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stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

this was my first big story in any NES, so any coment or critisczations are welcome
To: Hatti
From: Minoa


Minoa is sorry for the continue delay in our phoncian expansion plans, but the situation in Iberia agaisnt the native tribes dictates that Minoa needs to send proper military forces to end the barbaerous Iberian tribes from marching on the minoan colony there (not to mention, ti would be wise for minao to build up economy a bit before starting a new war, so that Minoa can get more troops if needed)
create new uu.
Crusader Priest- increases the faith in battle soldiers are and converts other tribes easier.
Try to domesticate and larn to ride horses
cease attacks on Celts and keep friendly relations with foreing tribes try o convert as many as possible
Aaminion, i'm back from vacation early

Chinese Orders

start wonder Chinese Imperial Might(+300 men, +10 galleys)
increase economy
expand in all directions
OOC: Remeber to send in your orders for the Old Empires NES, alex.:)

Glad to see you back!:goodjob:
got pM, sent PM back ;) (you asked for aknowldgement in it afte rall)
OOC: Anyone has any idea how did Sumeria got divided between Assyria and Sumeria and then rebelled against Sumeria angry at their old Sumerian allies occupying them? ROFLOL.

Xen, the story and the picture are good, though my advice is checking for typos before posting and capital letters should be used at the beginnings of the sentances - much more easier to read. Though the idea itself is very good.

Amen, you seem to lack in economy (only 1 econ. point). My advise would be to grow economy if you re not growing anything else anyway.


Sumeria has been subjugated. Only one battle took place, and already Sumeria was no more and Assyria was an empire. Naplash wanted to increase it farther, and his eyes turned to the east, to his Persian allies and to the kingdom of Medes. But it was too early. Again, he looked on the map brought to him by Tigur, the finest map of the known world - this time, he looked on the west. The wealthy Phoenicians... but they were in good relations with Hittites. And then he saw two more kingdoms. Judea - refuges from Sumeria. Imperians, once a great empire. But they were fanatics, and would ruthlessly fight. No, again it was too early. And then he looked towards Medes again...


From: Assyria
To: Persia

There is an empire north from you - Medes. It is a threat to both you and I. I propose you an alliance against them, so their empire never grows, to attack them (next turn). Do you agree?

Orders (edited):

- Grow army.
- Reequip all of the army with iron weapons.
- 200 men are to prepare on the border with Medea.
- 200 other men are to invade the Arabian Desert and fight against the barbarians there.
- Continue wonder (4/5)
- Place the city of Khirashma on the Caspian Sea coast (needed for my next story).
- New 50 men are to march into Persian Sumeria and help Persians restore order there.
From Persia
To Assyria

You read my mind. :D
From: Assyria
To: Persia

Excellent. We should have enough forces to defeat the Medean army. After/if we win, I take the northern half, you take the southern one. Agreeable?

Oh, and you need any help with that Sumerian rebellion in your lands?
Egyptian Orders:
-grow army with 3 econ's
-send 100 troops to expand south on teh nile, establsih a city as far south as they get
-send 400 to expand to the coast of the red sea again establish a city on the coast
-start wonder grand Nile transport Network(a great network of boats and canals that transport people throughout egypt using the Nile) +4 economy
(do I have use of chariots yet?)

Egypt was at a crossroads. The population of Egypt had greatly expanded with her military conquests. It was now a great empire along the Nile. It was no wonder that the Nile was so important to people in Egypt. It provided them with food. It was about to become even more important

The Pharaoe of Egypt was having a meeting with a group of fisherman and boat manufacturures. He was asking about the fesability of a huge system of ships to bring people up and down the nile. They said that this would be possible, but would take some serious work. This grand work would cause a huge boost in the Egyptian economy. It would be a very grandwork.
From Persia
To Assyria

We agree. And yes, if you could send an extra 50 men to help put down the rebels, we would be most obliged.
From: Assyria
To: Persia

They are on their way.
After the Volk crossed the lands of the Russians, they entered a region called polyî, which means open land in the slavic language. Some tribes of the Volk wanted to stay here while others wanted to go further west. A tribal concile should choose a direction. But since the Shamans wanted to ask the gods for an advise too, the Volk would have to wait several months for a suitable starry sky. One of the tribes didn´t want to wait. The Alamanni, one of the biggest and bravest tribes of the Volk, wanted to go west immidieatly. Under their Chieftain Chonodomarius they left polyî and entered the vaste woods of the western lands.

They traveled the lands rapidly until they were halted by a great river. The water was crystal clear and the Alemanni called the river The Rhein because of they had never seen such a rein water, which mean clear in volkish. Several days passed while the scouts searched for a passable ford, but they didn´t found any. Chonodomarius decided to travel south along the river, since his seer had told him of fresh wollows which the Alemanni could settle. Several days passed until the Alemanni were halted by the foothills of a gigantic mountain chain. They settled between the mountains and the river and Chonodomarius built the city of Stuttgart in the Neckarvalley, which would become the new capital of Allemania - the land of the Alemanni.

Nation: Alemannia
Ruler: Chieftain Chonodomarius
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: 3
Army: 100 men
Navy: none
Religion: Germanic Mythology
Education: Barbaric

-grow army
-settle Alemannia

The image above pictures a Russian army march to the suburbs of Novogrod to quell rebellions

Josef looked around the corner, only his head peering out from the side of the stone house. His bow in hand, the well-built Russian with his brown leather armor around his torso and small iron shield leaned up against the stone looked for another victim. For three months the small village of Smezni had been under siege, the militant Novogrod separatists holding the village earnestly, intent on not giving up. The Moscow Army, famous for it’s general, Josef Yeslitzky, and it’s amazing work in the Baltic Wars, was called upon by King Ivan XX to quell the rebellions with force if necessary. The Moscow men were now in the most intense city in all of Russia, fighting within the streets the rebels who had just given up the siege and relied now on delivering heavy casualties to the Russians.

However, Josef would not have it. Looking to the right, Josef observed the rapid bursts of steam from his closest pal and lieutenant’s mouth, Alec Talin. His roughly shaven face was pale with fear, the shadows under his eyes seemed to consume his face. However, his eyes showed the fortitude of serving his King and country, and for upholding the status of the Moscow Army. Finally meeting Josef’s stare, he nodded in readiness. Grabbing his own sword, he let out a frightening “Now!” and burst around the corner.

Standing up and facing the enemy, Josef let out arrow after arrow in covering fire for Alec as he ran, crouching his head, to where the enemies hide behind several stacks of yellow hay. Demonstrating his brilliant skill with the blade, Alec fought in close combat with only two of the seven rebels who were hidden before either ripping through the gut or slicing the neck for the head to roll off. Watching in awe as his companion laid waste to seven well-trained swordsmen, Josef failed to realize he was being watched from atop a thatched roof, just ten or so yards away. Stringing the arrow into the bow in a ready position, the assassin slowly aimed for the back of the neck. Only when a woman yelled from the opposite window that Josef was about to be struck did he turn to meet the arrow in midair and duck in time for it to shoot right by.

Upset and full of anger with himself for being so blind, he quickly and easily let loose three arrows that pierced the heart of the rebel, and watched him fall from the roof to the floor with an eerie thump.


“Sire, Josef fairs well in Novogrod, it is already reported that the rebels have been destroyed and that the province is again loyal to you, my liege.” A squire informed Ivan. Sitting at his table, stuffing his face with anything from Volkish hog to the rare apples found only in the Moscow market, the King nodded his head when hearing the good news. He was obviously not attentive and had more urgent matters to asses to that lay upon the table in front of him.

After waiting nearly a half hour, watching his King eat endlessly from the table in front of him, the squire finally spoke, “And my majesty, what would you have the Moscow Army do now?”

“Hmm? Ah, yes, the army. Have them explore…err…something. You know” He replied, waving his hand to dismiss the inconvenience of managing the nation. Sighing silently to himself, the squire bowed and walked towards the end of the hall where he would exit the Royal Quarters. Emerging into the bitter cold of the Moscow winter evening, the squire pulled on his leather coat tighter to his body so to preserver as much heat as he could. Despite the chilling weather, the populace of Moscow was as busy as ever near sunset. The marketplace was the place to be at all times in Moscow, selling rare foods and commodities brought by the lucky merchants who happen to survive the trip to far away and foreign nations.

The squire, known as Felipe Satoriga, was the official squire for the king, and wore the Mark of the Crown upon his coat. He began to walk down into the streets, descending a pattern of nearly a hundred stone steps that led from the commoner streets below to the palace of the king. As he materialized with the common populace in the streets, people began to move out of his way when they saw the Mark, whispering to their friends and family they were with that Felipe was evil. Not much love was around the villages of Moscow for the new King, and frankly Felipe could not agree with them more. The King, they would argue, is a better commoner then a royal. All he does is sit at his throne, eating, sexing, or yelling to someone to bring him one of the latter. He has done nothing but make the nation worse.

However, there was promise, Felipe knew. Passing an artist stand, he caught glimpse of a painting of the young Prince of Petersburg. The painting captured the young Ivan in his innocent years as a toddler, playing in the snow. Picking up the picture, he studied the eyes and realized they were dead on. Slowly lowering the painting back to the stand, he brought his eyes to meet with the hopeful eyes of the painter.

“Ah you like? Fifty rubels!” he explained, waving his arms to incite enthusiasm. But Felipe had something else on mind.

“You have met with the young prince, yes?” he asked, eyeing the painter suspiciously.

“Well,” he began, but catching a quick glimpse of the Mark, he cleared his throat and looked to have completely gone lax. “Well, good sir, I have only seen him in other’s paintings. No, I have never seen him in reality, sir. Never.” He repeated, intent on implying that he did not know the child. Taking one last look, Felipe turned away and continued on his way to the stable.

Thinking back to the days of day care when he watched over the King’s son. Now the son was nearly seventeen, with a brain fully independent of his father; a success for Felipe. Yes, he knew, good times are just a death away…

Continue wonder.
Crush rebellion with the Moscow Army, led by general Josef (500 men).
After the rebellion is crushed, continue to expand to the east.
100 men each are to expand south and north. Do not go more north then the current borderlands north of Petersburg.
Increase army 2 times.
Upgrade army to iron age (if this is not needed, increase army a third time).
New army is to occupy homeland.
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