The history of the Radioactive Monkey

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Quite unfamiliar
Retired Moderator
Aug 3, 2005
Near Cornwall
Question about the compulsory radioactive monkey option in polls.

I'm new here, where did this come from. Is it recent or as old as this millenium itself?
Pontiuth Pilate seems to have something to do with it.

I also think cgannon invented the Sexual Harrasment Panda.
It is a symbol representing OT's three most active debates: Radioactive, representing pollution, environmentalism, and global warming issues, and Monkey, representing either Darwinism/creationism and the existence of God, or George W. Bush and his foreign policy. :)

Or maybe Pontiuth Pilate just pulled it out of his butt, dunno. I like to think the first one, though.
Aphex_Twin said:
I also think cgannon invented the Sexual Harrasment Panda.
That was south park! He also worked as the dont sue people panda. :)
I submitted a brief wikipedia article on the radioactive monkey, but alas it got removed. :(
Aphex_Twin said:
I also think cgannon invented the Sexual Harrasment Panda.

cgannon may have started using the Sexual Harrasment Panda here on CFC, but he is far from it's creator.
The radioactive monkey was a chimp being used as a test animal in a government lab. One day, some PETA activists broke into the lab to free him, but one of them tripped, and knocked a vat of radioactive Spam into his cage. Moments after consuming the radioactive Spam, the chimp gained superhuman strength and intelligence. He broke out of his cage, killed and ate the PETA activists, and has been on the run ever since. He's being chased by men in black who work for super secret, off budget, black government agencies. Rumor has it that he long ago built his own spacecraft and escaped to the Moon, but this has never been substantiated.
The Last Conformist said:
I'm fairly certain it was Mr President that invented the Giant Radioactive Monkey.
MrPresident most definetely introduced it here. If he really invented it is a different matter, there's one in a Simpsons episode, I think.
Bozo Erectus said:
The radioactive monkey was a chimp being used as a test animal in a government lab. One day, some PETA activists broke into the lab to free him, but one of them tripped, and knocked a vat of radioactive Spam into his cage. Moments after consuming the radioactive Spam, the chimp gained superhuman strength and intelligence. He broke out of his cage, killed and ate the PETA activists, and has been on the run ever since. He's being chased by men in black who work for super secret, off budget, black government agencies. Rumor has it that he long ago built his own spacecraft and escaped to the Moon, but this has never been substantiated.
I don't think Perfection would take too kindly to being called a chimp. Let alone one being held for testing in a lab. But then maybe your account sheds some light on his Pentagon obsession...:hmm:
Ram... back from the brink? :D
I always thought it was Mr. President; but it was before my time

EDIT: a quick serach revealed the first use of the words giant, radioactive and monkey in the same sentance was Mr. President on page two of this thread of late november 2002; alrthough thenphrase was "gaint radioactive killing monkey"

a bit later (here, on page two) the phrase was first used in its current form, again,by Mr. President.

The First use of the great monkey in a poll, was again by Mr. President here.

So it seems the Monkey was entirely due to Mr. President

EDIT2: the first use of Giant Radiozactive monkey by someone other than Mr. President is by Nixon here

The First and only recorded use by Pontith Pilate is here one and a half years later
Hitro said:
MrPresident most definetely introduced it here. If he really invented it is a different matter, there's one in a Simpsons episode, I think.
Yes, on a police informant tape Ned Flanders says that Homer released a Radioactive Ape into his house, and that it took over most of the top floor.
How does a monkey become irradiated to begin with? A live nuclear test subject perhaps?

Wouldn't acute exposure to ionizing radiation lead to a slow and gruesome death for the poor creature? How can you people condone such horrible things against animals!

You all make me sick! I spit at you! **achhhh spht**
Bugfatty300 said:
How does a monkey become irradiated to begin with? A live nuclear test subject perhaps?

Wouldn't acute exposure to ionizing radiation lead to a slow and gruesome death for the poor creature? How can you people condone such horrible things against animals!

You all make me sick! I spit at you! **achhhh spht**
Who said he condones it. Every vote for the monkey saves one square centimeter of rain forest. Or something like that.
Kind of ironic the thread has no poll or a radioactive monkey option.
WTH? I just answered this question in a thread called "What came first, the Monkey or the bannana" (which was apparently deleted after this one came into being?) last night, and there's already another newcomer asking?!
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