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SP now or MP later?


CFC Dinosaur
Retired Moderator
Oct 28, 2000
Tampere, Finland
Ok, everyone is now deeply depressed that we won't be able to play against/with each other in Civ3, but what would you rather want now:
Civ3 <u>without</u> multiplayer next <u>month</u>, or
Civ3 <u>with</u> multiplayer next <u>year</u>?

I mean, what would you like Firaxis to do: launch next month and give a free patch later on, or implement multiplayer and launch summer 2002?

I'm not much of a multiplayer fan myself, so I'll just buy it in november (or whatever release date there is in the Netherlands).

(This thread is intended as some sort of poll...)

<IMG SRC="http://home.hetnet.nl/~maartencl/images/Flags/Straland1.gif" border=0><IMG SRC="http://home.hetnet.nl/~maartencl/tmp/CivFanaticsMatrix.gif" border=0>member of staff: Game of the Month administrator & moderator.
Release now WITHOUT multiplayer. Most people dont play multi anyway.

Somewhere between war and diplomacy is the realm of the spy.- <FONT face="Script MT Bold">SpyCatcher34</FONT f>
Yup, let me at it next month. MP is just uninteresting 90% of the time. By the time I want to turn to MP it'll be there next year.
I'm definately voting for Firaxis to release Civ 3 next month. Nobody will be any good at it for the first few weeks (or perhaps months depending upon the difficulty) anyway.
Oh well, there are enough problems with the SP game as it is (i.e yellowish tone to screen shots, specific civ abilities, etc.). I just want an excellent SP civ3 to tide me over for about 4 months, and then I'll worry about forging into the netherworld of MP combat. <IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/hammer.gif" border=0>

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- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist fears this is true."
- James Branch Cabell
"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens."
- Jimi Hendrix
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his. "
- General George Patton (1885-1945)
"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."
- Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956)

[This message has been edited by rdwendt (edited September 09, 2001).]
SP in october... what bothers me- and a lot of others-is not that MP isnt coming for a while, but that I will probably have to pay extra for it. This would mean that the delay could be taken to mean a money making scheme- even though it's certainly a technical problem.

I say Firaxis promise to give us a free patch later. That, I think, would calm this debate and we could get back to the important task of guessing what the game will be like untill we get the game.
Ok, it's no secret that I would like Firaxis to release the game in Spring 2002 when everything is completed.

You guys should know that postponing the release date would also mean Firaxis would have more time to eliminate bugs, improve graphics, and make single player more fun. It's not just multiplayer that benefits. <IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/smile.gif" border=0>

Let's see what Firaxis has to say...

[This message has been edited by Thunderfall (edited September 09, 2001).]
Originally posted by Thunderfall:
You guys should know that postponing the release date would also mean Firaxis would have more time to eliminate bugs, improve graphics, and make single player more fun. It's not just multiplayer that benefits. <IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/smile.gif" border=0>
That's not the topic here. If they'd release it summer 2002, than there might be bugs in the multiplayer part of the game...
Originally posted by Thunderfall:
Let's see what Firaxis has to say...
Tomorrow, eh? I'm very curious!

<IMG SRC="http://home.hetnet.nl/~maartencl/images/Flags/Straland1.gif" border=0><IMG SRC="http://home.hetnet.nl/~maartencl/tmp/CivFanaticsMatrix.gif" border=0>member of staff: Game of the Month administrator & moderator.
I think everybody knows what I mean when I say I won't buy it untill I get MP...but I will play SP as soon as it comes out.

*wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more say no more.

<IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/image_uploads/goodbye3.jpg" border=0>
<FONT COLOR="blue">I don't get mad, I get stabby</FONT c>
Maybe the October SP release could have a coupon enclosed that will be redeemable for a free MP add-on CD when the bugs have been worked out. Simply bring the coupon to your local video game retailer and exchange it at the counter for the free CD. Sounds good to me. I can't wait until October, let alone next year!

[ September 13, 2001: Message edited by: shaglio ]

[ September 13, 2001: Message edited by: shaglio ]</p>
Release next month with or without MP.

Thunderfall, it is impossible to release a completely bug-free game even if it is postponed for three years. For Firaxis (and us) it will be a trade-off between perfection and time. And time is money...
Seems a shame that they would release an incomplete game. This day and age (as opposed to 36 months ago) all games should not only come complete with MP, but they should begin to even be geared that way.

I don't play the computer in chess to beat the computer. I play it to get better so I can truly whoop some booty. I certainly gain no satisfaction beating any ai.

If Firaxis will confirm that I won't have to fork over any extra cash next spring for MP, I'll grudgingly shell out now for the trey without it.

[ September 13, 2001: Message edited by: VoodooAce ]</p>
deffinitly next month with out multi. I probaly wouldn't play multi anyway, espeacially not when i first get the game and have no idea what i am doing

the sooner the better
I think there should still be room for single-player games and for games to be DESIGNED for single player. I take issue with the idea that *all* games should include MP and should be designed for MP. Yuck- I like to turn to the computer for a quick game of something stop when I want to resume when I want to and generally treat it like a slave- I find that convenient as I don't treat friends this way. Well, mostly...
Release the game now with single player.

Firaxis is a business(which many seem to forget) and delaying until after the christmas season would just be business suicide.
I want Single Player when it is ready. I can wait for Multiplayer; in fact, I probably wouldn't even miss it if they never released multiplayer. I've never played any version of Civ online.
I'm not buying SP at all.<br />I'm aware that many seem to prefer SP, and Thunderfall has the Games of the Month, which is good for them, but I personally have not one speck of interest in SP.

I would, and will, wait.

I also noticed that the question about MP in the interview was pretty much answered with a no answer.

[ September 14, 2001: Message edited by: SlowwHand ]</p>
SP now of MP then?<br />I'd say it depends. They should at least say if MP comes as a patch or as a add-on-cd or as a full-price-civIII-mp-edition. If it is a patch, then I'll definetly buy it ASAP, because.. well you know. But it all depends on how they are going to do it.

We will be happily playing CIV 2 MP until Civ 3 MP comes out!

Really no interest in SP...

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