The Six-Months War; Take Two

Espoir (France) (if he hasn't quit yet)
A bit. I've been typing it up.. but I still have no idea when it'll be up. Sooner rather then later, me thinks.

Update will come tonight or tommorow night. Sorry for the delay- I did warn this was gonna be a busy week!
No problem your updates have been lengthy and of good quality, don't change a thing, the sooner the better but quality is what counts in my eyes.

Peace throughout the World!
Paris, The Third French Empire, 1917

The bells of victory chimed throughout Berlin this January, as various warring nations came to various peace agreements with each other. Great Britain signed the Treaty of London, Boston and Tokyo, France signed the Treaty of Paris and Tokyo, Portugal signed the Treaty of Barcelona, bringing peace between Germany, Britain, Spain and itself, with Russia refusing to sign all treaties, save for the treaty of Tokyo. The Entente was no more- all that was left was a defiant Russian bear, and her Balkan cubs, of Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro

The German and Italian Empires in Africa grew substantially overnight, with France and Great Britain becoming nothing but minor local powers. The Pacific was almost completely wiped of Western imperialism, save for Germany, Australia and New Zealand (both still members of the Commonwealth) and to an extent, the United States of America, with Japan most obviously ruling the seas.

The nations of Indochina, Ireland, Mexico all gained nationhood, with talks of Finland, Nicaragua, Suriname, and Guyana also gaining independence. Handsome reparations are being paid to various members and associated powers of the Quadruple Alliance, while military caps will restrict Great Britain and Frances influence and power throughout the world.

But even as peace seems to befall large portions of the world, the silenced guns only seem to be reloading, as relations between the Eastern and Western powers seem to be tensing up. Arguments over who receives the British colony at Hong Kong, and Austria's apparent lack of representation in the peace talks have seemed to of diverged the once very unified Quadruple Alliance. As to if this is no more then a series of disagreements, only time will tell.

Russia Collapses
Petrograd, The Russian Republic, 1917

While the rest of the European members of the Entente signed various peace treaties with the Quadruple Alliance, Russia refused to back down, as long as Serbia was fighting. The Austrians wishing to annex all of Serbia of course refused any advances towards peace the small Balkan nation made.

The Great War would continue to be fought out, but for now in the fields of Eastern Europe. The German Army began marching East in May, and attempted to cross the Vistula. Several German warships were dispatched down the Vistula to cut the Russians on the West bank off from the East. After struggling for a short while, the ships returned to the Baltic. The army would have to do this alone.

The German 4th army began a push on the weary Imperial Russian troops in Prussia, and quickly found their enemy folding under pressure. In fact, after the pushing the Russians back over the Vistula, the rest of Russian occupied Germany fell to the victorious German 4th army.

Meanwhile, to the South, Russia's once Great War ally, but historical rival, the Ottoman Empire, sneak attacked the Russians through the Caucasus mountains, in the Summer, and managed to strike the underpowered, surprised Russians at Kars and Ardahan. After the initial break-through Ottoman forces continued up the Black Sea coast, with the only problems coming from getting troops over the Caucasus mountains.

The Ottoman Fleet then staged a dashing raid on the Russian Black Sea fleet. The Russian fleet, taken completely by surprise was defeated, leaving only a few Russian destroyers to prow the Black Sea, but with the Turks controlling the coast, it made it difficult for the Russians to mount and effective counter attack.

Before long, in the north, the German army began hitting harder, and harder Russian resistance. After occupying large parts of Russian-held Poland, the 4th settled down. But the German 2nd Army was occupied with fighting the Russians up the Baltic coast, pushing into Latvia and Estonia, and began facing less and less Russian resistance.
In the far east, long time German and American ally China began an invasion of Manchuria, but found that most of the Russian army was out West already fighting against increasingly large numbers of enemy troops. The Chinese armies steamrolled the region, facing limited, but determined Russian resistance.

And then the allied armies waited for a counter assault. They sat, waiting for any sign of the Russian army, but none came. As a matter of fact, the Russians simply quit. They stopped fighting. Facing revolution on the home front, with starvation and defeat on all war fronts, the Russian Imperial Army dispersed, went home. The Germans, Austrians, Chinese, and Ottomans were dumbfounded. The war they planned on fighting for at least another two years, was over.

The Russian Czar was overthrown in a violent coup, in which his whole family and him were murdered. A provincial government was put in place, with a Russian socialist party backing, called the Bolsheviks. The Bolsheviks began gaining public support, and under the leadership of a German-supported Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The Russian provincial government that has been established is weak, and found itself without a means to exert its power over its people. As the Bolshevik part slowly gains power in Russia, the newly christened Russian Republic struggles to gain control of the nation.
Meanwhile, the allied troops halted, unsure as to what to make of the situation. The Generals remain baffled too. Using this sudden shift in power, Finland declared full on independence, and fought off all Russian attempts to reclaim the land. The Imperial colony of Alaska also declared independence, with all Russian officials wishing to be annexed by the United States, who had been making gains in the colony throughout the year.

So, as the year ends, the Russian Bolshevik party begins to usurp the fledgling republic, and with war still at hand, Russia looks towards and uncertain future.

(-3 Finnish Divisions, -13 German Divisions, -3 German Artillery Brigades, -19 Austrian Divisions, -3 Austrian Artillery Brigades, -42 Russian Divisions, -5 Russian Artillery Brigades, -1 Russian Armoured Cruiser, -7 Russian Destroyers, -300 Russian Manpower, -5 Romanian Divisions, -5 Serbian Divisions, -4 Ottoman Empire Divisions, -1 Ottoman Armoured Cruiser, -2 Ottoman Light Cruisers, -2 Chinese Divisions)

Stand-Off Around Albania
Durrës, The Kingdom of Albania, 1917

The Italian navy was spotted off the coast of Albania this summer. The Principality of Albania, long unstable, has struggled to deal with the Italian's blatant show of imperialism. The Italians moved their navy off the Albanian coast in an obvious show of power. The Albanians were either too scared, or unable to respond, and sat staring at the Italian fleet silently from the shore lines. Prince William of Albania requested a meeting with Italian officials to discuss the matter, but have received no response yet.

There have been reports of sporadic cannon fire from the Albanian shore-line, but it could not be verified.

The Death of Communism In Iberia?
Madrid, Spain, 1917

The Madrid Commune began facing backlash since Spain's exit of the war. The Socialist party had begun gaining support in the war torn people of Spain, even being funded by (currently unknown) foreign investors, but public opinion seemed go completely against them after the signing of the Treaty of Barcelona. Various extreme nationalists began persecuting the socialists in the streets, citing a need for unification for Spain, not a division.

The Spanish people however, feel as though the Treaty of Barcelona, and the following international conferences did not have Spain's best interests in mine. Among the things on the Spanish people's lists of injustices, were incredibly small war reparations(compared to what Germany was receiving!), and a poor post-war land cession, stating that they were given nothing but "Sand and Rocks."

Several riots broke out in Madrid, but were quickly put down. The riots themselves were caused as tensions between socialists and nationalists broke out. Madrid Commune leader Agustin Colorodos was murdered in the streets, by an unknown nationalist.

The limited Lisbon Commune had begun gaining momentum, along with the Madrid Commune, yet, nothing has seem to of come from this, as of late.

Extreme nationalism has become a public norm, in countries such as Spain, Sweden and France, as for what repercussions this may hold, or benefits, no one can really say.

(-1 Spanish Stability)
The American Front
Fredericksburg, The United States of America, 1917

As the Confederacy seemed to be in the midst of a military defeat on a grand scale, the Confederate leadership found the will to fight on. Partially because of the The United States policy of "No Quarter" towards the ailing Confederacy, and also in part to a reinvigorated Confederate leadership.

The year started off with a continued United States assault down the South, under Pershing. The Confederacy fully expected this, and entrenched roughly 30 divisions in the Appalachian mountains, to fend off the United State's attacks. The Confederacy, rather then defending their land in what the U.S. regards as the "deep South", moved large contingents troops to the West of the Appalachians, in a large push up the Mississippi river. Facing limited American troops, the Confederates made their first advances of any major significance in two years, cheering up the shaken Confederate army. They pushed down the Appalachians, attacking the American flanks wherever they could.

The Americans, though carrying the advantage in both artillery and Warkers, could make little use of either in the mountainous terrains of Appalachia. The Confederates managed to hold onto the range, though they took heavy losses from the American Zeppelin squadrons.

Meanwhile, out west, the Confederate forces in Confederate Mexico began a mass exodus North, giving the land to the newly formed Republic.

Confederate President Wilson said:
The Confederate States of America hereby withdraws its claim of dominion over the country of Mexico, south of the Rio Grande, and recognizes it as a sovereign nation, separate from the CSA. As a further show of friendship and in respect to the years of co-operation between our two nations, the CSA is committed to the continual safeguarding of Mexican sovereignty and combating American Imperialism. We look forward to years of friendship between our two nations.

The Government of the Confederate States of America

The mass Confederate movement began attacking United States military units from South of the Rio Grande, crossing at undefended points. This coincided with small Confederate assaults from the North against United State's General, Tasker Bliss's forces against the occupying forces in the Rio Grande region. This dual push managed to split the United States forces in half. Bliss, fearing losing a large portion of his army rushed to take Corpus Christi, and the gulf coast, so that his tired army would have a place to resupply.

But the Confederate forces were in no position to push their advantage. The 1st Confederate Western army moved north, to defend against any-would-be Union attacks into Central Texas.

Bliss had another agenda however, aimed at taking the key Confederate city of Houston. In the blazing heat of the summer, Tasker Bliss moved his force up the Gulf Coast, aiming to take the Confederate city, as the Confederate 3rd Western Army poised itself to defend the city.

The Battle of Houston
Spoiler :

Tasker Bliss began the assault by bombarding the city for roughly a week, using a mixed force of both Zeppelin's and Artillery. The Confederates however had dug into trenches just outside of the city. The 3rd Confederate Army slowly began receiving Texan militia units to reinforce the line, as the United States bombardment continued for days.

Before long, the United States troops began advancing towards the Confederate lines, using a creeping barrage as cover. The Confederates however had not been dislodged, and after several hours of fighting, the United States regulars retreated back to their trenches, so that the artillery bombardment could begin again.

However, by this time the The 3rd Confederate Western Army had managed to bring its own artillery behind its lines, where it promptly began dueling with the American artillery. After significant losses on both sides, the Americans once again began advancing, this time with the Warkers leading the charge.

The Confederate artillery however had began picking off the slow moving Warkers as they rolled across the plains. Yet, they stayed in pace with the American regulars. Once the United States soldiers met the Confederate lines, vicious hand to hand combat opened between the two sides, with the Confederacy prevailing after several hours on melee.

The Americans once again retreated, and attempted two more similar assaults, but to little effect. The Confederate army had successfully defended the city of Houston.

(-5 United States Divisions, -4 United States Artillery Brigades, -2 United States Warkers Brigades, -6 Confederate States Divisions, -6 Confederate States Artillery Brigades)

Bliss quickly left the area around the city, but still maintained a menacing presence on the Gulf Coast. Meanwhile, Confederate forces in the far West retreated back to the Rio Grande, with American milita's quickly regaining the land they had lost years before.
In the East however, despite losses throughout the Appalachians, Pershing kept up his broad offensive, taking over much of the Confederate East Coast, and stomped the Confederates out of the key port of Savannah.

In the Caribbean, the United States Marine Corp landed in Puerto Rico, under command of General Lejeune, taking the Confederate Colony. Cuba, to the west, fearing simply switching colonial rulers declared its independence from the Confederate States, after almost 400 years of imperialism. With the loss of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Suriname, and Nicaragua, the Confederate Colonial Empire is about "as dead as the Confederacy itself", or so said an American newspaper.

But the Confederates held on. Mines were spread from Florida, through the keys, and managed to reach the Cuban coast, disrupting American naval actions in the region. They also repulsed attacks along Pershing's broad front, keeping cities like Jackson and Montgomery safe from the United States, at least for now.

The United States navy, continued to operate in the mine swept Gulf of Mexico, however, attacking what was left of the Confederate merchant marine, and bombed major ports, such as New Orleans and Mobile.

The Confederacy, in an act of desperation called upon Negro Divisions to be formed, to help defend the remaining territory. The response was surprisingly underwhelming, with only roughly 5, out of the expected 20 divisions forming. Though, this was better then nothing. The Negro divisions were instantly sent to the front lines. The expected backlash from the Confederate upper-class however, was not heard. These are tough times after all.

The North was surprisingly amiable to the captured Confederate people. Reconstruction in towns such as Fredericksburg and Richmond began almost instantly, as American workers and businessmen quickly filed into the Confederate towns quickly aiding and rebuilding the ruined cities.

Despite Confederate land losses, the Confederate army seems to be standing strong and defiant in the "Deep South", fighting off all American attempts to take the region. In the West the Confederate leadership remained incredibly stable, in the face of invasion. It seems as long as the United States demands unconditional surrender, the Confederate people are willing to fight.

(-23 United States Divisions, -15 United States Artillery Brigades, -2 United States Warkers Brigades, -3 United States Destroyers, -24 Confederate States Divisions, -13 Confederate States Artillery Brigades, -4 Confederate Destroyers, -2 Confederate EP, +5 Confederate States Divisions, +The Republic of Cuba, -350 Confederate Manpower, -20 United States Manpower)

Technology Spreads in the wake of Peace
Berlin, The German Empire, 1917

With the advent of the Warker, in the previous year, the technology has quickly jumped, straight from the United States, to its close European ally, Germany. Germany began improving upon the American designs almost instantly, adding speed to the Warkers, in exchange for armor and protection. Along with that, short-wave radio technology has began coming into play, with each of these Hindenburg Warkers. Since the technology is still fairly new, these radios are prone to break downs, but have proven most helpful in training exercises. The German's have began construction of several brigades of these to be refitted into the new Imperial Warker Corp, at which point they will be sent to East Africa to train under various environments.

Germany's Kaiser-Class Dreadnought, an arguably all around superior version of the common dreadnought, has also spread widely around the world, with the Dutch Empire, Brazil, The United States, Italy, and Japan numbering among the nations finding a place for the ship design in there navy's.

The Austrian air force has also been able to almost fully replicate the design of the Chinese bombers given to them, this summer. The Austrian air force fully expects to be able to field squadrons of the bombers in the coming years.

In Sweden, the public still in a fervor over their victories last year, and the year before, began training special forces units, while America, began constructing blue-prints for a "California-class" Battleship.

These new weapons of the battlefield have made war bloodier then it has been in the years previous, and have left many scientists and military leaders looking towards the future of weaponry with high hopes.

The Second Scramble For Africa
Dar-es-Salaam, The German Empire, 1917

With the signing of the treaties of Paris, London and to an extent, Barcelona, German, Italian and Spanish possessions in the Dark Continent doubled overnight. Large portions of North Africa were ceded to Italy, with much of the Atlantic coast being given to Spain. Germany carved a new Central African Empire out of territories belonging to the British, French, Belgians and Portuguese.

While these new peaces of land brought glory to these empires, it has also brought resentment from many people throughout Great Britain and France, a problem that representatives from the United States have claimed might lead to future conflict.
To counter this, Germany began investing money into it's newly acquired land, while Italy simply began adding large contingents of their militaries into the land feared susceptible to rebellion.

So far, both routes seem to be working in favor of the European rulers, though many African peoples had been hoping for independence under their new ruler.

Another Boer War?
Capetown, South Africa, 1917

The remaining Boers, in British South Africa began rebelling last year, in the hopes that the German Empire (who Britain was at war with) would send aid. However, with the signing of the treaty of London, this seemed to not be the case.

Attacking various military barracks, and installations, and moving cross country, these new age Boers began tearing apart the scab of the last war. Before long, they managed to capture large portions of what was the Orange Free State.

They seem content just holding the area, while the weakened South African government is fine with making peace. However, the decision ultimately lays in London.

(-4 South African Divisions, -1 South African Stability,)
A Rising Nation
Riyadh, Arabia, 1917

The Arabians also began claiming large swaths of unclaimed land this year, in the Arabian peninsula. Though the Arabians gained little from this, this act of warmongering, as several Ottoman citizens put it, threatened not only the hegemony of the British colonies on the peninsula, but of the Ottoman Empire and Oman.

Arabian ruler Ibn Saud claimed that this was a perfectly legal move, claiming that no nation had rights to the region. Many Arabs still in revolt in the Ottoman Empire began looking towards the new Saudi government with hopeful eyes.

Saud, has also laid claim to the British island of Bahrain, off the East coast of Arabia. No statement has been given yet by British Minister Lloyd George, but Saud has been adamant. He wants it, and has made that clear. For now, however, he seems willing to buy the land, rather then try to take it.

(-1 Arabian Division, +100 Arabian Manpower, +2 Arabian EP)

The Shihuang Trophy
Beijing, The Chinese Empire, 1917

To keep the momentum of the Chinese aeronautic advancements, the Chinese government began to hold a series of races/contests, between Chinese and foreign inventors. Thus far, the Shihuang Trophy has had several contests in which the contenders raced, attempting to hit varying speeds, or landing in key locations.

Thus far, the contests have had little effect on the Chinese air-force, though, it has brought several inventors to the fore-front in the Chinese Empire. No foreigners have participated so far, however many nations around the world seem interested in the prospect, and inventors are already flocking to Beijing in hopes of participating next year.

World Wide Affairs
Vienna, The Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1917
Despite victorious on the Eastern front over the Russian Empire, and Russian Republic, the Croats and Poles, long oppressed and persecuted by their Austrian overlords finally began revolting, vying for independence. With the pause of the Eastern front, large contingents of Austrian troops were sent into the areas, apparently inflaming the situation even more.
(-2 Austrian Divisions, -100 Austrian Manpower)

Quebec, Canada, 1917
In Canada to, as they seem content to really do nothing, the problem of Quebecois continues on, with entire swathes of land declaring themselves free. Problems between Quebecois, and British Canadians have existed since the 1700's, but now that the Quebecois have a way to gain their freedom, especially with large stockpiles of weapons, it seems highly likely that a new republic will be found on North American soil in the coming year.
(-1 Canadian Division, -80 Canadian Manpower)

Sydney, Australia, 1917
Throughout the world, various nations, that now find themselves in peace, began disbanding large portions of their armies, to gain money, manpower, and to lose the unnecessary support costs.

De-mobilization is happening almost everywhere, such as Portugal and Japan, and many nations fearing a market crash if they don't within the next few years.

Emperor Taish said:
An economy can only run on war for so long, before the needs of the people must be met.

Some nations, like Sweden continue to use mobilization, but have laid out a reasonable time table. Other nations like Italy, or Belgium have yet to discuss their future economic plans, and might be facing economic difficulties in the future if they don't.

Cork, The Republic of Ireland, 1917
In what has been seen as a gesture of friendship, and gratitude, the new Irish republic has allowed the Germans and Americans access to specifically designated ports on the Irish coast, allowing for an added American military presence in Europe.

Bern, Switzerland, 1917
Swiss leader Arthur Hoffman was taken out of office this spring, by the angry Swiss people, for his supposed want to get them involved in an unnecessary war. The Swiss people then elected Philipp Etter as their new president. With this change in leadership, the Swiss people went back about their business, enjoying their new highway, which is bound to get them more benefits in the future.
(+1 Swiss EP)

Amsterdam, The Dutch Empire, 1917
The Dutch have finally finished their Wilhema's Pride project, expanding their military, and power throughout the world. The Dutch remained the only major European nation not to go to war in the heat of the Great War, and continues to be the premier European power left in the Pacific, and in the Americas. Projects such as these will certainly solidify that.

Managua, Colombia, 1917
Despite promises of freedom to the captured Confederate colony of Nicaragua, Colombia has retained its control of it. The Colombian reasoning was that the colony was promised freedom after the war, which was still being fought throughout North America, and Russia.

NPC Diplomacy

From: Serbia, Montenegro, Romania
To: The Quadruple Alliance

Are you interested in peace yet?

From: The Egyptian People
To: Italy

Can we please get some self rule?

From: Arabia
To: The United Kingdom

You seem to have an island we want.

From: Finland
To: World

Recognize us!

From: The Principality of Albania
To: The Kingdom of Italy

What.. are you doing? Cease your actions of our coast, NOW.

From: Quebecois Rebels
To: Canada

Give us our freedom, or we will continue to fight for it.

From: The Republic of Mexico
To: The United States

Thanks for the help! But.. can we have some of that land?

Spoiler :

-Thanks Nader for the help.

I'm in a really big rush, so I'll post war map, and other comments later- sorry.
Dearest Frances,

Forgive me for not writing, the entire fleet was kept from sending correspondence while in Boston.

It has been thirteen years since I joined the navy and I still love it. But I love you so much more. Not a day goes by where I don’t dream of being back in your arms, laying on the beach at Seaside Heights. Every day, we all do our damndest so we can all get home soon. Now that the Limeys, Frenchies and all their lackeys are gone, we must only face Johnny Reb and his collection of his rusty old tubs. The war is nearly over. The Caribbean is ours and we could easily blockade and ravage the Confederates. Without a doubt, our war will soon be over.

Next year I will have a shore leave for 2 weeks. Our ship will be in New York and I would love to see you there. I thought a trip to the theater would be nice, seeing as we did that so often before I shipped off.

I shall see you in May my dearest.


Commander William F. Halsey Jr.
United States Navy
OOC: I know I'm rotting in jail, but why is there no reference to Canada in the update at all except you informing me that Québec is going to rebel next turn, but I can't do jack about it because I'm rotting in jail! :crazyeye:

Nothing else important happened in the Red Leaf Republic?
To: Finland
From: Sweden

We recognize the new nation of Finland. We are glad to see our fellows throw off the Yoke our Russia. We wish to sign a trade deal to symbolize our friendship.

If you need anything just ask.
I assume the stats have yet to be edited?
I have resumed control of Portugal as of 5:01 EST, I hoped everyone enjoyed their holiday and I would like to thank Lizard for hammering a peace deal with the US and for another amazing update.

To: Finland
From: Portugal

Seeing as a formal Russian government has yet to be reconized, Portugal would be proud to support your fledging democracy.

To: Brazil
We have made peace with the United States, please PM any ideas for a trade pact you might have.
To:Romania and Montenegro

Peace at current borders and each of you pay 5 bucks for reperations.


I settle for nothing less than your unconditional surrender.
To World
From Switzerland
Switzerland would like to open its highway to all nations willing to trade

P.S. Please pm if interested and i will provide additional information
To Switzerland
From China

We'd love to use your highways but it doesn't seem to reach China. We would certainly appreciate using it if it extended out our way.

To the World
From China

As part of the Shihuang Trophy, we wish to announce the Puyi Prize. A prize aimed at demonstrating the great developments made in aeronautics in the last 20 years. As such, the Chinese government offers 500,000 silver taels (arbitrarily linked to US$2.5 million in OTL 2009 dollars) for the first aeroplane and crew to fly from Beijing to Berlin.

Once this prize is claimed, greater achievements will be encouraged with new iterations of the Puyi Prize.
OOC: Great update. Vive La Revolution!

IC: To: The Quadruple Alliance
From: Soviet Russia

The true representatives of the Russian people hereby request the terms of peace of the Quadruple Alliance.
From: Romania, Montenegro
To: Austria

We have no choice in the matter. 5 EP it is.

From: Serbia
To: Austria

We can't do much else.. we surrender.

To: Switzerland
From: France

We'd love to use your highway.

To: The Russian Republic
From: Finland

Do you recognize us?

To: Sweden
From: Finland

Economic aid would be splendid..

To: World
From: Arabia

We are VERY interested in buying ships for a splendid navy. Anyone willing to sell?



Justo- For now you are the Russian Republic. If you wish to turn socialist (only about 30-40% of your people are) put some stuff in your orders. Also, to represent the revolution, I disbanded a majority of your army. If you are attacked, most, if not more, will come back to fight for you. But, they wont fight a war of agression... yet.

Omega- You're not rotting in jail. Whats his face is. That was sort of a warning to you- your orders were "Do nothing but rot and jail", so, Canada did nothing...

Lord of Elves- I'm going to get to that now.

1stcitizen- Glad to see you back, hope you had a good vacation.

Commander Gorma- Thank you!

To all- D'art is now Cuba. Welcome!

To all- remember, those of you who just came to peace, (Italy, Portugal, etc.) your people are war weary. At least major war weary. Spending a few divisions here and there, to fight regional wars are nothing like fighting in World War 2. Remember that.

To all- The more divisions you have, the less money you make, and your stability gets a bit lower, depending on the situation. (If you're Russia, and you have a lot of divisions, it makes sense, because your country is so f***ing big. If Montenegro has 30+ divisions.. eh..).

Disbanding units will give you EP in the long run, and your Manpower back. Some things you disband (such as Fighter Squadrons, Warkers, etc.) will get you 1 EP back instantly. Same for ships.

To all- Okay, I'm going to be completely honest with you. The tech system for this was not thought out to well. At all. Investing in say Aeronautics.. is very vague, and with the system I have in place, it's entirely plausible, for say, Germany, to be able to build rocket ships next turn. (exaggeration.. kind of.)

I've been talking with some people about a tech tree.. among other things. We'll see how that goes. Until then, I'm telling you, DO NOT INVEST IN TECH. I won't really know how to handle it, and until I say their is next to no benefit. Rather, invest in either Quality or build designs. Designs will carry your tech.

If you are one of those unlucky people (sorry!) who invested into Tech, I'll simply put it towards a design, or a project, or some such thing for you, to better represent what you would of gotten. I.e., you spend 20 on Aeronautics, instead, that's 20 towards an airplane design, or whatever. I'm pretty loose with this stuff, so give me a situation, or a proposition, and I'll tell you yes or no.

Once again, I'm sorry. Things.. could of been thought out better.

To all- I have to say, I'm very happy with how this NES is going. I'm suprised things have been running so smoothly, considering it's my first real NES. And, I'd like to thank all of you for dealing with me!

To all- The Front Page will be worked on throughout the night, I'll get a war map up.. etc. etc. Whenever I finish something, I'll post.
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