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The World Turned Upside Down

To Germany, Abyssinia, South Africa:

We will agree to said meeting. Italy believes that the nation of New France should be recognized as the de jure government of France proper and efforts be made to establish this de facto.

We also believe that the United States should be contacted with an effort to repatriate the members of the Free Mexican State.

Meanwhile we are unsure whether or not to recognize the other two new nations.
To Abyssinia, South Africa, Italy:

Germany also agrees that New France should be recognized, however Germany believes that the United States cannot be depended upon to handle Free Mexico. Instead, Germany thinks Free Mexico should be given the same recognition of independence as New France.

As for the other nations, Germany suggests that no foreign intervention be made unless war breaks out, and then only by the most able nations in the region.
To: Germany, Italy, Abyssinia

We must disagree with the choice of allowing New France any hold in Africa. We do not believe the French have any claims to the area and that instead the young democracy of the West Africa Union should be supported. We would hope that Germany would support this spread of Democracy as they themselves are a young democracy.

We also agree with Italy's decision on the Mexican Free State. They have no business in Africa and should be sent back to their home country with some or no economic support.

The Sokoto tribes should be given a chance to organize themselves as a Democracy but if not they should be absorbed by the West African Union.
To Italy, South Africa
From USA

We are shocked that Italy would even consider forcing the peoples of the Mexican Free State out of their homes and across the Atlantic once more. Moreover, they were sent to Liberia because they were rebels against the United States government. We do not want them back, nor do they wish to come back, unless we miss our guess.
To Italy, South Africa
From USA

We are shocked that Italy would even consider forcing the peoples of the Mexican Free State out of their homes and across the Atlantic once more. Moreover, they were sent to Liberia because they were rebels against the United States government. We do not want them back, nor do they wish to come back, unless we miss our guess.

We were unaware that USA was given permission to join this confrence. Security will escort your intruding representative immediately.
Just as we will escort any Africans you attempt to send to our country right back.
To South Africa, Abyssinia, Italy

Germany yet considers that self-determination is best here. Although the French are French and the Mexican Mexicans, they are fugitives of their homelands and came to Africa seeking a new life - whether or not they were sent there forcefully. Surely you do not think the French should be sent back to France, a now barren land? Surely you cannot expect the US to take the Mexicans back, depression and all? Germany naturally supports democracy in West Africa, but in supporting democracy thinks the people should take it for themselves. Germany is for allowing independence to their respective ethnicities in Mexican and French majority regions. As for Liberia, Sokoto, and the West African Union, Germany stands by the decision to let these fledgling nations sort their troubles out for themselves. Intervention should only be used if absolutely necessary (although naturally Italy dealing with Palestine will not be expected to intervene with too much conviction).
To South Africa, Abyssinia, Italy

Germany yet considers that self-determination is best here. Although the French are French and the Mexican Mexicans, they are fugitives of their homelands and came to Africa seeking a new life - whether or not they were sent there forcefully. Surely you do not think the French should be sent back to France, a now barren land? Surely you cannot expect the US to take the Mexicans back, depression and all? Germany naturally supports democracy in West Africa, but in supporting democracy thinks the people should take it for themselves. Germany is for allowing independence to their respective ethnicities in Mexican and French majority regions. As for Liberia, Sokoto, and the West African Union, Germany stands by the decision to let these fledgling nations sort their troubles out for themselves. Intervention should only be used if absolutely necessary (although naturally Italy dealing with Palestine will not be expected to intervene with too much conviction).

From The Republic of South Africa

You say you wish to support democracy yet you support the New French aquisition. The Militaristic Dictator in France is trying to rebuild france and these "fugitives" should be sent back to rebuild with Mr DeGaulle. Africa has been free of a french controlled region for a very long time and we wish for it to remain so. If Mr. Degaulle's intentions in France are to rebuild it the people in the New France territory in Africa should go back to help rebuild the area.

We do not now know what to do with the Mexicans since the Americans have turned away from the people they wished to rule. We may be inclined to allow them to build their own nation under the supervision of this Confrence.
To African Conference:

It is the Mexican question which we find most pressing and puzzling. On one hand we do not believe they have a rightful claim to the land they now call their own, on the other there is no visible option but to let this state exist. The Americans deny passage of the Mexicans back to their rightful homeland, and there is no place that we know of where the Mexicans can go to live.
Who are you to decide whether the land they inhabit is "rightfully" theirs? The lands you control only through military conquest, exploiting the native inhabitants for your own colonial greed. The peoples of Africa should decide whether or not they should exist as a country, and this flock of new nations show that they do, in fact, want to govern themselves, rather than be European slaves or puppets.
((No offense TLJ but you have no way to talk to the confrence untill it is over.))

To: African Confrence

We agree with Italy that we must decide what to do with the Mexican peoples. Perhaps we can contact one of the central american countries to see if they would be willing to take the Mexican Refugees.
To America

We do not view the migrated Mexicans as Africans. they have been forced from their rightful homeland by no less than your nation's actions. This modern diaspora has led to the current situation we are now in. Italy would like to remind the United States of your own exploitation of native inhabitants for your own colonial greed of the Spanish speaking people on your own continent. We remind you as such before you begin acting as hypocrites on the world stage. We won't even mention the fact that American corporations used virtual slave labor of these displaced Mexicans for over a decade before the current situation.

We would like to hear less of your hypocritical comments and ask your nation to begin to be a benefit on the world rather than its economic and diplomatic blight.
To African Conference

Given that America has interests in Liberia and the Free Mexican question is partly their own, Germany has no quarrel with allowing the United States part in this conference.

Furthermore, Germany would like to point out that the French have as much claim to New France as the Italians have to their land in Africa, or Germany's land in Africa. De Gaulle and his people cannot possibly rebuild in France as it is a barren wasteland ruled by warlords and the rule of law has become a conclave of terror. The fact that Germany would allow New France to exist though they are right on our doorstep deserves noticing.

While it is true we support democracy, in New France naturally in order to rebuild a dictatorship is required. Germany will lend aid to the new Liberian nations so to facilitate in this effort, and then encourage each nation individually to democracy. We still believe it is the affair of the nations, however.

We would also ask how you would go about enforcing your edicts? Military force naturally, but Germany will not allow war to be started right on the doorstep of her possessions. If it is anyone's business it is Italy's or Germany's, and we for one think the nations should be given 1. Time, and 2. A chance to succeed in the world as profitable countries.

We don't understand Boer's outrage towards New France yet contentment (moreorless) with Mexico. Is the fact the Mexicans have nowhere to go an influential factor? Does that somehow lessen the extremity of their occupation? Naturally, yes, but it should be reviewed the purpose of this prejudice if peace is to be maintained in West Africa. Germany repeats again: Peace is our number 1 desire.
To Germany:

We also agree with the existance of a 'new' France in Africa, however we believe instead of being a new nation this 'new' France should be considered the French government in exile, and be recognized not as a 'new' France but as THE France with claims to the current wasteland of European France legally theirs to rule if ever peace were to be reestablished there. Hopefully the French government in exile will receive aid in recapturing their homeland fro, bandits and warlords.
To Italy:

That settlement is acceptable.
We disagree but of course we are unable to contend with the colonial powers. We do not recognize the right of new France and the mexicans to own any land in Africa. But of course we have no ability to stop them from existing. We would hope that the other nations of the world see that the true ownership of west Africa does not belong to the french nor the mexicans.
To: The World
From: West African Union, Liberia, Sokoto, France, Mexican Free State

This issue is an african affair. Though we appreciate the views of the world without consulting us, we'd like to state that we are all willing to admit no claims to the other nations at this time. Though some territory is disputed, we are willing to keep the peace in West Africa, as long as we are left alone.
To West Africa
From Germany

This is actually what we wanted to hear. Good show.
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