diablodelmar said:
Picture this if you believe in evolution: A piece of software, take Civ4 as an example, has to have a designer to write the code that makes the game fun to play: it didn't randomly come into being. Even if, somehow, it did randomly create itself, it would not be fun to play! In the same way, you cannot create a watch by tipping all the odds and ends and all the parts that make a watch and somehow (maybe with an explosion - ) create a ticking, accurate timepiece.
The problem is you are not are still thinking that the object (Civ4, the software, the watch, living being) being consider has too come all in one piece at one time. That is not anything close to modern evolutionary theory; as it ignores the power of cumulative or iteratied selection. That "randomly produced program" may not work so well. But if you make several copies (i.e. reproduction) with randomly produced errors (i.e. mutation), run each copy of the software,select the best working copy and begin the process again. Over many iterations (repeating cycles of the process), you can be a pretty good piece of software.
Here is an example, if you were not prusayed by my prose.
Steve Jones, a noted British geneticist, recent gave a public lecture (Why Creationism is wrong and Evolution is right) on this topic. IIRC, He talked about about how some soap manufacturers wanted to increase the productivity of the factories. They brought in physicists and mathematicians to help (intelligently) design a better hose. They were not successful. However, some biologist began proposed a pseudo-Darwinist process, a process of intertated selection. They started with a good hose. They made several copies (i.e. reproduction) with randomly produced errors (i.e. mutation), tested the hoses, select the best working copy and begin the process again. End result: a damn good hose for soap making.
Note the "pseudo-" in "pseudo-Darwinist process". Iterative selection, as outlined above, is not natural selection. These examples were selected by a person (who we assume to be intelligent) with a goal in mind. Natural selection occurs without an intelligent intervention or goal. The organisms are selected because they were able to survive long enough to reproduce, thus organisms very well adapted to the environment are produced.
If you are interested in this line of reason, go to check out the Bind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins or Darwin's Dangerous Idea by Danial Dennett, or any other book like these. They cover the same ground. He is an java applet based on
The Blind Watchmaker program.
diablodelmar said:
You can probably see what I'm getting at: the universe cannot possibly have come into being just randomly? There has to be a creator to design it! The complexity of the universe does not agree with these theories!
No, it just you cannot see how it can be produced otherwise. So you invent a reason (god dunnit) it to explain it away. An old saw in evolutionary biology (IIRC, it was George Simpson) goes "evolution is clearer than you are". It not evolutionary theory that wrong; you're imagination just fails you.