old history test again... :(

Some of you must remember that so I don't depress myself again by telling about it...
I'd like to have less trouble in learning for my study. :rolleyes: I never want to start studying, while I do find chemistry very interesting and fun. I'm lame.
I would change that I don't get annoyed about people's
ignorance and intolerance...

Hah! I wouldn't really want to change!


I have no flaws!!!
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