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Tea Party reveals its true face

I'm tired of paying high taxes. I guess I'm just selfish and unreasonable.

The high tax on beer is really a ball buster!!!
I didn't think so.

Why not? That's the correct definition. The guy who wrote the article I commented on is described as a neocon. And he was wrong in the article. No one who has seriously looked at the financial crisis thinks that CRA or F&F, programs that ran for decades with no problems, suddenly brought global capitalism to a state of collapse. So the guy took a political lie and ran with it.
I hate to tell you this then but a VAT is coming your way as well.

I hope not; but it wouldn't surprise me. Somebody has to pay for all of the government waste.
No, it isn't the correct definition of a Neocon.

How not? They make stuff up and then attack anyone who doesn't conform to their fictional world view. There is probably no group more completely divorced from reality.
How not? They make stuff up and then attack anyone who doesn't conform to their fictional world view.
You seem dangerously close to describing a Congressional Democrat atm (small j/k) but no closer to giving a cogent definition of a neocon. Here's a hint it doesn't really mean w/e Cutlass and people he agrees with dislike.
You seem dangerously close to describing a Congressional Democrat atm (small j/k) but no closer to giving a cogent definition of a neocon. Here's a hint it doesn't really mean w/e Cutlass and people he agrees with dislike.

And where can you point to them being right? They got their big start making things up about the Soviet Union. They haven't changed since.
I'm not sure if "always wrong" is the entirety of the definition of "neoconservative;" I think it's a necessary but not sufficient element. No definition of "neoconservative" is complete without acknowledging that they're always wrong about everything -- communism in Indochina (we lost, and nothing they predicted happened), communism in Central America (the Sandinistas took power, and nothing they predicted happened), the strength of the Soviet Union in the 1980s (it collapsed), the Iraq War (do I really have to say anything?), &c. For a complete definition, you'd have to include stuff about their anti-communist origins, interventionist foreign policy, and support for terrorism in furtherance of that interventionist foreign policy.

But whatever their position is on an issue, you start with the premise that they're wrong. Their track record really doesn't allow for any other interpretive approach.

It has nothing to do with the validity of the theory of Neoconservatism or lack of it. It has to do with you simply being wrong.
Aparently 6% of Total US mortgages caused a worldwide finacial collapse.
Lehmen brothers cooking the books to a tune of $50 Billion had nothing to do with that whatsoever.

I am pretty sure 50 billion dollars did not cause the crisis either.
I am pretty sure 50 billion dollars did not cause the crisis either.

If that 50 billion dollars is what would be responsible for Lehman brothers collapsing, then yeah, it probably is.
I'm not sure if "always wrong" is the entirety of the definition of "neoconservative;" I think it's a necessary but not sufficient element. No definition of "neoconservative" is complete without acknowledging that they're always wrong about everything -- communism in Indochina (we lost, and nothing they predicted happened), communism in Central America (the Sandinistas took power, and nothing they predicted happened), the strength of the Soviet Union in the 1980s (it collapsed), the Iraq War (do I really have to say anything?), &c. For a complete definition, you'd have to include stuff about their anti-communist origins, interventionist foreign policy, and support for terrorism in furtherance of that interventionist foreign policy.

But whatever their position is on an issue, you start with the premise that they're wrong. Their track record really doesn't allow for any other interpretive approach.


I don't think you know what a "neo-conservative" is. They're not the ones who argued for war in Vietnam.

Your talk about their "anti-communist orgins" is particularly clueless. The Neocons were in fact communists, of the trotskyist kind. In fact there are still traces of their old trotskyism in their foreign policy.

For several reasons they broke with the Left, but that's where they came from.
If that 50 billion dollars is what would be responsible for Lehman brothers collapsing, then yeah, it probably is.

I don't even know what 50 billions he is talking about, and I doubt it is what caused Lehman to collapse. And no, Lehman is not what brought down the whole global economy. It did not cause the crisis anymore than Gavrilo Princips caused the Great War.
I don't even know what 50 billions he is talking about, and I doubt it is what caused Lehman to collapse. And no, Lehman is not what brought down the whole global economy. It did not cause the crisis anymore than Gavrilo Princips caused the Great War.

From my understanding, they would not be the principal cause, however their dropping dead would cause a domino effect.
From my understanding, they would not be the principal cause, however their dropping dead would cause a domino effect.

It would happen anyway, perhaps a little later. It's extremely silly to think that if Lehman had been saved one way or another no crisis would have happened. It is even sillier to think that those 50 bi (and again, I have no idea what he is talking about) could cause what is being called the Great Recession.
I don't really see how that could be. The Democrats are deeply flawed. I'll grant that. However, these tea-partiers range from evil to deranged to just irresponsible. I haven't seen anything of them yet that isn't a disaster.
Well they've come around to the notion (which has been true since at least 1981) that republicans have abandoned fiscal conservatives to pursue neoliberal economic policies. I don't see a lot of intellectual horsepower coming from their camp, and won't expect any soon given who they chose to chair their big national meeting. I would love to see a truly liberal counterpart to the tea party movement - one that recognizes this health care bill is really just a suit of the emperor's new clothes. Liberals should be up in arms over this joke legislation, which goes far enough to piss off the right, but not far enough to actually solve the problems it set out to solve. The truly liberal members of congress (I think there are about 15 total) who backed down and voted for this crap are spineless cowards, willing to cave into the system to maintain campaign funding from a party that has abandoned liberalism for neo-liberal economic policies. Choosing between a republican and a democrat is like choosing whether the guy raping you is going to use a condom.
"Oh no we're not racist because we're against his policies not his skin colour" "Shows picture of Obama as a monkey/tribal savage whilst calling black politicians the N-Word"
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