I would like to formally join this team and give me an extra special ceremony please.
Is the team name settled? When we ask for private fora, it's a little inconvenient to the admins to have to rename them.
I would say yes... since no one has complained, and anyway I've got a lot of time invested in the whole theme:p... Speaking of which...

I would like to formally join this team and give me an extra special ceremony please.

Instead of waiting for the end of the ceremony... Diana arrives at the beginning to give a special scolding to our newest AMAZON... With a stern look, and hands on her hips, she says...
"What took you so long remake20?"​

"Anyway":rolleyes:... Diana continues... obviously still a little annoyed... "I invited a couple of my most powerful and talented AMAZON friends to perform a special fire-show to welcome you... instead of our usual fireworks"

Following a brilliant display of flame-juggling and other fire-related hijinx, the AMAZONs put on a concert:

AND THEN... we drink... :cheers:

At the end of the festivities... a much more inebriated, and slightly more friendly Diana approaches you and says... "Oh yeah... hic:blush:... yerr-rophish- over thur, over thur... hic:blush:... inna box...

She smiles warmly and pats you on the back...:) Welcome to AMAZON!
Is the team name settled? When we ask for private fora, it's a little inconvenient to the admins to have to rename them.

The name stays, we won't risk princes Diana losing interest... :D

I would like to formally join this team and give me an extra special ceremony please.

Welcome to the team, remake20! :goodjob:
I can do back-up turn playing. And is there any other team news I should know?
hey, first class noob here. id really like to be on this team, but im not very good. still, i think i could learn a lot.
id really like to be on this team
The AMAZONs all know the routine by now... and what a great routine it is... Out come the kegs! Bring out the music! :band: We welcome link16 to the AMAZON nation!:goodjob:

First... the party:

Then... the show:


And finally...Diana:

Take your golden rope and enter the ranks of AMAZON!​
It may be easier in the opening post if you put the people signed up in order up to down instead of left to right. It's kiind of hard to read the way it is now.
That sounds like my kind of team :D

That sounds exactly like my kind of team too, but alas, it wasn't made...

That's why I'm joining the Amazons instead! :cool:

EDIT: I play on Warlord difficulty, so don't expect me to be doing turn-playing.
If you guys haven't already started the Pitboss, I would like to be part of it. If you have then I'll just join the next one.
I'm in this game for the experience: I've never played a multiplayer Civ game in my life and I thought this would be a good way to learn some things.
That's why I'm joining the Amazons instead! :cool:

Welcome to the newest AMAZON... Gingi:D

First things first... We throw you a [party] with :beer: and a :band: :rockon:

Followed by the iconic AMAZON fireworks show:


Last but not least... Diana annoints you with your golden rope:

Another AMAZON is born!:goodjob:

Does anyone know when we're getting our private forum set up?

Also, Sommerswerd, don't you ever get bored rewriting that entire "welcome to the Amazons" thing 10 times?
Does anyone know when we're getting our private forum set up?
The private forums are coming soon... I think the admins are trying to wait until all the teams have a certain number of players... Just a guess.

don't you ever get bored rewriting that entire "welcome to the Amazons" thing
Never! ALL AMAZONS ARE EQUAL! And thus All are entitled to an excessively elaborate and totally uneccessary welcome ceremony:D

They are actually quite fun to put together and i don't mind at all... I actually look forward to welcoming each new AMAZON and trying to make each welcome a little different:)

This is just a taste of what this team will be about. EVERYONE is important, EVERYONE is worth the time, and we will have maximum fun on this team!:goodjob:
Hi guys, I'd like to join this team if you still have room. I saw that TheMeInTeam is on this team and after having spent a ridiculous amount of hours watching his videos on youtube and learning a bunch, thought this might be just as good in improving my gameplay. Looking forward to this!
glad to be here. a major selling point for me was seeing themeinteam here. unfortunately, im not so good seeing as i only play on prince, but ill help out whenever and however i can. i think thisll help me get a lot better
I'd like to join this team if it's not full yet. I'm a noble/prince player but I don't have any multiplayer experience. I don't know how useful I'd be, but I'll input my suggestions where I can. I think it'd be a good learning experience, plus this team looks well-organized, and it looks like a lot of fun.
Hello, Id like to join if its ok. Haven't been playing much multiplayer but this sounds like a fun way to play the game. I usually play single games on prince/monarch, but I guess its a whole different game on multiplayer.. Anyway, I promise Ill do my best to spam votes since it looks like its going to be a poll or two, and Ill try to be part of discussions and stuff if I happen come up with some evul plan or something.
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