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stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

To: Minoa
From: Portugal

This is what i had in mind. i understand that it is different from your map but i wanted access to the Mediterranean since i wouldnt be getting Gibralter. if you dont like it then tell me and we can keep working it out.
its attached below
okay, first, you need to make sure the picture is in a jpeg, or gif format, there ar eother it can be, but these are the most common, even though they will cut down on quality somtimes, for these maps, it dosetn matter

then you ned to upload the pic to the forum- do this by going down, past the reply box, and there will be a list of links abit above a banner advertisement- among these, you will see the link " Upload File" click on it

once you get the pop up when you click the link, you will see a series of empty blanks, beside them you will see a button for "browse" click on it, and get the picture, again in jpeg, or gif format once its name is in the blank, press "upload file"

your file is now uploaded- now you need to click on the link that says "veiw upload folder 7" on it, you will see a long list of pictures, near the top should be the picture you uploaded, click the right mouse button (not the left you would normally use) an dopen it in a new window- now copy and paste the address

now, go to this thred, and past the link, right before the link, put "

and that is th ebest way to put a picture in the thread that said, when I tried downloading you pic, it would not let me open it, so you really should follow the proceedure I have said :)
**SECRET** Orders:

Increase army.

Try to tame elephants again, with the best education in the world, we ought to succeed.

Attack Maurya as shown below:

The western attack (red) will strike to cut them off, and it will have 200 troops, along with any elephants we can muster.

The eastern attack (red) will strike across the river Ganges, with canoes as ferries, to attempt to surround them completely, with 100 men.

With troops on all sides, surrounded, and demoralized, 250 men will strike at their capital, right after these previous hammer-blows hurt and demoralize them.
To: Portugal
From: Minoa

Minoa wishes not to argue over the matter, but Minoa dose wish to remind portugal that the reason for its expansion into Iberia is to i[]soldify its position as the domiant power in the Mediterranean[/i]. to this end, Minoa is willing to seed some of its potential territory to you to ensure this, but as the domiant military nation (Minoa has 600 troops, and the number will be growing this turn) it dose entilte Minoa to some leeway in terms of what we get in the treaty, however, we wish onyl to befriend portugal as well, and to this end if need be, some more inland terrirtoy, in the south particularyet can be seeded to be reserved for Portugal, at least in Minoan claims to the area. that said this is the basic map of territory Minao is willing to seed (new seeded territory proposal is green)

GAH. I'm not having any luck with getting online for an extended amount of time, so no story for the moment... :(


1) Continue the Great Hattusas-Tarsus Road [3/4].

2) Continue sending aid to the Scythian tribe. Continue sending some agricultural experts to Scythia to help the people establish themselves quickly.

3) If the Scythians finish their war, begin sending settlers and traders through to the predetermined location. If they haven't, just ignore this order.

4) Increase the army.

Tomorrow morning at 4 I'm leaving for a crew regatta in Grand Rapids. I'll be back for the rest of the day and most of Saturday, so that means that update should come tonight or tomorrow morning. While I'm gone, do the orders and stories and what not, and if you haven't done orders yet, do them now while you still have the time.
To: Minoa
From: Portugal

sorry if i asked for too much land and i hope that you do now not look down upon me for doing so. i accept the green territory and i hope that we will be able to stay friendly in the future. do you still want to help each other with the barbarians? i sure hope that you still want to help me and vica-versa (by the way, i am looking foward to the trade route that we are going to start :) )
As king Lewis walked to the podium in front of the palace he said to the people, "today, we will send our finest soldiers of to fight the Iberian barbarians in order to protect our nation." The king had also planned to fight the barbarians so that his people would be able to live in peace.
-build army
-expand along the river
-build the settlement of "Madrid" along the river
grow economy
research viking ship
grow navy
expand territory
Tp: potugal
From: Minoa

Minoa will indeed continue on its pact with your antion about co-protection against the Iberian tribes, and is glad that we coudl come to an agreement on territorial claims
Continue to allow the Volks through the Russian territory (My God, wasn't expecting that!), guard them/against them with 80% of my army.
Continue Wonder
Increase economy
Expand a little to the east.
Worship the MOD for not punishing me for lack of stories/thread orders.
Have yourself a good time on Saturday.
Make me a hamburger.

Drink the "happy" punch
Rig Ravenna with explosives that were delivered by aliens
Minion, remember that list of stupid NES moves or how ever was it called? The above post should be added there in my opinion. LOL.
Update 11 - 2000 B.C.

The Portuguese agree to a perliminary treaty with Minoa and then turn to continue to expand in the areas designated to them. With an increased army expansions up the near by river are taken, and the city of Madrid is established at the end.

In Persia, the Persian wonder grows ever closer to completion. Architects predict it's construction will come within a few years. Meanwhile, small gains are made in Dubai.

For the hefty price of two economies, Egypt gains the chariot technology from Minoa. It's troops now considerably faster, the Nubian kingdom is crushed easily. The capital of Napata requires a bit of a siege, but even that is soon overrun. Back in Thebes the people celebrate, as Egypt is more powerful than it has ever been in it's history.

Casualties: 0 Egyptians, 100 Nubians

War erupts in the Indian subcontinent! The Harappans decide to flex their muscles against the small yet intellectual and sophisticated Delhi state. The Delhi armies are caught completely off guard and many die quickly. By the time a defense of Delhi itself is orginized, the Harappans had conquered most of the country itself. Meanwhile, the neighboring states begin fortifications on their Northern borders.

Casualties: 50 Harappans, 150 Delhians

Elsewhere in India the Calicutans decide to attack the Mauryans. The war is long and difficult as the Mauryans are considerably more powerful and trained in warfare than the people of Delhi. The Calicutans manage to cut off the capital after heavy losses, but not to actually capture it. Meanwhile, in Calicut itself, the elephant is domesticated for the first time.

Casualties: 150 Calicutans, 200 Mauryans

The Bactrian state comes to life. King Eucratides begins work on a temple of Bactra to the Bactrians many gods. In the meanwhile he also orders expansion in all directions. The people say that a state to the Southeast is in a state of war.

Sumer surrenders to Assyria and it's lands are split between the Sumerians and Assyrians. Angry that heir old allies are ocupying them, the Sumerians start revolts throughout the lower Mesopotamian region. The Assyrians get along well enough however, as those territories had surrendered themselves peacefully. Meanwhile, Assyria continues to expand elsewhere in the middle east.

In West Africa, the camel is domesticated for the first time there. Almohad warriors can now ride the steeds into battle, assuming they can provide the camel for themselves. For the time being, infantry do the trick. Expansions South have found a fair deal of fertile land while movements North have encountered warlike Numidian tribes.

In Hatti, the Hattusas-Tarsus road is almost completed, while great news comes from the Scythian front. The Scythian allies have established themselves enough that Hittite settlers are able to pass safely through to the other side. Back in Hattusas itself, catapults and battering rams are first though up of.

The Vikings settle down where they are and decide to merely expand their holdings South. The land in the South is far better than where they currently are, so most Vikings live there althoguh they haven't given up their original lands yet either. They still don't have a city, but are as advanced seafarers as any, with a special type of ship; the longboat. Meanwhile, the other Germanic tribes settle elsewhere in Scandanavia.

In Russia, the country is finally reunited after the dispersal of the Volk. The many years of weak communication have resulted in a few small rebellions in Russia, primarily around Novgorod. Meanwhile, Ivan's palace grows closer to completion while slight expansion east is undertaken.

And of course Minoa. Well after the Roman general went insane from solitude, the city fell quite easily and Minoa was once again prospering like usual. In Carthage, territory nearly doubles, and back in Knossos, the Ballista is invented. A small incursion is made agaainst the Numidians, establishing a colony on the other side of Gibraltar at a small loss of troops meanwhile. Meanwhile, 10 other men have died defending Gibraltar from an Iberian attack. Attempts are made to get the Celts to join Minoa, but after inactivity from the Crusaders and continually succesfull charges and taking back of territories, very few Celts do so. The Roman generals die and a diplomatic link with the Celts is lost forever.

Casualties: 175 Minoans, 115 Romans

And in the far east, China has finally finished off the tiny state of Wu after minor casualties. From the times of despair only a few hundred years ago, China is once again one of the most powerful nations in the world.

Casualties: 25 Chinese, 50 Wu




Minoa: to Hatti [1/3]

OOC none
The World - 2000 B.C.


  • -map-.gif
    83.8 KB · Views: 152
Finish Wonder
Try to equip soldiers with Iron weapons
Send 100 men to put down the rebellion
Continue expansion in Dubai
Send 150 men to invade Medes
Expand Economy

The war had been glorous- true it had cost many Minoan lives, and lives of men from its allies, but there was now no doubt to all the world- Minoa was to be the supreme power around the med sea, and its allies the supreme powers in there respective areas...

The Final seige of Ravenna had gone well enough, slow becauseof a Minao lack of siege weapons, meaning that teh seige itself was one of reducement; bascally establish a defendable perimiter around Ravenna, and waiting, while launchin the occasional sortie to raid and pilage and try to inflitrate, and generally raise hell in and around the city of Ravenna...

It was with these types of sorties that the two champions each others forces, heros to their peoples both met upon the battle feild, on the Minoa side, it was the mighty Prince Hector of Troy, born in Troy, of the Royal heritage and Etruscan blood, trianed from brith to be all that a Minoan ruler should be, and he met the image perfectlly.

The Roman Champion as well was th epicture of what a Roman noble, he too a prince, the young and wiley Rhesus, he picture of what was admireable about the Romans, the two personas clashed upon the battle feild, it was imple enough, both sides were launching a sortie to the others fortifacations, and they met, by surprise, in the middle- at first neither side was very obliged to make a move on the other, more concerned as both were at rahcing the enymy fortifactions, even encourged, as men out on sorties ment less defenders at home, and each confident as they were in ther own defenders abilities to hold thier home position.

It was then that each other saw the make of each others tunic, the Imperial Blue and Gold of the Minoan Empire, and the blood red of Rome royalty, and the fates made it known that day that the rest of the war was to be dedicded on the fate of a single combat.

The comabt startes simply enough, both sides made no charge, but merelly walked up to one another, greetying each other in a rather warm fashion, while the two princes of the rival empires went and talekd amougnst them selves, getting to know, in some unseeminglly, unknowinglly morbid fashion the man eachother expected to kill...

it was severla hours after the mourning encounter had passed, msot of the chatter between the sides had died down, best not to get friendlly with the opposition in the midlle of a war after all, for at any moment thier prince may have to call upon them to have to kill the man they had just befriended, it was then thatthe princes made thier intentions known- there would be no battle between thier forces today, nor tomorrow, instead the rest of today would be used ot preapre, and the next day would come a mighty battle, not of the forces, but of the two princes themselves wuld be the ones to ingage in combat, as the prince of Minoa said;

"How unfair it is, that you, the loyal and brave people of minoa shoudl have to fight on my behalf, and while I, and ther amoung the great houses do battle here as well, that the bulk of the fighting shoudl fall upon you, no let the next day bring a reverse in these forutnes, and let it be me, of the greatest hous ein Minoa to do the fighting, to let the blame, or honour for victory or defeat go about on my shoulders, and let yours be sapred the burden fo your captians wrath for a day."

It was thus decided, and the pact made true by oaths and libations, that on the next day, on the noon hour, the two were to meet in battle.

The next day, was oddlly cheerey for the solomn day it was,the sun bright and shineing, yet each sides most favorite son was out to go to the feild of battle alone, and fight for the honour of thier nation, the spirit of each side was to be decided that day, who would have the spirit to win, and who would be doomed to dismal defeat.

They met soundlly enough, even clasping hands as show of friendship rather then animosity, the orince of Minoa remarking "If you were the prince of any other any other nation, i could have befriended you..", and prince of Rome quipping back "And if you sir, were the prince of any other nation, I would not have to kill you on this day."

it was thus decided, after a period of warming up, and assuring thier spirits of what they must do, the each, near simotaneouslly, gave a vengful howl, eachsides forces lookign on from thier respective battlement, cheering thier hero, and booing that of thier enemy, each side willing to charge out at thier princes first sign of trouble, his first sign that he was in trouble; in need, but each side knew that they coudl not interfere in this battle.

It was Rhesus who made the first lunge, Hector, simply shfitng his position to dodge the attacker, who, without the barrier of flesh and armor he was expecting to hit, greatlly overstepped his intention, and leaving him unguarded and exposed for a few briefe moment, a moment, which, if the Minoan had choose to, could have ended the battle right there, but such a tactic was not to be used him, he wished to see the Roman prince fight better and gain better honour for himself and his nation before he, like that nation he represented, was vanquished.

Now it was the Minoans turn to attack, with an unorthadox move, to the Romans at least, he used his sheild as a weapon, and used to ram, and putting his weight behind it, ram into and force the enemy onto the gorund, to unnerve and unsettle him, needless to say, the Roman, caught unawares and by surprise by this feat, was knowcked of his feet, wild eyed and bewildered at just what was happening in the few seconds it took to happen, once he figured it out, he grew furious at the Minoan, "How dare the Minoan, the callouse invader of his land humilate him like that, how dare he!" and wtha vengful lust he charged, the melee that followed was fast past and furious, dogdes parries, thrusts, cuts, slahses, and the occasional nick and cut to each prince came and went, the two sides seeminglly matched to combat and duel with eachother forever, and eventually, it all came to the fates, or the will of the gods as who would win on that day, for the indomitable hecotr thrust his sheild, and at the same moment, the Roman prince, for once, was just barelly to slow, and the force of the blow was felt full on into his body, to strong, and forcefully concetrates for his armor to block, the sword inbedding itself deep within its new host, th elook of show and surprise coming over the Roman was obvious, his nation was that of proud warriors, once the master of thier lands, and slated to become great, reduced by that of the Minoans the sad lonelly citadel that the were, no curses came from Rhesus, but the look of saddness was obvious upon his eyes as he, in seeming slowness beyond that of normal reckoning, hit the ground.

with that, a great cheer rose up from amoung the Minoan host, as they saw whos crest it was the stood tall and proud upon the heml of its wearer,the mighty hector, looking away from his fallen foe lifitng hsi arms, more remorsefully perhaps then he mighjt have dione usually to share in the reveallry of his troops.

the seigeof ravenna did not last long after, the Kin gof Rome went mad, and the people of the citidel was ocursedlly depprsesed, few sorties came out, and, but a week after the fateful battle, the Minoans came, in full and bloddy force, and wrecked havoc upon the soldires of the last bastion of the king of Rome, and by the next day, there was question no more at whom was the new master of Italy.
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