To: Trumbull
From: The Reformed Society for Psychic and Paranormal Research

It appears as though the source of nightmares is Bridgeport, and that moving further away from the source will alleviate and/or end the effects of the nightmares. Thus, we offer any of your suffering residents the offer of temporary refuge in Monroe.
From Captain Hailey, 5th Army Ranger Reconnaissance Company
To the Leadership of Roxbury (@SouthernKing)

The state government thanks you for the hospitality you have shown our soldiers in recent months but reminds you that US law does not allow the keeping of another human being as a slave.

Recognizing that events in the last century have made lawfulness difficult, as well as recognizing your notable efforts to maintain civility and American values in these trying times, the state government will not be taking immediate police action against this transgression. Instead, we offer a peaceful solution that avoids adversely affecting you economically. We will take possession of these slaves, and free them to our community. In return we will compensate you in food, ammunition, or scrap parts as we can agree to under mutually agreed terms. Agreement implies amnesty.
(negotiations to continue in chat)

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To: Wall Street Traders
From: Battery Park

Make no mistake: this does not even come close to making up for the pain your slave trade has caused us. Nevertheless, we accept your offer. [Battery Park identifies 15 humans and 10 ghouls amongst your slaves who belong to them]

Very well, for the return of 25 persons that will be 500 scrap paid immediately. We have long-term payment plans available if you are not willing to part with this much scrap immediately.
To: Reformed Society for Psychic and Paranormal Research
From: Trumbull

Thank you--your reputation precedes you. We accept. We do not expect all of our citizens will leave, but those that do will be forever gracious of your hospitality in these troubled times.

To: Wall Street Traders
From: Battery Park

We can pay you 250 scrap parts over the next 2 turns. We want you out of our lives as soon as possible.
From Vault 314
To the Esteemed Leaders of Verona

Greetings! Can't help but notice your collection of alcohol: We are connoisseurs as well! We would like to trade for some of your fine alcohol to stock our Inn, so we could properly greet the travelers of the wasteland with a drink!
To: Wall Street Traders
From: Battery Park

We can pay you 250 scrap parts over the next 2 turns. We want you out of our lives as soon as possible.

Very well, we will expect 250 scrap parts upon the transfer of the assets and another 250 by the end of next turn. Pleasure doing business with you.
To Roscoe's Horde

The Traitor Lionsmith have ordained that none may discharge their weapons in wrath in the vicinity of our Institute. We have obeyed this pronouncement throughout our lives. As long as you do not do us harm us in our settlements, we guarantee you, no harm shall ever come to your people.
The man climbed through the trapdoor and was rewarded with a clear view of the night sky. His joints creaked climbing the many flights of stairs and the two ladders required to reach the top of the battlements. But the view was worth it.

His gray beard and close cropped hair shone in the moonlight as he walked to the edge of the battlements. Looking out across the water, he pondered the dearth of lights. His great-grandfather had told him of the shores on either side of the island lighting up like a christmas tree. Whatever a christmas tree.

It was something else entirely that kept his attention this night. 10 men and women had been sent on a lange range expedition six months ago. They had clamored for the opportunity. Their generation was the reason they had left their little island and its waters at all. Six generations removed from the coast guard unit that had landed here after the bombs fell. Six generations removed from the professor and his graduate students that had told stories of the fabulous technology, wondrous equipment, and the wealth of knowledge of the old world.

Six generations since this island community had closed itself to a world ravaged by nuclear fire.

His son had led the charge. That had made him proud. But now he wept, staring at the stars. His son had led the most dangerous of the five expeditions from this island. It was his son and his companions that had not yet returned. The worst was assumed.

The Commander

The Atlantic Maritime League is descended from a Coast Guard unit that had been at sea the night the bombs fell, an academic expedition that had been studying atlantic maritime life and was on their way back to port in Philadelphia, and a handful of lucky survivors who had shown up over the following weeks. They closed themselves off. But for the last 100 years there had nonetheless been a governing system, led by two individuals. The internal affairs, food, water, living space, were handled by the Chairman, descended from the academic professor who had first found refuge with his students here. But any external affairs, including patrols of the water, fishing expeditions, any disputes between residents, were handled by the Commander. The Commander was always descended from the Coast Guard Commander who had commanded the patrol the night of the fire in the very beginning.

On Matter, Life, and Souls - Scriptorian Joanna Uxbridge, with input from Archivists Brian Lee and Kim Dance

As per the conclave of 2100 and the college of 2147, It has generally agreed upon by the scholars of the Tower of the Bells that consciousness and the soul are inextricably linked, and that both are the natural state of living matter. In 2152, Scriptorian Bethany Lanton argued that consciousness and the emergence of the soul is a natural state of being for all matter that can act upon the world, noting the emergence of the characteristics of the soul in certain of the Mr. Gutsy robots that live alongside the Knights of the Guard. In 2157, working from that paper, Archivist Jason Pullman posited the existence of a field acting upon the universe that enabled the development of the soul from the being. This paper will attempt to summarize the results of the discussion of the conclave of 2160 on the nature of Souls and their relationship to God, and, from there, present new findings on the nature and purpose of life.

A soul, it has long been accepted, is the intangible and immeasurable essence of an existence. It is immeasurable, having no weight or other physical attribute, but its existence is clearly recognizable. A soul is what allows a being to live an existence beyond that of pure instinct or programming. The soul is both a product of and the impetus for the development of imagination, creativity, and learning, and is the counterpart to being, which is a purely physical thing. Individually, both are powerful things, but, as is evident in the observation of a small child, or in an animal, or even in the adult human, the Soul and Being working together are capable of infinitely more than either are on their own: Consciousness. Angels, Demons, and Ghosts, as creatures of pure souls, for example, are limited to interacting with the physical world only through the mental, whereas insects and most robots are creatures of pure being, and so act upon their impulses with no critical thought.

If that is the case, then, where does the soul come from? What spark allows the development of a soul in previously unsouled matter? It has been argued by Archivist Pullman that it is the action of the being in ways that are both unexpected and against “programming” against and into the fabric of the “Pullman Field” that sparks the development of the soul, and by extension consciousness. Scriviner Kraspesian argued instead that all matter trends towards ensoulment at varying rates of growth, dictated by complexity of potential. This latter view is the one that, after much debate, has been accepted by the recent conclave, though not without dissent. This means that it is theoretically possible for anything to become ensouled, from a tree to a statue to the the meanest of ant, though with exceeding difficulty.

The implications of this are many, though none very dramatic: after all, no one has ever seen an ensouled tree, or an ensouled statue. The opportunity for either of those, or even for an insect, to act outside of its expected manner are incredibly limited, and so the Pullman field exists and flows around and through them without “catching” and generating a soul. In reverse, a puppy, kitten, or child is by its very nature inquisitive, and so does not live a purely instinctual existence, and often acts in a way that causes the pullman field to snag and bunch and gather and seperate from the rest of the field into a distinct soul. Similarly, a Robot may eventually generate a soul, and therefore consciousness through growth and action that is exceeding it’s programming.

Though this is but a rough metaphor, it may be helpful to imagine the being as a smooth and polished wooden ball slipping along a canvas effortlessly. Imagination, discovery, or a myriad of other experiences, impact on the ball and chip away the smooth exterior, eventually allowing the ball to catch and snag on the fabric.

It is obvious, however, that Consciousness on it’s own is a wild, feral thing. This is observable in the feral children that are occasionally found in the wild, or in the “mad robots” that sometimes roam outside of their place of origin, shouting crazed words with little relation to reality, or in the feral dog that was abused and cannot learn trust. Therefore, it is clear that a soul requires careful nurturing to grow properly, and that without careful tending the interaction of soul and being becomes twisted and improperly developed.

That is not to say, though, that different souls have different worths, that some creatures have bigger, or better, souls than others: as far as theology can determine, once a soul has been created, it is a soul. To belabor the wooden ball metaphor, a soul, once developed, envelopes the wooden ball as a thick plastic coating, impervious to further snares or impact. Consciousness is the resulting ball and plastic amalgam. The plastic coating is a plastic coating in all cases. In the same way, however, that the plastic coating is influence by shape of the ball, so is the consciousness developed a product of the kind of being. A soul developing within a puppy will result in a consciousness limited by the realities of the being of the puppy: no matter how much one tries, a puppy cannot, for example, be taught to talk, or to operate a suit of Power Armor, or to forge a tool. However, a puppy can learn to fetch things, hunt, and even make calls of judgement. (As a counterpoint, no matter how much an ant is dissuaded from following a path, it fundamentally cannot make the choice not to: Ergo, an ant is not ensouled.)

However, it has become obvious that a soul CAN be removed from the consciousness without destroying the being, though in all observed cases that separation does almost irreparable damage to the psyche of a being, rendering them ragingly violent. The most obvious example of this is the Feral Ghoul, creatures that obviously once had souls, but (perhaps through the influence of a purging burst of radiation) have been separated from it. All that remains is the body acting on instinct, on basic programming.

This, of course, brings up two distinct, though, we believe, related questions. First, what IS the Pullman Field, that it permeates all things and changes the fundamental properties of common matter so dramatically, and, secondly, why does a life create a soul? What is the purpose of it all?

The answer to the first question, we, the writers of this paper, argue, is no less than the essence of God himself. The Pullman field is the manner through which God acts upon the world itself. In essence, every soul is a tiny portion of the ineffable and infinite will that is the Holy Arbiter. It is because a soul is a fragment of the divine that free will exists. Every thing that demonstrates free will is a exhibiting a minute fraction of that divine will, even when they act in counter purpose to each other. This seeming paradox then leads to the answer to the second question

The answer to the second question is tied directly to the first. The purpose of existence is and has always been to create souls. The purpose of the soul itself is to provide knowledge, to provide growth to God. It is through souls returning to the Divine whole that God, and through him, the universe, become greater.

Spoiler :
Theology for a fallout game. Who'da thunk.
Let's say orders are due by (or around) this Sunday, 5 August.

I'm going to change the rules for primitive weapons: tribals can build LT Melee, LT Ranged, and LT Siege without the requisite buildings, but for 3x the scrap price they would otherwise be.


To: Vault 314
From: The Principality of Verona

We'd love to share a drink! Perhaps you could bring a few of your lovely robots along, too?

To: The Order of the Holy Wound
From: Roscoe's Horde

We have seen your kindness. We cannot guarantee your safety, but we can guarantee we will not shoot on sight.


Our followers will march on. The ancient curses shall shrivel before our light.

the visions will lead to glory or knowledge, none of which must be feared.
I'm going to retract what I said in the post-update notes: you can use buildings the same turn you build them.

Also, I'll probably start updating tomorrow.

Edit: It turns out there are in fact two High Ridges in Connecticut, and I ended up picking the wrong one for Vault 350. At J.K. Stockholme's request it has subsequently been moved to the intended one, located in East Haven.
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Spoiler :
The Skylanders/Shadowbound
Environmentalist, Warlike
Total Population: 1200 (1200 Humans)
Total Slaves: 50 (50 Humans)
Total Food: 2000 (+420/+420)/2000 (-1700)
Energy: 0 (+0/-0)
Scrap Parts: 200
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 90
Other Items: Radio Gear
Education: Tribal
Military Skill: 4
Spoiler :

Skylanders Camp
(Camp, Rockaway NJ)
-Population: 1200 (1200 Humans)
-Slaves: 50 (50 Humans)
+420 Food: 0/0 (Fertile), +420 (Brahmin)
-Items: 1130 LT Melee, 200 LT Ranged, 20 1H Guns, 380 Leather Armour, 420 Brahmin, 150 Horses

150 people will gather food
300 people will gather scrap
60 people will go on another expedition to Troy
20 people will go to Lake Hopatcong
20 people will go to the County College of Morris
300 people will take part in anti-Denville activities
350 people will defend the herd/camp

Reprisals against Denville are necessary, both to preserve our tribes honor and to instill fear in the tools. However the settlement is too well defended to attack: instead, we will encircle it. We will hide in the woods and bushes around the settlement and ambush the locals as they exit, extracting our pound of flesh away from their fortifications. Large armed parties should be avoided unless they can be lured into a unfavorable position. As we're not looking for an open fight most of their armaments will be low-tech.

Another expedition to Troy will be arranged, to trade scrap and food for guns, ammunition, leather armor. As much as they can get their hands on. And avoid Denville this time.

Continued hostilities with Denville may make our current location untenable, so we will explore alternates. Two parties will be dispatched: one to Lake Hopatcong, another to the old County College of Morris. They are to survey the sites for possible relocation. They will get first pick of guns and leather armor for these expeditions.

The Skylanders do not keep slaves: they have no value to us. Those we have received as a gift will be released: they may join us voluntarily or depart with a season of food.
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Spoiler Disciples of Madison Orders :

Spoiler Stats :
Disciples of Madison/Lord_Herobrine
Religious, Scientific
Total Population: 465 (465 Humans)
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 1020 (+500/+500)/3000 (-465)
Energy: 0 (+0/-0)/0
Scrap Parts: 365
Tech Parts: 15
Ammunition: 480
Other Items: Intact Computers
Education: Advanced
Military Skill: 1

Pennsylvania Station
(Urban Ruin, Penn Station, Manhattan, NY)
-Population: 465 (465 Humans)
+500 Food: 0/0 (Average-Winter), 50/50 (Hydroponic)
-Structures: Fortifications (2), Hydroponic Farm (1), Silo (1)
-Items: 300 1H Guns, 110 2H Guns

The Disciples decide not to take any threat without caution, and will muster up a force to probe for raiders in the Empire State Building area.

-50 people will maintain the farms.
-Send 165 armed with 75 2H guns and 90 1H guns to locate and destroy a possible raider force near the Empire State Building. Be careful that we do not fall to a trap. If no conflict arises, scrap what can be found and return.
-Send 35 armed with 35 1H guns to check out the tunnels under the Hudson River. Determine the stability of the tunnels or if they are full of water.
-Send 100 armed with 15 2H guns and 75 1H guns to scavenge more of the surface around the immediate area.
-Send 100 armed with the rest of the weapons to finish the clearing and mapping of the Flushing Line. On the return trip scavenge what can be found.
-Send a small party of 15 to traverse the tunnels to Habitat 59, bringing with them a small gift of 15 scrap and 50 food as a token of our friendship. Use the opportunity to scavenge for supplies on the way back from the community.
-Investigate the water lines within some of the subway tunnels and determine the viability of using the flowing water as a source of energy for a water turbine.

TO: Habitat 59
Please accept our show of friendship, we are truly humbled by the astonishing conditions that you have achieved for yourselves. We have not seen floors so polished and bathrooms so clean in decades and hope that you can lend us a hand in making full use of our current resources. In return we would gladly share our knowledge of combat and of the world on the surface. We think that it would be beneficial to both of our peoples if we established a safe passage between our communities through the tunnels, to excite the flow of resources and ideas. What do you say?
Atlantic Maritime League

Spoiler :

Atlantic Maritime League/Nobody126
Boat People
Maritime, Scientific
Total Population: 335 (335 Humans)
Total Slaves: 0
Food: 2865 (+200/+200)/3000 (-335)
Energy: 0 (+0/-0)
Scrap Parts: 200
Tech Parts: 0
Ammunition: 3110
Other Items: Fusion Core
Education: Advanced
Military Skill: 2
Spoiler :

Fort Delaware
(Bunker, Fort Delaware, Pea Patch Island, DE)
-Population: 335 (335 Humans)
+200 Food: +10/10 (Dock)
-Structures: Dock (1), Silo (1)
-Items: 170 1H Guns, 145 2H Guns, 105 Leather Armour, 1 Small Boat, 10 Mr Gutsies

Stage 1

Keep 10 people on the dock fishing to provide for food.


Chesapeake City

Deliver 800 food to Chesapeake City via small boat and return with the promised 400 scrap. 30 people armed with 1-H guns shall accompany the boat as an escort to ensure there is no trouble. The boat shall travel west along the Delaware Canal to reach the settlement with the product.


Deliver 400 food to Paulsboro via small boat. The same 30 escorts armed with 1-H guns will travel with it to ensure it reaches the walls safely.


While these deliveries of food are being completed, production shall commence, initially using the 200 scrap available, and once the small boat returns from its initial voyage to chesapeake city with 400 scrap, that shall be used as well.

150 scrap for 3 canoes.

50 scrap to ensure that the small boat and any canoes constructed this turn are fitted with padding (to quiet the oars of canoes) and to paint them a navy blue-black pattern to provide the best possible camouflage at night.

When the additional 400 scrap arrives:

200 scrap for a second dock.

200 scrap for 4 additional painted/padded canoes.

Convert 750 ammunition into 150 improvised explosives.

Stage 2


The population will be divided into 6 companies composed of 50 men each. Each 50 man company will be further divided into 5 10 man platoons for optimal combat maneuvering and efficiency.

1st Company

50 men, 50 2-H guns, 50 leather armor, 5 Mr Gutsies, 50 explosives

2nd Company

50 men, 50 2-H guns, 50 leather armor, 5 Mr. Gutsies, 50 explosives

3rd Company

50 men, 45 2-H guns, 5 1-H guns, 5 leather armor

4th Company

50 men, 50 1-H guns,

5th Company

50 men, 50 1-H guns, 25 explosives

6th Company

50 men, 50 1-H guns, 25 explosives

Auxiliary Company

25 men, 15 1-H guns, 5 canoes,

Brandywine Halflings

The small boat will ferry all 6.5 companies to a staging point on the coast of Pennsville in New Jersey, across the river from New Castle.

The objective is to draw the main raider force south from their settlement.

The mission shall be timed to coincide with a new moon, offering minimal visibility for the enemy.

1st and 2nd Companies shall be ferried across the river to the south shore of Army Creek (as long as the bridge crossing army creek is still standing, if the bridge is damaged beyond crossing or has ceased to exist then they shall be placed on the north shore) along route 9. They shall set about entrenching a position on either side of the highway (1st company to the west, 2nd company along the east). The Mr. Gutsies shall assist with the entrenching and the camouflage of the positions.

3rd Company will be ferried to a point just south of the Brandywine Halflings settlement and open fire on the settlement in the night. They shall hold the line until a large raider force is assembled to chase them off, then they shall beat a retreat south towards the entrenched positions. This retreat shall be rehearsed beforehand to look completely chaotic in order to draw the raiders out believing they have already won. In reality the retreat shall be choreagraphed to look chaotic but will be an organized retreat, with the 1st platoon of the company remaining behind to law down covering fire against the melee enemy force while the other platoons retreat south, giving them enough time to get back to the fortified positions.

As they are drawing fire, the small boat shall go retrieve 4th company. When the raider force reaches the fortified positions, 4th company shall land behind them in order to encircle the raider force and hit them in the rear while they are attacked in the flanks.

When the raider force is drawn out, 3rd Company will draw them south to Army Creek. When they pass the fortified positions of 1st and 2nd Companies in the darkness, those companies will rise up with half offering up volley fire against the melee enemy while half the group tosses explosives until they run out. After that the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th companies shall hold the encirclement and fire until the raider force is destroyed. Then the 1-4 Companies move north against the settlement and wait until the below actions take place.

5th Company shall be ferried on the boat to a position a few miles north of the raider settlement. Then 6th Company shall load onto the boat and wait offshore, and 6th company will load into canoes and follow the small boat to a waiting position offshore. After the southern raider excursion is dealt with, the Auxiliary Company shall quietly row to shore in New Castle alongside Bull Hill on the coast. The Company will take up a position on top of the hill and 5th Company shall move in from the north to gather the attention of the settlement. Then the small boat shall deposit 6th Company onto the docks of the settlement and they shall move to seize the town. 1-4 Companies from the south, when they hear the first shots/explosions from the amphibious invasion, will wait a count of 3 minutes for attention to be focused north and east, then they shall sweep in from the south. 4th Company will wheel around to the west and enter the settlement from that direction.

A complete encirclement is to be completed, and if all goes correctly, the settlement will be defeated before an organized force can oppose any direction of the attack.


If the raider force can not be initially drawn from the town in the beginning, 3rd Company will wheel west to encircle the town. 1st and 2nd will move north. The town will be invaded from all sides simultaneously. using the above force placements. Explosives will be used to shock and awe the enemies as they form melee charges.

The settlement is to be occupied. The slaves are to be freed and admitted into our faction, becoming the population of this settlement which is now under our control. The remaining population of the raiders that did not die in the battle will become slaves. We are to seize all of their resources that are not destroyed in the battle. Until the battle is over, victory is to come before salvaging any spoils of war.

All engagements are to be fought at range for us to successfully utilize our ranged weapons against their primitive melee weapons. Platoons are to be given the ability to act on initiative when necessary. Volley fire will be used to open engagements, after 2 volleys every man is to pick their own targets and fire at their speed. They are to prioritize brutes that pose a danger when close up and anybody marked out or acting as a leader or officer.


Amongst the salvage at Philadelphia International Airport, we found some very peculiar luggage. Some of our salvagers were drawn to two particular suitcases that had fallen from a broken plane; on the outside, they looked completely ordinary, but when the salvagers insisted the suitcases be opened, we found that, much to our shock, someone had already broken the rusty clasps, and, even stranger, the suitcases turned out to be completely empty--save for a large, strange, almost glowing stylised eye, emblazoned into each. Furthermore, the salvagers who found the suitcases started to talk in their sleep, muttering words in a language they cannot possibly know, awakening with reports of strange dreams. What should we do about this?

The salvagers who were affected by this weird phenomenon are to be placed in 3rd Company with a high likelihood of being killed by the raider enemies. We are to remain vigilant against any further symptoms and this will be investigated further when we return to the airport in force next Summer.

The boys stood at attention as the stiff winter wind tugged at their ragged cadet uniforms. They had washed and pressed their tunics and trousers as best they could, but only so much could be done to make repeatedly patched-up, century-old clothes look crisp. The boys looked hopefully at the tidy dress uniforms the officers wore. Deep, rich blues and glinting buttons hinted at the life promotion granted, just as the rips and stains of the boys’ clothes displayed the hardships of cadetship.

Adam stared straight ahead, keeping his breathing shallow to reduce any movement and blinking at perfectly timed ten second intervals, as the bugler finished his call and the inspecting officer began walking down the ranks. He stopped at each cadet to pass his silent judgement. Despite the cold, sweat ran down Adam’s back. His platoon had worked hard throughout their ten year cadetship. Whether in training, working the fields, scavenging, or going on armed scouting missions, Adam and his companions had done their best to display their aggression and discipline to the officers. Their parents, officers and cadets both, had used every day of their five year child-rearing allowance to stress the importance of the first ten years of cadetship. The officer parents used themselves as examples; do your best, and you can command as we do. The reserve cadet parents used themselves as warnings; fail, and suffer and serve as we do.

Ten years of tears and blood had forced any compassion for the degenerates out of him. He would be an officer, as would his brothers around him. Most F10 cadet platoons had ten officers come out of them, while the rest went to the reserve cadet platoons. But his platoon was harder than the rest. They had fought through their ten years, and the officers had seen it. The platoon was only twelve strong now, down from its original thirty, and all of those had been combat or sickness losses.

The boys of Adam’s platoon were optimistic. None of the cadets from their platoon had been among the deserters from last season’s expedition, while four of the dead had been. They had firmly displayed their devotion during the battles at Harriman, and could even claim five confirmed kills, more than any other F10 cadet platoon. Adam had fought just as hard as the rest. He could still smell the gunpowder and blood. He felt warm satisfaction as the inspecting officer walked down the second rank toward him. This was it.

They didn’t make eye contact, but Adam could feel the officer’s gaze prod each inch of him. Then he was gone, off to the next cadet. Adam released the smallest amount of tension, gently and slowly working the stiffness out of his muscles. Wouldn’t do any good to pass out in front of the officers now that the worst had past. It was his time to shine.

The inspecting officer returned to his position with the other parade officers, and after another bugle call, began the promotions. One by one the cadets marched forward, saluted, shook the officers hand, then returned to their formation as junior officers, the new glossy bar on their lapel only outshone by the glint in their eyes. After each name, Adam’s anticipation rose. His legs itched to take him forward.

The officer stopped after the tenth name. Adam’s mind went blank. He barely noticed as the ten junior officers, his brothers, at the inspecting officers orders, took him and the other cadet by the arms. His feet moved on their own with the new officers. He thought he might have heard the boy to his left whisper something. An apology? Ridicule? What was the difference, he thought as he and the other cadet were taken to their new assignment in a reserve platoon. Why wasn’t he promoted? What had he done wrong? He looked down at the other cadet. Then up at his promoted brothers around him.

The Grand Assembly of the Free Workers of the Hoboken Shippers has democratically elected that:

1) To ensure further food production for this winter and all future years, we shall build two docks for 400 scrap metal. Once construction of those buildings is complete, 20 people shall immediately begin working

2) That while the area around our settlement is relatively safe, much of Hoboken remains unexplored, and it is most pertinent that we make sure that any threats that might lurk in these ruined buildings are known to us. To that end, we shall send a party of 30 people, armed with 15 laser weapons and 15 1-H guns + 30 leather armors.

3) Beyond that, we will send out a similar party of 30 people, but this time, to The Heights, a district of Jersey City. It is to be stressed however, that this expedition must thread lightly. It is, above all, merely an expedition with the purpose of finding out the current situation in that district. Do not get into trouble while scouting. Attempt to avoid it, really. If unfortunate events begin to occur, the protocol is to immediately retreat back to Hoboken.

4) The remaining 350 people shall scavenge in the area near our settlement.

5) Our solidarity knows no skin colour, species or language. Those must be the Chinese that were interned so long ago, and even if they're not, that does not matter. To those precious few that speak English, we must tell them that we shall provide them with food and shelter if they wish to join us. We wish them no evil and only want to live as brothers, sisters and siblings, in a small corner of peace here in Hoboken.

So it has been decided.
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