The Forgotten Tribes: Join the project or suggest ideas!

Just checking on this thread, very cool project you all have up here! I am just going to post the civs I came up with for 3 Native American Civs.

I am going to bookmark this thread, very cool project!
So these are the rough designs for 3 possible civs below here:

Civilization: Seminole
Leader: Coeehajo

UA: People of the Swamps
Mangrove and Marsh tiles cost 1 movement point. There is a 25% chance that any enemy unit on a marsh or mangrove tile within your territory will defect to your empire. Workers can rebuild marshes.

Unique Improvement: Chikees: +3 food and +2 gold. Can only be constructed on Marsh or mangrove tiles.

UU: Maroons: (Replaces Crossbowman) +50% Defensive bonus in marshes, Unit may attack twice in marshes. When fortified on a tile, tile produces +1 gold and unit costs no maintenance. (360 production) Ranged Strength 10, (-2) Strength: 9 (+3). May Melee Attack

*Note* workers can only rebuild marshes on grassland/river tiles. Takes 10 turns to rebuild.

Civilization: Chachapoya
Leader: Blas Valera

Unique Ability: People of the Clouds
Units may move through/onto Mountains. (Enemy units can not attack your units in Mountains. You may not attack enemy units with range from mountains, but you may attack with melee from mountains) Jungles provide + 1 production.

Unique Building: Peri Chullpas Unique Improvement. May be built on mountains. Provides +2 Food, +2 science, +2 Production in Mountains. For every unit killed next to this tile the plot will provide +1 culture (maxes out at 4).

Unique Unit: Chachapoyan Macescout, Replaces Spearman. Starts with promotion (+40% Defensive bonus vs non-iron melee units) Loses Bonus vs Mounted units.

Possible cities:
Kuelap, Revash, Huancas, Purun Llacta, Yalape, Olan, Leymebamba, Chilchos, Gran Vilaya, Condors Lagoon, Congona, Jalca Grande, Macro, Yamon, Rentama, Iyacyecuj, Meseta.

Clarifications: Cities can not be built on mountains. Mountains comes with a base +1 production. Mountains only cost one movement point to cross through.

Possible strategies with this ability: Station troops in mountains so they cant be overwhelmed in a rush. Mounted units/melee units can engage in hit and run defensive combat, hitting a unit and then retreating to the mountains. Chullpas add to hit and run strategy and promote it by trying to have units die die near mountains. Other strategies include moving troops into enemy territory in mountains. Acts as constant harrassing threat making your enemy want to take a more defensive stance. Any opponent who has you to deal with and mountains near or in their borders, may think twice about warring you.

The most people know about the Chachapoya is probably the initial scene from Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark

Info on Chachapoya: - Agriculture, some ruins info - Model of Chachapoya cities and some magnificent buildings/statues. - Some great details on Chachapoyan mummies - Info on a good book concerning them

Some of the most amazing finds lately in the Andes have been Chachapoyan (cities, tombs, etc) and amazing things have been found (for example herbs that can only be found on specific pacific islands) suggesting perhaps trade on direct knowledge of some of these small pacific islands.

Comanche info:
Extent of control, power, territory of Comanche
Timeline of Comanche History Timeline.htm

Civilization: Comancheria
Leader: Quanah Parker

Unique Ability: Comanche MoonEvery unit killed gives a set amount of gold (Stacks with Honor abilities). Pillaging a luxury resource gives you that luxury's bonuses for a set period of time or until resource is fixed.

Unique Building: River Camp (replaces Stable): +20% (+5%) Mounted unit production, Mounted units start with 15 exp (+15), Pastures provide +1 Production and +10% Defense bonuses.

Unique Unit: Comanche Raider (Replaces Horseman) 11 str (-1) , +5 (+1) movement. Promotion Tu Motso: Every strategic resource pillaged adds +1 strength to your units who use that resource for up to 35 turns (or if the resource is fixed)
Well, sorry to dissapoint you, but the main author of this mod (Sinni) dissapeared.
However, there is another mod (see sig) that has similar (expanded and less overwhelming) goals (Terra Novus), if you are interested.
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